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-   -   T34 vs Tiger- Kursk 1943 coming soon! (

ZeeWolf 02-15-10 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Chucky (Post 1268844)
Great news ZeeWolf! That just gives me 4 weeks to fix this PC :salute:

Chucky is your computer really that screwed up?
Let me know when and how you got it up and running again :yep:


frinik 02-15-10 11:05 PM

Hi Zee! I clicked on your announcement link but it simply sends me back to your post. Is it about Kursk?When mid March as per Chucky's remark?

ZeeWolf 02-16-10 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1269138)
Hi Zee! I clicked on your announcement link but it simply sends me back to your post. Is it about Kursk?When mid March as per Chucky's remark?

Yes frinik it's about Kursk :up:


kondor999 02-17-10 03:09 PM

Just a quick question that is probably answered somewhere in this thread - but it's a long one!

I just got a copy of TvT and I wanted to play with it until this Kursk mod becomes available (for which I will happily pay!). It looks like there was some sort of membership thing where you could get the ZW mods/fixes - is that correct?

I also see there's a donation page, which I'd like to do - but not if I can't even access the existing mods/fixes. Seems like that would be a little ridiculous since I'd be supporting something I'm locked out of.

So - am I missing something? I almost went ahead and donated $10 just because I appreciate *anyone* supporting tank sims these days, but then the thought occurred that I'd like to at least be able to get those fixes if possible.

Sorry if this has already been answered.



ZeeWolf 02-17-10 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by kondor999 (Post 1271178)
Just a quick question that is probably answered somewhere in this thread - but it's a long one!

I just got a copy of TvT and I wanted to play with it until this Kursk mod becomes available (for which I will happily pay!). It looks like there was some sort of membership thing where you could get the ZW mods/fixes - is that correct?

I also see there's a donation page, which I'd like to do - but not if I can't even access the existing mods/fixes. Seems like that would be a little ridiculous since I'd be supporting something I'm locked out of.

So - am I missing something? I almost went ahead and donated $10 just because I appreciate *anyone* supporting tank sims these days, but then the thought occurred that I'd like to at least be able to get those fixes if possible.

Sorry if this has already been answered.



Hello and welcome kondor999 (Erich), I see your point and my lack of details
is due to my some what narrow focus (for the time being). I will have complete
details when I can give a definite time and date of the Kursk add-on release.
Meanwhile my Christmas gift is still available (free) and membership will be
available once again with the Kursk release. I have to say, many must share
your apprehension, because I have received no donation since the January 31st
deadline. Therefore I intend to produce a stellar tank simulation add-on for
T34 vs Tiger first for my self to enjoy (I love this Sim)and second to share
with others who are willing to pay a very reasonable amount.

Thanks for you interest in Project ZeeWolf :up:


WolfAngriff 02-17-10 10:15 PM

Hallo frohen Schützen !
Hi, I'm a rookie in this forum, and I'm French, so excuse me if my english is not very good. Well, I've just seen the last post, telling that the Kursk Mod will be ready for march 2010. Will it run on Vista ? Original game runs well on my PC, under Vista 64. I hope so !
See you soon.

WolfAngriff 02-17-10 10:48 PM

And something else...
Should we pay for making good job, or should we pay for well done job ? Everyone's got his own answer. For me, for such a project, why not "participate" with money, even if it's just a little bit. Well, I'd like to give something, but is it possible from Euro-zone ?
And I've got the original training book for the PzKpfW VI (german), pretty well scanned, explaining motors, guns, lenses and so on. Is it interresting for anyone ? Can give a copy if it is. Also, perhaps to have a more realistic sound, it is explained what the crew sayed exactly. For exemple, when the chief gives the direction of a target, he doesn't say "am 8 Uhr", but "am Frühstück !" (At breakfast). 8 AM is time for breakfast, and it was easyer to remember for the crew. All is explained in this book. I'm ok to try a complete translation in english, but it will be a hard job. I also speak german if it could help.
Good game everyone ! Greatings from France !

ZeeWolf 02-17-10 10:50 PM

Original T34 vs Tiger running well on your Vista 64

Originally Posted by WolfAngriff (Post 1271655)
Hi, I'm a rookie in this forum, and I'm French, so excuse me if my english is not very good. Well, I've just seen the last post, telling that the Kursk Mod will be ready for march 2010. Will it run on Vista ? Original game runs well on my PC, under Vista 64. I hope so !
See you soon.

Hello and welcome WolfAngriff,
Yes. If you have the Original T34 vs Tiger running well on your Vista 64 PC
then the Kursk Add-on should as good or better.

Best Regards :up:


ZeeWolf 02-17-10 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by WolfAngriff (Post 1271671)
Should we pay for making good job, or should we pay for well done job ? Everyone's got his own answer. For me, for such a project, why not "participate" with money, even if it's just a little bit. Well, I'd like to give something, but is it possible from Euro-zone ?
And I've got the original training book for the PzKpfW VI (german), pretty well scanned, explaining motors, guns, lenses and so on. Is it interresting for anyone ? Can give a copy if it is. Also, perhaps to have a more realistic sound, it is explained what the crew sayed exactly. For exemple, when the chief gives the direction of a target, he doesn't say "am 8 Uhr", but "am Frühstück !" (At breakfast). 8 AM is time for breakfast, and it was easyer to remember for the crew. All is explained in this book. I'm ok to try a complete translation in english, but it will be a hard job. I also speak german if it could help.
Good game everyone ! Greatings from France !

Thank you WolfAngriff,
Payments a made through Paypal so being in France makes no deference.

I would like a copy of your PzKpfW VI original training book that would be
very interesting.
The voice sound files would all have to be re-done to maintain the
immersion effect. And I am not able to do that yet but it can be done.


Friedrich-Wilhelm 02-17-10 11:26 PM

Original Tiger Training Manual
Hello WolfAngriff and ZeeWolf,

If you guys would like some help with translating the original training manual for the Tiger, please let me know. German is my first language, so perhaps time permitting, I could be of help there.



ZeeWolf 02-18-10 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by Friedrich-Wilhelm (Post 1271695)
Hello WolfAngriff and ZeeWolf,

If you guys would like some help with translating the original training manual for the Tiger, please let me know. German is my first language, so perhaps time permitting, I could be of help there.



Thanks FW :salute:


morttheslayer 02-18-10 03:42 PM

March MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm Nice
Looking foreward to this :D thanks for the heads up. All the Best mate

NSU 02-18-10 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by WolfAngriff (Post 1271671)
Should we pay for making good job, or should we pay for well done job ? Everyone's got his own answer. For me, for such a project, why not "participate" with money, even if it's just a little bit. Well, I'd like to give something, but is it possible from Euro-zone ?
And I've got the original training book for the PzKpfW VI (german), pretty well scanned, explaining motors, guns, lenses and so on. Is it interresting for anyone ? Can give a copy if it is. Also, perhaps to have a more realistic sound, it is explained what the crew sayed exactly. For exemple, when the chief gives the direction of a target, he doesn't say "am 8 Uhr", but "am Frühstück !" (At breakfast). 8 AM is time for breakfast, and it was easyer to remember for the crew. All is explained in this book. I'm ok to try a complete translation in english, but it will be a hard job. I also speak german if it could help.
Good game everyone ! Greatings from France !

i am very interested for a copy

Mittag: Der Panzer dreht auf 1.30Uhr (45° rechts) zum Ziel
Kaffee: Der Panzer dreht auf 4.30Uhr (135° rechts) zum Ziel
Abendbrot: Der Panzer dreht auf 7.30Uhr (135° links) zum Ziel
Frühstück: Der Panzer dreht auf 10.30Uhr (45° links) zum Ziel
diese Richtungsangaben beziehen sich zum Ziel

1 bis 12.00 Uhr beziehen sich Wanne zur Turm Stellung

(sorry for german, maybe we find a translater)

small video from my custom voice for TvsT:

hodi 02-18-10 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by WolfAngriff (Post 1271671)
...And I've got the original training book for the PzKpfW VI (german), pretty well scanned, explaining motors, guns, lenses and so on. Is it interresting for anyone ? Can give a copy if it is...

i think this is very interesting for all the Panzerfreaks in this forum

it would be very nice if you post a link here where we can download this copy of the training book

trebby 02-18-10 06:13 PM

OK, he probably refers to the TIGER Fibel ("TIGER-handy-quick-reference") written in 1943 and must have 4 every tanker.:know:

I actually printed it out and binded it to a little booklet, and referred to it during gunnery training in TvT. Makes ya aprreciate the accuracy of the game even more.:up:

Anyways heres the link:

Enjoy but be advised its in german....

Cheers, trebb

NB. I have seen better copies online, but lost the link. If not happy, a google for Tiger Fibel may help.

ZeeWolf 02-18-10 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by trebby (Post 1272673)
OK, he probably refers to the TIGER Fibel ("TIGER-handy-quick-reference") written in 1943 and must have 4 every tanker.:know:

I actually printed it out and binded it to a little booklet, and referred to it during gunnery training in TvT. Makes ya aprreciate the accuracy of the game even more.:up:

Anyways heres the link:

Enjoy but be advised its in german....

Cheers, trebb

NB. I have seen better copies online, but lost the link. If not happy, a google for Tiger Fibel may help.

So you did that. I found your website quite awhile ago and thought you
did a great job.:rock:

Thanks trebb


Friedrich-Wilhelm 02-19-10 12:03 AM

[QUOTE=NSU;1272555]i am very interested for a copy

Mittag: Der Panzer dreht auf 1.30Uhr (45° rechts) zum Ziel
Kaffee: Der Panzer dreht auf 4.30Uhr (135° rechts) zum Ziel
Abendbrot: Der Panzer dreht auf 7.30Uhr (135° links) zum Ziel
Frühstück: Der Panzer dreht auf 10.30Uhr (45° links) zum Ziel
diese Richtungsangaben beziehen sich zum Ziel

1 bis 12.00 Uhr beziehen sich Wanne zur Turm Stellung

(sorry for german, maybe we find a translater)


Lunch: Tank turns to 1:30 position (45 Degrees right) in relation to target.
Coffee: Tank turns to 4:30 position (135 Degrees right) in relation to target.
Dinner: Tank turns to 7:30 position (135 Degrees left) in relation to target.
Breakfast: Tank turns to 10:30 position (45 Degrees left) in relation to target.
Directional information is in relation to target.
1 to 12 o'clock are in relation of hull (chassis?) to turret.

This is my English interpretation of the above German text.



NSU 02-19-10 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by NSU (Post 1272555)
i am very interested for a copy

Mittag: Der Panzer dreht auf 1.30Uhr (45° rechts) zum Ziel
Kaffee: Der Panzer dreht auf 4.30Uhr (135° rechts) zum Ziel
Abendbrot: Der Panzer dreht auf 7.30Uhr (135° links) zum Ziel
Frühstück: Der Panzer dreht auf 10.30Uhr (45° links) zum Ziel
diese Richtungsangaben beziehen sich zum Ziel

1 bis 12.00 Uhr beziehen sich Wanne zur Turm Stellung

(sorry for german, maybe we find a translater)


Lunch: Tank turns to 1:30 position (45 Degrees right) in relation to target.
Coffee: Tank turns to 4:30 position (135 Degrees right) in relation to target.
Dinner: Tank turns to 7:30 position (135 Degrees left) in relation to target.
Breakfast: Tank turns to 10:30 position (45 Degrees left) in relation to target.
Directional information is in relation to target.
1 to 12 o'clock are in relation of hull (chassis?) to turret.

This is my English interpretation of the above German text.



yes i think your translate is ok, thx Friedrich-Wilhelm :up:

hodi 02-19-10 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by trebby (Post 1272673)
OK, he probably refers to the TIGER Fibel ...
Enjoy but be advised its in german....

Hey trebby, that was a good job - i sometimes use your Tigerfibel-link

but i don't belive that WolfAngriff refers to the fibel

i know the "Ausbildungsvorschrift für die Panzertruppe am Panther" but not for Tigers - so i'm very interested :yep:

i also know the Dienstvorschrift DV613/x "Schießausbildung und Schießübungen von Panzerkampfwagen" but i never saw one of these DV :(

trebby 02-19-10 12:43 PM

Hang on ZeeWolf and Panzermänner,

just for the record....too much honor for the Tiger-Fibel.

That great piece of work was done by somebody else.
I was just a happy mediator on sharing this info.:salute:

I downloaded every page from the manual (listed as seperate pages) and then colorprinted them, finally binding all pages myself for an "Sacret Document".:yeah:

As I was in Hong-Kong last year, in an model shop they actually sold it as a paperback A4 format book, translated in english. Didnt buy it :damn: because I preferred the original german text, but gotta say I still feel sorry about that now...

As mentioned before, an Panther-fibel also exists online as free download, I will try to give you a link later.

The "Panzertruppe Vorschrift" I did not find yet as accesible version anywhere yet....

Cheers, trebb

Ah... found Panther-Fibel. Good additional reading about Panther too.

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