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July 1940: After a wholly uneventful 8th patrol, Oberleutnant Scheier was retired from active duty, thus ending U-83's campaign with that commander.
August 1940: U-88, a Type VIIC, leaves Kiel for AM17 (Rockall Bank). Few contacts along the way, though managed to sink one small merchant and one schooner for a combined total of 2000 some-odd tons (of which 17 can be attributed to the schooner). On arrival at Rockall Bank, a contact report came in: large convoy, AM16, heading west. I eyeballed it and set myself up where I felt they might be. Arrived at about 20h00 and waited. By 20h30 I could see a Black Swan and a Flower Class corvette. Went to periscope depth, rigged for silent running, and peeked at them once in a while. Stuck myself right in the midst of the projected convoy path, running 90 degrees-ish to it. Hydrophone operator started reporting merchant contacts everywhere from 40 to 120 degrees off my bow. As the first merchant vessels passed, I raised my periscope and spotted a whale factory vessel. Used my Range and AOB finder, figured its speed for 9 knots. She was 1400 metres away. Three torpedo spread, magnetic pistol. Fired and dove to 130. Two detonated, and she was instantly going down. *ping* That was it – one lone ping, and some depth charges dropped way, way off on my port side – they thought I was in front of them on the other side, apparently. Waited a bit, then went to periscope depth to watch them blasting starshells into the sky several kilometres away. "Why stop now?" They hadn't changed course, and were still running more-or-less 270. I surfaced the boat, angled off, and then ran a parallel course at flank speed. Comping up behind the convoy on its port side, I was lucky in that there was near-total darkness thanks to the thunderclouds overhead. I passed 800 metres off the stern of the Flower as she watched the port side. Off on my starboard side, I could make out a destroyer. In front of me, angled 135 degrees away and doing 9 knots, was a large merchant. I reminded the crew that we were not slowing down for anything. All ahead flank. Two torpedo spread selected, magnetic pistol. 135 AOB port, 9 knots, 1100 metres. Fired, dropped to 130 like a rock, and turned, travelling on a track to the convoy's 180. *BOOM* *BOOM* *ping* *ping* *ping* They must have been upset. They spent 3 hours trying to drop buckets of TNT on my head. In fairness, it was a pretty nice looking large merchant. Unfortunately for them, my deft maneuvering meant that the worst I ever endured was some slight turbulence, no damage. Fifteen minutes after the last contact was lost, I was at periscope depth. Nothing. Surfaced, and headed towards the Irish Coast, loosely following that convoy. Decided to enter the Irish Sea for kicks, but it was a very bad idea. Spent one hour dodging depth charges. No damage, but still, probably a good thing that I turned around and made my way north. At present, U-88 is northeast of the Hebrides, with about 23,000 GRT sunk. |
Oberleutnant z.s Konrad Tietz
2nd flotilla Lorient U46 VIIB 18 feb 41: End of patrol 5 in mid and north atlantic ocean ( AK-AL grids) 8 ships sunk for 37951 tons. 29 days at sea. 1st WO Georg Mayer is promoted and will soon commission is own boat. Total tonnage: 189356 tons-31 ships 113 days at sea 09/06/40 sunk RN auxiliary cruiser HMS Dunottar Castle 13850 tons 10/29/40 sunk RN large troop ship SS Windsor Castle 25910 tons |
longest patrol (72days) so far but not very thrilling.
sailed down the west-coast of Africa to my assigned grid (EK74) and met just single merchants or small (one column) convoys. wheather I thought must be much better than in northern Atlantic but I was wrong. many foggy days and pretty much wind. although I first had in mind to resupply at "Python" and visit Cape Town I then sailed straight home because the very dense air-traffic in the near of Freetown surprised me and my watch-crew (and got my pressure-hull down to 78%). all in all I sank 10freighters and 1tanker (74.200tons). thx to WB's fuel-optimizing mod I arrived in Lorient still with exactly 50% of diesel. |
Going for long-range Type IX/40
After having concluded patrol no. 21 with U-122 I have decided it's time to transfer to a longer-range boat - the IX/40. The two latest patrols went to the US east coast with constant worries about fuel and finding refuelling points in the Atlantic. |
Patrol 2 U-68 Kaleu Eckhard (24th patrol) enroute to kvadrant CB13 - presently in BC77 Feb. 7th 1943 22:00.We left Lorient on Jan 23rd 14:00 1943. U-68 is a long-range IX/40 and it seems we shall arrive in our mission area with at least 60% diesel left. If we get there... |
Oberleutnant z.s Simon Strand
U Flotilla Weddigen U-16 IIa(b:know:) Just finished 4th patrol. Returned to Kiel december 4th. One 3000 ton steamer sunk with one torpedo. Fired two torpedoes towards fast moving 2000 ton passenger/cargo from 3000 meters. No hits. Because of bad weather and attacking position and cover of darkness fading, decided to cease hunt. Long rest and refit ahead and rumours about assault on Norway next spring. |
U-47 patrol 6. Started from supply ship Bessel in Spain. Currently stalking a fat convoy near Ireland in the AN's. Made contact during the middle of the day. Stupid decision by me to approach on the surface, calm water, clear skies. Had to dive quickly to evade some DD's that saw me and kept me down for 2 hours at 160m. A couple of runs over my last known which I was clear of before the 2 Black Swans arrived there.
Now approaching the same convoy well ahead, in complete darkness. I'm headed back in tonight. |
Oblt.z.S. Scheier has commissioned a new boat, giving up his Type VIIB for a Type VIIC.
Patrol 1: U-84 is an unlucky boat. On attacking a convoy, before the first torpedo could be fired, a merchant spotted U-84 on the surface, causing the entire convoy to light up. Two destroyers kept her down for over 7 hours, presumably exhausting their supply of depth charges. All were dropped too high, as U-84 was at 215m depth. No damage sustained by depth charges. However, U-84 surfaced and rushed to flank the convoy, only to encounter one of the destroyers at close range in horrible weather. This mistake would prove costly: a young seaman, Richard Brandt, was killed by the destroyer's guns, and the flak gun was severely damaged. U-84 submerged, but the destroyer did not pursue, as it had no depth charges left. U-84 was heading home to St. Nazaire when she crossed paths with (and sank) one large merchant and one small merchant. Both were sunk at a distance of roughly 3800m, two torpedos for the large merchant, one for the small. A passenger cargo was attacked, but the torpedo missed. Surfacing, U-84 engaged in a battle of naval artillery with the stern gunner, eventually sinking the passenger cargo vessel. Unfortunately, with its dying breath, it managed to strike the deck gun, seriously injuring one gunner (though not fatally). This happened the same instant as the crew were celebrating the ship's imminent sinking. Docked at St. Nazaire for lengthy refit and repairs. |
Patrol 24 Kaleu Eckhard - U-68 - south-east Halifax Feb. 12th 1943 06:68 GMT Patrol 24 Kaleu Eckhard - U-68 - east-south-east Halifax Feb. 12th 1943 21:41 GMT |
And I am very lucky Kaulen that I lived to tell the tale of Rodney's revenge.
After making contact with the convoy aforementioned, I managed to get off a spread of four eels for one sinking. Dismal. We stayed down below 170m to rearm and slunk back up to the surface after the convoy had vacated the area. Heading north to the AM's we got a report of a convoy headed south east, at medium speed. We got roughly into position to attack and mercifully were able chart the convoy course fairly accurately. Smack dab in the middle was the Rodney. But I ignored him for the moment and focused on what was accompanying him. A line of large tankers that were nice, and a single lone coastal merchant. I hurried into firing position while I could and the escorts all 5 of them missed me in the heavy seas. Rodney, one large tanker and a coastal merchant comprised my target list. I fired 2 eels at Rodney, 2 at a tanker, and my single rear tube at the coastal merch. All 5 hit, tanker went down fast, her back broken strangely because the second eel was aimed at her engine room at the stern. The coastal merchant caught one in the bow and Rodney two amidships disabling her. I dove after firing but not fast enough as my flak gun scraped a passing Grainville overhead of us. Down to 170 and I reloaded my fore and aft tubes with the supplies on board. We avoided contact with the escorts completely and circled back around to take down Rodney with a coup de grace spread. Now here's where I screwed up. I surfaced thinking that she wasn't going to be an issue disabled in the water. http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n..._18548_593.jpg Fired off three and turned to vacate the area. As soon as the first hit Rodney was alive again. Her guns trained on me in an instant and since I lack a crash dive option my hands flew across the keyboard to get my boat under and safe. But the fun didn't stop there. I sunk like a stone. 3 blows later I was stable at periscope depth. My damage control team working wonders to keep the boat stable. After a couple more accidental surfaces we managed to get all the damage under control and evacuated the area at flank, with 3 Flower corvettes scouring our last known. To be safe from aircraft we took a far northly route before swinging back around south to head back to Wilhelmshaven. http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n...191021_359.jpg Rodney slips into her watery grave. http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n...1223_750-1.jpg The aftermath enroute Wilhelm. Total for the trip, around 50k of shipping, another Nelson under my belt, 22% hull integrity remaining, and no crew lost miracurously. |
Patrol 24 Kaleu Eckhard - U-68 - south-east Halifax Feb. 12th 1943 22:32 GMT Patrol 24 Kaleu Eckhard - U-68 - south-east Halifax Feb. 12th 1943 22:34 GMT
Patrol 24 Kaleu Eckhardt - U-68 - south-east Halifax Feb. 12th 1943 23:20 GMT |
Currently docked at Wilhelmshaven after our third patrol. It was our first through the English Channel. We got beat up pretty badly .. I um, well, tried sinking an armed trawler south of Dover, but my torpedo aim is pretty shoddy at best. :hmmm:
So, out of a great sense of duty to our people and of course the Reich we surfaced and engaged them with every slug-throwing weapon available. Managed to sink them after a long ten-minute engagement, and we suffered damage. No immediate crew losses, although the radio operator is likely to get his ticket home, back to Memmingen and his wife Elsa. The medic had to revive him a couple of times on the way back to port. Our sonar operator is having some "survivor" issues... he only suffered contusions and a puncture wound to the hindquarters. He managed to carry Otto (radio operator) out of the electronics compartment as everything caught fire. It's got him twisted up inside, understandably. However, as Kaleun I hope he doesn't become a liability to the boat. He is very capable in his duties, and would be a beneficial asset to any crew in the Kriegsmarine. The deck crew is the most admirable bunch I have ever worked with. One young man took to the guns with no protection... the watch chief had to chase him down and hand him the proper gear! Another, the loader, is in traction with a broken leg. Loyal to his crew. He refused any treatment, beyond bandaging, from our medic. He insisted that his share of medical care be given to Otto until our return to port. Then he went about his usual routine in the engine room. Spectacular lad! As for myself, I was reprimanded by my superiors. My actions as Kaleun, although glorious during their inception and execution, were "unbecoming of an officer of the Kriegsmarine". And I must admit to my own foolishness. I nearly lost the lives of over fifty men that night, for the destruction of one light warship. Life is a very demanding headmaster. We are planning a going-home party for Otto. Lucky sonofabitch. He gets to go back home to his woman. Many on my crew live it up as much as they can. Myself, to be perfectly honest.... I wish this were all over. I just cannot get past those milky eyes I saw on the seas that day. |
U338 VIIC 7. Flotilla Bergen
Left bergen on 16.dec.44.
5.JAN.45 Present position is Grid AL34 (South of Island/Iceland). Patrol directives complete. U338 is enroute back to Bergen. No contact with any enemy vessels thus far. Regularly crash diving to avoid aircraft. Will make a short detour towards Island/Iceland in hopes of finding targets. We found, and sunk, a fishing boat on 6.jan.45. Daylight submerged attack with a FAT torpedo (Impact trigger. Depth 1 meter). I still can't believe it hit! Damn, was I proud of myself. 82 tons may be a joke in the early years, but in 1945, it's a big deal to sink anything. Prior to this, a tug boat was the littlest target I've ever even attempted with a torpedo. |
U-47 patrol 8. Flotilla changed from 2nd to 7th.
U-47 is back at sea and has just had another escape from prowling surface forces this time a duo of Black Swans and a Flower. I made contact with a convoy sliding into the AMs off Ireland, got their course as 357 at 6 knots, jetted off ahead to attack. Made it into position and slunk into the innards of the convoy. Fired off a pair of eels at a mid cargo, they hit and detonated. Just after they did I fired off a pair of eels at an Ore Carrier that appeared to be carrying something other than Ore (Aircraft bound for Britain, its August 1940) before firing off my final eel from tube 5 at a fast moving Black Swan coming in from my rear. Down scope and dive to 180m. The mid cargo sunk like a stone, her back broken. The Ore carrier was nailed by both eels, she took on a list to starboard that she never pulled out of, a load of Spits for the RAF gone. The Black Swan dodged my incoming torpedo (which I expected) and bore down on me. He put a load of DCs over my head. But at 180 which was below his hydro and adsic range I didn't get hit at all. After an hour of continued DC runs from another DD and a Flower they finally vacated the area. I came back up to periscope depth and after a quick check of the area surfaced and headed off at full to have another crack at the convoy a few hours later at night, when they turn for the British coast. |
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