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Sledgehammer427 12-05-09 07:50 PM

nice one with the Kill rings! Im interested to see how they fit in to the add-on!

Freiwillige 12-05-09 09:00 PM

Yes I love the Kill rings. I built a Stug IV model in 1/72 that I hand painted the kill rings on.

Why is it that the Germans always thought of cool little motivational details like that. Imagine being an infantryman and knowing an armored assault is coming and seeing a Stug with 30+ kill rings pulling into an ambush position nect to your ditch, Wouldn't you feel a bit more secure knowing that Stug had experiance?

ZeeWolf 12-05-09 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Sledgehammer427 (Post 1214457)
nice one with the Kill rings! Im interested to see how they fit in to the add-on!

The new kill rings are for the new modeled German armored units. The new markings are for all new modeled units.
This one feature [markings] will enable the changing of national markings with out having to change texture maps.
The Kill rings will enable AI units to be customized in player's Zugs (platoons).
I have plans to have them for the player tanks as well but they too will have to be new models.


ZeeWolf 12-05-09 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Freiwillige (Post 1214475)
Yes I love the Kill rings. I built a Stug IV model in 1/72 that I hand painted the kill rings on.

Why is it that the Germans always thought of cool little motivational details like that. Imagine being an infantryman and knowing an armored assault is coming and seeing a Stug with 30+ kill rings pulling into an ambush position nect to your ditch, Wouldn't you feel a bit more secure knowing that Stug had experiance?

Great analogy, of course I want to figure out a way to update AI unit's Kill Rings automatically. I believe this can be achieved with nominal effort once I start focusing (working) on it.



ZeeWolf 12-05-09 10:46 PM

Hey all,
I just ordered a cool book (of course that doesn't mean I'll have time to read it ) after reading Dowly's excellent post Memoirs of a Tiger commander.

It's called;

Panzer Operations: The Eastern Front Memoir of General Raus, 1941-1945

you can check this link out to get a glimpse by clicking the books name.

I am certain this book will inspire me in ways you guys will benefit from,


Hitman 12-06-09 04:38 AM

Another question: Which patch are you building your expansion upon? I know there was a semi-official patch 1.1 (Which gives me a CTD) and people are still working on an MMP patch, current version is I think 5. Which one will come bundled in the expansion? Or are you doing your own patch?

VAseMkIII 12-06-09 04:57 AM


couple of questions.

Have you managed to sort the myriad of errors in the in the scripts these are mainly reported in the execution log


Also noticed that some of the stock models have errors in relation to collision mesh orientation can these be fixed in the editor, tried hex editing the MS2 files but the they are all in cyrillic and I cant make head nor tail of them.

ZeeWolf 12-06-09 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Hitman (Post 1214583)
Another question: Which patch are you building your expansion upon? I know there was a semi-official patch 1.1 (Which gives me a CTD) and people are still working on an MMP patch, current version is I think 5. Which one will come bundled in the expansion? Or are you doing your own patch?

It will be based on the default install. My work started as a patch for the many glitches in the sim,
so what I want you to realize that to go from knowing nothing to the capacity of adding new vehicles etc.etc.
took months of meticulous, arduous and relentless dedication to making this the tank sim
I became convinced it could become. And God only knows this was no easy task I will assure you.

As for those who are dedicated to multi-player moding: I am sure they
will consider my work as their new foundation for this tank simulation and
draw that conclusion themselves. :yep:


ZeeWolf 12-06-09 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by VAseMkIII (Post 1214589)

couple of questions.

Have you managed to sort the myriad of errors in the in the scripts these are mainly reported in the execution log


Also noticed that some of the stock models have errors in relation to collision mesh orientation can these be fixed in the editor, tried hex editing the MS2 files but the they are all in cyrillic and I cant make head nor tail of them.

Yes! And worry not, I plan on replacing all the models in this sim that are
sub-Zeedub standards. :03:


VAseMkIII 12-06-09 12:05 PM

Fantastic :rock:

Zee I am sure that will be case we just need to get our hands on your goodies :yeah:and with your blessing sort the mp aspect :hmmm:.

It will truely make this this the king of tank sims.

ZeeWolf 12-06-09 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by VAseMkIII (Post 1214707)
Fantastic :rock:

Zee I am sure that will be case we just need to get our hands on your goodies :yeah:and with your blessing sort the mp aspect :hmmm:.

It will truely make this this the king of tank sims.

Awesome! I want to help you guys in anyway I can but I don't know anything
about mp. However I think it would be astonishing to see large numbers of tanks fighting in group tactics on the new large map. :)


Ninty T34-85s attacking in waves of thirty

Hitman 12-06-09 02:58 PM


Ninty T34-85s attacking


VAseMkIII 12-06-09 03:26 PM

Whoaaaa 90 what FPS you getting with that Zee

ZeeWolf 12-06-09 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by VAseMkIII (Post 1214801)
Whoaaaa 90 what FPS you getting with that Zee

Great question, but first let me tell you what I'm running :
CPU = 1 x E6750 Duel Core 2 @ 2.66 GHz
MB = MSI P6N SLT Platinum
Ramm = 4 Gigs 800mhz DDR2
HD = 130 Gig IDE
OS = MS Windows 2000 Pro SP 4
GC = MX 8600 GT Twin Turbo 256 Mb ddr3

And the frame rate when the T34s in route from staging area to engagement 13-15 fps. When all guns are blazing they take a hit to 1-2 fps. With no loss of data.

An area where I can help guys with slower computers is in the file : T34vsTiger\Scripts\Common\ ript

Here is my class paste-

class CBasePhysicsController
// Base properties

static boolean FixedTimeStepMethod = true; // If thsis flag is true then time step is divide by frequency on steps
// with fixed time delta.
static float HighEndPhysicsFrequency = 0.03f; // Frequency of physics for update, by default
static float MidEndPhysicsFrequency = 0.06f; // Frequency of physics for update, when FPS is slow
static float LowEndPhysicsFrequency = 0.12f; // Frequency of physics for update, when FPS is slowest
static int Iterations = 2; // Maximum ranges for split update time, if FPS is slow

// Physics properties

// Contact-constraint properties

Array ContactConstraintProperties = [
1.0, // The minimum incoming velocity necessary for bounce (in m/s).
// Incoming velocities below this will effectively have a
// restitution parameter of 0

0.2, // The error reduction parameter value, that controls how
// much error correction is performed in each time step.
// Typical values are in the range 0.1-0.8. The default is 0.2.

0.00001 // The constraint force mixing value. Typical values are in
// the range 1e-9 - 1. The default is 1e-3.


ZeeWolf 12-06-09 06:53 PM

General Rule of Thumb
As a General Rule of Thumb concerning the 90 tank steamroller is
you must start blasting from 2 miles (3.2Km) away or kiss your you
know what goodbye.

The T34-85 will fire at you as they are on the march but their accuracy
is poor.

Sturm/ Panzer Units know this well as they know that lead T34s stopping during this type of attack to
take aim, can cause havoc among the fallowing Red Army units.
Very important to remember it's German courage under fire and tactics that
can win the day. - ZeeWolf

RICH12ACE 12-07-09 09:07 AM

wow! thanks zee wolf! :yep: this is a great sim it was to good to give up! will you be working on putting in the radio op/hull gunner in the tiger? also i cannot wait for the new AI/playble tanks. :cool:.

Fer32 12-07-09 10:30 AM

Hi zeewolf, excelent work, I hope you reach all your goals with your project for this sim. I will glady pay money if the result will bring me the tank sim I have waiting for years, Panzer Elite is just to old for my liking.
There is some buzz in others forum like SimHQ about you charging money for your work and if it is legal or not, Just dont care about them, the developers and/or publisher abandoned it righ? so they chossed not to support the game or the customer , that is the booton line.
Im very exited of the new Silent Hunter 5, has you seem the last video? If there is a market for sub sims, why not for a tank sim?. In my dreams there is a new tank sim coming, a big budget title, all destructible enviroment, last generation graphics, historical battles and great multiplayer, but while this happen or not, I SUPPORT YOU!

Hitman 12-07-09 10:34 AM


And the frame rate when the T34s in route from staging area to engagement 13-15 fps. When all guns are blazing they take a hit to 1-2 fps. With no loss of data.
That's sadly unplayable :hmmm: but I note you don't have a top videcard. I have the same CPU as you, and only 2GB of RAM, but I have a 640MB 8800GTS and so far I am able to run the game with all graphics maxed up and no fps loss.

Will need to wait and see how it runs your expansion, but also I think that playing with the graphics settings and screen resolution there is room for improvement.

Anyway, some months after SH5 is out I will be upgrading computer, and by then I guess medium specs computers will be able to run your expansion in all its glory with no FPS loss at all.

Dowly 12-07-09 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1214874)
Very important to remember it's German courage under fire and tactics that
can win the day.

Nah, it's the StuG that wins the day. :O:

Excellent work, mate! This'll be the GWX of tank sims for sure when it's released. :salute:

ZeeWolf 12-07-09 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Dowly (Post 1215107)
Nah, it's the StuG that wins the day. :O:

Excellent work, mate! This'll be the GWX of tank sims for sure when it's released. :salute:

Thanks Dowly, GWX was magnificent. :yeah:

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