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Old 01-30-09, 10:19 PM   #40
Lucky Jack
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Originally Posted by Letum
Originally Posted by GoldenRivet
Originally Posted by _Seth_
Originally Posted by Letum
It's a shame they have to disturb a grave, but mercury really is nasty stuff.
I truly agree, mate. I hope the do this with the proper respect since it is the last resting place of the crew.
The German navy should have a full military honor guard present who will all salute arms when the boat breaks the surface.
I disagree.
Those who fought for the Nazis should be respected in death as humans, but not
honored in death as soldiers.
You sir, make me sick with that statement. I really wouldnt have expected that from you, Letum.

And what Letum said above is waht pisses me off, German is always looked as the baddies, every one of them. Yet, I dare to say that 80% of the armed forces had nothing to do with the political Nazi party or had any will to fight for it. They fought for their country, just as brits for UK, finns for Finland, americans for US.

And to top that, we all know (yet some dont want to admit it) germany had the most advanced and the most skilled army at the time.

If you take a dive to the history books of german army, you realise that there's hundreds or even thousands of soldiers who all would deserve an statue somewhere, but they dont. Why? Because they were the baddies.
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