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rudewarrior 10-18-12 09:23 PM

[REL] rudewarrior's "Just Follow Orders!" Mod - NOW 2.0
Released: The “Just Follow Orders!” Mod v2.1

Do you read the orders
that BdU issues over the radio and wish you could actually make sense of them and incorporate them into the game?

Do you feel that the challenging aspects of the Prize Rules and the Norwegian Torpedo Crisis are all but missing from the game?

Are you looking for that extra boost of realism that allows you to experience all the pain and frustration of a U-boat commander when trying to follow complex orders issued throughout the war?

Do you look for mods that incorporate realism, intentionally making it more difficult for you, just so you can "take it to the next level?"

Then The “Just Follow Orders!” Mod is for you!

The “JFO!” Mod features:

1. Torpedo (Crisis) Orders – Up until the winter of ‘42/’43, the German Navy experienced several issues with depth keeping and premature explosions in their torpedoes. Only recently,
modders in the community have been able to make inroads into simulating this effect. With The “JFO!” Mod, you can follow the orders that BdU was issuing over the radio and implement their recommended torpedo settings. Now, you can suffer through all the confusing orders regarding torpedo settings broadcasted throughout the entire war!
Example of Torpedo Setting Procedures

2. Prize Rules – During the opening stages of the war, the
Second London Naval Treaty proved to be a thorn in the side for BdU (and England!). The “JFO!” Mod allows you to attempt to accurately implement the orders that BdU issued to abrogate the Prize Rules. This portion of the mod will also include a draggable template that overlays the navigation map to assist in giving up-to-date information. Thanks to The “JFO!” Mod, you can endure the complex attack orders that U-boat commanders dealt with during the eventual nullification of the Prize Rules!
Prize Rules Template
Example of Prize Rules Orders

3. Blockade Runners – During the later stages of the war, German blockade runners were sailing from the Southern Hemisphere to Western France along a path known as “Route Antar.” During this time, U-boat commanders were under orders not to attack single ships in certain regions of the Atlantic Ocean. Using another draggable template, you can now implement these orders, even further restricting your ability to sink the easier tonnage during the later stages of the war!
Route "Antar" Template

4. Convoy Tactics – Once the War in the Atlantic turned against the U-boats in the Spring of ’43, BdU began issuing more aggressive and dangerous orders especially when engaging aircraft. During certain parts of the war, U-boats were actually ordered to engage aircraft and “shoot it out” on the surface. If the act of risking exposure of your U-boat to deadly aircraft all in the name of the tonnage quest appeals to you, then The “JFO!” Mod is what you are looking for!
Example of Tactical Convoy Procedures

5. Standing Orders – General standing orders were issued as well, e.g. ordering boats to refuel only at night; restricting U-boats use of sea areas, such as the English Channel; implementation of the
Piening Route and other return routes; and limiting external load out torpedoes to minimize depth-keeping issues during U-boat combat stress. Now you, too, can be encumbered by changes in standing orders that U-boat commanders had to keep track of while waging war on the high seas!
Example of Standard Operating Procedures


First, we don’t suggest using this mod without certain other mods to fully allow for true immersion. We suggest that one or more of the following mods be used:

1. SH3 Commander (This mod is no longer required for operation, but still highly recommended. It can be used for certain aspects of the mod, please see the readme for a full explanation.)
2. Some sort of
übermod, e.g. GWX, NYGM, etc.
3. h.sie’s SH3.exe mod
4. (Jonesoft Generic Mod Enabler)

Second, this mod is almost entirely “immersion only.” There are very few aspects of this mod that are not self-enforced. This mod is designed for advanced players who prefer an “iron man” mentality when playing Silent Hunter III.

Using in-depth research of several sources,
andqui and I have been able construct a series of orders that cover the above aspects of gameplay that you can implement at whatever level of intensity you choose.

We have made every effort to research and understand the orders as given at the time using as many resources as possible to produce the list of orders that can effectively be implemented in the game.

New for version 2.0:

We have included a new executable that easily allows you to put in up-to-date orders between saves. SH3 Commander only updated the orders based on the initial date of the patrol. Now, provided you completely exit the game, you can just run the executable and it will write the up-to-date orders into your installation.

Also, we have released a German version of the mod, authored by La vache.

To download, check the downloads section here at

Version 2.1 Change Log:

-Removed references to the C/30 Zwilling Flak Gun for Operation Weserübung.
-Removed 27 Feb 1944 Standard Operating Procedures orders template and message.

-Edited 1 Nov 1944 Torpedo Setting Procedures orders template and message to reflect correct torpedo loadout.
-Edited messages such that they were all from BdU.
-Edited all Prize Rules templates for spelling (English only).
-Edited Prize Rules templates (and initiating radio message) referring to darkened ships zone for clarity.
-Edited 30 Sep 1939 Prize Rules orders template for clarity.
-Edited 4 Mar 1940 Standard Operating Procedures orders template for clarity.
-Edited 16 Jul 1942 and 12 Nov 1942 Standard Operating Procedures order templates and radio messages for clarity on traversing the Bay of Biscay.
-Edited all references to Irish territorial waters to the correct units of 10 nautical miles.
-Edited 22 May 1943, 24 May 1943, and 27 May 1943 Standard Operating Procedures orders templates and radio messages for clarity and grammar.
-Edited 25 Mar 1943 Torpedo Setting Procedures orders template recommended general depth settings table for merchants for clarity (English only).
-Edited 16 Mar 1943, 7 May 1943, and 27 May 1943 Tactical Convoy Procedures orders templates (and initiating radio message) for grammar (English only).
-Edited 27 Mar 1944 Standard Operating Procedures orders template and message to correctly represent the disposition of quadrant BE.
-Edited all dates in German to more properly reflect German date notation.

-Added 1 Apr 1944 Torpedo Setting Procedures orders template and message.
-Added 10 Apr 1944 Standard Operating Procedures orders template and message.

As you can see, the changes are mainly cosmetic. If you wish to just upgrade to v2.1 from 2.0, please follow the instructions in Section 4.3 of the ReadMe. You can download this version here.

The “Just Follow Orders!” Mod: We included everything, except the boredom!

sharkbit 10-18-12 09:43 PM


I've been looking forward to this for some time and I can't wait to try it out.

Thanks again for all of your hard work.


fitzcarraldo 10-18-12 10:21 PM

Great news!!!!!:woot::woot::woot::woot::woot:

Thinking on play SH5...but returning to SH3!!!!!!!!!!!! :yeah:

Many thanks!!! Downloading for testing...

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Victor Schutze 10-18-12 11:24 PM

WOOOOOOT :woot: :woot: :woot:

Obltn Strand 10-19-12 09:43 AM

Definetly makes early war start more enjoyable. Just have to scrounge up some time to game:(

Originally Posted by rudewarrior (Post 1949822)

The “Just Follow Orders!” Mod: We included everything, except the boredom!

and TC 128 will take care of that:p2:

LemonA 10-19-12 09:24 PM

We are at BE7 and have sighted a lone, unsuspicious, swedish vessel.
It is 23 APR 1942. An Attack will be not ok.
It is 24 APR 1942. An Attack will be ok.


rudewarrior 10-19-12 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by LemonA (Post 1950278)
We are at BE7 and have sighted a lone, unsuspicious, swedish vessel.
It is 23 APR 1942. An Attack will be not ok.
It is 24 APR 1942. An Attack will be ok.


Yes, correct.:up:

However, if you have added the BdU messages and want to be really strict about it, it will not be ok until you receive the message from BdU on 24 Apr 1942 at 0900 hrs or later.:salute:

Sepp von Ch. 10-20-12 03:48 PM

Hello rudewarrior! Firstly MANY thanks for this immersive mod. I have long wanted such a mod! But I am not experienced and can not modify the essential data. Therefore, I ask for help with the installation.

JFO! for SH3 Cmdr - this is simple. I activate this mod with JGME in SH3Commander. Done. OK?

But I'm lost with the great looking templates.

U use SHIII and MaGUI 3.4.

Here is my menu menu_1024_768 :

What exactly do I change PLEASE to see these templates in game?

I found in my menu_1024_768 only G31 I-28 till I-33, not till G31 I38...

[G31 I28]
Name=OLC Convoy Map
[G31 I29]
Name=OLC Convoy Map
Type=1031;Stat bmp array
Display=0;No stretch
Mat 0=data/Menu/OLC/ConvoyMap.tga
[G31 I30]
Name=OLC Speed Table
[G31 I31]
Name=OLC Speed Table
Type=1031;Stat bmp array
Display=0;No stretch
Mat 0=data/Menu/OLC/SpeedTable.tga
[G31 I32]
Name=OLC Mines Chart
Mat 0=data/Menu/OLC/Mines.tga
[G31 I33]
Name=OLC Protractor
Mat 0=data/Menu/OLC/Protractor.tga

Hitman 10-20-12 04:24 PM

I made some room at the top and stickied this one. Good job, man :up:

rudewarrior 10-20-12 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Josef von Posorschitz (Post 1950571)
What exactly do I change PLEASE to see these templates in game?


Please understand that I am not an expert, and working with individual menu_1024_768.ini files is very difficult to do.

Part of the problem is that I have no idea what MaGui 3.4, which you use, compared to MaGui F, which I use, looks like. It appears that your Convoy Map is a slide out, whereas my Convoy Map is actually a draggable object in the top left hand corner along with the mines chart.:hmmm:

What I would suggest is that you first make a backup of your menu_1024_768.ini file somewhere completely safe. Then, if I was you, I would copy everything in the readme I have listed from [G31 I33] to the bottom directly into your menu file underneath [G31 I33]. Then renumber my stuff, starting with [G31 I34] on until it runs out. You can do this manually or use h.sie's brilliant menu.ini renumbering tool listed on his mediafire page. Then I would make sure that all the necessary files are placed in the data/Menu/OLC file, and then just load it up and see what it looks like. From there, if it doesn't look right, I would start modifying the positions of each of the objects until it gets to how I want it to look.

Another way to do this is to make to just use your current menu.ini file in a clean SH3 (or GWX?) install, and then make sure that all the relevant files are in the data/Menu/OLC file. It will look funny because there will be certain things that are not shown properly since you will be missing certain .tga files, but it should still load and you should get an idea of where the items go, and you can adjust them from there. Then copy it back into your current install, and you should be good to go. The reason I do this is because it functions as a "bare bones" load, i.e. it loads very quickly because there isn't a lot of stuff for it to load up. This way you can quit, mod, and load again without wasting too much time. This is the part of modding the menu.ini file that is a real bummer.:nope:

You have indicated that you use JSGME, so if you think carefully, and are very clever with it, it can be a real boon to adjusting these things and getting them set properly.:know:

If you don't know how to work with your menu.ini file, I suggest you spend some quality time searching on the forums. When it comes down to it, each menu.ini file is fairly unique amongst the people who like to tinker with their installation. I know that mine is different right away because I have included the 28kts.tga and the 45kts.tga files into my menu file, two files, which before I gave them out, only existed solely in my own installation. So that results in my menu.ini file being noticeably different from everyone else's.

I am not a coder, I am more of a researcher, so I would suggest that you make contact with some people on the forum who have a better understanding than I. There is a wealth of resources on to help you with this stuff, and a little research will go a long way, because once you understand how this file works, it will save you a lot of trouble with modding it later.:up:

Sorry that I can't do more, but I hope this helps.:D


Originally Posted by Hitman (Post 1950584)
I made some room at the top and stickied this one. Good job, man :up:

@Hitman: Wow, thank you! I am both humbled and honored!:rock:

Sepp von Ch. 10-21-12 03:59 AM

Thank you rudewarrior for your reply! I am interested in german submarine warfare from my 12 years (I'm 31 years old), I buy and read every book about U-Bootwaffe and I'm excited about this created historically correct splendid mod.

Last question. When I activate only the messages with JGME and not the beautiful templates, everything in your great mod will work OK, except the templates, right?

brett25 10-21-12 04:10 AM

this mod should bring the history buffs back into the game.

Thanks alot for this rudewarrior, I will give it a try, but its going to take ALOT of discipline to actually follow these orders!:salute:

Myxale 10-21-12 06:14 AM

Congrats on the Release. :up:
Looking forward to try this baby.

Kudos to all involved! :woot:

rudewarrior 10-21-12 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Josef von Posorschitz (Post 1950696)
Last question. When I activate only the messages with JGME and not the beautiful templates, everything in your great mod will work OK, except the templates, right?

Yes, that is the last part.:cool:

Good luck!:up:

Sepp von Ch. 10-21-12 10:52 AM

Thank you for reply and this great mod!:salute:

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