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Eisenwurst 04-04-20 09:48 PM

A Quick Trip Around The World.
What's it like where you are?

Quarantine/Lockdown/Curfew ????

I hope you're all doing ok.

Down here in Sydney there's plenty food ( only in supermarkets/takeaways from cafes ). 99% of people doing Social Distancing/Masks. Not really a Ghost town but quiet.

5 big cruise ships that were hanging around off the harbour wanting to enter but were refused permission, were finally reprovisioned ( can't spell ) after entering the harbour, and sent on their way to their home ports, after a mammoth all night operation.

The building where I live, people are checking on each other - food/TP , everyone ok. Nice.

What's it like in LA - Mr Quatro, vienna ???

Onkel Neil - in Texas ???

Jimbuna in Newcastle ???

Eichhornchen in The Fens ??? Plenty nuts ??

Aktung in Napa ???

Reece in WoopWoop ???

I don't want to do a Roll Call...but you get the picture.

I hope we all get through it OK. :up:

Onkel Neal 04-04-20 10:09 PM

Out here in Cougar Trap, Texas. A cold front came in, temps are in the 60s, raining. We have been isolated here on the ranch for 4 weeks today, have not eaten in a restaurant, or been to a shop. Shot a wild hog last week, daily gathering eggs from the chickens. Finally figured out how to get books from the library onto my Kindle Fire a couple weeks ago, so reading a book every 2 days FREE. Lotsa time testing Wolfpack, watching Halt and Catch Fire.

That's all to report from South Texas. Over to Nikki Mcbee

Aktungbby 04-04-20 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Eisenwurst (Post 2660300)

Aktung in Napa ???

total lockdown; essential forays outside the home only for groceries. POLICE ENFORCEMENT of lockdown. 15 confirmed cases; two distancing is the new normal.

Mr Quatro 04-04-20 10:57 PM

I use to live in Los Angeles, worked there, loved it there and left there :up:

It's okay where I live now, quite, rural, no traffic, only one gas station we all stay away from due to you know why (Ccvid-19) :o

Fedex is my only friend now delivering weekly from Walmart :yep:

Reece 04-04-20 11:32 PM

Everything OK here in the Mid North of South Australia though the lock downs are getting tighter, so far can still get essentials (except toilet paper).
Hope all is well with you mate, stay safe. :up:
I'll be glad when things get back to normal, if ever, I hate the borders being closed!!

thasaint 04-04-20 11:44 PM

I'm in Queens, NYC. My in-laws live across the street from Elmhurst Hospital, THE hospital fighting this thing. It's pretty creepy, it's like a Ghost town everywhere here in NYC. Empty streets, very few cars on the roads. I know a couple of people who have died, many more infected. I have asthma, get bronchitis 2 or 3 times a year. Been told by my doc before he fears I'm slipping towards COPD. Wife is pregnant. We're trying to stay inside, and when we do go out, N95 masks, and surgical gloves. Have to go out and shop for my in-laws, we don't want them going out in the neighborhood that's been hardest hit. We've tried to get as much as possible for ourselves and them to limit our time outside.
Wife is working from home, I'm out on worker's comp, had spine surgery on my neck a month ago, so thankfully it's not hurting us financially.

Digital_Trucker 04-05-20 12:37 AM

Fitty miles north of Atlanta, GA on I-85 (Winder)
All my observations are second hand, I'm not allowed to leave the house, lol

Kinda eerie around here. No traffic, I'm serious, six AM in the middle of Atlanta and nobody out and about. So far we're doing well but my oldest grandson (twenty something) just came home from work today not feeling well. Ironically, his job lately was wiping the warehouse down to keep the other employees from getting sick. Hoping and praying he's just got a bad cold.

So far no need to start dressing up like Mr Rockatansky but you never know if it goes on too much longer.

Hope everyone is well in SubSim land.:Kaleun_Salute:

les green01 04-05-20 01:00 AM

I'm doing ok but I live in a rural county with one death that I know of went on unemployment since early March Knew it was coming so I tighten up the belt at nights for lights I use kerosene oil lamps for food I been living on the 6 deer I got with the bow and rifle last fall the lake about 15 feet from the house so been doing a lot of fishing if I get to bored I go out to the garage to work on the 48 ford truck I got

elanaiba 04-05-20 02:05 AM

locked down in Bucharest ... you can get out around the house or to work / shopping, with the proper self-produced paperwork. "I promise I need to go out" and all that. Still haven't been checked since that happened.

Two days ago had to take the Skoda to her yearly checkup and certification and came back on the bike. Felt like holiday.

They closed down the parks. We live near the biggest in Bucharest, and this sucks. Kids take it well all considering but it's bad for them to stay inside. Fortunately we have a bit of balcony.

The "funny" thing is I might have come back with "it" from the US, on the 3rd of March. Been to Boston to PAX EAST - so lots of people met + layover in London. Came home, one colleague was sick, then it hit me and the other with various degrees of fever, headache, cough. Went away after 1 week for me, 1 day for the other. State wouldn't test cause 'cause not Italy/China stops. Went to a private clinic and they didn't have thetest but did some blood work and it was not flu. They said its probably not Corona. Hope it was, in a way. Nobody in the family caught it, though, or no signs of it, so it probably wasn't.

Catfish 04-05-20 03:56 AM

We are doing ok, rural area near Hannover, Germany. No real lockdown here. You can go out alone, as a pair, or with the family, but should maintain distance to others. Police cannot be everywhere and it is based on voluntary cooperation. Doing some garden work over the weekend, baking, cooking. Repaired the 11-year old coffee dispenser. Watching videos on YouTube about ancient Rome now and then :up:

Most shops closed, except food/markets and (reopened since yesterday) hardware stores/building centres here in Niedersachsen. Distance has to be kept in the stores, everyone should take a trolley to keep some distance.
So no cafés, cinema, museum, pubs, restaurants, and no shortages except toilet paper and yeast :doh:
A local jewelry store has arranged its stuff on toilet paper rolls as decoration :D

Still cars on the streets, if a bit less.

Working in a small company, the bureaus are well apart of each other, so no problem with distances.. still three days a week home office via Laptop and VPN now. Much less hectic.

Hope you are all doing well and get over this !

Eisenwurst 04-05-20 04:15 AM

What a great global community. "thasaint" I hope things get better real quick where you are. Digital_Trucker i hope it's just a cold. "elanaiba" good luck. Les,Onkel,Catfish,Aktung,Mr Q,.....everyone :Kaleun_Salute:

Reece , good to touch base with an Aussie..I too miss my freedom to roam.

Niedowidek 04-05-20 04:23 AM

All hands in good health here, including ship's cat. The vessel is a town near Warsaw, Poland. I'm working from home. It was always quiet here now it's a bit more.

Jimbuna 04-05-20 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by Eisenwurst (Post 2660300)
Jimbuna in Newcastle ???

South Shields (population approx. 75000) ten miles east of the city of Newcastle.

Today will complete week two of the wife and my lockdown. The town is pretty much quiet as one can imagine and bus services are down to a Sunday timetable (one an hour).

The first week everything was in short supply due to idiot hoarders despite the fact we have supermarkets in double figure numbers hereabouts but everything has settled down now and the cupboards and chest freezers are sufficiently stocked as they always are.

Our kids do the shopping my wife asks of them but if I'm to be totally honest here I've been out a couple of times for my 'essentials' so no prizes for guessing :03: The kids would go mad if they ever found out.


Admiral8Q 04-05-20 08:44 AM

Prince Edward Island, Canada. The nice thing about an island is it's easy to shut off incoming traffic. Only three ways in. The 9 mile long bridge, the ferry, or the airport. All shut down to the public now.
I'm fine, but my mother is in the hospital with that virus. She's in Europe.

STEED 04-05-20 09:12 AM

Jim, lockdown starting Monday night. :03:

I was in my town picking up my medical subscription that morning before Boris did his evening broadcast. :03:

Life here not good, over 700 cases in Hertfordshire which means you can say 1000 easy with the unreported cases. Watford General Hospital has closed its doors, no new cases what so ever! Lister Hospital next nearest some 10 miles or more up the road. Thanks to bloody governments over the years turning most of the Hospitals around here into clinics.

Supermarkets range from half full to two thirds, big shortage of toilet rolls, soap, pain killers. Most people obeying the rules apart from the bleeding heart liberals going around saying..."its my right i can do what i like"

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