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-   -   T34 vs Tiger- Kursk 1943 coming soon! (

ZeeWolf 01-11-10 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Wilcke (Post 1234720)
Just sent my $50 in, loved the Christmas surprise and just goes to show with hard work and persistence TvT is a mighty fine sim.

Thank you!

Thank you Wilcke! :up:

Good hunting,


Sledgehammer427 01-12-10 01:43 AM

going through a financial slum at the mo, but once I get more money on my card (a lot more, my debit card only has about 2 dollars on it) I will provide my donation!

(is it just me or do I put that certain smiley every time I visit this thread?) XD

pedromarques 01-12-10 12:53 PM

It's been a long time since I've came to this or the main Sub foruns as a logged-in member (I give it a look every day but lack the patience to log in:shifty: )
Still, I've been looking at this thread with a great anxiety. Are we finally getting a tank sim that rivals the SH sub series in terms of realism and immersion? I do believe so. That's why I bought a new copy of tri-tankista vs Tiger and I'm going to support the enormous efforts that have already been done by our new «GUDERIAN» ZeeWolf :salute:

PS: this time I shall log in everytime :yeah:

loseth 01-13-10 04:23 AM

Thank you for bringing this sim into life again ZeeWolf, I am very much looking forward to the Kursk Battle. I tip my hat to you, and I have donated the 50 bucks with a warm and Joyful heart, here up in the cold Norway.:salute:

ZeeWolf 01-13-10 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by loseth (Post 1235520)
Thank you for bringing this sim into life again ZeeWolf, I am very much looking forward to the Kursk Battle. I tip my hat to you, and I have donated the 50 bucks with a warm and Joyful heart, here up in the cold Norway.:salute:

You are welcome Kamerade! :salute:


pedromarques 01-14-10 05:30 PM

Just sent a «supply of ammo» to the project. Oh boy, here I come :D

ZeeWolf 01-14-10 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by pedromarques (Post 1236653)
Just sent a «supply of ammo» to the project. Oh boy, here I come :D

Thanks pedromarques :salute:


Fritz Rauch 01-15-10 02:16 AM

I will have to hold on till the things get better-at lest meanwhile I will take a look at the effects.
I will say one more good thing about Your mod-the engine sound of Tiger and all that transmission behaviour is simply wonderful-You can almost feel the weight of the Tiger and power of the Maybach engine. Really good work.

LcSummers 01-17-10 01:12 PM

Its been a long time that i played and heared about T34 vs Tiger, but ZeeWolf, with your big addon i will buy surley a copy of it. Hope it will be easy to get one.
I wrote you a PM about membership.

Thanks a lot, i will install T34vsTiger and wait for your addon

THANKS I CANT wait!!!!

PS Today i heard the first time of your project, thats why am i writing now

ZeeWolf 01-17-10 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by LcSummers (Post 1238527)
Its been a long time that i played and heared about T34 vs Tiger, but ZeeWolf, with your big addon i will buy surley a copy of it. Hope it will be easy to get one.
I wrote you a PM about membership.

Thanks a lot, i will install T34vsTiger and wait for your addon

THANKS I CANT wait!!!!

PS Today i heard the first time of your project, thats why am i writing now

Thanks Lc, that is fantastic, I need kameraden like you to keep this vision
productive. :up:


Luftace 01-17-10 10:30 PM

Finally here ZW as I said in my donation message I sent ya a while back! Just ordered a copy of TvT from ebay, should be here next week. Been tracking this thread for awhile, just now got around to registering to use the forums. Greetings all, and looking great ZW! :salute:

ZeeWolf 01-18-10 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Luftace (Post 1238899)
Finally here ZW as I said in my donation message I sent ya a while back! Just ordered a copy of TvT from ebay, should be here next week. Been tracking this thread for awhile, just now got around to registering to use the forums. Greetings all, and looking great ZW! :salute:

Welcome aboard Kameraden! :up:


LcSummers 01-18-10 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1238690)
Thanks Lc, that is fantastic, I need kameraden like you to keep this vision
productive. :up:


Hi ZW,

first of all, i transferd 50$, for a membership on your site.

I thought TvT is dead, but it is like the PHOENIX, it lives again. THANKS!!!!

Two Questions

I saw Tiger II, Jagdpanther on this forum, will there be a Panther G late type with chin and heater on the rear?

This is more private: is your origin name not Hungarian?


YOUR addon is and will be great, fantastic. (Installing TvT)

Wilcke 01-18-10 12:19 PM

Just wanted to share that I spent a couple of hours last night hunting in my Tiger. Awesome work Zee! This is what the sim should have behaved like when released.

My recommendation is to give Zee full support on this project, an up to date WWII tank sim is just indispensable. The maps, the terrain, foliage and trees where just awesome to fight in but there was so much wrong with a lot of things in the original release.

This has been resolved to the point where we have really good tank sim and I am in hog heaven.


mikeydredd 01-18-10 09:52 PM

Hi to Zee Wolf and all fellow tankies.
I've been away from the forums for a while and just discovered this thread last night. And have read it all!
I too bought TvT when it first came out and, like most of you thought what a waste of a golden opportunity for a brilliant tank sim. And stuck it on the shelf after playing the first two missions. I had wanted for years to be able to drive a Tiger across the Russian steppes, and now we were given this half finished abortion of a sim which Lighthouse immediately dropped like a red hot coal, using the excuse that there is a very limited market for tank sims. They are mistaken - there is no market for BAD tank sims.
But now we have ZW and his one man crusade to turn this flawed but potentially rich and rewarding tank sim into something of vast scope, entertainment and education.
On behalf of all the Tiger enthusiasts out there I would just like to say THANKYOU VERY MUCH for all your hard work and dedication to this project, and the very best of luck for its future. 2010 looks like, finally, being a big year for TvT and that is down to you. Brilliant brilliant work.

Luftace 01-18-10 11:47 PM

Just came across this site. Hadn't heard of them before, perhaps because until recently all I had played was modded PE? Anywho, I put the word out there about Tvt Kursk, so maybe we'll see a few more new faces here. From what I saw, I only saw this add-on mentioned once in passing and nobody seemed to pay it much attention, so I created another thread to hopefully draw a little more attention. We'll see.:hmmm:

ZeeWolf 01-19-10 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by mikeydredd (Post 1239614)
Hi to Zee Wolf and all fellow tankies.
I've been away from the forums for a while and just discovered this thread last night. And have read it all!
I too bought TvT when it first came out and, like most of you thought what a waste of a golden opportunity for a brilliant tank sim. And stuck it on the shelf after playing the first two missions. I had wanted for years to be able to drive a Tiger across the Russian steppes, and now we were given this half finished abortion of a sim which Lighthouse immediately dropped like a red hot coal, using the excuse that there is a very limited market for tank sims. They are mistaken - there is no market for BAD tank sims.
But now we have ZW and his one man crusade to turn this flawed but potentially rich and rewarding tank sim into something of vast scope, entertainment and education.
On behalf of all the Tiger enthusiasts out there I would just like to say THANKYOU VERY MUCH for all your hard work and dedication to this project, and the very best of luck for its future. 2010 looks like, finally, being a big year for TvT and that is down to you. Brilliant brilliant work.

What can I say mikeydredd, Thank you! :up:


ZeeWolf 01-19-10 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by Luftace (Post 1239687)
Just came across this site. Hadn't heard of them before, perhaps because until recently all I had played was modded PE? Anywho, I put the word out there about Tvt Kursk, so maybe we'll see a few more new faces here. From what I saw, I only saw this add-on mentioned once in passing and nobody seemed to pay it much attention, so I created another thread to hopefully draw a little more attention. We'll see.:hmmm:

Thanks Luftace, the more the better. :salute:


Friedrich-Wilhelm 01-19-10 01:45 AM

New mission and one-year-membership
Hi ZeeWolf,

Thanks for the new German mission. I just downloaded and played it. Works just fine and I like it a lot, but the T-34s mostly get me pretty quick with their X-ray vision. :DL
I am currently waiting for a new credit card to arrive, so I can sign up for a one-year membership. Hopefully, it will arrive before January 31.



LcSummers 01-20-10 01:13 PM

Hi ZW,

found your mail in spam folder, thats why i didnt know what was e-mail for members.

Installed it as you wrote. Everything is working fine. Found some KV-85s too.

Its fubar and awesome.

Thanks a lot


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