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Priscalan 07-15-10 11:45 AM

Thanks Zee
Very good Zee :yeah:

I thank You :salute:

ottoramsaig 07-18-10 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1206515)
Thanks ArmorEtr,
Definitely dust off you TvT copy because I promise you will be glad
you did:) The best way to help me now is get the word out about this total
overhaul of T34 vs Tiger. Focusing on the single player aspect of the sim
for guys like myself who is content with just playing a good sim.
I have convinced myself that this is my calling. And I am totally
dedicated to tell the story of war on the eastern front during WWII
through the medium of this sim.
As for "Are you a one-man-gang or do you represent a small crew?"
my answer is, as a devout Christian I am never alone.

My faithful wingman take out the KV85s


This is amazing! This why it why it pays to read the "stickies". ZeeWolf I offer my tank experience if needed, Looks great. Still waiting on my game.

ZeeWolf 07-18-10 01:38 PM

Thanks Otto,
Your offer is one I certainly could enhance TvsT with :up:
There has been allot of new changes and improvements since that image
was snapped and well to mention the stock game of T34 vs Tiger is no where
near the Sim that it is with Project ZeeWolf. You will of course find that out
soon enough :yep: My work has been mostly technical in nature but I do need
help in real tactics that you would know:know: about in detail that could aid in mission and campaign creation.

Thanks again Otto :salute:


frinik 07-19-10 05:42 AM

Welcome to the Group!
Welcome to the forum Ottoramsaig!

It's great to have another former tanker on the forum.We already have our Aussie friend who used to crew a Leopard 1A4. For us tank sim fans but unfortunately without any real practical knowledge of the real thing it's wonderful to have guys like you who can put things in perspective and help us address realism or lack of in the sims we love and play.T34 versus Tiger was originally full of promises when it came out in 2007.WWII fans had basically only Panzer Elite a wonderful but ageing sim and some minor ridiculous firts person shooters of the panzer killer and other duds of the kind.Unfortunately TvsT came out flawed and with very few missions and tailored mainly for multi play.Add that to lack of support and single player sim fans like me turned to Steel Fury , another great sim, which came out soon after. Until ZeeWolfe gave TvsT the Kiss of Life and you can bet your hard earned money on his work because you're not going to be disappointed!Looking forward to hearing tales of your tank running days!

BTW, one question comes to my mind.While the M48 Patton obviously came after WWII how do you think it would have fared on the battlefield (in it's original version not with a 105 mm gun) against either the Tiger II or the Panther).

Anyway we 're a merry group of fellows and we help each other out whenever we can so you can count on our warm welcome and assistance:yeah:


doug770 07-19-10 03:04 PM

That sounds GREAT! Zee
I looked all over for a real good tank sim and T34 vs Tiger is still the best that I've seen so far.

Have Panzer Elite which is very good but poor in graphics.
Panzer Elite Action is more an arcade game.

World of Tanks looks great but it's most likely an Arcade style game.:hmmm:

Still looking..:shifty:

I really don't see why T34 vs. Tiger don't have expansion packs?
All the major work is already done..

I do alot of 3d stuff and would make expansions myself if I knew how?
Not big on programming..:hmmm:

doug770 07-19-10 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1448030)
Welcome to the forum Ottoramsaig!

It's great to have another former tanker on the forum.We already have our Aussie friend who used to crew a Leopard 1A4. For us tank sim fans but unfortunately without any real practical knowledge of the real thing it's wonderful to have guys like you who can put things in perspective and help us address realism or lack of in the sims we love and play.T34 versus Tiger was originally full of promises when it came out in 2007.WWII fans had basically only Panzer Elite a wonderful but ageing sim and some minor ridiculous firts person shooters of the panzer killer and other duds of the kind.Unfortunately TvsT came out flawed and with very few missions and tailored mainly for multi play.Add that to lack of support and single player sim fans like me turned to Steel Fury , another great sim, which came out soon after. Until ZeeWolfe gave TvsT the Kiss of Life and you can bet your hard earned money on his work because you're not going to be disappointed!Looking forward to hearing tales of your tank running days!

BTW, one question comes to my mind.While the M48 Patton obviously came after WWII how do you think it would have fared on the battlefield (in it's original version not with a 105 mm gun) against either the Tiger II or the Panther).

Anyway we 're a merry group of fellows and we help each other out whenever we can so you can count on our warm welcome and assistance:yeah:


Well, the Patton was not much different than the Pershing tank that seen service in WW2 as well as the Super Sherman, both had a high profile but good cross country speed reliability and most of all Gun Stabilization,,that to me is a battle winner because you can shoot on the fly much more effectively.
Both had long barreled ,High Velocity guns.

The M4 Sherman was not built for tank on tank warfare, it was mainly an Infantry tank.
The US used M18 and M38 tank destroyers for tank on tank warfare.
If US tank forces were engaged by enemy Armor, when at all possible,seek cover and then call in an air strike or artillery.
For every three platoons of sherman's they usually had one platoon of M18 or M38 tank destroyers and it was five tanks in a platoon at that time.
I believe for the tank destroyers a platoon consisted of only three tanks.

US tank destroyers can go 60mph, so they would scoot out and try for a flank attack while the Sherman's would keep their attention.

ZeeWolf 07-19-10 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by doug770 (Post 1448484)
I looked all over for a real good tank sim and T34 vs Tiger is still the best that I've seen so far.

Have Panzer Elite which is very good but poor in graphics.
Panzer Elite Action is more an arcade game.

World of Tanks looks great but it's most likely an Arcade style game.:hmmm:

Still looking..:shifty:

I really don't see why T34 vs. Tiger don't have expansion packs?
All the major work is already done..

I do alot of 3d stuff and would make expansions myself if I knew how?
Not big on programming..:hmmm:

Hi doug770 and welcome aboard!
If you have time you can checkout the threads and see I have been very busy with T34 vs Tiger. And yes this is the place for TvsT fans :up: As for
those other games you mention I agree and my vision for TvsT is a WWII
Tank Simulation.


ZeeWolf 07-20-10 11:54 PM

ZW's new Tiger E1 in testing
Hallo Kameraden!

Good news the new Tiger E1 is now in testing. This is the AI version,
there is still some things I am working out with the suspension. Of
course the work on this model will help with both the Playable Tiger
and the Panther, so I want to get it right. The paint job is the base
color and is not entirely complete. Once the base is complete with
weathering and dirt etc. I will create some camo skins. :up:
With antenna too :DL



Priscalan 07-21-10 12:57 AM

Wunderbar, баснословный, magnifique, straordinario, fabulous Zee :yeah::salute:

Priscalan 07-21-10 02:45 AM

What do you use for this? Maya? version? and how to?

ZeeWolf 07-21-10 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Priscalan (Post 1449543)
What do you use for this? Maya? version? and how to?

Thanks Priscalan! :DL

T34 vs Tiger supplies all the stuff you need for maya 5. If you study the
mel files that are in T34vsTiger/Tools folder you can start to get an idea
how I figured out the import process. It took me 6-7 months before I made
real progress with my first Tank model (KV-85) to be successfully imported
into the game. The "How to's" will come later :up:


WRichter 07-21-10 03:36 PM

Hello everybody,
Hello ZeeWolf (Tank God),

I was fan of T34 vs Tiger,
I just saw that you work on that great sim to improve it !

So I just donate 60$ to support your great work.
I'll try to read all the posts to figure how to download your mod (if you already delivered it). Sorry for my poor English, and Thanks again for your great job. :yeah:

WRichter. , :salute:

Chucky 07-21-10 03:54 PM

Hello WRichter,welcome to the forum :salute:

ZeeWolf 07-21-10 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by WRichter (Post 1450047)
Hello everybody,
Hello ZeeWolf (Tank God),

I was fan of T34 vs Tiger,
I just saw that you work on that great sim to improve it !

So I just donate 60$ to support your great work.
I'll try to read all the posts to figure how to download your mod (if you already delivered it). Sorry for my poor English, and Thanks again for your great job. :yeah:

WRichter. , :salute:

Greetings WRichter !:salute:

Check your E-mail and make sure you reply to it. :yep:

Welcome aboard :up:


frinik 07-21-10 10:18 PM

Hello W Richter!Good to have a new member joining the ever grwing family!Don't worry about installing the mods we're all here to help you out!All you have to do is ask!



Priscalan 07-22-10 03:02 AM

:yeah: bienvenue W Richter :D

un francophone multi linguistes de plus :up:... comme quoi nous ne sommes pas bornés à notre hexagone :haha:

WRichter 07-22-10 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by Priscalan (Post 1450395)
:yeah: bienvenue W Richter :D

un francophone multi linguistes de plus :up:... comme quoi nous ne sommes pas bornés à notre hexagone :haha:

Salut Priscalan,

Ton pseudo me dit quelque chose..., n'aurions nous pas croisés nos tourelles et fait sauter quelques caracasses lors de quelques (trop peu nombreuses) parties en multi de l'époque de la Division Francaise avec ce bon vieux tapimoket ?

frinik 07-22-10 03:55 AM

Ah!! Désolé j'ai vu le Wilfried Richter mais pas le Paris, France!

Bienvenue au cercle ZeeWolf!:salute:

Priscalan 07-22-10 12:49 PM

eh oui W Richter, je me souvenais de toi, mais je n'osais pas l'affirmer...:D... J'ai hate d'en refaire de ces parties... surtout que Zeewolf a fait un super boulot...

LcSummers 07-23-10 12:39 AM

Magyar tankok
[QUOTE=ZeeWolf;1441531]They are coming Kamerad! :salute:

Hi ZW,

thats very cool, but i need "magyar" songs in my tank too, not only german. I have kown an hungarian, he was the gunner in a Tiger tank and he told us that his tank was 7 times knocked out and he survived the war! How lucky he was. :salute:

Hopefully the enemy will not knock me out in the new Tiger model.

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