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HunterICX 01-26-12 02:05 PM

While performance tweaking CloD I did some missions and grabbed the E-3 with the Priller skin (thanks Oberon :yeah:)

First I was like:

Then I was like :cool: having a chill flight back to base:

and then I was all like...

Lolwaffle :yeah:


hawk2495 01-26-12 05:59 PM

I'm glad you guys can get CoD to function right. I can't get the bloody game to hold configs. It hates my Warthog, my CH fighterstick even more. The software ignores deadzones that I either setup in game, or with my controllers' software. It looks great, but I have never had so many issues with a sim before. I would say it is hardware, but IL2 1946, A-10C, and BS all read my sticks correctly..

Oberon 01-26-12 08:05 PM

:har: Good work Hunter, I must try landing with the 109, see how fragile that undercarriage really is :D

Hawk, yeah CloD is a intemperate mistress and it's questionable how much more support she is going to get after Battle for Moscow comes out, but there's a lot of promise there. I just wish I could get a few more frames out of her...but I think it's a OS issue (again).

Herr-Berbunch 01-26-12 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Oberon (Post 1828029)
but I think it's a OS issue (again).

You know what to do about it! ;)

64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit

HunterICX 01-26-12 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Oberon (Post 1828029)
:har: Good work Hunter, I must try landing with the 109, see how fragile that undercarriage really is :D

That's why he was talking to Kurt Tank in this picture...talking about undercarriages and their wonderfull performances they show in the Lolwaffles. Hell we're the best pilots for designers like Kurt to make sure we test every part of the plane to it's maximum extend :shucks:

I must say getting to understand the BF109 E3 a lot more how to use the right pitch in what I do (combat, cruise, landing) I really like to fly it.
Though I really must stop trying to get into turnfights with a spit...I ain't going to win that EVER! :rotfl2:

Got into one a earlier with a Spit...but he didn't shot me down :O:
we both spiralled down to very low altitude near the coastal cliffs as he was fighting to stay out of my sights I was fighting to keep the thing under my control as it tended to flip and spiral down into water...when I did lose it a bit I managed to recover the aircraft but unfortunately I did not recover from the smack I made into the cliffs of Dover that followed shortly after :haha:


Oberon 01-26-12 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Herr-Berbunch (Post 1828047)
You know what to do about it! ;)

64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit

The opportunities for this seem to have improved slightly, but we shall see what the spring brings, this time of year it's primarily sacrified to the Gods of the 1800s.

Yeah, our house still runs on coal heating... :doh:

Oberon 01-26-12 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by HunterICX (Post 1828058)
That's why he was talking to Kurt Tank in this picture...talking about undercarriages and their wonderfull performances they have in the Lolwaffles. Hell we're the best pilots for designers like Kurt to make sure we test every part of the plane to it's maximum extend :shucks:

I must say getting to understand the BF109 E3 a lot more how to use the right pitch in what I do (combat, cruise, landing) I really like to fly it.
Though I really must stop trying to get into turnfights with a spit...I ain't going to win that EVER! :rotfl2:

Got into one a earlier with a Spit...but he didn't shot me down :O:
we both spiralled down to very low altitude near the coastal cliffs as he was fighting to stay out of my sights I was fighting to keep the thing under my control as it tended to flip and spiral down into water...when I did lose it a bit I managed to recover the aircraft but unfortunately I did not recover from the smack I made into the cliffs of Dover that followed shortly after :haha:


:haha: Yes, we test every plane to destruction...and then beyond!

You crashed into the cliffs of Dover? We're going to have to fine you for littering, you know that... :nope:

HunterICX 01-26-12 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Oberon (Post 1828064)
You crashed into the cliffs of Dover? We're going to have to fine you for littering, you know that... :nope:

Over my dead body!



CCIP 01-27-12 02:42 AM

You can always count on German engineering (look at that completely reversable rudder!), and the Lolwaffles to make full use of it :O:

Early morning flight:

Eastern seaboard down below:

Arriving in Washington DC:

seaniam81 01-27-12 05:58 AM

Nice shots CCIP. And I just noticed your down the road from me (401). Anyways do you just like US Airways or do you fly for a VA?

CCIP 01-27-12 10:50 AM

Good old 401 and all the time I've spent on it :O:

It's sort of like my one-man VA - I always fly actual scheduled routes and use FSPassengers, and so it only made sense that I would want to get in on an airline and stick with it. I ended up semi-randomly picking US airways back in the day (liked their early 2000s livery on some of the first payware planes I bought), and have since flown 400+ hours on Boeing and Embraer jets doing their routes. I keep meaning to add Airbus to that list, but keeping my skills sharp in even a couple of complex planes is enough work!

I might join an actual VA someday, but I like the flexibility of managing my own rules.

Schroeder 01-27-12 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by HunterICX (Post 1828058)
That's why he was talking to Kurt Tank in this picture...talking about undercarriages and their wonderfull performances they show in the Lolwaffles. Hell we're the best pilots for designers like Kurt to make sure we test every part of the plane to it's maximum extend :shucks:

Er... Kurt Tank designed the 190 not the 109....or did I miss something....:hmmm:

HunterICX 01-27-12 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Schroeder (Post 1828389)
Er... Kurt Tank designed the 190 not the 109....or did I miss something....:hmmm:

:O: Ofcourse I know that...

I was reffering to undercarriages in general.


TarJak 01-27-12 04:11 PM

Good to see the Lolwaffle traditions being upheld.:haha:

seaniam81 01-27-12 07:01 PM

I fly for Pacific Airways (as the LAX Hub Director).
PMDG 737NGX on short final for LAX. LOVE the HUD!

Departing LAX in a 767 in Pacific Cargo colours.

A2A B-17 in a custom paint

B-17 showing off the custom paint's nose art (Simone from Epica)

A2A Spit

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