Good job!
Here he is in my library :up:
https://www.hostpic.org/images/1911182225400126.jpg |
Oh.. my... GOD... Can one have a Submarine orgasm? Apperently so....
Two questions: 1. Save game? I would be nice if Capitain can save a game in a situation when he's not detected and follows a Convoy 2. CampaignCampaignCampaign....... My best regards. Thank you guys I do appreciate your work. PS... A hydrophone is AMAZING, depth control WOW... I take a week holiday to play all the time 24h patrol with my son and one of my friends. Thank you!!!! |
We use a modded version of the game, we use enigma, hell we even have crews learning celestial navigation! For each, at their own pace. Check us out! https://www.subsim.com/radioroom/forumdisplay.php?f=297 |
I bought the game a few minutes ago. I am very happy to be part of this amazing community.
:Kaleun_Salute: |
Weekly update
Hello everyone!
We are still working on terrain generation and we're making progress. This is an early rendition of a section of the Scapa flow map. https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/stea...686665a506.png |
: Kaleun_Applaud:
Weekly update
Hello everyone!
This week we've focused less on the map and more on the actual terrain. This is a work-in-progress screenshot of a small section of the Scapa flow level. https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/stea...f217ba0c49.png |
Is it possible to sail around the world, or are there hard limits to the map?
In the current state I calculated you can run 9 hours at top speed of 18 knots between either edges of the spawn region. So 300km square. Obviously we will have to see what they make of the Scapa Flow region.
Wolfpack offers only missions on special designed map area. BTW. I'm suppose that this is a reason why Wolfpack cannot support the curve of globe. So this picture like this will be not possible: https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qim...e13c93af6.webp |
Sail around the world? Has anyone ever done that in a submarine sim in real time?
Weekly update
Hello everyone! This week we've made some further progress generating terrain.
https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/stea...bd8ffde7bc.png |
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