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nikimcbee 04-30-07 05:03 PM

What's your favorite WW2 fighter?

Dowly 05-01-07 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by nikimcbee
What's your favorite WW2 fighter?

Few weeks ago I would have said the Zero, but now, I say that either the Spitfire or the FockeWulf 190. :up:

Sir Big Jugs 05-01-07 09:04 AM

Spitfire, blah.
FW 190, blah.
Real men fly the KI-27!

Dowly 05-01-07 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Sir Big Jugs
Spitfire, blah.
FW 190, blah.
Real men fly the KI-27!

But the good pilots know better not to take plane that cant even win a fight with a fly. ;)

Sir Big Jugs 05-01-07 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Dowly

Originally Posted by Sir Big Jugs
Spitfire, blah.
FW 190, blah.
Real men fly the KI-27!

But the good pilots know better not to take plane that cant even win a fight with a fly. ;)

Wanna duel?:|\\

danlisa 05-01-07 10:25 AM

Ha! If you're gonna fly the KI-27 then Dowly will smoke you, in fact Hunter probably could too.:lol: Pbbffftttt

Pssst, Dowly, If you do, make sure you are recording, this I gotta see.:shifty:


Sir Big Jugs 05-01-07 10:31 AM

Well danlisa, what about you?:lol:
Care for a duel?:ping:

danlisa 05-01-07 10:36 AM

Hehe, if I was at home, I would gladly take your little plane apart with my B-24.:rotfl:

How fast can the KI-27 go?:hmm:

HunterICX 05-01-07 10:41 AM

:smug:SBJ where are yoooouu.... :lol:

Sir Big Jugs 05-01-07 10:44 AM

We are experiencing technical difficulties, please try again later. (I'm outta here!)

HunterICX 05-01-07 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Sir Big Jugs
We are experiencing technical difficulties, please try again later. (I'm outta here!)

:x Aw Dammit!, your just a chicken comon I will host a game anytime just give a shout :arrgh!:

danlisa 05-01-07 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Sir Big Jugs
We are experiencing technical difficulties, please try again later. (I'm outta here!)

Sir Big Jugs 05-01-07 11:10 AM

To get back on topic...
Here's a pic edit I just found, I made it ~1year ago.

Dowly 05-01-07 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Sir Big Jugs

Originally Posted by Dowly

Originally Posted by Sir Big Jugs
Spitfire, blah.
FW 190, blah.
Real men fly the KI-27!

But the good pilots know better not to take plane that cant even win a fight with a fly. ;)

Wanna duel?:|\\


Dowly 05-06-07 07:49 AM

Escorting Danlisa's JU88

Flying towards enemy lines with Shadow from the 357th FS

Dowly 05-06-07 04:18 PM

Online GunCam compilation part 2: :up:

eddie 05-07-07 01:57 PM

Delivering some WP during a CAS mission!!:D

HunterICX 05-08-07 03:41 AM

:up: Eddie,

seems to be that you are celebrating New year already:rotfl:

Dowly 05-08-07 08:07 AM

Lzs von swe 05-08-07 10:38 AM

Dowly, that´s amazing:sunny:

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