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itaylor57 05-30-18 08:53 AM

Windows 10 1803
Now SH3 and 4 present a black screen for me. It is due to the latest windows CU update 1803. This has happened before for me and nothing via settings fixed it. It happened about a year ago around the initial CU update. So I get to wait once again until an update might resolve it.

I do have nvdia but its driver is not the culprit.

I know some will try and provide some setting to resolve but the only solution is waitng for an update.
I also posted this in the sh3 section.

propbeanie 05-30-18 10:29 AM

Did they change the "Compatibility" tab in the SH3.exe or SH4.exe "Properties" page? They've done that before, where they dropped support for Windows XP SP2 a while back, and if you had that as a Compatibility setting, it just resorted back to having nothing set, even though they changed it to "SP3". It probably is a display setting thing though, but in the Windows code. You could try to re-install DirectX9c and see if that helps any. Microsoft does NOT like the word "legacy" or anything associated with it. They mess with old firewire audio interfaces like this all of the time, to where if you have a "Legacy Driver" chosen for your LM16 box, Win10 will re-set it to the "new-improved" Windows driver during "updates", and then your firewire device won't work anymore, until you set it back to the "Legacy Driver"... Good luck in dealing with it. Let us know how it goes. Maybe THEBERBSTER has something already? :salute:

itaylor57 05-30-18 11:40 AM

No it is not the properties settings, and I run via steam so I don't handle the direct x version.

I believe it is a windows thing.

THEBERBSTER 05-30-18 12:36 PM

Hi Guys
This is a typical windows 10 Creator update problem caused by Microsoft updating your driver and leaving you with a blank screen.

This is not difficult to fix it is just finding the one that works for your system.

If you are playing SH4 then you will not need to use compatibility.

if you are playing SH3 then you must use compatibility mode Windows 7.
In all cases you should run your game exe as an administrator.
Post #6 Running Applications As An Administrator > Pictorial > Missing pictures replaced

A useful fix that often sorts the problem out straight away.
Post #412 Override High DPI Scaling Behavior > Pictorial > Missing pictures replaced

It is useful to know what driver you have installed and check that you gpu settings are still correct for SH games..
Post #239 Changing The Nvidia GPU Settings > Essential Settings > Pictorial > Missing pictures replaced

You also have the option to roll back to your previous a useful last resort fix, but first get check out what drivers are available from Nvidia.
Post #17 Total Black Screen > Sound No Picture > Picture No Sound Fixes > Pictorial > Missing pictures replaced

Make sure you still have Direct X installed, needed for all SH game versions.
DirectX 9.0C > Direct Download


itaylor57 05-30-18 12:40 PM

Tis not the nvdia driver. This broke before like I said and until an update from the windows devs nothing fixed the issue.
Thanks for the potential fixes, I have been play this stuff since forever, and I have already tried those fixes to no avail

propbeanie 05-30-18 01:29 PM

You've tried it all then... Except - If the game seems to load, but seems to hang at the 3D stuff, in spite of it being a Steam version, try the DirectX9c install again. "Updates" from Microsoft involve removing software they deem "legacy". DirextX9c is such, and the SH series is "Super-Legacy" :roll: If it doesn't get that far, and hangs at the start, it might be a Steam / Valve versus Microsoft thang, and you may have to wait for a Steam app update - DRM. Try loading Steam itself and log-in. Like you say tho - you might have to wait on an MS response...

itaylor57 05-30-18 01:56 PM

Thanks for the ideas. Yes I have tried all of the above. The game runs fine and has been in the past, its just the screen is black.

Just hate it when windows ruins my need for a SH fix.

THEBERBSTER 05-30-18 03:12 PM

Hi it
Have you actually tried rolingl back your driver?
Post #303) GPU Driver Roll Back To A Previous Version > Pictorial > Missing pictures replaced

itaylor57 05-30-18 03:21 PM

yes it was not the nvdia driver but the windows update. I keep tabs of what I change on my system, I am a retired s/w engineer of 32 years.

But thanks for caring.

itaylor57 05-30-18 03:24 PM

I am running nvidia 397.93, I have tried the 6 previous versions to no avail.

itaylor57 05-30-18 03:35 PM

Just tried rolling back to 391.48 still no Bueno.

THEBERBSTER 05-30-18 05:59 PM

Hi it
This picture shows that you can update your driver have you tried that.

I am running driver version 388.13
What makes you think it is not a driver issue as you say you cannot run either SH3 or SH4?


itaylor57 05-30-18 06:48 PM

My past history tells me so. In recent past I hit the same exact issue. In both instances the breakage was directly tied to a windows update. Neither time was it tied to an nvidia driver update.
I could be wrong but the issue went away and then reoccurred.

I may trash my current setup and restore back to factory and try to freeze updates maybe.

propbeanie 05-30-18 07:17 PM

"Freezing" Win10 updates does not really freeze them. It only delays them, and for I think it's one week tops, else they boot you off-line and Win10 quits working... The updates from MS, while seeming to be the direct culprit, might actually sabotage the video drivers, which is why rolling them back works in some instances. The roll-back overwrites some of the Windows update. Similarly if it's a DirectX issue, putting the old one with the required files in it will overwrite and / or replace the new stuff. Windows comes out with an "update" that trashes the other guy's stuff, and then expects them to get into the new API kit and rewrite and update their drivers. Sort of like you write a procedure in C, calling certain compiler functions, and someone decides that the #standardio.h# no longer needs printing functionality, and they pass that off to a different header file, without telling you ahead of time. "Oh, btw, you're going to have to re-write over half of your entry point coding, since we dumped several of the functions you call in it." :o :salute:

ETR3(SS) 05-31-18 01:08 AM

One of the many reasons I'm not upgrading to 10. Is it possible to uninstall individual updates like you can in 7?

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