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Fifi 10-08-18 08:01 AM

TWOS is so epic!
One of my U-66 most epic adventure just happened this morning.

Was patrolling my requested zone between Ireland and England this 28th of May 1940, in a medium foggy weather with only 3000m visibility and calm sea, when my hydrophone man detected 2 merchants contacts closing...

So far no problems, i surfaced and headed toward them at one third. After half an hour, no visible contacts. So i dived, and surprise, i missed them without seeing anything, and now they were heading medium speed, so around 10 knots.
Surface, and heading new direction full speed, with some chance to catch them back.

After around 15/20 minutes, the watch officer was yelling ship sighted.
Back on deck, i couldn’t barely see it, but it was there...
After few minutes i noticed it was a Bulk cargo. Well, not a bad prey!
I managed to keep the same heading as him, but staying out of view just at the fog limits. Full speed, U-66 was faster and i slowly sailed up him...

When suddenly my watch officer showed me an other ship, sailing in first place in front of the Bulk.
I forgot they were 2 ships! And this one was a tanker, a biiiig one...a T2!
Damn, forget about the Bulk, i want the big boy!
The minutes seemed hours, and finally had the big boy in my 120°, still at the fog limits.
Everything was quite running well for an interception when...

...when suddenly the watch officer was yelling about that damned plane starting to dive on us!!
Couldn’t believe my efforts would be ended that way...
The absolute worst moment to be detected and bombed. In half second, i thought about all the damages i could get, and probably my dead is dead career ended!
No time to crash dive, in medium fog when we see a plane it’s already too late...

So in an other half second i decided to keep full speed to make it harder for a direct bomb hit, and i ordered the Flak man to hurry on the 20mm...and to fire frei!
This man was few minutes later my hero. He managed to hit and kill this bomber who nicely crashed just hundreds meters from us!
I will certainly ask for a decoration back to bunker :D

But after this joy, quid of the big boy i was trying to catch?
Did the plane had time to warned him? Did they saw my 20mm fire?
Seemed not by chance!
Decided to launch my attack, heading in a fuzzily 90° interception still full speed...
After a quick distance estimation, i dived still full speed and raised the attack scope...but where is this big guy?
Crap, i lost him?... no, few seconds later, he was there...heading right on me!

Damned, was a bit too long in my trajectory. So full back speed to correct my noob error! I can’t sink this big one with only the stern tube...
And still don’t have the torpedo exact speed, nor correct AOB...
Magnified X6, the T2 bow is enormous! And still approaching.

Again seconds seemed hours, but finally could correct and take enough distance backward, while estimating T2 speed, adjusting AOB and distance...
Was still running backwards when i launched 3 torp.
The big boy was so close i couldn’t missed! Even with some speed/AOB error.
2 explosions, 1 dud... and the red flare of a sinking boat...oil and debris everywhere...

Now the Bulk!...maybe with my last torpedo...electric slow one... :hmmm:
As expected, he is turning away in the fog.
It’s now or never! Didn’t change any solution settings, and fired the last one as he was turning away...aiming a bit at the stern, to anticipate his turn away of me.
At my good surprise, i hitted him, but with a dud again!
Decided to chase him in the fog with my 88mm. Few thousands tons to my score are always welcome!

Finally sunk him, fired around a dozen shells, and headed far away of this zone.

Just one of the numerous epics good times we can have with this amazing TWOS :salute:

THEBERBSTER 10-08-18 03:44 PM

Hi Fifi
Nice one. :Kaleun_Salute:

i recommend if you only have one torpedo left aim for the bulkhead behind the bow.
This will cause a gaping hole which will cause the ship to take on water the bow going down and the stern coming up which will will cause the target to slow drastically or even stop.
You can then get some target practice and finish it off.

Captain_AJ 10-08-18 08:26 PM

Hunter Killer Group des
Off the Coast of Spain been Under constant attack from a Group of3 British VW Class Destroyer.s Took a hit in my forward torpedo room and the flooding is under control but I have to use standard speed to maintain depth, every time I think. The boat is moving farther away. a moment of calm than the destroyers seem to continue to find the boat, where the hell is the thermal layer in this TWOS. I should be at a perfect depth to slip away. seems that still, these destroyers seem to find me. Using Scripts to avoid depth charges but have to modify the speed because the boat want's to pitch to a lower depth, having a hard time keeping her around 175 meters, Trying desperately to maintain depth it been 8 hours so far the batteries are 65% I cannot keep t her level unless i use more speed -- Just amazing SIM I don't wish to lose my precious U-77

Last patrol count of 24 ships sunk my rating is ace .. these bastards wanna kill this virtual u- boat ace - the Saga continues,, Could be one effective hit and my boat might be sunk AHOY

Fifi 10-09-18 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2571862)
Hi Fifi
Nice one. :Kaleun_Salute:

i recommend if you only have one torpedo left aim for the bulkhead behind the bow.
This will cause a gaping hole which will cause the ship to take on water the bow going down and the stern coming up which will will cause the target to slow drastically or even stop.
You can then get some target practice and finish it off.

Yes Peter, already sunk ships this way :yep:
It makes the boat raising the stern because flooding the bow, and it stop after a short time.
But in my case, i had the TDC solution for a straight path in front of me and without time to change AOB because the target was turning away of me, i compensated the AOB error that i would get, by aiming the rear.
It worked as i hitted the ship...but no explosion.
I think if i fired to the bow, with the AOB error and the boat turning away, i would have missed :03:

Capt AJ, did you tried to Use the diveplanes manually to keep the sub depth?
It’s a TWOS awesome fonction!
Vecko made a YouTube video to demonstrate :yep:

About the thermal layer, some are saying there is one… but never found it.
Even below 100m.

Fifi 10-11-18 07:35 AM

TWOS can be so epic but so frustrating too...! :timeout:

2 weeks of sea patrol, and no good prey to sink...
1 torp fired to a destroyer, missed.
Accomplished my 3 patrol area without no contacts, except a convoy i couldn’t reach (too fast)
Back from AK grid area to Southern Ireland... still nothing except coastal boats...
Patrolling South England, no ennemy merchants (but neutrals!) and plenty destroyers small groups. Not to say i let them alone...and kind of sail away :haha:
Was very disappointed (as all my crew BTW) when i crossed 2 destroyers path...
Was in very good position. Almost 90°, and 1000m far.
Decided to launch a salvo of 4 (to be sure to hit something) with a spread angle of 2°...
Calm sea, no waves, just perfect...
Guess what???
2 hits, 2 duds!! :wah:

After escaping depth charges, i’m Heading Lorient, my new base... with zero tonnage :timeout:
Just like it was sometime in RL...

Captain_AJ 10-11-18 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_AJ (Post 2571878)
Off the Coast of Spain been Under constant attack from a Group of3 British VW Class Destroyer.s Took a hit in my forward torpedo room and the flooding is under control but I have to use standard speed to maintain depth, every time I think. The boat is moving farther away. a moment of calm than the destroyers seem to continue to find the boat, where the hell is the thermal layer in this TWOS. I should be at a perfect depth to slip away. seems that still, these destroyers seem to find me. Using Scripts to avoid depth charges but have to modify the speed because the boat want's to pitch to a lower depth, having a hard time keeping her around 175 meters, Trying desperately to maintain depth it been 8 hours so far the batteries are 65% I cannot keep t her level unless i use more speed -- Just amazing SIM I don't wish to lose my precious U-77

Last patrol count of 24 ships sunk my rating is ace .. these bastards wanna kill this virtual u- boat ace - the Saga continues,, Could be one effective hit and my boat might be sunk AHOY

UPDATE THESE DESTROYERS WONT LEAVE MY BOAT ALONE 24 hours and almost My Batteries are depleted

Fifi 10-12-18 12:59 PM

Well, after my last empty-handed mission of 25 sea days... i’m Coming back from a 12 days mission North Ireland, with 7 ships sunk! :arrgh!:
And for very first time i initialized a wolf pack attack against a convoy!! :yeah:
A blast to play, but quite long (all afternoon)

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