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Task Force 04-19-09 04:24 PM

Yea, No one walked out of that campaign without crashing..

And the uss generic of the (what was it again) class battleship.:rotfl:

@ raptor. Your sig has been attacked by the little red X.

Kptlt. Neuerburg 04-19-09 09:41 PM

Uh oh Raptor the commie spys got your sig!!!!!

Raptor1 04-19-09 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Kptlt. Hellmut Neuerburg (Post 1087088)
Uh oh Raptor the commie spys got your sig!!!!!

It's IE, stupid Microsofts

I'll fix it... :nope:

EDIT: Should be fixed now

Geno_Mariner 04-20-09 02:32 AM

Had a play on Heroes of the Pacific this noon, was playing the training mode and came out with a flaming P-40 :rotfl: With damages almost at max (even the tiniest scrape will blow me to pieces). Had several close calls (at which point I was swearing). And here's a screenie XD

I accidentially screencapped on top of the cap I got of the moment my plane went on fire :x It happened when I stalled badly and tried to pull up. Hit the ground but I managed to pull up :o
However my main annoyance with this game is the landings are easy. You just follow a waypoint to the strip and it'd just land the plane for you :stare:
Hope to get IL2 pretty soon too (and a joystick :doh:)

Oberon 04-20-09 07:09 AM

Yes, that looks like a Lolwaffle Success story there... :hmmm::haha:

Raptor1 04-20-09 08:16 AM

And that is precisely why Schultz uses his tag-phrase, NICHT LANDEN!

Geno_Mariner 04-20-09 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Oberon (Post 1087230)
Yes, that looks like a Lolwaffle Success story there... :hmmm::haha:

:haha: Indeed XD

Got plans to have some more playing this noon. The shooting part is hard with a mouse (I shall have to check the controls) :stare:

Task Force 04-20-09 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Oberon (Post 1087230)
Yes, that looks like a Lolwaffle Success story there... :hmmm::haha:

Yep, if it aint missing wings, or rolling down the runway on fire... its not a genuine lolwaffle aircraft.:rotfl:

Geno_Mariner 04-21-09 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by Task Force (Post 1087589)
Yep, if it aint missing wings, or rolling down the runway on fire... its not a genuine lolwaffle aircraft.:rotfl:

It was on fire but I was seconds too slow to cap it :doh: Because when it went to the "success" cut scene, the fire was gone :damn:
But we'll see next time XD

Raptor1 04-21-09 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by Task Force (Post 1087589)
Yep, if it aint missing wings, or rolling down the runway on fire... its not a genuine lolwaffle aircraft.:rotfl:

Do not forget the traditional 109 landing with smashed undercarriage

TarJak 04-25-09 07:41 PM

Finally finished my JG53 skin. Weathering will be done a bit later on as it's just out of the paint shop:

Kratos 04-26-09 10:01 AM

Looking good T.J. :up:

TarJak 04-27-09 01:30 AM


Just noticed a touch of yellow on the trailing edge of the elevator. Will have to sort that out then will be finished bar weathering.:D

Dowly 04-27-09 02:12 AM

Nice! :yeah:

HunterICX 04-27-09 03:38 AM

:up: Nice job on that skin


Kratos 04-28-09 08:07 AM

Torps Away

Its a runner

Its a hit

She's going down

Stealth Hunter 05-03-09 09:17 PM

A small scrap between Sopwith Camels and Fokker D.VIIs:

You know you're in trouble when your cockpit breaks off from the rest of the plane:

TarJak 05-04-09 07:37 AM

Gefreiter Gerhard Schweinbach brings down a P38 over Southern Italy July 1943:

Final version of my 109 skin with repositioned markings and low level weathering and grease marks:

Desert version of my 109 skin. Now working on a winter version:

Jimbuna 05-08-09 02:31 PM

The new server address for GWX TeamSpeak is:

TarJak 05-13-09 07:44 AM

Winter version:

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