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desirableroasted 01-26-11 12:42 PM

4-shot salvo or 4 separate shots?
Fellow Kaleuns... what is your preference when you are planning to fire four (or two or three) torpedoes at one target? Salvo or separate?

I ask because I was freely dispensing advice, as is my wont, on another thread (, and realized I had no real basis for my thoughts other than "salvos don't work for me, really."

Here is what I wrote... I would love to hear the thoughts and experiences of others.
Shooting salvos almost always fails cost/benefit analysis, especially when you can take the time to find your solution and shoot.

It takes only a half minute or so extra to shoot four separate shots, which, even when you are under pressure, gives you far better target control (and spares you the stress of watching spread angle, etc).

For the past year or two, I've only used salvos (two shot salvos only) when making snap-shots under extreme pressure -- and even then, it has rarely been worth the candle.

Run the Courageous single mission a few times and compare how you do with 4-shot salvos against 4 single shots. I think you will be surprised at the results.

danexpat 01-26-11 01:58 PM

Two-shot mag salvos
Proviso: it all depends on my position and the situation. Is it an unescorted merchant in the middle of the North Sea or Atlantic -- or is it close to shore or in a convoy with the clock ticking on air/destroyer response? In the former, I can just freely reposition for a 90-degree shot but not so much in the latter.

Assuming my typical SNAFU approach angles :yeah: I like two-shot mag salvos with next to 0 spread against 7k+ ton targets, under the smokestack if I can to disable her. It's insurance against premature/dud torps and provides a very good likelihood of at least one under-keel hit. I don't use manual torp calculation. I'm proud of myself for just figuring out ruler/compass/protractor intercepts.

N.B.: In rough seas this isn't a great option because you never know at what actual depth the mag torps are going to run.

Sailor Steve 01-26-11 02:08 PM

I never use the Salvo Switch simply because it fires all the selected torpedoes at once. In real life the Salvo Switch fired them a minimum of eight seconds apart, to avoid interference between the torpedoes.

Missing Name 01-26-11 02:10 PM

I never use the salvo because of what Sailor Steve just said... and I like hearing the fire button go click for each shot.

danexpat 01-26-11 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 1583276)
I never use the Salvo Switch simply because it fires all the selected torpedoes at once. In real life the Salvo Switch fired them a minimum of eight seconds apart, to avoid interference between the torpedoes.

There is a delay, but it definitely isn't 8 seconds. I would guess 2, 3 s max.

JEuler 01-26-11 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 1583276)
In real life the Salvo Switch fired them a minimum of eight seconds apart, to avoid interference between the torpedoes.

Ah, you always learn something new.

reignofdeath 01-26-11 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 1583276)
I never use the Salvo Switch simply because it fires all the selected torpedoes at once. In real life the Salvo Switch fired them a minimum of eight seconds apart, to avoid interference between the torpedoes.

couldnt there be a way to change this in a mod? Or is it hard coded?

NoGoodLandLubber 01-26-11 03:03 PM

I fire my shots one at a time. If I'm shooting multiples I usually give between a 5 and 10 count. I too like the click of the fire button!! :haha:

danexpat 01-26-11 03:09 PM

This is where I get off the verisimilitude train. I just play these things through my initial addiction until I'm ready to move on to my next --

Hey, look! Something shiny!

Gargamel 01-26-11 06:46 PM

If I'm trying to pick off a high speed / maneuverability target, Then I will use the salvo switch to crank off a 3 shot spread. 1 for where it's supposed to be, and 1 ahead and behind.

But If I'm trying to put multiple eels into a target, I go for single shots, as I want to pick my spots and incur the most damage.

krashkart 01-26-11 08:49 PM

For the most part I fire singles in a sequence.

The problem I run into with salvos is that I keep forgetting to set the spread angle to 0 and having most or all of those torps miss the mark. :doh:

frau kaleun 01-26-11 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by krashkart (Post 1583768)
The problem I run into with salvos is that I keep forgetting to set the spread angle to 0 and having most or all of those torps miss the mark. :doh:


I can't remember how many times I've had a salvo set up and just as the target comes into the desired position, I remember I didn't check the spread angle and have to bounce back into the TDC screen to check it. Or even worse I don't remember to remember until just after I fire and then I go back and look and OH CRAP. :damn:

VONHARRIS 01-27-11 12:30 AM

I rarely fire salvos. When I do , I fire a 3 spread torpedo against a high value target (BB or CV) and keep 1 more fish just in case.

Pisces 01-28-11 07:28 AM

When choosing salvo or not I think you have to make a distinction between wanting to improve your hit accuracy, or increase the change for hitting something at all. If you want to learn torpedo aiming (manual targeting) or improve your accuracy in TDC settings then you should not fire salvo's. The slight angle that the torpedoes veer off from their base course disguises the feedback you receive from the torpedo-cam or freecam. It's difficult to get a feel for how much that salvo angle corresponds to a position along the target length at different ranges and AOBs. You'll never get a clear idea how much you were wrong with your aim. I suppose if you fire 3 torpedos then the middle one would be able to confirm the accuracy, but 2 definately limits your learning efficiency. The second reason is that instead of 1 attempt with 2 torpedos, you can try 2 attemps with one torpedo. More tries in the long rung(Or 3 if it is a triple-shot) Salvo's can waste torpedos quickly. Often just one torpedo is enough to cause fatal flooding. Why be pre-emptive with more?

However if it is more important for you to get any torpedo impact on the hull, instead of a torpedo on a specific location of the hull, then a salvo is more appropriate. But you'll have to do the mathematics of how wide the target is at that range and AOB, and set your salvo angle accordingly. Just setting a rule-of-thumb angle is unwise. Unless you fire from point-blank range. Then nothing matters.

Personally, I never fire salvo's. I'm always in learning and feedback mode. And a cheapskate. ;)

Herr-Berbunch 01-28-11 08:13 AM

Wow, looks like it's just me that does fire salvos. Only for the larger vessels and only ever two eels used. I use it to hedge my bets when I'm in the middle of a convoy (still early years :D) and the escorts are bearing down on me. I'd never use it for a lone vessel, hmmm - unless it was a nice juicy carrier...!

Aside from the first time I ever fired a salvo, and missed, I've never forgotton to change the spread angle - you watch, tonight I will :nope:

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