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TheDarkWraith 03-24-10 11:46 PM

[REL] Multiple UIs for SH5 with TDC and Automation
NewUIs with TDC for SH5 by TheDarkWraith
version 7.4.2


The code changes made to the .py files are the intellectual property of TheDarkWraith and may not be used, modified, or duplicated in whole, or in part, without the express written permission of TheDarkWraith. The code changes made to these files may not be used in any commercial application of any form without the express written permission of TheDarkWraith.

To install this mod correctly do the following:
Navigate to where you unzipped the mod to and open it up. Select the 'MODS' folder and right click on it. Select copy. Navigate to your '\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\' folder and open it up. Right click in an empty area and select paste. Enable 'NewUIs_TDC_7_4_2_ByTheDarkWraith' via JSGME FIRST then enable any additional add-on mods you want (this assumes you setup JSGME to use the 'MODS' folder as default)

NOTE: is this mod perfect? NO WAY. It will continue to evolve as I learn more about the files and the game itself. Does the mod contain any bugs or errors? I hope not but to say it doesn't would be foolish. I will address errors/bugs as users find them and post them in my UIs thread. If the automatic mast height function isn't working correctly please start the game with Admin rights (right click the SH5 icon and select RunAs-->Administrator)

This mod will bring the several new UIs to SH5. Currently the list of UIs are:
- SH3 style
- SH4 style
- SH5 Enhanced

SH3 style UI consists of:
- familiar 3 dials (throttle/speed, heading/rudder, depth25/depth260).
- Officer shortcut bar with commands for officers.
- TDC. Each scope's TDC mode can be set to: no TDC, minimal dials, all dials
- Fuel, CO2, O2, and battery levels bargraph. Used to monitor levels of each. Current level displayed on bar graph.

SH4 style UI consists of:
- familiar 3 dials (throttle/speed, heading/rudder, depth25/depth260).
- TDC. Each scope's TDC mode can be set to: no TDC, minimal dials, all dials
- Fuel, CO2, O2, and battery levels bargraph. Used to monitor levels of each. Current level displayed on bar graph.

SH5 Enhanced UI consists of:
- TDC. Each scope's TDC mode can be set to: no TDC, minimal dials, all dials
- Heading bar integrated into the speed bar. Clicking the heading bar readout will reveal a heading/rudder dial. The dial is switchable from heading mode to rudder mode by clicking on the button under the dial. Clicking on the heading bar readout again will hide the dial (it retains the mode it was in when revealed again). Mousing into the heading bar readout and pressing the appropriate keys will set the ordered heading. You can press and hold the appropriate keys to keep changing the ordered heading. The appropriate keys (and all options) can be changed by editing \MODS\NewUIs_TDC_7_4_2_TheDarkWraith\data\Scripts\ Menu\ Mousing out of the heading bar readout with a new ordered heading will cause this ordered heading to take effect. The dial can also be used to set the ordered heading / rudder angle. A tooltip has been integrated to be shown when you mouse into the heading bar readout. It will either display the current heading or if you have requested a new ordered heading the current ordered heading. Once within 5 degrees of the ordered heading the tooltip will start to display the current heading. The heading/rudder dial can also be cycled on/off using a hotkey. The state of the dial (rudder or heading) can be switched via hotkey also.
- Officer shortcut bar with commands for officers.
- optional integrated levels that gives the user Fuel, CO2, O2, and battery levels bargraph. Used to monitor levels of each. Current level displayed on bar graph.

Common to all UIs:
- Option to enable heading display in Binocular view
- Added skwasjer's digital clock to top right

For those UIs that utilize the familiar 3 dials:
- The dials have two states.
- The first dial has the states of: engine order telegraph and speed.
- The second dial has states of heading and rudder angle (though angle displayed on dial doesn't match rudder deflection currently. Still sorting that out).
- The third dial has states of shallow depth and deep depth.
- To change states simply click on the button below the dial.
- The dials will expand when the mouse is inside them and they will contract when mouse is outside them (like zoom in/out). Individual zoom levels can be set for throttle, speed, heading, rudder, depth260, and depth25.
- User can lock out each individual dial (and each state of the dial) from zooming.
- The animation rate of the dials expanding/contracting can also be changed.
- The dials can be customized by using a different .dds file. See the readme.txt file in \Dials.

For those UIs that utilize the TDC:
- There are four versions of the TDC included - All dials, minimal dials, spread angle only, and no TDC
- All dials will take control of the functionality of the SH5 interface for a torpoedo solution (and associated controls in the SH5 stock UI are removed).
- Minimal dials just exposes the dials not exposed by the stock SH5 UI and also uses the stock UI.
- spread angle only just adds the spread angle dial to the TDC
- No TDC removes the TDC from the mod.
- The TDC interfaces have been included on the obs periscope, attack periscope, and UZO. User has option to disable TDC on each station mentioned.

There are four versions of the TDC included - All dials, minimal dials, spread angle only, and no TDC. All dials will take control of the functionality of the SH5 interface for a torpoedo solution (and associated controls in the SH5 stock UI are removed). Minimal dials just exposes the dials not exposed by the stock SH5 UI and also uses the stock UI. Spread angle only just adds the spread angle dial to the TDC. No TDC removes the TDC from the mod. The TDC interfaces have been included on the obs periscope, attack periscope, and UZO.
xxx = Attack, Obs, or UZO
To install All dials (for each scope):
In the options file set: xxxTDCMode = TDCAllDials
To install minimal dials (for each scope):
In the options file set: xxxTDCMode = TDCMinimalDials
To install spread angle only dial (for each scope):
In the options file set: xxxTDCMode = TDCSpreadAngle
To install No TDC (for each scope):
In the options file set: xxxTDCMode = NOTDCDials

All user configurable settings can be found in the file '\MODS\NewUIs_TDC_7_4_2_TheDarkWraith\data\Scripts \Menu\'. NOTE: When editing this file ensure you save the file as Unicode encoding in order for non-ANSI characters to be displayed in game!

********** NOTE: ***********
In order to receive debug messages from the ship's journal feature of the mod you need to ensure the following is set like the below in your \Documents\SH5\data\cfg\main.cfg:

This mod also saves and restores position information of certain draggable items. Those draggable items that do not have dragging enabled via the options file will not be updated at game start - they will default to their default position information. The draggable items are:
- Officers
- SH5 Enhanced mode heading/rudder dial
- Clock
- XO TDC Dialog box
- Otto's integrated Chalkboard mod
- Messagebox
- Gramophone
- Radio
- Enhanced Recognition Manual add-on mod
The position information is stored in a file for each page. The files are located in your SH5 install path (...\Silent Hunter 5). The files are named as follows: pagex_Draggables.TDW. The information in the files is stored in binary form and can be viewed using a hex editor if one wishes. To erase all stored position information simply delete the pagex_Draggables.TDW files. Upon restart of the game new files will be created and the items will be at their stock default location.
NOTE: if you are having trouble with items not repositioning or the likes it is probably because Windows is enforcing a privilege level on the game. Simply start the game with Admin rights (right click the SH5 icon and select RunAs-->Administrator)

Automation has been added to this mod. Automation is exactly as it sounds - the automatic carrying out of orders defined by the user via scripts. All available commands are defined in \data\Automation\TDW_Automation.txt (this file can be opened with Notepad).

A BIG thanks to maerean_m for information and assistance he gave in helping me make the TDC come to life for the obs periscope, attack periscope, and UZO. Thanks again!!
The default text is English. There is a new folder called '\Text'. In it you will find folders of all the different languages I have for the mod. Navigate to you language and then copy the menu.txt file and paste in '\MODS\NewUIs_TDC_7_4_2_TheDarkWraith\data\Menu'. Then copy the 'MODS' folder to your '\Ubisoft\SilentHunter5\' folder (this assumes that you setup JSGME to use the MODS folder as default). Enable via JSGME.

The Attack Disc has been added to the mod. You can find documentation for it in \Documentation\Attack_Disc_Handbook.pdf

Current languages supported by this are:
Swedish (contact SilentSteel for questions regarding this language)
Chinese (done by kys2000)

I urge you to play the game with the enhanced SH5 UI. I prefer this UI to even the SH3 UI (familiar 3 dials). I still haven't gotten around to fixing the problems with the SH4 UI command bar yet.

Manos scope mod is the default scope mod installed in this mod. Default aspect ratio is 4:3
NOTE: The default RAOBF graticules for the scopes are calibrated for the attack, obs, and UZO. Calibrations are:
attack - 1x and 6x
obs - 1x and 6x
UZO - 7x
If you are using a mod that changes the zoom levels of these scopes (i.e. Arclight's periscope mod) then you'll need a patch to change the graticules to the correct 'value'.

NOTE: Teleporting is not perfect! If you find yourself 'outside' of the sub press shift+U to get back inside. Hopefully you never find yourself in this situation.....

See the included documentation for more information about the mod (\data\Documentation)

Change log (see the included documentation for complete change log):
v6.7.0 - fixed bug in radio messages where if TC 1 on new radio message was enabled sound would sometimes not be played
- fixed bug of campaign radio messages sometimes not being read in at game start
- fixed some logic problems with the command buttons in the Automation page
- Added a new command button to Automation's commands: save started currently activated scripts. When pressed it will save the started currently activated scripts to file. Upon game start it will read this file and if any previously activated scripts are found it will automatically start them
- folder structure for radio message sounds changed so that mod can pick a random sound from available sounds in folders
- added a new user option that controls where the player teleports to when the dive button is pressed. Valid values are: None - do not teleport anywhere, "TelToObsScope" - teleport to obs scope, "TelToAttackScope" - teleport to attack scope, "TelToRadar" - telelport to radar station, "TelToHydrophone" - teleport to hydrophone station, "TelToCaptainsBed" - teleport to Captain's bed (DiveTeleportToStation)
- added a new user option that controls where the player teleports to when the periscope depth button is pressed. Valid values are: None - do not teleport anywhere, "TelToObsScope" - teleport to obs scope, "TelToAttackScope" - teleport to attack scope, "TelToRadar" - telelport to radar station, "TelToHydrophone" - teleport to hydrophone station, "TelToCaptainsBed" - teleport to Captain's bed (PeriscopeDepthTeleportToStation)
- added a new user option that controls where the player teleports to when the snorkel depth button is pressed. Valid values are: None - do not teleport anywhere, "TelToObsScope" - teleport to obs scope, "TelToAttackScope" - teleport to attack scope, "TelToRadar" - telelport to radar station, "TelToHydrophone" - teleport to hydrophone station, "TelToCaptainsBed" - teleport to Captain's bed (SnorkelDepthTeleportToStation)
- added a new user option that controls where the player teleports to when the emergency surface button is pressed. Valid values are: None - do not teleport anywhere, "TelToObsScope" - teleport to obs scope, "TelToAttackScope" - teleport to attack scope, "TelToRadar" - telelport to radar station, "TelToHydrophone" - teleport to hydrophone station, "TelToCaptainsBed" - teleport to Captain's bed (EmergencySurfaceTeleportToStation)
- added a new user option that controls where the player teleports to when the surface button is pressed. Valid values are: None - do not teleport anywhere, "TelToObsScope" - teleport to obs scope, "TelToAttackScope" - teleport to attack scope, "TelToRadar" - telelport to radar station, "TelToHydrophone" - teleport to hydrophone station, "TelToCaptainsBed" - teleport to Captain's bed (SurfaceDepthTeleportToStation)
- Automation's Navigate_from_file command now let's you resume navigation from a close waypoint if waypoint_resume > 0. waypoint_resume is defined in the .SHN file as a new header
- Automation's Navigate_from_file command now let's you define bufferzones around the sub. These bufferzones are used to detect units. If a unit crosses a bufferzone then the command will take action based on settings in the .SHN file
- Automation's Navigate_from_file command now let's you specify the radius of the waypoints (precision and non-precision). When this radius is reached the next waypoint will be ordered up
- Radio messages updated to include columns for sound type to play and volume level of the sound to play. Currently applies only to regular radio messages (not campaign radio messages)
- Incorporated my Uboat_Snorkel mod into this one (all uboat's snorkels are enabled by default)
- Sub's snorkel depth changed to 14.0m from 10.0m
- added missing countries to \data\Roster\Names.cfg's [Countries] header brought to my attention by Ruby2000
- added a new user option that controls whether battery recharge mode is ordered up when the snorkel is raised (and conditions are right for snorkeling). Default value is True (enabled) (AutomaticallyOrderRechargeModeWhenSnorkeling)
- added a new user option that specifies the maximum speed allowed underwater when snorkel is raised. Default value is 10.0knots (GetMaxSpeedWhenSnorkelRaised)
- added lots of debug code for the torp doors to help catch the error that sometimes the torp door is disabled when it shouldn't be
- in order to avoid compatibility problems with those mods that modify the \data\Roster\Names.cfg I have created a new file, \data\Roster\SOANNames.cfg, that contains the headers for [Countries] and [SOANCategories]. I do not include the \data\Roster\Names.cfg file anymore with this mod. If there are countries defined in \data\Roster\Names.cfg that don't exist in \data\Roster\SOANNames.cfg then they will be added to the database the mod maintains for all the countries
- added an add-on mod that removes the exhaust smoke from the snorkel (NewUIs_TDC_6_7_0_No_Snorkel_Exhaust_Smoke)
v6.8.0 - changed how the attack disc is used. Now all discs are rotated using the mousewheel. If the front side is visible and mousewheel is rotated and:
- no key pressed: rotates Compass rose
- shift pressed: rotates Target disc
- ctrl pressed: rotates bearing and lead angle
- alt pressed: rotates attack course pointer
- shift + ctrl pressed: rotates relative bearing
if backside is visible and mousewheel is rotated and:
- shift pressed: rotates Speed and distance
- ctrl pressed: rotates time
- alt pressed: rotates degrees
- added tooltips to the attack disc that informs the user how to rotate the discs and how to switch sides
- revised tooltip on the nav map draggable compass
- added ability to rotate attack discs faster by pressing and holding right mouse button (also added info to attack disc tooltip on this)
- revised tooltip on RAOBF
- revised ship's journal viewer app
- added missing flags to SOAN for OH II campaign (thanks to Rongel for sending all flags - I reduced them down in size and rotated them for SOAN's use)
- changed operation of the RAOBF. I added a switch to the upper left corner of the rings. If this switch is down then you cannot rotate the RAOBF middle ring BUT you can pan scope with mouse now. If this switch is up then you can rotate the RAOBF middle ring. You can toggle this switch by either clicking it or using the middle mouse button
- added a switch to the front side of the attack disk. This switch controls whether the compass rose is locked to the uboat heading or not. If the switch is down it's unlocked. If the switch is up then it's locked.
- fixed bug of when clicking on active journal in main menu (located under Ship's Journal in main menu) nothing happened. Now the ship's journal viewer app will be called. Problem was due to relocating the app to a different folder some versions ago
- added missing flags of Slovakia and Czechia to SOAN
- made fundamental change to ship's journal for future expandability and to support upcoming new items. New journal type is v6. Dates are also now encoded vice written as strings
- fixed errors found in Ship's Journal Viewer app and in-game ship's journal while testing new changes
- added a new user option that specifies the entry interval when the sub's: position, course, depth, speed, fuel, battery levels, co2, and compressed air are written to the currently selected ship's journal (these are 'invisible' entries). These are for future features. Default interval time is every 60 minutes or every hour (JournalEntryWithSubsDataIntervalTime)
- you can now specify 0.0 for JournalEntryIntervalTime to disable it
- mod now outputs sh5.exe version at startup (can be caught using Dbgview or similar app)
- redid how destroyed marks are made. The detroyed mark icon will never be in the place of the actual sinking due to the way I'm getting the info from it (game limitation). Fixed problem of missing tonnage on some destroyed marks (and text in messagebox)
- (RealNav) Navigational fixes now have a letter appended to the fix denoting the type of fix. If it's a celestial fix then C will be appended. If it's a dead-reckoning fix then a D will be appended. i.e.: N1C
- added an alarm clock to the game. This alarm clock is accessible by clicking the chrono face. The alarm clock can be set to alarm continuously (it will rearm itself when it alarms so that it can alarm again) or alarm once. You can also specify to alarm at a certain time or a time interval (span of time). Use mousewheel to set hour and minute boxes. See the file \Documentation\How_To_Use_Alarm_Clock.txt for more info
- fixed nasty bug of when MapToolsAsObjects is enabled (True) and the navigation map is shown and you enable the TDC dials the TDC dials are shown on top of the map tools. This fix caused the map tools to be resized and repositioned from their stock values
- fixed intermittent torp door disabled bug that some users were experiencing
- fixed bug of when sonarman's follow nearest sound contact and follow nearest warship contact orders were highlighted yellow you were unable to 'select' them again. Now when highlighted yellow and they are 'selected' the order is given and they will flash letting you know that they were selected again
- removed add-on mod NewUIs_TDC_6_8_0_U-Jagd_Chrono due to chrono given the ability to switch from stock chrono to u-jagd chrono by right mouse clicking dial face
- fixed problem with radio messages files where every entry for every date was in every file
- Sonarman's sonar orders are now disabled until you have activated the hydrophone station (are sitting in front of hydrophone by clicking on hydrophone station)
- added a new dll to the game: TDWHydrophone.dll. This dll is responsible for the hydrophone contacts and for determining items related to those contacts
- Sonarman's estimate range to contact has been replaced by a function from TDWHydrophone.dll. Now the estimated range will be a true estimated range. The estimated range is influenced by the sonarman's current morale, health, background noise, and contact bearing in regards to hydrophone needle. If the hydrophone needle is 'pointing' right at the contact then a 'more precise' estimated range will be given. If the sonarman is injured or dead he will not be able to provide an estimated range. If multiple hyrophone contacts are heard on the given bearing then the estimated range will not be as precise.
- fixed incorrect tooltip for navigation map's TDC dials button
- added ability to show TDC dials at hydrophone station. There is a new button located in the top right hand corner of the hydrohpone box that controls the TDC dials visibility. This allows for a hydrophone only attack now.
- added a new app that allows editing the options file via a GUI. Can be found in \data\Applications\OptionsFileEditorViewer\Options FileEditorViewer.exe
- snorkel has been disabled (a leading ; added to each field in it's .sns file for the snorkel entry) for each player's sub
v6.9.0 - (Real nav only) fixed bug of when destroyed mark was created a new nav fix was also created
- (Real nav only) all marks no longer show nautical time and GMT time. They show the time the digital clock mode is set to (Naut or GMT)
- (Real nav only) changing digital clock mode (Naut or GMT) will automatically update all marks with new timestamp
- Changing digital clock mode (Naut or GMT) will change the timestamps in the messagebox and the ship's journal
- Ship's journal current version is now v7
- While editing a mark the ability to switch clock mode (Naut or GMT) is disabled
- added a new user option. This user option will control the auto enabling of the charts and opening SOAN to identified unit upon WEPS-->Torpedo attack-->Ship identification order given. Default value is disabled (False) (AutoEnableChartsOpenSOANToIdentifiedUnit)
- added a new user option. This user option will control the enabling of the charts upon entering a scope station (attack, obs, or UZO). Default value is disabled (False) (AutoEnableChartsOnScopeStation)
- revised Ship's journal viewer app to new ship journal version (v7)
- revised TDWSOAN.DLL for support of new user option AutoEnableChartsOpenSOANToIdentifiedUnit
- (Real nav only) added more debug output at game start when all the marks are created to try and figure out why some users marks don't show until a kill is made
- added more debug output to SOAN to try and figure out why some users Additional info button on SOAN doesn't work
- fixed bugs in OptionsFileEditorViewer app relating to culture specifics
- added a new user option. This user option will control the disabling of the charts when leaving a scope station (attack, obs, or UZO). Default value is disabled (False) (AutoDisableChartsOnScopeStationLeave)
- fixed bug in Automation dealing with the loop command. Bug was when loop command was encountered it was setting the command index to 0 (start of commands) and setting the timer to command 0's wait time. Then when command 0 was executed the timer was set to command 0's wait time again. The fix for this has resulted in Automation's Wait command now being able to specify a t time. This fix also results in the Wait command being the ONLY command in Automation who's t time will be considered when it's the last command.
- fixed bug when an Automation command would 'request' weather info the script would stop
- added a new user option. This user option will have the watch officer report nearest visual contact (if surfaced) or sonarman report nearest sound contact (if submerged) when TCxOnContactDistanceEnabledTCLevel is triggered. Default value is disabled (False) (WatchOfficerCheckForContantsOnTCxSet)
- added the ability to enable/disable snorkel from the options editor/viewer app
- fixed bug of when user has no journal selected and they are playing a campaign the destroyed marks would not appear upon save game load until a unit was destroyed again
- added a new user option that controls the automatic switching of fuel/battery levels based on whether sub is surfaced or submerged. Default value is enabled (True). (AutomaticallySwitchBatteryFuelLevels)
- added a new user option that when AutomaticallySwitchBatteryFuelLevels is enabled (True) and a level button is pressed other than the set level a timer is started that will wait x seconds before switching back to set level. Specify 0.0 to disable. Default value is 2.0 (seconds). (AutomaticallySwitchBackToBatteryFuelLevelTD)
- fixed bug in OptionsFileEditorViewer app dealing with supermark, nav fix mark, and destroyed mark colors
v6.9.1 - fixed bug in automation's navigate from file command. If resuming and a waypoint didn't fall within the waypoint resume radius it would default to waypoint 0. Now it finds the closest waypoint and resumes navigation to there.
v6.9.2 - added radcapricorn's changes so that Attack Disc and RAOBF can be rotated by clicking and dragging with mouse
v7.0.0 - added a new order category to Sonarman - hydro follow target. When you have a target selected/locked in the scope/UZO this new order category will become available. If clicked then the sonarman will follow this target on the hydrophone. If hydro follow target is engaged and you leave the scope/UZO station and return later on the scope will pan to the bearing the contact being followed on hydro is located at
- added a new icon to the hydro box at the hydro station - Hydro follow target. It is located in the top left hand corner of the box.
v7.0.1 - fixed bug of when hydro follow target activated from scope/UZO it was not taking sub's current heading into account
- added a new user option that controls how often the sonarman reports the selected contacts bearing via a log entry. Default time interval is every 300 seconds (5 mins). Specify 0 to disable this feature. Can be found under the Hydro follow target tab. (HydroFollowContactUpdateInterval)
v7.0.2 - new user option added that specifies the delta bearing (in degrees) of the hydro follow contact. Once the change in the hydro contact's bearing over time exceeds this amount the sonarman will make a log entry denoting this. Specify 0.0 to disable. Default value is 0.0. Can be found under the Hydro follow target tab. (HydroFollowContactDeltaBearing)
v7.0.3 - added a new user option that defines the sweep range (+- in degrees) from the current hydrophone needle position for hydro follow nearest contact. Default value is 22.5. Max value is 45.0. Can be found under the Hydro follow target tab. (HydroFollowNearestContactSweepRange)
- added a new user option that defines the max range (in meters) a contact can be from player's sub in order to be considered for hydro follow nearest contact. Default value is 7500.0. Max value is 30000.0. Can be found under the Hydro follow target tab. (HydroFollowNearestContactMaxRange)
- add a new order to Sonarman's hydrophone order category: hydro follow nearest contact. It is only enabled when sitting in front of the hydrophone station. This is because you must position the hydrophone needle where you want him to check for contacts (in a sweep range defined by HydroFollowNearestContactSweepRange)
v7.1.0 - changed how the buttons for TDC dials, hydro follow target, and edit hydro follow target settings were laid out to be more aesthetically pleasing
- added a new button to the hydrophone station's notepad: edit hydro follow target settings. This will allow the user to adjust all the hydro follow target settings. Simply mouse into each setting and use mousewheel to adjust value. A tooltip will also be displayed when you mouse into a value telling you what that setting does
v7.2.0 - added a new user option that specifies whether the patch for decks awash is enabled or not. Default value is False. Can be found in the Patches tab (PatchDecksAwashEnabled)
- added a new user option that specifies the decks awash depth. Default value is 7.0 (in meters). Can be found in the Patches tab (DecksAwashDepth)
- added a new user option that specifies whether the independent engines control patch is enabled or not. Default value is False. Can be found in the Patches tab (PatchIndependentEngineControlsEnabled)
- added a new user option that specifies the hot key used to update the game of the user's current independent engines config. This hotkey is only needed when user is setting a new throttle from the keyboard (1,2,3, etc.). Hotkey is disabled by default. Default key is I. Can be found in the Patches tab (IndependentEnginesGameUpdateHotKey)
- if user option PatchDecksAwashEnabled=True then a new icon is added to the left bottom depth bar. This icon is the decks awash icon. When pressed it will take the sub to the depth specified in user option DecksAwashDepth
- redid how the depth buttons work in the left bottom depth bar. Each button defines a depth range. When you click the button it will flash for a brief amount of time (does not highlight anymore on initial click). It may go immediately solid and highlight orange after the first flash if you sub is in the depth range for that button. If after a brief time your sub still isn't in the depth range it will stop flashing. Once your sub enters into the depth range it will go solid and highlight orange. If your sub then leaves that depth range it will flash for a brief time. If you sub re-enters the depth range is goes back solid. If not then it un-highlights and stops flashing
- added revised advanced depth scale images by gap
- fixed bug of warning icons moving after player ended mission and started another mission
v7.3.0 - removed red buttons from the AOB and Speed TDC dials and support code from mod (due to patch made to fix problem this was trying to fix)
- removed TDWMastHeights.DLL and support code from mod (due to patch made to fix problems this fixed)
- hopefully fixed bug reported by Sober in regards to Real nav (I was unable to duplicate the problem so I added some exception handling to places that looked like could throw the errrors)
v7.4.0 - removed the polling for the DestroyedMarks.
- in process of rewriting destroyed marks code (and developing patch for it). Destroyed marks are no longer saved to ship's journal. At game start the mod will read the destroyed marks from the campaign file and add them to the map. During a game session if a unit is destroyed the Game will add it's own destroyed mark for it (until I'm done rewriting the DestroyedMarks code and patch)
- added all strings needed by my Generic Patcher to all the menu files for the mod
- redid how the charts are done. Now when user clicks the Charts icon in the low right upper bar a list box will be shown will all available user charts defined. By clicking the checkbox for each user chart defined you will control their visibility. Mousing over a user chart that is enabled will cause it to jump to the front (visibility). User charts are defined in the file \data\UserCharts\UserCharts.TDW (open with Notepad).
- added a new user option that controls whether follow selected target offset is reset to 0 when you lock onto a new contact. Default value is True. Can be found under the Follow target tab (FollowSelectedTargetOffsetResetOnNewLockedContact )
- added a new user option that controls whether the categories section of the UserCharts window starts expanded or not at Game start. Default value is False. Can be found under the Charts tab (UserChartsCategoriesStartExpanded)
- added a new user option that controls whether the charts section of the UserCharts window starts expanded or not at Game start. Default value is False. Can be found under the Charts tab (UserChartsChartsStartExpanded)
v7.4.1 - fixed bug of depth scales not rendering when using the add-on mod Jimmimadrid's map tools
- inceased the number of user charts that user can define from 20 to 50
- fixed typo errors in names in file (had no impact on gameplay or functionality)
- fixed bug of stock air and ship destroyed icons not displaying on map when a ship or aircraft is destroyed (still rewriting the destroyed marks code and DLL needed for it)
- fixed bug in TDWUserCharts.dll that could cause an exception to be thrown if a user chart was defined as not draggable
v7.4.2 - fixed bug of the additional 30 user charts added in v7.4.1 not having their draggable position remembered
- added a new user option that specifies whether torpedo magnetic detonators are switched off (impact detonations only) at game start. Default value is False. Can be found under the TDC tab. (ImpactDetonationsOnlyAtGameStart)
- added revised menu.txt files by volodya61 for Russian language

Starting with v6.8.0 of the mod an application has been included that gives a GUI for editing/viewing the options file. This app can be found in \data\Applications\OptionsFileEditorViewer\Options FileEditorViewer.exe. This app will only read v6.8.0 or later options files. USE THE APP TO EDIT THE OPTIONS FILE, DO NOT EDIT THE OPTIONS FILE USING ANY OTHER APP! (how to use app:

Every option category is listed across the top in tabs. By clicking a tab you'll see what options are available for that category. Double clicking an option or clicking its + sign will expand the option. I clicked the 'UI style used in game' option's + sign to expand it. Once an option is expanded you'll be able to see it's current value, it's default value (as designed value) and it's option name in the options file. Double clicking the current value will open another window to allow you to edit/change the current value.
In addition to allowing you to edit/view every option the app also verifies every option in the options file for correctness. This will help in identifying errors when the options migrator is used to migrate old option's values to the new options file.

This new version of the OptionsEditorViewer app has the ability to update ALL SH5 files with the captain's name and uboat hull number chosen by user. To update the SH5 files with your currently set values just double click the uboat hull number option or captain's name option and simply click cancel. It will then ask if you want to update the SH5 files. When setting new values for these click the OK button and then it will ask if you want to update the SH5 files.

NOTE: If you enable a mod and it overwrites this mod's Uboot_Sensors.GR2 and/or Uboot_Sensors.sim and/or Uboot_Sensors.fx and that mod isn't my FX_Update then you will likely CTD sometime in game

v7.4.2 available here:

info and download info for latest v7.5.0 test version can be found here:

Updated English radio messages:
This update fixes the problem with the special characters. Unzip to the mods \data\RadioMessages folder and let it overwrite everything

Updated depth scales by gap:
This takes care of the stretched look of the advanced depth scales. For versions before 7.3.0 (included in v7.3.0 and later).

Updated OptionsFileEditorViewer app (v1.0.32.0):
This updated version has language packs and allows you to resize the window. It also has a new File command: File-->Reports-->Hot keys that creates a file in the applications path that lists all the hotkeys used by the mod and their status. This version also adds the familiar enabled/disabled icons that the Generic Patcher uses for a Boolean options.

How to use OptionsEditorViewer app:

NOTE: If you are going to migrate options files from new versions of the options file (v6.8.0 or later) to new versions of the options file (v6.8.0 or later) you HAVE to use minimum version of the options migrater.

Updated version of Ship's journal viewer app (v7.0.1) to be used with v7.5.0 or later of this mod:

My add-on mods for this mod:

Ruby2000's DeutschMod:

Modified Ubooat_Sensors.sim file for Repaired_Equipment_MOD_by_Xrundel_TheBeast" (R.E.M) Version 1.2
mod (this file has to be installed in the Repaired_Equipment_MOD_by_Xrundel_TheBeast" (R.E.M) Version 1.2
mod in \data\Objects\Sensors and the Repaired_Equipment_MOD_by_Xrundel_TheBeast" (R.E.M) Version 1.2
mod HAS to be installed last in JSGME). This modified file makes it compatible with v6.9.0 of my UIs mod and FX_Update v0.0.18:

Ensure to check out all the included tutorials. They have changed from previous versions.

Krauter's automation scripts updated by me (for compatibility purposes):

NOTE: if you are upgrading from a previous version of the mod or are applying a patch that changes the user options file then don't forget to use the OptionsMigrater app to migrate your old options file to your new options file (\data\Applications)

NOTE2: If you are experiencing problems with the mod ensure you have debugging enabled:
and run the DbgView application (\data\Applications) before starting the game. Send me the output from DbgView and any dialog pop-up boxes that show in-game.

NOTE3: if you edit your options file and you are having problems with your game:
- go back and verify changes you made are correct
- undo your changes and use the OptionsEditorViewer app found in \data\Applications to edit the options file

TheDarkWraith 03-24-10 11:47 PM

Upcoming fixes in next version:
- fixing the function and operation of the standard mode depth bar controls. They do not function correctly as far as them being lit (orange colored). They should show the orange color when you select that mode. When the mode has been reached they should turn off (not orange colored).

Still working on:
- adding a page (or adding to an existing page) in the 'Options' of the game where user can configure their UI on the fly without having to exit the game.

New features for next version:

Features looking into:
- Adding more delays to commands
- Making the TAI and Nav Map's bearing overlay's size correspond to zoom level

Items still to be addressed:
- SH4 UI Style command bar. It has been giving me lots of trouble trying to get it to remove/add items. I'm still working on it.

Needs validation:
- None currently

Bugs (that give Python errors):
- None currently

Bugs (non-Python error throwers):
- None currently

################################################## #############################################

- submerged torp attack using v3.1.1. Shows how to use the SH3 style speed estimator and how to use the new red buttons attached to the speed and AOB TDC dials for 'setting' the speed and AOB into the TDC so they persist across stadimeter calls

Westbroek 03-24-10 11:54 PM

Woot woot buddy!
Way to go, this is monumental...epic stuff here. Thanks so much for all your hard work, you're really saving this game, and I hope you know it.
Can't wait to try this out. Cheers.

Able72 03-24-10 11:55 PM

YOU DE MAN!!!! Saweeet!!! can't wait to try this one out.

kylania 03-25-10 12:00 AM

How to Open a Python file with Notepad:

Chances are you won't have a program dedicated to opening .py (Python) files like I do, so you'll get a dialog saying "Windows can't open this file:"

Choose "Select a program from a list of installed programs" then click OK.

From the "Open with" dialog, scroll down till you find "Notepad". Highlight it and click OK. Notepad will open Python files for you now.

Instructions and Examples for NewUI + TDC:

This UI mod has added in more features to Silent Hunter 5 than it shipped with! Dial based TDC, convoy and single merchant contact times on the map, numerous map assists, dragable charts, "Integrated Orders" officer command bar, fully customizable UI options and key bindings. It's also constantly being updated with even more options and features.

Using this mod will completely change how you play SH5. It even has options to use the familiar SH3 or SH4 interfaces!

The following link is a video walkthrough of how to install NewUI+TDC 3.0.0. Because of all the options some people were getting confused about how to install it, so here ya go:

Mod Installation Video (Version 3.0.0):

Mod Features Demo Video (Version 3.0.0):

Screenshots of UI Options:

TDC Dial Options:

Optional Included Mods:

How to Change UI Styles:

First step is to find the options file to edit it. You can find the file under C:\Ubisoft \ Silent Hunter 5 \ MODS \ NewUIs_TDC_2_5_0_ByTheDarkWraith \ data \ Scripts \ Menu and the file is called

Once the file is open you'll see some text like below. Just follow the instructions in blue to change to whatever style you'd like!

This is the default, SH5Enhanced style, no changes are needed:

If you wanted SH3Style:

And if you wanted SH4Style:

After making your changes, save the file, enable the mod and enjoy!

TheDarkWraith 03-25-10 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by kylania (Post 1332689)
Nice work!

Possible bug: Sonarman has no abilities using SH5E style?

you must be underwater.....there are conditions to orders ;) I tried to model this to realistic - you wouldn't tell the sonarman to monitor contacts on the surface now would you?? He can't hear them on the surface!

7thSeal 03-25-10 12:27 AM

Don't right click on the sonarman, it sends you outside your sub stuck in camera view. I did it by accident while on scope and found myself watching my own sub go by, through the attack scope. :DL

kylania 03-25-10 12:29 AM

Sonarman's gotta earn a living!

This new rudder system is gonna take a lot to learn. :know: Using only the strip I feel totally lost, even more so if I'm currently turning. The headings are true right?

Also a question about the engineer's manuevers, they don't appear to be available surfaced and don't appear to do anything submerged. I click one, I get the message and voice of "rudder whatever" and "double turn port", but all that happens is I drop a few meters (from 12 to 16 at least) but no turns. Ideas?

TheDarkWraith 03-25-10 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by 7thSeal (Post 1332710)
Don't right click on the sonarman, it sends you outside your sub stuck in camera view. I did it by accident while on scope and found myself watching my own sub go by, through the attack scope. :DL

which UI version? This has to be SH4 style UI. If so it's a known bug. I'll have to list those SH4 UI bugs in post #2. Forgot to do that.

kylania 03-25-10 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by 7thSeal (Post 1332710)
Don't right click on the sonarman, it sends you outside your sub stuck in camera view. I did it by accident while on scope and found myself watching my own sub go by, through the attack scope. :DL

Using the default install of SH5 Enhanced:

Right clicking on most officer icons kicks you into an "external station" mode.
Loading a save game restores movement.
Watch Officer icon seems to not result in this problem

Steps from cause to fix:
1. From surfaced if you rclick on an officer other than WO,
2. Then toggle to external camera using upper right circle button,
3. Then click that again to "go to submarine",
4. You can now switch to binoculars and it seems to restore movement/camera control.

From submerged if you enter this mode, you need to surface first, follow the "from surfaced" steps 2-4, then it'll restore you to where you were in the sub, able to move.

From an existing station the behavior is different. From all internal stations if you rclick on someone you seem to enter "their station" and can simply "exit station" to get back full control. The interesting thing is if you rclick the sonarguy you can see/hear what he's seeing and hearing, ie contact lines on the TAI. This might be an interesting debugging tool! heh The scope view "external stations" seem locked in a 45 degree view arc, while other stations have your camera bobbing around the station you were in.

Hopefully those steps will help you track down what's causing this.

TheDarkWraith 03-25-10 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by kylania (Post 1332712)
Sonarman's gotta earn a living!

This new rudder system is gonna take a lot to learn. :know: Using only the strip I feel totally lost, even more so if I'm currently turning. The headings are true right?

Also a question about the engineer's manuevers, they don't appear to be available surfaced and don't appear to do anything submerged. I click one, I get the message and voice of "rudder whatever" and "double turn port", but all that happens is I drop a few meters (from 12 to 16 at least) but no turns. Ideas?

the heading bar is really easy. If you're using the default keys then if you press the 'Q' key the ordered heading decreases (the 'E' key increases ordered heading). For instance: you're at heading of 250. You mouse into heading bar and press and hold the 'Q' key - ordered heading will start counting down from 250. When you mouse out the new ordered heading will take effect.

You can always click on the heading bar to bring up the dial. Maybe that would be easier for you to use?

TheDarkWraith 03-25-10 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by kylania (Post 1332719)
Ack, yeah, don't do this while NOT at a station. Right clicking on any officer icon while in the sub kicks you into a fake station outside the sub and you're unable to get back to avatar control. Shift-U doesn't seem to work to fix this and you can only toggle from broken to External Camera. This is using the default SH5 version.

why are you right clicking on them?? I never tried that. You found a good bug. You only need to left click on the officers and their orders.

7thSeal 03-25-10 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by TheDarkWraith (Post 1332718)
which UI version? This has to be SH4 style UI. If so it's a known bug. I'll have to list those SH4 UI bugs in post #2. Forgot to do that.

Actually, I'm using the Enhanced version.... really liking the looks of it to. :yep:

TheDarkWraith 03-25-10 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by kylania (Post 1332712)
Sonarman's gotta earn a living!

This new rudder system is gonna take a lot to learn. :know: Using only the strip I feel totally lost, even more so if I'm currently turning. The headings are true right?

Also a question about the engineer's manuevers, they don't appear to be available surfaced and don't appear to do anything submerged. I click one, I get the message and voice of "rudder whatever" and "double turn port", but all that happens is I drop a few meters (from 12 to 16 at least) but no turns. Ideas?

Let me load it up. You should do a hard turn to port/stbd depending on what you selected. Also the engineer's maneuvers are only available underwater (bad bug if you try to use them while surfaced)

TheDarkWraith 03-25-10 12:49 AM

ok just tried all the emergency maneuvers and they work correctly. You should get ahead flank ordered up, dive to a depth of at least 20m and then if you picked:

- knuckle port: hard to port on the rudder. Heading change of 90 degrees then a speed reduction to ahead slow
- knuckle starboard: hard to starboard on the rudder. Heading changing of 90 degrees then a speed reduction to ahead slow.
- double knuckle port: same as knuckle port but two 90 degree heading changes
- double knuckle stbd: same as knuckle stbd but two 90 degree heading changes

if yours is not working then you have some kind of mod conflict.

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