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morttheslayer 05-28-10 04:40 PM

Frinic Bad luck with the PC - bloody support gurus!!
Sorry to hear your bad start, very frustrating, I also had a few glitches and had to re-install the Asus installed Win7 prog. I backed up the reinstall on DVD in case of future problems and it took FOUR yes 4 discs!!!. Damn thing (Win7 home) comes with MS Office that you have to "buy" an activation key to enable - I didn't, so it bloats the system unnecessarily I think!!
Looks like they are reverting you back to square one with a recovery disc. Hopefuly this will sort the problem and you will be able to enter your own details yourself after recovery - best of luck mate.
All the Best - Mort :salute:

morttheslayer 05-28-10 04:47 PM

Zee how did you know I will be a torpedoman?
Zee - you must be psychic, I'm a torpedoman now!!!:D
How did you know I've just ordered Silent Hunter 4 Gold!!!!!! :arrgh!:
You're amazing :har:

Mrs Panzer Commander made a small whimpering noise when I informed her how much of a bargain it was!! She's been trying to get me to decorate the house for the last 5 years!!
I feel I might have to incorporate some home improvements into the Simulation programme or risk a "woman overboard" !!!!:haha:

Over and Out - Mort
Apologies for going right off topic!!!:salute:

ZeeWolf 05-28-10 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1405791)
Zee - you must be psychic, I'm a torpedoman now!!!:D
How did you know I've just ordered Silent Hunter 4 Gold!!!!!! :arrgh!:
You're amazing :har:

Mrs Panzer Commander made a small whimpering noise when I informed her how much of a bargain it was!! She's been trying to get me to decorate the house for the last 5 years!!
I feel I might have to incorporate some home improvements into the Simulation programme or risk a "woman overboard" !!!!:haha:

Over and Out - Mort
Apologies for going right off topic!!!:salute:

:har: Morty what can I say man? What, a Christmas tree isn't decorating the house any more? What the hell is this world coming to! :o
On the other hand, maybe it might be time to take Mrs Panzer Commander out for a pizza. :yep: Romance and smooth sailing go together like bread
and butter.


Dung_Beetle 05-28-10 06:07 PM

Murder on Hill 500
I keep getting killed in, the Hill 500, mission. I can't kill those last two tanks.

I need smoke to protect the column, and have to use that, high arcing, crappy ammo, 0365.

I'm starting to get tinnitus from the constant shell ejection. :88)

I'm really starting to love this game.:DL

ZeeWolf 05-28-10 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Dung_Beetle (Post 1405822)
I keep getting killed in, the Hill 500, mission. I can't kill those last two tanks.

I need smoke to protect the column, and have to use that, high arcing, crappy ammo, 0365.

I'm starting to get tinnitus from the constant shell ejection. :88)

I'm really starting to love this game.:DL

You have to escort the column, after you take out their immediate threat.
When you see the valley off the road on your left take it to move concealed until close enough to blast them.:up:


frinik 05-28-10 11:04 PM

Hill 500
Zee I tried that tactic ( escorting the column) and I alwys ended up destroyed.My own experience form playing that mission hundreds of times( I am not exaggerating)is that it's best to back your Tiger next to the left log cabin right behind where you start the mission and take the T34s coming to the left and front and then move forward a bit until you see those 2 T34s - ambushed to the far right -waiting for the column to pass on the road.I take them out from a distance and then deal with the last 2 remaining T34/76 concealed in a sort of depression further up to the left.It's the only way I have been able to complete the mission successfully.I am talking, of course, about the stock TvsT Hill 500 mission not the one nicely modified by ZW's mods :up:

ZeeWolf 05-29-10 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1405944)
Zee I tried that tactic ( escorting the column) and I alwys ended up destroyed.My own experience form playing that mission hundreds of times( I am not exaggerating)is that it's best to back your Tiger next to the left log cabin right behind where you start the mission and take the T34s coming to the left and front and then move forward a bit until you see those 2 T34s - ambushed to the far right -waiting for the column to pass on the road.I take them out from a distance and then deal with the last 2 remaining T34/76 concealed in a sort of depression further up to the left.It's the only way I have been able to complete the mission successfully.I am talking, of course, about the stock TvsT Hill 500 mission not the one nicely modified by ZW's mods :up:

Thanks frinik I'll give that a shot too. :up:

Cheers :salute:


Dung_Beetle 05-29-10 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1405944)
Zee I tried that tactic ( escorting the column) and I alwys ended up destroyed.My own experience form playing that mission hundreds of times( I am not exaggerating)is that it's best to back your Tiger next to the left log cabin right behind where you start the mission and take the T34s coming to the left and front and then move forward a bit until you see those 2 T34s - ambushed to the far right -waiting for the column to pass on the road.I take them out from a distance and then deal with the last 2 remaining T34/76 concealed in a sort of depression further up to the left.It's the only way I have been able to complete the mission successfully.I am talking, of course, about the stock TvsT Hill 500 mission not the one nicely modified by ZW's mods :up:

I usually hang, in a depression, against the bank, to the left of the cabin like you do. I always lose the column, and manage to get all, but the last one or two tanks. I'll try your method, and hopefully, I'll have some success.:rock:

frinik 05-30-10 10:55 PM

HIll 500 before and after.
DB once you buy into ZeeWolf's mod you'll see how HIll 500 is changed.Before youi can onyl count on yourself as your fellow German tanks/SP guns are inept and get killed in the few few minutes of the mission leaving you pretty much alone to deal with 15 or so Sov.tanks and SUs.Once you install ZW's mods it changes the behaviour of the AI which means your fellow German AI is active and kills a lot of the Soviet AI.Leaving you with fairly few targets and much less pressure.You get the mission successful fairly routinely whereas in the stock game you have to rally find the magic recipe and be lucky or uncannily accurate in your shooting to make it through the mission.The change in AI behaviour applies to all missions once ZW mods are installed


Dung_Beetle 05-30-10 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1407191)
DB once you buy into ZeeWolf's mod you'll see how HIll 500 is changed.Before youi can onyl count on yourself as your fellow German tanks/SP guns are inept and get killed in the few few minutes of the mission leaving you pretty much alone to deal with 15 or so Sov.tanks and SUs.Once you install ZW's mods it changes the behaviour of the AI which means your fellow German AI is active and kills a lot of the Soviet AI.Leaving you with fairly few targets and much less pressure.You get the mission successful fairly routinely whereas in the stock game you have to rally find the magic recipe and be lucky or uncannily accurate in your shooting to make it through the mission.The change in AI behaviour applies to all missions once ZW mods are installed


Thanks frinik,

I wish you could customize the loadouts; that would help a lot in missions like this. I can't kill anything with that o365 crap. 7 direct hits before I got lucky, and hit the fuel tank on a T34/85

I can't wait till have some cash to buy ZeeWolfs mod. ZeeWolf you could possibly sell more units; if you sold it for $20.00. I remember my economics class example of the motel; that sold 1 room for $120.00 and sold 5 rooms for $80.00. It was some crap like that, but the point is more units sold brings in more gross income; which yields higer profits.

Not that your stuff isn't worth $60.00, but there are probably a lot of people like me who want to buy it, but just can't afford it, yet.

frinik 05-31-10 01:43 AM

TvsT versus ZW
O365???You're shooting T34s with Soviet shells????You mean Panzergranate 39:06:.... But it's not the shells that are ineffective int he stck game.It's the tanks that are not up to real data specs. My suspicion is because TvsT was primarily intended as a multi player game the developpers decided to balance the tanks to make them more or less even so not everybody would pick the Tiger.So what they did is decrease the reload rate of the Tiger( which MPP5 addressed by increasing it based on real data.) and somehow they either decreased the strength or thickness of the Tiger armour or increased that of the T34 to balance the odds and make the game more even.Once you have ZeeWolf's mod installed you'll see the difference; you'll kill those T34s with one or 2 shots instead of 3,4 5 as now.

Re Zee's fee .I can't speak for him but remember it's a one man enterprise.He'd rather have less members and charge more than reduce the price and have hundreds or thousands of people depending on him.Plus by charging more he is sifting or selecting his members. He figures that if you are willing to pay his fee you must be committed and truly interested in the game.Not necessarily a bad decision.:sunny:

Dung_Beetle 05-31-10 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1407254)
O365???You're shooting T34s with Soviet shells????You mean Panzergranate 39:06:.... But it's not the shells that are ineffective int he stck game.It's the tanks that are not up to real data specs. My suspicion is because TvsT was primarily intended as a multi player game the developpers decided to balance the tanks to make them more or less even so not everybody would pick the Tiger.So what they did is decrease the reload rate of the Tiger( which MPP5 addressed by increasing it based on real data.) and somehow they either decreased the strength or thickness of the Tiger armour or increased that of the T34 to balance the odds and make the game more even.Once you have ZeeWolf's mod installed you'll see the difference; you'll kill those T34s with one or 2 shots instead of 3,4 5 as now.

Re Zee's fee .I can't speak for him but remember it's a one man enterprise.He'd rather have less members and charge more than reduce the price and have hundreds or thousands of people depending on him.Plus by charging more he is sifting or selecting his members. He figures that if you are willing to pay his fee you must be committed and truly interested in the game.Not necessarily a bad decision.:sunny:

100's or 1000's x $60.00. I bet ZeeWolf would like to see that kind of money coming in. Also, a large fan base would help with the work.

I am definetly a tanker at heart, but, really, seriously, can't afford it, yet. It's just not in the cards for me. So, he is also blocking truly dedicated people from joining. Just my thoughts, jealous of all you ZW_modders. driving around in your fancy tanks.:rotfl2:

frinik 05-31-10 08:38 AM

membership fee
DB none of us is a modder.We are just dedicated members .We help him but in a limited way by providing feedback and acting as testers when we have pcs that actually can play his mods-releases with sufficient specs.

As for the fee better ask him because he´s the one who decides and I am just assuming that for the time being he prefers having a limited member base rather thna going all out for a huge crowd which would overtax his physical resources.:yep:

KdF 05-31-10 09:19 AM

I run 2 forms of the game on my Machines. First is Zeewolfs, and then a stock copy with Monks MMP Mod 5.0. Monks incorporates the better engine sounds, correct load-outs, gears and trajectories for each tank. I never had a problem beating Hill 500, but I never hide in the gullies, I sit on top of the hill to the left, which gives me a full view of the battlefield, just have to make each shot count, as you can run out of ammo fast, and then you never get the 2 sissies hiding in the far gully.:rock:

frinik 05-31-10 09:36 AM

Hill 500
I tried hiding behind that hill or even on top of it, hiding behind the trees and after killing 5 or 6 tanks I would end up being killed thanks to the X ray vision of the AI in the stock game.Once or twice I managed to finish the mission successfully by backi ng my Tiger all the way back to the thicket of woods just behind that road and then circling back around it to kill that last 2 tanks however I did not manage to save the whole convoy.Another time I sat behind a small ridge in front of a log cabin to the right of where you start the game and concealed by a shrub I klled 11 tanks and 3 of the 4 SUs stationed atop that buff .But I got clobbered and a managed to survive 13 hits. Did not get the 2 tanks hiding in that ravine as my Tiger was crippled but still got , surprisingly, a mission ended successfully message.

KdF 05-31-10 10:11 AM

I wish there was a way to make a video of that mission, as to show ya what I do. After I found out on the last stock mission to let the first colum pass by, I actually finish that one also, so many tricks to this game, and without each others suggestions, no wonder this game had a hard time catching on with others. Daunting unless you know what to do, and when.

Dung_Beetle 05-31-10 05:33 PM

frinik, I didn't mean to imply that you were all modders, but I did mean that you are driving around in luxury tanks, and I want one.:wah:

I did mean to say, and did, I think, that more fans might bring more help...:rock:

Maybe he could offer a sweat-equity deal for people like me; who are unemployed.:06:
Maybe, I could do some mundane task to pay-off my ZW_Project.:hmmm:

This is probably giving ZW a head-ache.:)


frinik 05-31-10 10:25 PM

membership fees
DB, I understand how you feel Man.I was unemployed for almost 18 months and I remember how tough it was not being able to afford things I wanted and seeing others being able to afford them.Without my parents to help me it would have been even tougher.I remember those days and treasure them as a reminder just in case I take things I have for granted. Yes truly this is a luxury when you're out of work.I sincerely hope you can find gainful employment soon.

As for those who work and complain about the price I say how much does it cost you to fill your car tank?In the States probably close to $ 60 depending on the vehicle you drive.In Western Europe even more close to double.Just to drive around and then once the fuel has been used soemtimes after barely 2 weeks you have to pay another similar amount!!!! With ZeeWolf's mod for that price you get a game that remains with you for months or years to enjoy.Or go to the cinema these days and how much you pay for a film, parking fees, popcorn and soft drink for just 2 hours of entertainment.When it comes to money it's a matter of priorities.

Re ZeeWolf's fees I cannot speak for him.he is the master of his ship and those decisions are for him alone to make. AS I said PM him he always answers people frankly and he is a very nice and friendly guy!

Best of luck!:rock:

Dung_Beetle 05-31-10 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1408153)
DB, I understand how you feel Man.I was unemployed for almost 18 months and I remember how tough it was not being able to afford things I wanted and seeing others being able to afford them.Without my parents to help me it would have been even tougher.I remember those days and treasure them as a reminder just in case I take things I have for granted. Yes truly this is a luxury when you're out of work.I sincerely hope you can find gainful employment soon.

As for those who work and complain about the price I say how much does it cost you to fill your car tank?In the States probably close to $ 60 depending on the vehicle you drive.In Western Europe even more close to double.Just to drive around and then once the fuel has been used soemtimes after barely 2 weeks you have to pay another similar amount!!!! With ZeeWolf's mod for that price you get a game that remains with you for months or years to enjoy.Or go to the cinema these days and how much you pay for a film, parking fees, popcorn and soft drink for just 2 hours of entertainment.When it comes to money it's a matter of priorities.

Re ZeeWolf's fees I cannot speak for him.he is the master of his ship and those decisions are for him alone to make. AS I said PM him he always answers people frankly and he is a very nice and friendly guy!

Best of luck!:rock:

I totally agree with you, but I am making a purely economic argument. Not an argument of the merits of his work.:timeout:

If you lower the price; then demand will increase. There are some examples on this page:

This is not in anyway a criticism of ZW_Project. I honestly think he could do better for himself; if he lowered the price. Not to mention, I could buy it sooner; if it was priced lower.:yeah:

Priscalan 06-01-10 12:25 AM

:salute:hello everybody,
I'm back after a few days of renovation and a move for my daughter ... what's new or as G. Clooney: What else?

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