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Jimbuna 01-15-14 12:22 PM

Certainly brings back the memories.

Lionclaw 01-15-14 01:33 PM

Biggles 01-22-14 09:19 AM

My ongoing AAR for WOFF:

hawk2495 01-23-14 07:41 AM

Oooh, might need to do some Hawg flying this week/weekend...

CCIP 03-22-14 07:56 AM

P-3 Search

I decided to go on a real-time simulated flight to hunt for MH370 in the current search area, on a USN P-3C (wanted to fly as RAAF, but unfortunately wasn't able to find a repaint for this lovely aircraft). Here are the results!
We begin our journey from RAAF Pearce Base, near Perth, where the search efforts are focused. Boarding the aircraft shortly before 9am (local time).
Ready to start. We won't be the first aircraft on station today, and expect to arrive on station at around 1pm.
Powering up the engines.
Taxiing out from the ramp.
Climbing into the sky with a full load of fuel - aircraft is a little heavy.
Leaving Perth behind...
...and heading into the open ocean
A 4-hour trip to our distant search quadrant awaits us.

The media seem to often refer to the location as being "near the Australian coast". Here is how "near" it actually is:
Arriving in the search area, we find that it's a bit cloudy down below
Descending into snow/rain squalls to get below the clouds and begin our search.
Normally, the P-3 shuts down one or two engines while searching (to save fuel and improve loiter time); unfortunately feathering a prop in FS doesn't stop it from spinning (at least graphically - the physics effect seems to be correct), but as you can see from the instruments, I've done just that while preparing for our search.
For the first part of the search, conditions are not very good. There are squalls in the area and we drop down to 1500ft to get a better view.
However, soon afterwards, the squalls clear up...
And we get our first sighting!

CCIP 03-22-14 07:57 AM
It's the Norwegian freighter (car carrier) MV Saint Petersburg, the first ship to arrive in the search area.
Compare to the real picture:
With the visibility improved, we climb up to 5000ft and continue our search.
However, no other sightings besides the St. Petersburg are made - just miles of endless ocean, far away from any land.
After almost 3 hours in the search area, we start getting low on fuel, so I get all our engines back online, climb over the clouds, and head back to Perth at almost 30000ft.
Soon, the sun begins setting already.
Sunset over a very remote part of the ocean.
We make our way back towards Perth in the dark.
Lined up on final to Pearce, more than 11 hours after we took off from the same runway.
Taxiing back to the ramp...
And that completes our flight for today. The real crew would be ready to fly againt he next morning.

Hope you enjoyed it! :up:

Red October1984 03-22-14 05:34 PM

Nice flight! I'm sure that was fun to sit through. :)

CCIP 03-23-14 12:34 AM

Haha, who said I was sitting? :P (I work from a stand-up desk these days). It didn't stop me from cooking a couple of meals, going out to the store, and taking a nap, lol

Jimbuna 03-23-14 07:31 AM

Most interesting :cool:

Herr-Berbunch 03-23-14 09:56 AM

Great stuff. Although be aware these screenies will no doubt end up on some news channel as genuine footage. :)

Red October1984 03-23-14 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by CCIP (Post 2189271)
Haha, who said I was sitting? :P (I work from a stand-up desk these days). It didn't stop me from cooking a couple of meals, going out to the store, and taking a nap, lol

I would love to see the reaction of air passengers if the pilot said that over the intercom.

I would almost pay to see that.

CCIP 03-23-14 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Red October1984 (Post 2189553)
I would love to see the reaction of air passengers if the pilot said that over the intercom.

I would almost pay to see that.

To be fair, the standard P-3 crew has 3 pilots on board, just 1 of whom can perfectly well fly the aircraft on his own if needed. And for airline flights of more than 8-10 hours, there's always a relief crew - and again, only one pilot needed at the controls for the cruise stages of flight.

Now, the guys I don't envy are some of the bomber pilots. B-2s routinely fly 20+ hour missions with only two crew, no relief pilots, just taking turns at power naps - that's stamina!

Red October1984 03-23-14 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by CCIP (Post 2189576)
Now, the guys I don't envy are some of the bomber pilots. B-2s routinely fly 20+ hour missions with only two crew, no relief pilots, just taking turns at power naps - that's stamina!

I know somebody who is related to one of them.

Sounds really really fun to be honest. Leave in the really early morning, fly to the middle east, blow crap up, come home for dinner. :D

EDIT: Man get on Skype sometime! I've got fast enough internet to talk!

CCIP 03-26-14 12:03 AM

I'll try and get back :D Like I said, just been really busy...


Meanwhile, that thought with the bombers and stuff sort of got planted into my head :O:

Red October1984 03-26-14 05:47 PM

Ah...the B-1!

I love flying the B-1 on "missions" in FS2004. It's quite fun.

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