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Hi Zee, just to give us a rough idea; what FPS are you getting with your new HD4770 while testing your release?
HI Mort, I checked your card specs and you should be Ok a bit on the low 20 s FPS-wise.How much do you average with the current game and ZW's past releases? Zee sorry to contradict you but the Tiger II had an exaggerated fuel consumption which was the result of its sheer 68 tons weight( by comparison, most modern tanks like the Leopard II A6 or the Abrams M2A1 weigh less than that!).I checked and it guzzled 500 litres of fuel per 100 kilometres.With only 860 litres in the tank the driving autonomy was barely 120 kilometres at best.It was a great defensive weapon and against an enemy who did not have air superiority it would have been unbeatable. Cheers. Looking forward to hiding behind Mort, Chucky and the others on the front line:yawn: |
I haven't received the new HD4770 yet, Thursday at the latest. I am sorry
frinik I misunderstood the fuel figures I thought you said 500 liters(132gals) per 1 kilometer not 100 kilometers (62miles). :up: Although the very high fuel consumption was a fact in the mud for all Panzers because of the high RPM in the lowest gear under extreme load this is esspeacially true with diesels too, when their RPM is over 1800. Of course being in the mud in a 68 ton tank is the last place you want to be. But if you can make any head way at all under battle conditions some times you have to go for it. As far as testing goes this mission will have the most basic of code instruction of any mission I have written. Even at the lowest fps the code will work. Tomorrow will be the last of the testing and late Wednesday all will be good to go, release time. :yeah: ZW |
No apologies necessary Zee I am the one who actually made a typo; I wrote 500 litres per kilometre instead of per 100!
Mud was not a big factor in Normandy but definitely was in the Ardennes during the Bulge/Wacht am Rhein offensive. It really was a stupid waste of precious armour to use Tiger IIs in that region in December . They were all abandoned for lack of fuel or mechanical breakdowns. Had they been used instead for defensive actions either on the West or East fronts they would have been more effective. The big day is Wednesday?????:o Wow I barely have enough time to clean, shine and polish my Tiger.Sorry I have to go and check my inventory of Panzergranate 38 and 39, how many rounds of machine gun bullets , stash Chucky's gin and Lc's crutches. So many things to do to get ready...:88) Cheers |
Wednesday is what I am shooting for and God willing I am very anxious to
finally get a chance to play it with my new video card. Then start with the next Kursk mission. I want to make a mission with some Panthers before the Climactic battle of Prokhorovka. I would also like to have the new Tiger E1 model ready too that is another pet project that will breath new life for the Tiger E1 enthusiasts. Cheers :salute: ZW |
Welcome to the MaZeecal Mystery Tour!
Mr. MaZeec Man! On the eve of your first major release I have a few technical points to address which might be of general interest to all ZW members:
1) HE Shells. I have found in the past those shells in the stock game to be unsatisfactory.I've got the feeling that the game developers did not really pay much attention to them as there were precious little infantry and soft targets to hit anyway.As they are they lack punch and if we are going to be required to use them extensively against your massive infantry and artillery presence in the first battle I am concerned that we 'll have to use AT shells instead.Have you been able to tweak them to make them more effective or realistic. 2) Hanomag; this leads me to the question of whether the Hanomag resupply issue has been resolved?Does pressing the B key really allow you to resupply your tank?What about the other tanks in your unit will they also get resupplied? 3) Mission Goals: will the mission goals be clearly explained and defined? Will your mod incorporate the current mission succesful feature of the game? 4) Finally the Gameplay.Hopefully your new release will not be heavily scripted as the original TvsT? The player will have enough freedom to try different routes or approaches to the mission?There's nothing that can kill a game faster than repetitive missions which do not leave room for randomness and allow the player use of creativity and imagination. Onward to crush the Bolshevik Hordes!:arrgh!: |
Oh Oh Oh
Oh Oh Oh what did i hear ZW?
Wednesday is release time. Its like an angel said this to me. 1 st Kompanie angetreten, Motoren warmlaufen, we are attacking tomorrow the enemy. WOW:D I must say after the battle in Russia to crawl in a King Tiger is fantastic. I am so enthusiastic because i saw that King Tiger in La Gleize / Belgium. It is really a monster, really scaring. I know it was not made for attack but for defendibg a territory it was surpreme. It had its weakness (which tank do not having a weak point) but never mind, i know that ZW has done and is doing a fine job. Frinic with the release of this add on i am sure we members put down our experiances on this forum. So we have a lot to write, help each other (tactics). I am looking forward till tomorrow. RELEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!! If we do not hear from each other i wish to every member of ZWs TvT a happy eastern and nice holidays :03: LC |
Release the Release!
Yes Lc I share your enthusiasm and I will definitely share my experiences and may be pics as well!
As for the Tiger II it's great news.I hope we can play it too on the East fornt in 1944-1945.I also hope that we can play the Panther on any front... Pink for Lc, standard camouflage for me....:03: Tomorrow July 1943 it's Summerstime! Cheers |
I´m even a great tank enthusiast and only just now discovered your great MOD in this forum; i even want to own this masterpiece of tanksimulation what I have to do to be even one of those lucky users to get this mod ?? just a few days ago I realised one of my dreams and bought a 1:6 scale radio controlled Panther version G and I really hope that even this one will appear in a mod created by you congratulations to your apprreciated work ! Michael |
Kursk-Yes Please
Hi Zeewolf,
I,ve been following your work on the forum since I found a thread on a PE forum, will you be offering membership again? or will I be able to buy your Kursk add on as a one off. Many Thanks for the free mission 6 at Christmas, I had just about given up on T34 vs Tiger as a replacement for PE, But it looks like your about to fill that gap. Many Thanks P |
Oh man I would love to have one of those, but it's not possible for here in an apartment and of course "no tango denerro". But I figured that if you pay $50.00 for a membership that will end January 31 2011 plus $10.00 I will give you all my Kursk releases until 1-31-2010. And then if you renew your membership on or before that date you will receive everything I release for that year. How about that? :yeah: ZeeWolf |
Hardware and Performance
Zee Thanks very much for the reply - I will await your test with interest. Radeon cards seem the best Value currently. :salute:
Frinik you can hide behind my smoking wreckage for cover when we advance, my 'A' driver might be more a problem than the HE shells though!! My FPS range from (momentarily) as low as 7 or 8 to as high as upper 30's (say 38FPS) and only become really noticeable when I am traversing the turret as gunner on fast (i.e. keyboard not the mouse) control. Oddly there seems to be no direct correlation between units/action and FPS slowdown consistently. When I say that (consistently) I mean yes sometimes in the thick of heavy action I get slowdown (as you could expect) but there again sometimes when I expect to get slowdown in another heavy (well it seems to me!!) action then the FPS is much higher. Obviously there are other factors unseen that are giving the hardware "a hit" but I cannot distinguish accurately what it is. :hmmm: I do hope it's as playable as ZW's excellent modded missions to date, as they are manageable (so far) and perfectly playable on this CPU and GPU. Keep Lc out of the villages he'll be scouting for female companions while we act as heavy artilliary magnets :haha: Over and out Mort |
Hannomag Resupply
To Zee and Tankers (Frinik asked the resupply question).
I have had success in repair rearming when a Hannomag is part of the attacking force (travelling with the tanks). I have had success when I left an attack to find a Hannomag for ammo. I have not had success calling a Hannomag up when disabled or wanting ammo and Hannomag/supply column is some distance away (I can see them on the map but not visually from tank). I have not tried out calling for Hannomag at an intermediate distance like for example 1000 metres away as this situation hasn't occurred to me. Over and Out Mort |
thanks for quick reply of course I´ll support your great work with the donation proposed by you and I´m very looking forward to receive all your great Mod stuff so far and up to 31.January 2011 can you give me a Paypal Link, so I can do the donation wihtin the next days - I just downloaded your "christmas gift 2009" - are there any update files necessary and available ?? will I get a link from you to download all the stuff ?? thanks for all so far.... regards Michael |
Here you go Michael,
http://www.tanksimzw.com/Project-index.htm My Paypal link is at the bottom of the page as well as the German mission 6 that has been modded. and welcome aboard :up: ZeeWolf |
Mort I can´t hide behind your smoking wreckage as it would send my FPS plummeting:DL Me too >I have that same experience my FPS go down while they shouldn´t and recover when they shouldn´t as well????But I haven´t experienced a decrease in FPS since have played ZW´s fXmas release.The first time they plummeted bad and ever since no more problem!!!Can´t figure it out.
As for LC ever since he´s been awarded the Purple Crutches he only eats in the officer´s mess and flirts outrageously with the Grey Mice of the Luftwaffe... Luck tomorrow. Michael welcome to the ZW club! |
Tiger 1331 Michael Wittman, firing on the fortified hill over looking
Village C ZW :salute: http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k...W_Wittmann.jpg There's something beautiful about the Tiger! http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k..._Tiger1313.jpg |
Zw and frinic!!!
Zee sorry to contradict you but the Tiger II had an exaggerated fuel consumption which was the result of its sheer 68 tons weight( by comparison, most modern tanks like the Leopard II A6 or the Abrams M2A1 weigh less than that!).I checked and it guzzled 500 litres of fuel per 100 kilometres.With only 860 litres in the tank the driving autonomy was barely 120 kilometres at best.It was a great defensive weapon and against an enemy who did not have air superiority it would have been unbeatable. As i see frinic is very concerned about fuel consumption of that Tiger II. He even points out that modern tanks are easier. YOU ARE RIGHT!!!!:D So i have a suggestion: It must be a fast tank like the Panzer II and agile like his old Panzer I. There is only one solution. Give Him a JAGDTIGER. Its faster than a snail and agile like a dragonfly. No worry about the bridges it can cross every bridge (for sure only once) but then you have two games in one. Frinic call loud as possible ALARM FLUTEN, you have a subsim too. :wah: About fuel consumption ZW please build in every village a FAST FOOD RESTAURANT like Mc D with a drive in. There we cann refuel those HUNTING TIGERS and Tiger IIs with french fries oil and so we are recycling "fuel" and save the world. :D Cheers and good hunting friends LC PS: Frinic some day i will make a picture of my purple crutches and send it. What about our logo? |
Vive la Morty
Keep Lc out of the villages he'll be scouting for female companions while we act as heavy artilliary magnets :haha:
Morty you are right. I need some R and R after my wounds recieved in battle. Sure with my high awards i have to go "around" the tanksim forum and promote for new members and artillery magnets. Someone has to view those heavy fights from distance as Napoleon did. VIVE LA KURSK MAYDAY MAYDAY LC IS BAILING IN |
But I figured that if you pay $50.00 for a membership that will
end January 31 2011 plus $10.00 I will give you all my Kursk releases until 1-31-2010. And then if you renew your membership on or before that date you will receive everything I release for that year. ZW wil you inform us (e-mail) if our membership expires? That would be fine i think most of the members will renew membership. I defenetly will but since march 2011 its a long time and as i am in the officers mess with nice Luftwaffe mice (frinic) its possible that i forget it. TODAY I had a dream and its coming true K U R S K MILLE GRACIE Mr ZW :up: LC |
L. c.hatterbox...
Lc I love the idea of having a Jagdtiger.This way I'll stay behind( unable to cross those light bridges ) and offer you courageous front line Tigers moral and fire support.I'll open a fast food stand( using motor oil for cooking and recycling) to supply the troops..I'll call my stand Tiger King...
Lc, you're chattier than an old maid! Patience with the logo. I have draft ready but ZW is busy with the impending release and won't be able to do anything about it for a while.I promise you that it will be on our tank turrets before the second release.I alos have been both sick and very busy with other things. If I don't keep my promise then I'll drive a pink panzer I straight into those Soviet 152mm batteries.... :doh: Today is WedneZeeday .... |
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