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ZeeWolf 11-01-10 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by gordonvembu (Post 1526121)
Nope still crashes when i launch single player.

Ok then dl both files again I had to upload them again after I found another
screw up.

Priscalan 11-01-10 01:59 AM

:cry: hi Zee

The mail's link give: error404



ZeeWolf 11-01-10 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by LcSummers (Post 1526123)
PS: I am convinced the October Update is now ready for release :woot:
I have just a few minor details to attend to and then upload the new Alpha
October file (which takes 3hrs alone to do) so please be patient, believe me
I am working as hard as I possibly can and will rest when finally complete.

Hi ZW,

great news, October update and Normandy. Shermans cool. I like them too.:D

What about the update? Is it possible to remove Beta or can i overwrite the files?

Wich is better. If i have to remove those files, please ZW be so kind and make a list of those two or three updates that have to be removed so there will be no questions foe HOW TO DO THIS, THAT etc.....


Sorry LC I screw up a few files but it's ok to overwrite. I will have to upload the 320mg file again so meanwhile I have blocked anymore DLs.

ZW :zzz:

ZeeWolf 11-01-10 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by Priscalan (Post 1526125)
:cry: hi Zee

The mail's link give: error404



Try now :doh:

Priscalan 11-01-10 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by Priscalan (Post 1526125)
:cry: hi Zee

The mail's link give: error404



oups the link is now good


LcSummers 11-01-10 02:09 AM

Download is working now!!!!!:D

Is the flagmod included? (i think so):up:

Merci mon Genéral:salute:


PS: We all knew that you are working hard. Do not rush. Easy man, no problem at all. I can wait for the update. So patience is the best recept.

frinik 11-01-10 02:11 AM

LC Herbst New Panther
Quote "Hi frinic my old lost friend,

whats your pc making? Trouble? I keep the fingers crossed that everything is okay.
I need (if possible) your support in testing too.

Have you seen it? No more frogman, no more alarm, Panther fluten auf Geschützrohrtiefe gehen und den Ivan erschrecken!!!:hmmm:

Yeah or something like that.

LC "Unquote

Hi My Friend LC Herbst (Summer Is over didn't you know????) Please let's not scare Ivan too much I want to shoot some before they die of fright!

I already asked Zee to install a Schnorchel on your future Panther alongside the antenna of course( you can listen to Radio Berlin while on dive...).You 'll be the head of a new unit called provisionally UnterFlusseinsatzKampfeinheit LCH( your current initials) equipped with the brand new Schwamm & Tauch Panther designed by ZW himself:D

.Of course Admiral Doenitz is extremely interested in the experiment and has the OKW to re-assign you - in case of success - and your Panther to the UB bases of Brest or Lorient in order to join the Grey Wolves fighting the British and the Amis ships on the Atlantic....So it could be French girls and camenbert cheese for you soon my friend!

Re the help you can count on me 100% re the testing.( yes my pc is giving me grief.It's officiallly a lemon but I'll stick with it and make the best of of what has been a disastrous purchase).I am eagerly awaitring the October Alpha release.

Zee I see that people are interested in Normandy and that's great.Any plans for a limited Desert /North Africa campaign since the Tiger I took part in the final battles of the Akrika Korps in 1943?What about Italy where the Panthers and Tigers were used extensively? I personally like the Italian campaign better than the Normandy/NW Europe one but it's a matter of taste and I understand Zee that as a one-man operation you can't possibly satisfy everybody.So these are only questions not requests...:hmmm:

Cheers :salute:

ZeeWolf 11-01-10 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by LcSummers (Post 1526131)
Download is working now!!!!!:D

Is the flagmod included? (i think so):up:

Merci mon Genéral:salute:


PS: We all knew that you are working hard. Do not rush. Easy man, no problem at all. I can wait for the update. So patience is the best recept.

You betcha LC it's included and turned on too.:yeah:

Priscalan 11-01-10 02:20 AM

Salut Frinik,

heureux de te lire et je voudrai te poser une question:

j'ai installé Seven et ma souris ne répond pas dans t34, alors qu'elle est active dans windows... as-tu eu ce problème déjà?
je suis obligé de revenir a xp
Merci d'avance si tu peux me donner une solution:salute:

ZeeWolf 11-01-10 02:24 AM

Emergency Fix
Ok, I a fixed it with this Emergency file

Before you install go to "\T34vsTiger\Missions\Campaign_1\Mission_1" and delete the contents of that folder (all files).

Then Install this:

I'm dying :oops:


PS: It is vital you delete the files in the folder manually because I mixed the files when I accidentally pasted
two mission_2 files in the wrong folder

LcSummers 11-01-10 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1526133)
Quote "Hi frinic my old lost friend,

whats your pc making? Trouble? I keep the fingers crossed that everything is okay.
I need (if possible) your support in testing too.

Have you seen it? No more frogman, no more alarm, Panther fluten auf Geschützrohrtiefe gehen und den Ivan erschrecken!!!:hmmm:

Yeah or something like that.

LC "Unquote

Hi My Friend LC Herbst (Summer Is over didn't you know????) Please let's not scare Ivan too much I want to shoot some before they die of fright!

I already asked Zee to install a Schnorchel on your future Panther alongside the antenna of course( you can listen to Radio Berlin while on dive...).You 'll be the head of a new unit called provisionally UnterFlusseinsatzKampfeinheit LCH( your current initials) equipped with the brand new Schwamm & Tauch Panther designed by ZW himself:D

.Of course Admiral Doenitz is extremely interested in the experiment and has the OKW to re-assign you - in case of success - and your Panther to the UB bases of Brest or Lorient in order to join the Grey Wolves fighting the British and the Amis ships on the Atlantic....So it could be French girls and camenbert cheese for you soon my friend!

Re the help you can count on me 100% re the testing.( yes my pc is giving me grief.It's officiallly a lemon but I'll stick with it and make the best of of what has been a disastrous purchase).I am eagerly awaitring the October Alpha release.

Zee I see that people are interested in Normandy and that's great.Any plans for a limited Desert /North Africa campaign since the Tiger I took part in the final battles of the Akrika Korps in 1943?What about Italy where the Panthers and Tigers were used extensively? I personally like the Italian campaign better than the Normandy/NW Europe one but it's a matter of taste and I understand Zee that as a one-man operation you can't possibly satisfy everybody.So these are only questions not requests...:hmmm:

Cheers :salute:

Hi old friend,

i am glad that you are back:yeah:. LC Herbst? :hmmm: I thought in Summer the sun will always shine (on me:D) I like your humour. Its good to have some stuff to laugh about.

Schwamm and Tauchpanzer. Frinic but you have to manage this in that way that i can drop the Schwamm (like the Brits did with theit mines in their little submarine when they attacked the Tirpitz). I dont want to get stucked there in the depht. Sure you want to give me a Schnorchel BUT IT HAS TO BE 10 Meters minimum so i can put ZWs flag on it and put on some kill, sink marks:yep:

French girls and cheese, graet but some french purple crutches too:damn:

About Italy or Africa. What about every campaign???? I know its to much but i am interested in Italy, Africa, Normandy and Ardennes too. ZW wrote that the Tiger II is finished and with the Panther:yeah:.

I squeeze your lemon and give you a coconut:oops:, hope this will help you with your lemonbeast pc:|\\


gordonvembu 11-01-10 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1526137)
Ok, I a fixed it with this Emergency file

Before you install go to "\T34vsTiger\Missions\Campaign_1\Mission_1" and delete the contents of that folder (all files).

Then Install this:

ZW I'm dying :oops:

PS: It is vital you delete the files in the folder manually because I mixed the files when I accidentally pasted
two mission_2 files in the wrong folder

Nope, still crash to desktop.

ZeeWolf 11-01-10 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by gordonvembu (Post 1526141)
Nope, still crash to desktop.

Did you clear the cache folder?

LcSummers 11-01-10 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by gordonvembu (Post 1526141)
Nope, still crash to desktop.

Sputa si vous plait :haha:


gordonvembu 11-01-10 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1526143)
Did you clear the cache folder?

You were absolutely correct, after deleting the previous cache it is now working perfectly. Thank you.

ZeeWolf 11-01-10 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by gordonvembu (Post 1526146)
You were absolutely correct, after deleting the previous cache it is now working perfectly. Thank you.

Thank you Gordon, I will upload a new 320mg file that has the fixes :woot:

ZW :salute:

LcSummers 11-01-10 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1526143)
Did you clear the cache folder?

When trying to update with your October release the program asks me to overwrite writeprotected files.

I did.

I cleared cache and Mission 1 and installed FIX but duplicate CC1M2Atmosphere definition!!!


ZeeWolf 11-01-10 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by LcSummers (Post 1526148)
When trying to update with your October release the program asks me to overwrite writeprotected files.

I did.

I cleared cache and Mission 1 and installed FIX but duplicate CC1M2Atmosphere definition!!!


Lc are you sure you deleted the Campaign_1\Mission_1 files?

LcSummers 11-01-10 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by zeewolf (Post 1526152)
lc are you sure you deleted the campaign_1\mission_1 files?

yes zw;

but do i have to uninstall beta files?????? ( i used a new copy of TvT without beta files)


Priscalan 11-01-10 03:02 AM

Zee, like LC, but i have: duplicate class"CC1M2Content" definition

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