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Old 12-29-08, 01:02 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by JScones
Expecting modders to provide a level of detail to your preferred granularity is IMHO a bit arrogant. Even moreso when you openly admit that you don't trust modder's instructions anyway to the point of installing mods elsewhere so that you can review the files first!

Heck, I learnt long ago not to expect such detailed instructions from paid software developers, let alone modders. I'm impressed if a modder says "Install via JSGME in the usual way". And really, that's all they should need to provide.

Mod users expecting written detailed instructions from modders is, IMHO, akin to modders expecting mod users to demonstrate basic common sense and initiative. I'm sure you'd react adversely if I told you to demonstrate more initiative instead? It works both ways...somewhere in the middle is the common "happy ground" that suits both 80% of modders and mod users alike.

But continue to ask away...
So...we are expected to RTFM...without a detailed FM? You have completely missed my point. You have ASSUMED that everyone here knows EXACTLY what they, and you, are doing. You have ASSUMED that anyone using your mods are "level 3" SH3 guru's? That is a ridiculous assumption. Why do you think I'm the second person to respond to this thread with questions? I didn't start this thread...but a user who did is now unheard from...why do you think that is?

I love that you have created GWX3. But...I will NOT allow you to treat me as a second class citizen of this group just because I don't understand what you are doing...and ask for explanations! Do you get tired of these types of posts? Do you wish everyone was as smart as you? Well, my friend, a detailed explanation, install instructions, etc. would have obviated this entire conversation.

I'm really sorry I'm not as SH3, modding, and all around savvy as you are...and who's being "arrogant" now? Expecting modders to provide concise and detailed instructions is something I do not consider "arrogant". I consider it required so that that these types of questions are never asked. And yet, here we are with these types of questions being asked. Keep in mind, I didn't start this thread, some other poor, confused soul did. Until today I always thought of this as the greatest forum ever. I see now that I was completely mistaken.

I'll go elsewhere for my answers. I will NOT allow you to insinuate that I'm an ignorant fool and I will NOT allow you to denigrate those who are new to SH3.

Last edited by prowler3; 12-29-08 at 01:09 AM.
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