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Wow! I missed the passing of a Good Guy.
Rest in Peace My Friend! You are missed. :wah: |
Crashing issue
This mod is great and I really enjoy it. But i've had an issue that (seemingly at random) it crashes on loading, but only after exiting the game. Whether this be after the end of a patrol or in the middle of one, the game crashes when loading and always right before its finished or just after the text on screen appears.
This has happened with mods installed, uninstalled and reinstalled and after several reinstalls of the mod and the core game itself there doesn't seem to be much of a difference and I can't find this specific issue anywhere. Nor did i have any issue installing the game other then loading in. Does anyone know this issue? --------------------------------- Dieser Mod ist großartig und ich genieße es wirklich. Aber ich hatte ein Problem, dass es (scheinbar zufällig) beim Laden abstürzt, aber erst nach dem Beenden des Spiels. Ob nach dem Ende einer Patrouille oder mitten in einer, das Spiel stürzt beim Laden ab und immer kurz bevor es fertig ist oder kurz nachdem der Text auf dem Bildschirm erscheint. Dies ist bei installierten, deinstallierten und neu installierten Mods passiert, und nach mehreren Neuinstallationen des Mods und des Kernspiels selbst scheint es keinen großen Unterschied zu geben, und ich kann dieses spezielle Problem nirgendwo finden. Ich hatte auch kein Problem damit, das Spiel zu installieren, außer es zu laden. Kennt jemand dieses Problem? (sorry if its poorly translated I don't speak german) |
Welcome aboard
Happens to me also. |
---------------------- Das war meine Annahme, aber ich versuche herauszufinden, wie man wiederholte Abstürze verhindert. |
Do NOT save near any ships... sunk or still on the surface... & NOT with any aircraft about, either. With high use of TC... wait at bare minimum of 3 minutes BEFORE doing a save... after doing a quick drop to periscope depth... to ensure of NO ships about... This also goes for resurfacing... of making sure of NO aircraft about. DO NOT save, while submerged... either.! Best locations to be when you go to do a save, after surfacing from the sonar check & no ships or planes are about... is: Control room or Nav map. After saving... wait at least another base minimum of 3 minutes... I strongly recommend 5... minutes, "before & after" coming out of high TC use... :yep: Following these, simple save rules... will help... :shucks: They've worked for Me, of not running into crashes or corrupted saves. :shucks: :Kaleun_Salute: M. M. |
And what does TC Mean? Thanks. ------------- Hmm, ich habe viele dieser Lösungen ausprobiert und die meisten davon unbewusst eingesetzt, was geholfen hat. Aber mein Hauptproblem ist, dass das Spiel vor oder nach einer Patrouille abstürzt, was die meisten Abstürze verursacht und normalerweise nach zwei / drei Patrouillen auftritt. Und was bedeutet TC? Danke. |
[QUOTE=irishskysail;2788941]This mod is great and I really enjoy it. But i've had an issue that (seemingly at random) it crashes on loading, but only after exiting the game. Whether this be after the end of a patrol or in the middle of one, the game crashes when loading and always right before its finished or just after the text on screen appears.
Does anyone know this issue? --------------------------------- Yes. If you start Task Master and you see Gaming Services running. SH3 will crash with the report that the game is already running or something like that, been a long time for me but definitely Gaming Services is running and it is the trouble. You can usually fix this temporarily by restarting the computer. You can prevent Gaming Services from starting for a more semi permanent resolution. Doing this will only start the Gaming Services service when it is specifically called for by a game. I think for me it was XBOX. I use a program called Process Lasso to prevent Gaming Services from automatically running. I used the "Disallow Service" option in Process Lasso. Process Lasso is a free program but you can choose to give the author a token if you find it useful. I donated $10.00 USD years ago and now it automatically updates when a new feature has been added.. NICE! :salute: I hope this helps, I think this will help with this issue. One caution. Process Lasso is very powerful, you can brick Windows with it. Requiring a restore to get it working again. Don't mess around with Windows Services. |
I am glad to see the forum back up and running. I think Urmel would approve of the community keeping on with the mod. I posted a query a bit ago regarding changing the formal photo of Doenitz that is on the wall of the radio room. I'd like to insert a family photo instead. Did that with SH3 with no problem, but when I do so here I get an old glamour shot from somewhere. How can I override that and drop in a Paint program photo of ones choosing? Anyone know? Oh, and if/when some things are changed: when exiting Lorient the leading trawler always runs aground and explodes across from the sub pens. Is that programmed into the sequence purposely? And the burning vessels seem to burn endlessly. Maybe they should burn out after a set time period? Archive1 |
Rest in peace Urmel and thank you for all. I always loved your mod.
My understand from earlier input was that an updated version of LSH3 was going to be undertaken this year. Now that we have lost Urmel, is that still on the table? Or maybe is that now being addressed by the senior staff? I understand that I have no seniority to probe, but it would be useful for the regular users of the LSH3 Forum to have some insight. If there is no intention/or ability to update, then there would be no reason for us to upload areas that we believe might need work. I just hate to bother you all with observations of things that could be worked on, when that is not on the table. Obviously not any priority. Merely wish to help. Pros't, Archive1 |
Raised my periscope and discovered something I have never seen before
Raised my periscope and discovered something I have never seen before. Archive propaganda film of a Type IX U-BOAT with deck gun crew at work.
enjoy :Kaleun_Salute: |
Dark Seas Type XXI documentary
A special campaign should be written in which the type XXI is combat ready as soon as early 1943... :yep:
All you have to do is change it's availability date in basic.cfg and assign it to a flotilla(s). But it's already earlier (1944) than in history in the game. :hmmm: |
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