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frinik 05-16-10 01:48 AM

Lc please go ahead with your question I´ll be pleased to answer it to the best of my abilities.:yeah:

Your wife is Hungarian? Good solid allies of Germany in both World Wars.Still very close to Germany and Austria.

Zee it´s true that the carpet bombings of the last few months of the war were useless and unjustified howver to the credit of the Americans it was the British led by the infamous Bomber Harris who with their night raids did most of the damage to the civilian populaiton.The Americans focussed on dau , precise( relatively) bombings against industrial and logistical targets and they really ground German industrial capacity and transportation to a halt. Amongst the cause ofr German defeat along with Hitler´s attack on the Soviet Union and distrastrous war leadership the US precision bombings as well as their industrial might really won the war for the allies.They systematically deprived Germany of synthetic fuel, ball bearings, railway transportation and choked the war effort. Without their bombings Germany might have lasted another year or two.The Soviet manpower was as well a major cause of defeat bleeding Germany of its manpower and war material....British contribution was secondary but important.However it must be said tha Germany started the ball with the irresponsible bombings of Amsterdam and England in 1940-41.No matter what the A bomb scientists (many were Jews and had no reasons to feel any kindness for Nazi Germany) would have wanted the US gov would not have used the A Bomb against Germany.For various reasons, racial( it´s one thing against Japanese Asians whom they really hated), the risk of atomic contamination of POWs and slabe labour and friendly neighbouring countries but also because they knew the Germans had hiuge stocklpile of lethal poisons gas , sarin, tabun etc which the German could have effectively used in retaliation with V1s or V2s against the UK or US forces in Europe causing huge casualties. The Allies knew about thta threat and took it seriously..Not to forget that 1 in very 4 American has German or Austrian roots.

Germans are no quitters, its part of the history of Germany to be clobbered(Roman occupation,the black plague, the wars of reformaiton, the peasant wars, the 30 years war( 1-3 of German population died. The Rheinland had to be repopulated by Swiss German settlers) the French wars of the XVII and XVIII th centuries, Napoleonic invasion,both World wars etc have thought the Germans to be tenacious. I know it because I have German( Prussian) blood and I don´t give up easily and never without a tough fight:shucks:.Adversity breeds toughness!

Lc I saw the doc about the surrender of the Jagdtigers in Iserlohn on you tube it looked like a family reunion more than a surrender!Civilians were lining up and waiving at the panzer crews and the Americans looked relaxed more like a friendly gathering than a formal surrender.Still I manitain that the Jagdtiger was a very unwise vehicle for a country fighting with fuel and ammo shortages, logistical disruptions, lack of experienced crews, numerical disavantages and absolutely no air support on the contrary ....I´d be curious to see how many tanks did they destroy?


LcSummers 05-16-10 10:09 AM

Hi Frinic so my first question.

I know it is not about Kursk battle but i am interested in the Puma Sd.Kfz 234/2 with 50mm Pak. Can you tell me wich SS Unit used them and in the Ardennes do you can "show" me what kind of markings esp. Turmnummer they used?

Were some of them used in the Kursk battle too?

Thanx a lot for your help


woofiedog 05-16-10 01:24 PM

:) The web site may help you out with the unit markings.

101 units of the 234/2 produced were distributed as follows:
-Panzer Lehr Div. (1 Kompanie/PzAufkAbt 130): 25 units. Painted in dark yellow and without numerals or crosses.
- 2 PzDiv (1.Kompanie/PzAufkAbt 2): 25 units. Some of its vehicles seem painted dark yellow without any marking (not even license plates) but a small trident and the Aufklärungs insignia, both on the front of the hull, at the left. Others, like the well knwon 111 carried 3 tone camo, crosses and numerals.
- 1 SSPzDiv (SSPzAufkAbt 1): 16 units. painted in dark yellow with camo, probably 3 tone. They also carried crosses and numerals (3 digits)
- 20 PzDiv ( PzAufkAbt 20): 16 units. There is a photo of a Puma white washed, in Silesia.
- 7 PzDiv (1Kompanie/ PzAufkAbt 7): 6 units
- 13 PzDiv: not known.


Dung_Beetle 05-17-10 02:56 AM

Considering Buying T34 Vs. Tiger & Donating to Kursk Project
Hi All,

I haven't played a tank sim since Panzer Elite Special Edition; except, for the buggy T72 Balkans on Fire. I was really looking forward to T34 vs. Tiger, but read the reviews, and didn't want to buy another unfinished sim.

I have a high-end system, and am enjoying Flaming Cliffs 2.0. Great Upgrade! Well worth the money!

However, I am a tanker at heart.

I need a good tank sim. I just want to know if this is this worth buying. Will it work for my system?

I don't have T34 vs. Tiger. I would have to buy it, and then donate to the honorable and hardworking mod community.

I don't have a lot of money to throw around these days, but as I said I need a good tank sim. Steel Beasts graphics just don't do it for me. Plus, I like WWII tanks.

Here are my specs:

Asus P6T7
Gigabyte 3 x GTX 285
Creative Fatality 1 Titanium Champion Series
Intel 920 OC @ 3.7 (air cooled)
LG W3000h monitor
Corsair Dominator 1600 12 GB kit

I would appreciate any advice for someone who wants a great tank sim, but doesn't want an, expensive, unfinished project that might not work well.

I respect the work being done here, and would gladly spend money for a finished working sim of this genre. I’ve read through the posts, but would like specific advice relating to my system. Plus, I’m hoping for any new input that might encourage me to purchase this product and support the community.

Gentleman! - Your advice! - Please!


Chucky 05-17-10 04:39 AM

Welcome to the forum Dung_Beetle:salute:

I think that with
3 x GTX 285's you maybe won't have a problem running it?
I only have 1 and have seen good frame rates.

Seeing as Lighthouse have gone under,there is always the chance to pick it up very cheaply,thereby keeping costs down.ZeeWolf's mod isn't the cheapest I have ever seen,about the price of an average game maybe,but the guy is making improvements to a tank sim that it seems a lot of people want.

Steel Fury didn't do it for me,I have Steel Beasts Pro PE but the graphics are too simple,although for realism it can't be beaten.

I've said this before,and apart from one video on Youtube,we need some footage of Kursk! I always find that some decent footage of a game I want will always have me reaching for my wallet!

frinik 05-17-10 05:27 AM

Kursk and WWII sims
Lc both Panzer Lehr and 1st SS Panzer division fielded Puma scout cars with the 50mm gun during Wacht am Rhein( Watch on the Rhine or the Battle of the Bulge).1st SS had 6 and PL also had a handful.I'll try to find the markings and turmnummer(numbers on the turret).

Dung_Beetle check the threads on thr forum for what Kursk and ZeeWolf's work on TvsT has to offer.I think the price is wotrth paying for all the goodies we are getting and going to get. Otherwise WWII-wise there's only Steel Fury with various modswhich I play and like .


LcSummers 05-17-10 07:51 AM

Thank you , wow!

Originally Posted by woofiedog (Post 1394616)
:) The web site may help you out with the unit markings.

101 units of the 234/2 produced were distributed as follows:
-Panzer Lehr Div. (1 Kompanie/PzAufkAbt 130): 25 units. Painted in dark yellow and without numerals or crosses.
- 2 PzDiv (1.Kompanie/PzAufkAbt 2): 25 units. Some of its vehicles seem painted dark yellow without any marking (not even license plates) but a small trident and the Aufklärungs insignia, both on the front of the hull, at the left. Others, like the well knwon 111 carried 3 tone camo, crosses and numerals.
- 1 SSPzDiv (SSPzAufkAbt 1): 16 units. painted in dark yellow with camo, probably 3 tone. They also carried crosses and numerals (3 digits)
- 20 PzDiv ( PzAufkAbt 20): 16 units. There is a photo of a Puma white washed, in Silesia.
- 7 PzDiv (1Kompanie/ PzAufkAbt 7): 6 units
- 13 PzDiv: not known.


Hi woofiedog,

really this is fantastic. You helped me very much. Again thank you. Now i have a lot of information about the Puma. These are very good sites for me. I really enjoy them. :yeah:


I thought about the future missions. How about (in Kursk, in France or Ardennes, you mentioned to do in the future something like this) to make a recon mission to find the best way for our tanks, to determine enemies strength etc. Its only a suggestion and its not important to implement recon vehicles and missions, it was only a thought.

Cheers and have a nice day

LC :rock:

LcSummers 05-17-10 08:08 AM

Great XO

Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1395176)
Lc both Panzer Lehr and 1st SS Panzer division fielded Puma scout cars with the 50mm gun during Wacht am Rhein( Watch on the Rhine or the Battle of the Bulge).1st SS had 6 and PL also had a handful.I'll try to find the markings and turmnummer(numbers on the turret).

Dung_Beetle check the threads on thr forum for what Kursk and ZeeWolf's work on TvsT has to offer.I think the price is wotrth paying for all the goodies we are getting and going to get. Otherwise WWII-wise there's only Steel Fury with various modswhich I play and like .



great information too. I am interested in Wacht am Rhein as i mentioned in earlier blogs i was in La Gleize, Coo, Trois Ponts. This would be cool if you were able to found some Turmnummern for these Panzerdivisionen. I followed the route wich Obersturmbannführer Peiper took and were he left behind his "whole Regiment " at the evening of Christmas day.

What i found were the KÖTIs Turmnummern, Commanders and their last place. ( abondoned, destroyed etc.)

If i am right Peiper rode on a Panther. Here, it is very hard to find about those Panthers. I know for sure that 3 of them had the Steel road wheels, #221 was abondoned in La Gleize.

About the Pumas its difficult ti find something.

Thanks a lot for your efforts

LC :salute:

morttheslayer 05-17-10 11:48 AM

I am a Panzer Helmsman
Thanks Zee I am a very inneficient (Panzer) Helmsman now - thanks for the new promotion. :haha:
Having played the new Mission No3 (excellent concur with Frinic's comments) I play with headphones and so am now deaf!!!:wah: also didn't get through the latest Kursk mission twice (nothing new here!) due to tracks shot away!
Small request for future missions :hmmm: will it be possible to have a couple of hanomags trailling behind the spearhead that might repair/reload you in these circumstances?? If too difficult don't worry!

I also find during a lot of activity where FPS drop really low (say 5.2 for example) when I swap views from external (F6) or commander's external normal view and go to Commanders external or internal "BINOCULAR" view the FPS roll up by approx 4/5 FPS which is really helpful if the action is getting jerky. May help others get a better experience during these occasions.

Zee, Lc & Frinic - Thanks for letting me know what I'm missing with Beautiful Eastern European Ladies. Zee said even "Yeti lookers" start to get attractive when you reach 50; but I find now I'm over 60 it's anything with a pulse :har:
BTW I think Dung Beetle should sell one of his Graphics cards and buy both TvsT and Steel Fury. I quite like SF, true it's not a heavyweight but its a well done, polished and rounded game with not many bugs. :up:

Lc - I too like the accounts of the Battle of the Bulge and the photo I have is Peiper and his driver Zwigert in what looks like a Kubelwagon - not a Panther:haha:
All the best - Mort:salute:

woofiedog 05-17-10 12:04 PM

Here is a site with Puma markings used during the Ardennes Offensive... Then go to... Gallary/German/Sdfz234/2 Puma :D

It's only a modeling site... but it should be close to the time period markings.

Dung_Beetle 05-17-10 03:18 PM

[QUOTE=morttheslayer;1395415]BTW I think Dung Beetle should sell one of his Graphics cards and buy both TvsT and Steel Fury. I quite like SF, true it's not a heavyweight but its a well done, polished and rounded game with not many bugs. :up:

Hi all & thanks for the input.

3 cards with a 30" monitor is the only way to go.:DL Performance up, and temps down.:yeah:

I tried to find TvsT. It is hard to find, and not cheap. :cry:

Does anybody know of a cheap place to buy TvsT? I found a cheap copy on eBay, but I don't like ebay:nope:.

All other copies seem to be over $30.00.

ZeeWolf 05-17-10 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1395415)
BTW I think Dung Beetle should sell one of his Graphics cards and buy both TvsT and Steel Fury. I quite like SF, true it's not a heavyweight but its a well done, polished and rounded game with not many bugs. :up:

Hi all & thanks for the input.

3 cards with a 30" monitor is the only way to go.:DL Performance up, and temps down.:yeah:

I tried to find TvsT. It is hard to find, and not cheap. :cry:

Does anybody know of a cheap place to buy TvsT? I found a cheap copy on eBay, but I don't like ebay:nope:.

All other copies seem to be over $30.00.

Welcome aboard DB :DL


You may have the computer and graphics power to tell us what playing
TvsT is really like:haha:

I'm doing my best Dung Beetle Boy, with the help of my Kamerads who
like T34 vs Tiger as much as anyone. This project is really a team effort
though and once you get in to it you will see the potential here.

Cheers :salute:


Dung_Beetle 05-17-10 08:08 PM

TvsT Ordered
Thanks for the link ZeeWolf,

I ordered TvsT.:D

It will be a little while before I can contribute to the project.:cry:

Is there anything; that I need to download in preperation before playing, patches etc? :06:

I should be able to contribute to the project in the next month or two.:up:

I'm really looking forward to this.:woot:

ZeeWolf 05-17-10 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Dung_Beetle (Post 1395875)
Thanks for the link ZeeWolf,

I ordered TvsT.:D

It will be a little while before I can contribute to the project.:cry:

Is there anything; that I need to download in preperation before playing, patches etc? :06:

I should be able to contribute to the project in the next month or two.:up:

I'm really looking forward to this.:woot:

That's great DB,
You''ll need the graphics files: Msvcr Files
and you could use a manual too: Manual

we'er sure you'll be happy here :salute:


frinik 05-17-10 10:49 PM

Hi Lc, I drafted a message for you yesterday with some info and then then internet crashed before I was able to send it and the internet was on and off for the remainder of the day( that's for living in the so-called Mecca of IT outsourcing.If only people knew!!!!).:nope:

I was able to find a pics of a PUma which was part of gruppe Knittel with marking 028 on the turret.Other sites said that most Puma had been repainted white for better camo and thus the numbers had been covered.Only a couple were left with their camo ; tiger stripes on sand-coloured background.Another site said that most of the Pumas used in the Ardennes were those that survived the Normandy disaster and consequently had the same numerals.There are good books with pics of the Puma(Osprey) but you can't access them online.

What's your interest in those small wheeled vehicles LC????

BTW there 's modern Puma which is beingn used by the Bundeswehr like there's a modern day Marder which is being retired .

KampfGruppe Peiper had Panthers G, Tiger IIs, Panzer IVs( presumably G H or J versions. I think Peiper himself drove around in a Kuebelwagen as mentioned by Morty. If he had to use a tank he would probably pick the Panther.


Dung_Beetle 05-17-10 10:49 PM

Thanks For The Welcome
I got the files downloaded & the manual. What do I do with the files?:06:

This is great! I'm glad to be joining the community. I can smell the cordite already.:sunny:

ZeeWolf 05-17-10 11:22 PM

German Mission 4
LC, Morti and frinik,
I have been taking your advice - my report : It's working! :up:
I've been relaxing just "Playing TVT" the new German mission4 and wow
I don't know how anybody going to survive this man! :D There's nothing
like this one. You guys will probably have to tell me how to. :yep:
However you are given a choice: Engage the enemy onslaught or keep
moving to the designated position. Your Kamrades will stay and do their

Vorwärts! :salute:


frinik 05-18-10 12:05 AM

Zeesus What Have you done?
Zee; when we told you or rather advised you to take it eaZee and relax we didn't mean by that for you to take the time to devise hellish new missions in which all of us will get killed in the first five minutes!!!!!:hmmm:

We meant well deserved rest and no machiavellian plot for you to hatch.....:wah:

Looking forward to it. Will kiss my wife and kids and cat too goodbye!:o


ZeeWolf 05-18-10 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1395978)
Zee; when we told you or rather advised you to take it eaZee and relax we didn't mean by that for you to take the time to devise hellish new missions in which all of us will get killed in the first five minutes!!!!!:hmmm:

We meant well deserved rest and no machiavellian plot for you to hatch.....:wah:

Looking forward to it. Will kiss my wife and kids and cat too goodbye!:o


:har: think positive frinik!
Just figured I'd do all that eaZee-ing after mission 4 :03:

What you will find frinik is almost complete safety until you decide on how
you'll engage. But, once your out there :arrgh!:

Cheers :up:


frinik 05-18-10 09:23 AM

Mission 4
Zee knowing I canm already imagine the shells impacting my Tiger´s armour shaking me loose from my Turmzielfernrohr 9 every time I try to spot and shoot a target!!!!:doh:

OK for mission 4.

BTW I find it a bit strange that somebody who can afford 3 Nvidia GTX 285 gcs and a 30" screen finds a $ 30.00 copy of TvsT too expensive.:hmmm:.None of my business I know still a tad odd.....

Ok for mission Hell 4.


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