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ZeeWolf 05-12-10 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by woofiedog (Post 1388047)
First I'd like to say... there is a extreme amount of work that made up this update and it shows! Wicked :D

One of my few problems is that I keep getting stuck in the mud it seems when I'm tring to keep my tank driving straight or is this just my driving? :cry:

I have an older rig with a AMD 57 FX cpu and 7800 graphic cards in SLI and 3gigs of ram... and so far I'm keeping up well with the game frame rate. It's been about 4-6 so far during game play and that is with the settings up in high and using 1400/900 resolution. One thing I did tried out was a program called Game Booster... saw it posted at one of the forums and gave it a try. Game play seems a bit smoother now and I got a 1-2 frame rate increase going by Frap's.

So far have to say I'm impressed... just need a few more missions now for my eager crew! :yeah:

Thanks woofiedog
Haven't heard from you in awhile :DL
You'll like the new German mission 4 too for sure :up:

Vorwärts Kamerad!:salute:


LcSummers 05-12-10 07:27 AM

32 bit system
[QUOTE=ZeeWolf;1388792]Hey Guys :DL

I found a program for all who have a 64bit system that I think you should
give it a try. It's called "4gb_patch.exe"

It patches the the way TvsT.exe handles RAM. I check it out with my Hex
editor and it dose allot of work on the *.exe plus it backs-up the original
file for you. And of course it is very easy to use.
Although I ran the patched file on my 32bit system (with no problems) it
is specifically designed for 64bit systems
The link:

or go here:

Hi ZW,

you tested it on your 32 bit system. Can you say more about it? What changes have you found? I dont think it would improve my system cause my 32 bit system detects about 3.2 or 3.4 GiGs out of 4 GIGS of Ram.This is the 32 bit system limits.

Thanx alot, hoping you having no difficulties with GM4.



Wilcke 05-12-10 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1388792)
Hey Guys :DL

I found a program for all who have a 64bit system that I think you should
give it a try. It's called "4gb_patch.exe"

It patches the the way TvsT.exe handles RAM. I check it out with my Hex
editor and it dose allot of work on the *.exe plus it backs-up the original
file for you. And of course it is very easy to use.
Although I ran the patched file on my 32bit system (with no problems) it
is specifically designed for 64bit systems
The link:

or go here:

Hi ZW,

you tested it on your 32 bit system. Can you say more about it? What changes have you found? I dont think it would improve my system cause my 32 bit system detects about 3.2 or 3.4 GiGs out of 4 GIGS of Ram.This is the 32 bit system limits.

Thanx alot, hoping you having no difficulties with GM4.



Will definately give this a go. Win 7 Pro with 8gigs of ram.

ZeeWolf 05-12-10 12:36 PM
The best thing to do LC and Wilcke is check out this site for more accurate

The benefits I received LC with my 32 bit OS was none. so anyone that has
an understanding Page File usage and a 64bit OS should give this a try
and let us know the results from the Task Manager.

Vorwärts! :salute:


"Thanx alot, hoping you having no difficulties with GM4." - LC

No problems LC I've been taking my time and plying it :up:
and still changing it around a bit as I play it. - Cheers ZW

LcSummers 05-13-10 01:14 AM

HI ZW and Wilcke
[QUOTE=ZeeWolf;1390130]The best thing to do LC and Wilcke is check out this site for more accurate

The benefits I received LC with my 32 bit OS was none. so anyone that has
an understanding Page File usage and a 64bit OS should give this a try
and let us know the results from the Task Manager.

Hi my Panzerkameraden!

I wanted to point out that i have a Win 7 Pro 32 bit OS. So it is not relevant for me.

Thats all.

Thanks for your kind "support"


ZeeWolf 05-13-10 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1390130)
The best thing to do LC and Wilcke is check out this site for more accurate

The benefits I received LC with my 32 bit OS was none. so anyone that has
an understanding Page File usage and a 64bit OS should give this a try
and let us know the results from the Task Manager.

Hi my Panzerkameraden!

I wanted to point out that i have a Win 7 Pro 32 bit OS. So it is not relevant for me.

Thats all.

Thanks for your kind "support"


Hallo Kamerad LC,
I e-mailed the fellow who wrote the 4gbit patch and asked him if he could
wright us a patch so tvt could access more than one CPU. :DL But he said
no. :cry:

Oh well, it didn't hurt to ask him , but his answer hurt.


frinik 05-13-10 11:18 PM

FPS booster
Zee did he say no as in no way I am going to do that or no as in I have no time right now?:hmmm:

Well, what we need and I am surprised somebody in Silicon Valley or Europe or Japan/Korea/Taiwan has not come up with soem kind of plug-in device that would boost your fps rate by say 40%.I know there are external graphic cards( unfortunately only designed for the Fujitsu-Siemens brand of laptops) , external hard disks and all kind of often more or less useful gizmo on the market but nobody has come up with such a device.When you think how huge the gaming market is(US $ 150 billion and growing at 11% a year) and how international ( no longer restricted to Europe and North America. Asia, Eastern Europe and LatAm are catching up fast))it has become there's tons of money to be made by inventing a thing like that!.

I don't want to sound dismissive of 4gigpatch or prioaff but frankly this is small potatoes.Giving a 1 or 2 fps boost to a game that need to run at 20 to 30 is like putting a plaster on limb that has been chopped off!:stare:

ZeeWolf 05-14-10 12:38 AM

4gigpatch and Daniel Pisstelli

Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1391856)
Zee did he say no as in no way I am going to do that or no as in I have no time right now?:hmmm:

Well, what we need and I am surprised somebody in Silicon Valley or Europe or Japan/Korea/Taiwan has not come up with soem kind of plug-in device that would boost your fps rate by say 40%.I know there are external graphic cards( unfortunately only designed for the Fujitsu-Siemens brand of laptops) , external hard disks and all kind of often more or less useful gizmo on the market but nobody has come up with such a device.When you think how huge the gaming market is(US $ 150 billion and growing at 11% a year) and how international ( no longer restricted to Europe and North America. Asia, Eastern Europe and LatAm are catching up fast))it has become there's tons of money to be made by inventing a thing like that!.

I don't want to sound dismissive of 4gigpatch or prioaff but frankly this is small potatoes.Giving a 1 or 2 fps boost to a game that need to run at 20 to 30 is like putting a plaster on limb that has been chopped off!:stare:

I believe it was two fold - time and work on a specific game. I am totally
confident in Daniel's ability to create a performance patch for PC Sims and
Games as a general wide range patch. And he just started a new job at
Hex-rays in Belgium that he says(in his blog) he is very happy with.
I think he deserves allot of appreciation for what he has already done in
sharing his excellent programing skills with no charge. This fellow is truly
generous and highly skilled. :salute:


LcSummers 05-14-10 04:55 AM


Hallo Kamerad LC,
I e-mailed the fellow who wrote the 4gbit patch and asked him if he could
wright us a patch so tvt could access more than one CPU. :DL But he said
no. :cry:

Oh well, it didn't hurt to ask him , but his answer hurt.

Hi ZW,

thank you for your efforts. Dont see that as a failure, see it as a step forward. Now we know that this is not the right way we have to make another way around like an Königstiger wich cant pass a bridge. There is another way around, so heads up:yeah:


LcSummers 05-14-10 05:01 AM

Hello old fellow Monsieur Frinic,

Quote: I don't want to sound dismissive of 4gigpatch or prioaff but frankly this is small potatoes.Giving a 1 or 2 fps boost to a game that need to run at 20 to 30 is like putting a plaster on limb that has been chopped off!:stare:[/QUOTE]

See it the other way around, if TvT is running with 1 or 2 fps we have all the time to target the enemy and make a bulls eye hit :haha: Then they will call us Sharpshooters like Otto Carius with more than 150 kills. :yeah:


LC :salute:

PS: Morty my old comrade where are you? Hope not enjoying those female tankers!

frinik 05-14-10 05:29 AM

Mortyfication or Mortyrised?
Lc my own favourite is Kurt Knispel the greatest of all Bolschevik panzerknackers, 168 certified kills and may be as many as 192...Died barely 2 weeks before war´s end at the age of 24....:cry:

In honour of his memory :salute:

Lc, Please don´t mention anything about Morty enjoying female tankers in case Mrs. Panzer Commander reads the posts.Otherwise he´ll be grounded and punished.No computer, no games for at least 2 weeks....:88)


woofiedog 05-15-10 01:31 AM

Will be patiently awaiting news from the front about the up coming German Mission 4.
Lt. Aleksandra Samusenko

LcSummers 05-15-10 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1392099)
Lc my own favourite is Kurt Knispel the greatest of all Bolschevik panzerknackers, 168 certified kills and may be as many as 192...Died barely 2 weeks before war´s end at the age of 24....:cry:

In honour of his memory :salute:

Lc, Please don´t mention anything about Morty enjoying female tankers in case Mrs. Panzer Commander reads the posts.Otherwise he´ll be grounded and punished.No computer, no games for at least 2 weeks....:88)


Hi frinic,

you are right i will be quiet and never mention morty with female tankers. He is getting in trouble with Mrs Panzercommander:D

I do not have a special German tanker.

I like Knipsel cause of his incredable kills.
I like Carius because he survived the war opend a pharmacy and was a Commander of a Jagdtiger. That vehicle is an exotic, i know every vehicle had its advantages and disatvantages but this one was rare. Only 88 were build.
I like M. Wittman cause he was born 25 Km from were i am living.



ZeeWolf 05-15-10 03:00 PM

Well guys I kind over-worked myself over the past few weeks and I had
to ease up until my batteries were recharged and racks re-loaded etc.
German mission 4 is in the last stages of completion and it is priority.
When you play it you will see why - it is ferocious.

You have been ordered to cover the withdraw and link-up with our forces
who are holding the road northeast of us. While there is only a few more
Kilometers to go we will have to engage the Red Army force from the north
in there attempt to cut us off from our Kamrads.


ZW :salute:

morttheslayer 05-15-10 04:09 PM

Russian Tank Ladies
Lc & Frinic
I don't "enjoy" female Tank ladies especially if they are firing at me but if any care to surrender and they happen to look as good as Woofiedog's photo - then I could be persuaded to be lenient.

It's a very pleasant change to see a Russian Lady that doesn't resemble a Yeti. --- Mind you I don't get out much!!

Zee don't overdo it I'm relying on you to answer all my dork questions :haha:
All the Best - Mort :salute:

ZeeWolf 05-15-10 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1393794)
Lc & Frinic
I don't "enjoy" female Tank ladies especially if they are firing at me but if any care to surrender and they happen to look as good as Woofiedog's photo - then I could be persuaded to be lenient.

It's a very pleasant change to see a Russian Lady that doesn't resemble a Yeti. --- Mind you I don't get out much!!

Zee don't overdo it I'm relying on you to answer all my dork questions :haha:
All the Best - Mort :salute:

A Yeti is called BIG feet over here in the "Great Northwest" :haha: no relation to the BIG Bottom though :har:


frinik 05-15-10 09:51 PM

Zee take it eaZee!Last thing we want is for your to be sent to a sanatorium in the Hartz mountains for shell shocked veterans while the front is crumbling all around us.We need our ZugFuehrer to lead us to final victory over the low FPS and assorted glitches and bugs that the enemy is sure to plant in the game!!!!:nope:

Zum Zeeg mith Wolf!:shucks:

Zee I believe Bigfoot is also known by its Amerindian name Sasquash or something like that.Incidentally in Europe the Yeti is also a pretty preppy SUV made by VW/Skoda....

Speaking of feats I remember reading the exploit of Karl Koerner who around 24th April 1945 near Marsdorf in the Berlin area happened to stumble upon a couple of Soviet tank brigades ,120 to 140 tanks,refuellingin a village.He was commanding a Tiger II and only had one wingman with him.Without hesitation they attacked them.He first took out 11 JS2s which were on the road and destroyed them then turned their attention to the rst.They created a real panic when they hit fuel trucks which exploded scattering Soviet tanks and crews.He exhausted all his ammo and personally accounted for 39 tanks.His wingman accounted for another 26!!!!This barely 2 1/2 weeks before the end of the war.He was decorated with the Knights Cross on the 28th in Berlin and was the last one to receive it.He survived the war and became a dental technician.He had a score of 100 tanks which he managed in only 3 months.Had he been accompanied by another 3 to 4 tanks they could have completely wiped out the 2 brigades.

Incidentally when I read stories like this I just wonder how could they manage to obtain fuel and ammo considering how chaotic and disrupted Germany was in the last 6 weeks of the war?

LC,Morty I have travelled and lived in Eastern Europe and believe me Russian, Belarussian, Ukrainian and Polish etc women are absolutely stunning:o
You'f want to surrender to them;)

Finally the Jagdtiger was one useless Sp vehicle the Germans could have done without.Compared to the Jagdpanther, the Hetzer or Jagdpanzer it was just slow, gas guzzling, too large to cross bridges and just a good target for allies jabos.It's combat record was dismal. For the price of building 1 JT they could have built 4 useful Stug IVs instead.Another loony idea along with the Ratte and Maus.

Cheers Kameraden

ZeeWolf 05-15-10 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1394035)
Zee take it eaZee!Last thing we want is for your to be sent to a sanatorium in the Hartz mountains for shell shocked veterans while the front is crumbling all around us.We need our ZugFuehrer to lead us to final victory over the low FPS and assorted glitches and bugs that the enemy is sure to plant in the game!!!!:nope:

Zum Zeeg mith Wolf!:shucks:

Zee I believe Bigfoot is also known by its Amerindian name Sasquash or something like that.Incidentally in Europe the Yeti is also a pretty preppy SUV made by VW/Skoda....

Speaking of feats I remember reading the exploit of Karl Koerner who around 24th April 1945 near Marsdorf in the Berlin area happened to stumble upon a couple of Soviet tank brigades ,120 to 140 tanks,refuellingin a village.He was commanding a Tiger II and only had one wingman with him.Without hesitation they attacked them.He first took out 11 JS2s which were on the road and destroyed them then turned their attention to the rst.They created a real panic when they hit fuel trucks which exploded scattering Soviet tanks and crews.He exhausted all his ammo and personally accounted for 39 tanks.His wingman accounted for another 26!!!!This barely 2 1/2 weeks before the end of the war.He was decorated with the Knights Cross on the 28th in Berlin and was the last one to receive it.He survived the war and became a dental technician.He had a score of 100 tanks which he managed in only 3 months.Had he been accompanied by another 3 to 4 tanks they could have completely wiped out the 2 brigades.

Incidentally when I read stories like this I just wonder how could they manage to obtain fuel and ammo considering how chaotic and disrupted Germany was in the last 6 weeks of the war?

LC,Morty I have travelled and lived in Eastern Europe and believe me Russian, Belarussian, Ukrainian and Polish etc women are absolutely stunning:o
You'f want to surrender to them;)

Finally the Jagdtiger was one useless Sp vehicle the Germans could have done without.Compared to the Jagdpanther, the Hetzer or Jagdpanzer it was just slow, gas guzzling, too large to cross bridges and just a good target for allies jabos.It's combat record was dismal. For the price of building 1 JT they could have built 4 useful Stug IVs instead.Another loony idea along with the Ratte and Maus.

Cheers Kameraden

Your ZugFuehrer will report to the front in the new German mission 4 battle ready.:salute:

Meanwhile the young guys can look forward to their fifties, it's where amazing things start to happen. Like women who you thought looked kinda like Sasquash start to look pretty good. But frinik I have to agree - those Russian gals are BEAUTIFUL! and sweet as honey too.
And yes your Karl Koerner story is another account that is amazing. The bombing of Germany in the last few months of the war was an act of wanton death and destruction designed as a "Red Carpet" for the Morguenthou Plan. Witch to this day the former allies of the Soviet Union deny ever being implemented. So determined were the Red Armies allies in the killing as many Germans the original scientists in the US who worked on the A-bomb was hoping for their invention to be used on the Fatherland.
So along with all those merciless fire bombings on the women and children of Germany they wanted the A-Bomb to be their "Cherry on top"
so-to-speak. And yet the men of Germany fought on.

Sometimes I become discouraged and think it will take a thousand years for the truth to come out. But I take courage from the fact that it is the truth that will stand forever not lies.

Vorwärts Kameraden!


LcSummers 05-16-10 12:33 AM

Hi Frinic,

Quote:LC,Morty I have travelled and lived in Eastern Europe and believe me Russian, Belarussian, Ukrainian and Polish etc women are absolutely stunning:o
You'f want to surrender to them;)

Thats true what you are writing but i prefer Hungarian women because my wife s from Hungary. I know that very well. :)

Quote:Finally the Jagdtiger was one useless Sp vehicle the Germans could have done without.Compared to the Jagdpanther, the Hetzer or Jagdpanzer it was just slow, gas guzzling, too large to cross bridges and just a good target for allies jabos.It's combat record was dismal. For the price of building 1 JT they could have built 4 useful Stug IVs instead.Another loony idea along with the Ratte and Maus.

The same was with the Königstiger (i like that monster very much), too much fuel consumtion, troubles with the road wheels and gearbox etc. So the Köti had the same problems, i mentioned that i wouldnt point on the advantages and disadvantages of the tanks ( i know them very well) but i like the JT with all of its disadvantages and today you can find only 3 examples of them. When reading the stories of the 653rd and 512th s.Pz.Jg.Abt. the JTs were feared to the end of the war by American forces. The JT was mainly used on the WF.I saw a video when some JTs surrenderd at Iserlohn. It is really a superb video.

So as ZW knows i like tanks/destroyers (like the Jagdpanther späte Ausf.) in the last stages of WWII (1944-1945). Not only German, Allied tanks too.

BTW frinic, you know very much, so if i have a question may i relay on you?



LcSummers 05-16-10 12:40 AM

Hello ZW

take care, do not think that we could not wait for a release. As i said once, easy, we have enough time and when you need some RR then do it.:up:

After my accident i needed that too. So dont hesitate and take your time. With a fresh mind you can start things better you see options were you did not realized it. This is my opinion and many of us, included me do understand that.:yeah:

Slowly but surley ZW


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