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Old 01-10-09, 09:55 PM   #879
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Originally Posted by Rowddy
Originally Posted by Rowddy
Thanks for the new update on TMO it works like a charm as far as i can tell atm except for 1 thing. If i leave the port for a new mission it struck me that i have in the Technical department set-up (where crew management also is) nothing being mentioned about a flak gun but it is there with a crew. But for a deckgun there are only bow guns availeble now i can have only a deckgun crew for a stern gun (i have/had a stern gun) but wenn i undouck i have a crtew but no gun?? Wenn i choose in the menu for a bow gun and i undock i gave a gun on the dck but i've lost the deckgun crew . What can i do to have a deckgun and a deckgun crew as i always had??

oh and i just noticed 2 more things more i almost forgot:
1. i can't wonder around in the Command station of the ship. I can wonder around in the Cunningtower and on the deck though.

2. i have no outside camera which was activited with the . button i do have the camera outside with the camera button.

The Graphics on ships, harbor etc look awsome betetr then before

Regards Rowddy.
Hi Decimus,

I solved the Deckgun problem by replacing the 4 series for a 3 series stern mounted and all works again. The "Wondring Eye" thing is something i can't solve myself. as i said before i cannot move around in the Centrale where the diving officers but i can move around in the tower where the radar is and i can move around on the deck freely. However the Centrale is most interesting to make awsome screnies. so how can i solve this.
the last point with camera outside that goes to next target i solved by editting the Cfg files as stated in the PDF which was included.

So a little help would be highly appriciated.

i also found out today that the latest version will not close properly i always get the mesage that "windows could close this programm properly" and then a balck screen which requiers a reboot the game plays and saves normally as i can tell for now.

I can't help with the closing problem but "shift F2" will give you the free cam.
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