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ZeeWolf 05-08-10 09:27 PM

I found it mort!
The issue was the change to the "DefaultSurfaceControl" in the Tiger tanks
Unit file "TankPzVIAusfEUnit.script" .
During the testing for the swamp effect I changed Default Surface Control
from "PutonGroundLandingJoints" to "None".

The stock missions use the same Tiger script for player and AI
so that would explain why (in stock missions) the AI Tiger looked like it was
above ground. It simply stayed at the same height from it's start location.

The goal is to make AI units strictly AI and not both AI and Player controlled.
This may not make sense now but when I start work on the Multi-Player ability it will.


ZeeWolf 05-08-10 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Lazarus905 (Post 1386167)
Wait, I need to pay for your mod?

No, only if you want the Mod! :yep:

Lazarus905 05-08-10 09:44 PM

Yeeeah,, thats not going to happen. 60$ for a mod? You have to be out of your mind.

frinik 05-08-10 10:35 PM

Fly Tiger FLY!
Lazarus,you don´t want to pay for the mod you´re perfectly entitled to but please don´t bitch on the forum and tell people they´re out of their mind for asking you to pay for their work.You want freebies then get Panzer Elite, plenty of free mods ....:03:

Zee ,Morty ,I have had the same experience with flying Tigers( like commandant Chennault???)but only with Kursk mission 1.At one pòint some of the Tigers ahead of me in the mad race to the Sov posiitons would start flyinh up in the air as if tossed and then simply fall back to the ground.I suspect it´s low fps issue which creates "mirages:D".On the other hand I haven´t replayed Beskudnikovo( the stock mission bores me totally)but I have replayed Zee´s Tigers Shake Kurtenki, Hill 500, Tigers Breakout and Defending Simshkovo without any of the flying Tiger effect.But for these missions my fps are from 8.8 to 22.

Cheers Kameraden:salute:

ZeeWolf 05-08-10 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Lazarus905 (Post 1386195)
Yeeeah,, thats not going to happen. 60$ for a mod? You have to be out of your mind.

Really? It sounds to me your just trying to start trouble. And it is also apparent that you know very little or nothing about this project.
But let me be clear, nobody is requiring to do anything except obeying the rules of this forum. If starting trouble is your intent I have a problem with that.

LcSummers 05-09-10 03:00 AM

Hi to everybody

Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1386217)
Really? It sounds to me your just trying to start trouble. And it is also apparent that you know very little or nothing about this project.
But let me be clear, nobody is requiring to do anything except obeying the rules of this forum. If starting trouble is your intent I have a problem with that.

Hi Lazarus905,

before mentioning things like that read the whole blog. You have a lot to read. ZW never said or wrote that his mod is obligatory and it is not only a MOD as you think, read everything. I know everybody has the right to say his arguments but before i will do this i have to have proofs for such statements but would never title somebody with that. You have the chance to contact ZW and questioning himself.
ZW and we members are at the beginning of a new project made by ZW himself. Without him BELIEVE me TvT would be death and you have spend money for nothing. This might be out of mind (its my opinion). And the most important thing is if you sell something i do not think you would comp something when it is your own hard made product.

Secondly after the release of TvT have you seen support? I didnt think so. Every little bug we members or ZW finds, he is right here to help us anytime. No comment from him , he is doing it to make the best sim out of TvT. HE IS A ONE MAN COMPANY.



LcSummers 05-10-10 12:43 AM

Some news?
Hi ZW and all foundation members,

have only a question, do we have some news or how is it going on? Dont want to sit around. Something to dO?:hmmm:


ZeeWolf 05-10-10 12:55 AM

There is always something to do when taking on the whole Red Army :yep:
Any mission ideas?


frinik 05-10-10 06:59 AM

Ideas for New Mission
Zee we would love to help you with ideas for new missions but a few questions beforehand,

What about redoing the existing Soviet missions?

What about the other 3 German missions that haven't been reworked mission 2, 4 and 5.

Would it not mean less work to rework existing misisons rather than do new ones right away?Would it be possible to run one into a night mission with flares etc?

Also without seeing your Kursk maps it might be difficult for us to suggest new missions.


morttheslayer 05-10-10 04:48 PM

Some ideas - Also thanks for the Flight Test Zee
Zee great you spotted the flying tigers and proposed a fix. :up:

I've just had some issues with a new laptop (i use my laptop to get on the internet and we're not friends yet :damn:. I think I've cracked the antivirus conflicts (after 2 re-installs!!) so I sympathise with your MoBo RAM problem. But here I am (despite my efforts not because of them BTW :haha:)

I would agree with Frinic about reworked missions even a few tweaks and corrections!!

For a new mission suggestion I read about Major Sauvant's Tigers taking the village of Butyrki - savage Tiger action.
the battle for Cherkasskoye where the Soviets had a triple trench line, Grossdeutschland Tiger Company supported by MkIV & MkIII Panthers and assault guns effected a breach and were in front of the village at 09.15. They started at 05.00 from near a village called Butovo (5 July 1943). Just some ideas!

By the way Lazarus is fully entitled to be " in his mind" just as we all are happy to be "out of ours" :88) so if we don't mind he doesn't matter.

All the Best - Mort

PS Laazarus check all posts and screen shots you're getting a "new" game!

ZeeWolf 05-10-10 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1387807)
Zee great you spotted the flying tigers and proposed a fix. :up:

I've just had some issues with a new laptop (i use my laptop to get on the internet and we're not friends yet :damn:. I think I've cracked the antivirus conflicts (after 2 re-installs!!) so I sympathise with your MoBo RAM problem. But here I am (despite my efforts not because of them BTW :haha:)

I would agree with Frinic about reworked missions even a few tweaks and corrections!!

For a new mission suggestion I read about Major Sauvant's Tigers taking the village of Butyrki - savage Tiger action.
the battle for Cherkasskoye where the Soviets had a triple trench line, Grossdeutschland Tiger Company supported by MkIV & MkIII Panthers and assault guns effected a breach and were in front of the village at 09.15. They started at 05.00 from near a village called Butovo (5 July 1943). Just some ideas!

By the way Lazarus is fully entitled to be " in his mind" just as we all are happy to be "out of ours" :88) so if we don't mind he doesn't matter.

All the Best - Mort

PS Lazarus check all posts and screen shots you're getting a "new" game!

You and frinik are right I want to keep things in order and of course that means working smart.
the mission ideas were more for an interesting discussion not for something to start on new on my part.
That would be a great topic for a new thread mort. Guys could tell war stories that inspire
interest and at the same time educate us on some great battles for future
scenarios. :up:
The battle for Cherkasskoye for instance was one I considered before I
chose the LSSAH 13th Panzer Regiment. Cherkasskoye - had it all man the
elite GrossDeutschland GrnDiv, Tigers and Panthers SturmUnits Panzer II- IVs .
A huge number of German armor concentrated on Cherkasskoye.
And of course I would love doing it too if it were not for the FPS issues.
But Major Sauvant's Tigers taking the village of Butyrki - savage
Tiger action may be something very interesting Morti :yep:



PS: Lazarus in the bible was raised from the dead - kinda like TvsT :D

woofiedog 05-11-10 01:08 AM

First I'd like to say... there is a extreme amount of work that made up this update and it shows! Wicked :D

One of my few problems is that I keep getting stuck in the mud it seems when I'm tring to keep my tank driving straight or is this just my driving? :cry:

I have an older rig with a AMD 57 FX cpu and 7800 graphic cards in SLI and 3gigs of ram... and so far I'm keeping up well with the game frame rate. It's been about 4-6 so far during game play and that is with the settings up in high and using 1400/900 resolution. One thing I did tried out was a program called Game Booster... saw it posted at one of the forums and gave it a try. Game play seems a bit smoother now and I got a 1-2 frame rate increase going by Frap's.

So far have to say I'm impressed... just need a few more missions now for my eager crew! :yeah:

frinik 05-11-10 03:14 AM

Game Booster
Hi Woofie!Thanks for the interesting tip.

Could you give us more details about tthe Game Booster Programme?Where do we get it?How is ti installed? Is it specific to one game only c or does it apply to all the games you have installed on a desktop or laptop( I assume it works for laptops too?)


woofiedog 05-11-10 03:25 AM

It's a very simple program that gives you a list of programs running on your computer and it lets you pick and shut down unnecessary programs... afterwards you can simply turn them back on with the same program. It also has a defrag opition that you can use to defrag the game files. You can select any game on your computer whether C file or external drive files. Not sure about a laptop... don't have one. LoL I installed it in my C files and as I stated it real easy to use and install.

Here is a link:

A video clip of the program:

LcSummers 05-11-10 05:47 AM

Hi woofiedog
Hi woofiedog

Quote:I have an older rig with a AMD 57 FX cpu and 7800 graphic cards in SLI and 3gigs of ram... and so far I'm keeping up well with the game frame rate. It's been about 4-6 so far during game play and that is with the settings up in high and using 1400/900 resolution. One thing I did tried out was a program called Game Booster... saw it posted at one of the forums and gave it a try. Game play seems a bit smoother now and I got a 1-2 frame rate increase going by Frap's.

We made some tests with Prioaff. With ZWs help we could start it and test it in the game. There was a blog were i wrote about my experiences. With that tool we also got 1.2 fps more but this didnt solve the problem with low fps. But as ZW mentioned this wil be buged out sooner or later. :up:



LcSummers 05-11-10 07:17 AM

GM3 new
Hi ZW,

tested new GM3. Wow!!! Heavy artillery fps between high 14 and 22. Was just a short test, try to make it longer. (later) BUT COOOL, i mean HOOOT!!!!:yeah:

Lost nearly all my "houses" couldnt take a bath!:wah:

My tank is harder to steer. Is this what you wanted? Turns harder left or right.

Now you have your gardener!!!!!:yeah: No stalls for my tank when ramming trees!! Wunderbar.

The enemie AI which had to outflank the German forces will not! Intended? They stood there and didnt move until i arrived and knocked them out. May be the have to attack!!!:06:

Thanks alot much improvment.


Chucky 05-11-10 07:30 AM

I have used GameBooster in the past and was very happy with it.
I don't use it now I have a kick-ass PC,but it's worth a try if you are having speed/resource issues.

ZeeWolf 05-11-10 01:32 PM

Hey Guys :DL

I found a program for all who have a 64bit system that I think you should
give it a try. It's called "4gb_patch.exe"

It patches the the way TvsT.exe handles RAM. I check it out with my Hex
editor and it dose allot of work on the *.exe plus it backs-up the original
file for you. And of course it is very easy to use.
Although I ran the patched file on my 32bit system (with no problems) it
is specifically designed for 64bit systems
The link:

or go here:


frinik 05-11-10 10:13 PM

Hi Zee, could you specify what " It patches the the way TvsT.exe handles RAM" means exactly in concrete terms?:hmmm:


ZeeWolf 05-12-10 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1389401)
Hi Zee, could you specify what " It patches the the way TvsT.exe handles RAM" means exactly in concrete terms?:hmmm:


Hi frinik,
It would be much better to check-out this site for more accurate details



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