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Usurpator 12-29-23 10:01 AM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

For those of you who have played the new open beta the past week, we really hope you've enjoyed it so far. We are currently working on fixing remaining bugs and polish leading up to the main release of version 0.26.

Happy new year!

The Wolfpack Team

Usurpator 01-05-24 01:55 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

We're finally back in office after the holidays, our current main priority is fixing issues to get the beta ready to deploy on the main branch.
We're aware of some issues with the recognition manual, they are getting fixed - don't worry!

Hope everyone has a great time in the beta,
happy weekend!

Usurpator 01-12-24 11:16 AM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Axel has reworked and fixed the filtering options for the recognition manual, and a build has been sent off to the testers for iteration. Oscar has been working on improving net code stability for the main release of version 0.26. Einar is modeling new assets for the U-boat.

ReallyDedPoet 01-16-24 06:10 PM

Thanks for the updates :yep::up:

Usurpator 01-19-24 11:59 AM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week we've addressed and improved the recognition manual filter, ensuring a smoother and more efficient experience. Stay tuned for upcoming quality of life features that will further improve the recognition manual in the coming weeks.
Work on the network issues are currently in progress, and we're expecting to deploy test builds to our testers soon.

Thank you for your continued support,
The Wolfpack Team

Usurpator 01-26-24 10:47 AM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Axel has almost wrapped up the recognition manual, with fixes for aspect ratios, some quality of life features suggested by testers and other minor bugfixes.
It's almost ready and will probably be released to the testers early next week, and hopefully to the open beta by next Friday.
Einar has begun work on a Type VIIC/41 exterior with a snorkel and radar. This will be available later in the war, when the allies have radar.

Usurpator 02-02-24 04:23 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Oscar has made good headway into a necessary refactoring of certain network code sections. This work involves separating the client code from the server code. This will fix the current network issue, as well as a host of other issues we have encountered during development. The most common issue being a disconnect from what the server sees and what the client sees.
Axel has had to postpone most of his work due to some mild seasonal flu, but should be back next week. Einar is working on the Type VIIC/41 exterior.

Usurpator 02-09-24 05:12 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Axel has continued the same work as last week. He had initially hoped to push another beta version to the testers at the end of this week, but some issues could not be remedied on time, and he's aiming for a test build early next week instead. Oscar is still refactoring the net code and Einar is working on the type VIIC/41 exterior.

Usurpator 02-16-24 10:43 AM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week work has been more or less the same as last week, Axel has pushed a build to the testers and received some feedback which is going to be addressed. Oscar is still refactoring the net code and Einar is working on the type VIIC/41 exterior. We had initially hoped to have another incremental update for the open beta, but we will move this up to next week instead.

Usurpator 02-23-24 06:02 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

Oscar has been sick this week, but is recovering and will hopefully be back next week! Axel is still working on UI fixes related to the recognition manual, mostly focusing on refactors and future-proofing in the underlying code architecture. Sadly this included postponing a planned test build until this work has been completed. Work on the VIIC/41 exterior is progressing.

Usurpator 03-01-24 01:10 PM

Weekly updates
Hello everyone!

This week Axel has pushed another build to the testers and received some feedback, and is now fixing the remaining issues. Oscar is back 100% refactoring the net code and Einar is working on the VIIC/41 exterior.

Usurpator 03-08-24 12:46 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

Today we have updated the open beta branch, with fixes and improvement for menues and the recognition manual.

We have more updates coming soon.

Hope you are enjoying the weekend,
The Wolfpack Team

Usurpator 03-15-24 10:29 AM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Axel has been investigating issues found in the previous build, fixing them as found, and preparing for re-releasing the build with some additional bug fixes added as well. We've also made some internal changes to our deployment pipeline to avoid similar issues again. Einar is making progress on the VIIC/41 exterior and Oscar is refactoring net code.

Usurpator 03-22-24 10:14 AM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Oscar has continued network refactoring, and is making rapid progress. Axel is wrapping up some issues before preparing for another test release, with the goal of moving the test build to the open beta as soon as possible. We expect to have more significant update content in the coming weeks.

Usurpator 03-29-24 11:12 AM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

We are still working on getting the new version ready for the main branch. Oscar is refactoring net code, Axel is fixing remaining bugs and Einar is modeling the VIIC/41 exterior.

Usurpator 04-05-24 01:25 PM

Weekly updates
Hello everyone!

Axel has continued work on some of the last remaining bugs in UI-areas (such as nameplates disappearing etc.) He has also started working on a texture streaming framework, intended to load height maps and other world location data at runtime as efficiently as possible - this will be used for creating land and more advanced AI navigation. Oscar is still refactoring net code. It is tedious, but it needs to be done and the final result will be great! Einar is working on the VIIC/41 exterior.

Usurpator 04-12-24 09:35 AM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Axel has continued work on the texture streaming framework. Oscar is still refactoring net code and is making progress. Einar is working on the VIIC/41 exterior.

Usurpator 04-19-24 10:20 AM

Weekly update
Hello Everyone!

This week Axel's continued working on the texture streaming framework, as well as looking into terrain loading/shaders. Oscar's making progress on the net code. It's getting there! Einar is unwrapping/texturing the VIIC/41 tower.

Usurpator 04-26-24 02:23 PM

Hello everyone! This week Oscar has continued work on the net code refactor - more details below. Axel has been on sick leave most of the week, but is continuing work on the global map and terrain planning. Einar has been finishing up the type VIIC/41 model.

FAQ about our progress and priorities:

Why do you have to refactor the code right now, can’t you just fix the bug and release the patch?

Refactoring code is a normal and necessary part of development and needs to happen periodically, because requirements change as the product matures. Right now, the net code is the oldest piece of code in the game. It was written seven years ago, when the game was in its infancy and everything worked very differently from the way it does now. This has caused several issues as time has passed, and is currently preventing us from expanding the design of the game.

Why is it taking so long to fix?
The net code affects most of the components in the game. Since we have to rewrite the components, we’ve decided to also make some structural changes to them, in preparation for future updates. This means it takes a bit longer now, but in return it enables improvements and speeds up upcoming releases. For example:

In the current version of the game, the player character is a property of the U-boat. This means that each U-boat has seven hidden player characters in it at all times, and when a player connects they possess one of these pawns. Each u-boat has exactly seven player slots, and the player character can’t leave the u-boat. This design is part of the legacy code that we are throwing out with this patch.

In the new version, the player character is its own object, separate from the u-boat, and the u-boat implements a generic container interface that can hold any number of players. This change means a couple of things:
It will be possible for the player character to be in different places than the u-boat, for example in the bunker, or in the water.
It will be very easy for us to add other vessels, like the Corvette and the Type VIIC/41 that Einar has modeled.
The u-boat (and other vessels) is no longer limited to 7 players, it can have as many players as we want.

How much work is left on this patch?

The netcode itself is finished, but all of the components that touch the net code need to be updated to work with the new system. Oscar has been implementing one system at a time.
These are done:
The water and weather system.
The player character
The propulsion system
The torpedo system/tdc
The electrical system.
Periscopes and depth keeping.

We still need the radio/sonar room and map to work before we can release the patch.

Thank you for your patience!

Usurpator 05-03-24 09:44 AM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Axel has returned to the UI temporarily to prepare some fixes for the new patches, and otherwise continued work with land and sea charts. Oscar has been working on the map implementation, it is almost finished. For more details, see the previous update.

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