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Wilcke 04-13-10 11:34 PM

I am curious to see comparisons between FRAPS and the ingame counter. Are they the same? I just ran the Tigers Shake Kurtenki mission and saw FPS from 15-12 throughout with the ingame counter.

The mission runs very smoothly, effects are fantastic, I would think at the above frame rates that thing would be unplayable. But no its awesome.

AMD Phenom II 955 BE Rev C
8gigs of ram
Win 7 Pro

frinik 04-14-10 03:16 AM

Particle effects
I agree with LC that it would be preferable to have more tanks in the game and less artillery or alternately keep the same amount of artillery but decrease or space the explosions of shells crashing on the battlefiled.My own experience with particle effects( gunsmoke, dust from rolling tanks, tanks or vehicles on fire, explosions spewing chunks of ground in the air) is that they dramatically lower your fps even if it's temporary.However particle effects also add to the atmosphere and the realism of game play....

The other day I was playing a game and a 152 mm shell landed just 10 feet( 3 metres) in front of my tank as I was aiming to fire. The fps dropped instantly from 17 to 2.89 while the particles resulting from the exploding shell were dissipating in the air.Then after 6 seconds the air cleared and the fps went back up to 16. Also infantry - probably because individual soldiers usually tend to greatly outnumber the vehicles present in a scenario - takes a hard toll on the fps.

As well every game is different; some need high fps count to work well and smooth others seem to thrive on much smaller fps.Which is why TvsT works well at values that would leave other games playing in slow motion.

Anyway Zee has worked his usual magic and for that we are grateful.:up:


Txema 04-14-10 03:38 AM


First of all I want to congratulate you on your excellent work on T34 vs Tiger. :DL

However I want to let you know that I am experiencing exactly the same problems as BlueMind. Perhaps they are related with the screen resolution used (I am playing with 1920 X 1200). For me the original game binocular view and gunsight view were perfect and I would appreciate it very much if you could allow us to use them (at least as a option) in your mod.

Thank you very much again for all your excellent work !!



Originally Posted by BlueMind (Post 1358466)
Ok, here is my first impression about the mod.

1. The binocular view is very little now (see screens below).

Original game binocular view :

Project Zeewolf view :

2. The sight range isn't correct (I need to adjust it at the half of the distance given by the commander or estimated by the triangles).

Original game setting at 1'400 meters :

Project Zeewolf setting at 700 meters :

Firststep 04-14-10 10:19 AM

Hallo ZW, hallo All,

I must say ZW did excellent work to refresh the sim, thanks a lot!!!
The sight view of the binoc and the gunsight should be changed to the original because the distance of aiming is correct in that view.
However, the piercing of Tigers Panzergranate 39 and 40 is not correct yet because the Panzergranate 39 was able to destroy a T34 at 1500 meter with one direct hit, in game 4th german mission i fired at 800 meters and need at least 3 - 4 hits, knock out a T34.


BlueMind 04-14-10 10:43 AM

I tried with the 2 files you send me Zeewolf and the binocular problem doesn't exist anymore. But, despite the original view of gunsight, the distance is always wrong (half of the real distance). The problem is elsewhere. :wah:

Now, I have some other points:
I confirm the problem with the view when we change between the crew position, like said Oilman.
But, with a little difference: the new position crew take always the last view used (if I'm the gunner and after hit the F3 key, I switch between the cockpit view to the gunner sight and when I change to the commander seat, I've the binocular view... is that clear?) :hmmm:

Another little think (but very little)... You changed the zoom of the external view, that's very nice but the closest view is a little to close (the extremity of the barrel is cut)... I like take screenshots or records with Fraps to make movies. :03:

I tried the Kursk Mission but not at the end (only few minutes). I have almost 8 to 10 FPS and sometimes it's around 4 FPS. I tested it with a resolution of 1280x720 pixels (I use this size to make movies in HD without re-encoding) and my computer runs Windows XP with a Core2 Quad 2.66 GHz (Q6700) with 3 Go of RAM and a Nvidia 8800GTX (I will change it soon with a better graphic card, another processor and Windows 7).

I tested another time the 5th german mission (Hill 500) and I kill only 2 tanks :wah::wah::wah:
The other tanks was destroyed by my teammates and no one of the T34 can take my flank anymore... Wether Germans are too talented, or the Russians are blind IMO...

Now I stop complain and I will say another time: THIS MOD IS REALLY GREAT !!! All the german missions are more better than the original game (I don't play often as russian because I like more the Tiger than the T34).

@Wilcke: yes, Fraps indicates the same FPS than the F9 key but without a lot of text in the screen (only a number on the top left corner), I compared the two.

BlueMind 04-14-10 11:11 AM

I have a question about the reloading time (I tried to search on the web but I haven't find any official document).
For a Tiger, it's about 15 secondes, same time for a T34 and about 20 secondes for the JS-2... But it's not very clear. :06:

Anyone know how many time it takes ?

It's seems to be a little too fast in T34 vs Tiger (for all tanks).

ZeeWolf 04-14-10 11:38 AM

Well Guys, as all can see there is still work to be done. As you can all
recognize too how much your feedback is vital to working things out that
would get by me so-to-speak. :yep:

I will include the gun site change in the Kursk Mission 1 release. But it
would be much better if you guys could wait on the other cockpit issues.
Those issues would be best worked on during the training mission (thanks
Hitman) with a much higher degree of focus.;)

Of course like you I want this sim to be as realistic as possible and that
can IMO only happen with your dedication to the Project ZeeWolf vision
for this Tank sim through your sincere interest.:up:

Thanks Kameraden! :salute:


ZeeWolf 04-14-10 02:03 PM

For a treat I send you guys my German Mission#3. A tip: "Check your six":D

I added a few new changes :salute:


Firststep 04-14-10 02:34 PM


The time of loading of a well trianed german gunner was 6-7 sec under battle condition much faster than russians ( about 20 sec to the small turret of a T34 and the storage condition of ammo ).


oilman 04-14-10 03:19 PM

Hi. Just loaded ZW addon.

I installed a fresh instal in a seperate partition. Then extracted the addon package to it.

The addon extracter utility got started and unpacked some, maybe all of the package. But ended with an error window coming up. Windows also stated it blocked some files.

I tried firing up the game and it did boot up. Diferent first mission map from original and there was a Russian half track there.

I proceded to the town and on the way noticed one graphics error with grass on the road.

On arriving at the town I distroyed two anti tank guns the right most first. At wich point I saw two bunkers behind the guns. I destroyed the anti tank gun to the right. The there was one bunker. I went off and blasted the leftmost gun and decided to take a drive through town. Just after clearing the barb wire the game started to go astray. With very strange graphics and the tank was imobilised. Exiting was difficult with the task manager. Once I got back to the desk top I tried restarting the game and the computer locked up. Before hard booting it a error message poped up saying graphics driver error or something like that.

Windows XP Pro SP3

Dual 3 ghz Pentium D 778

Nvidea onboard graphics 512 meg ram.

4 gig of Corsair 800 DDr2

Would it be possible to know if the patch fully installed by the size of the TVT main file?

Hitman 04-14-10 03:25 PM

I second the petitions for enlarged binoculars view :) The same size as in the F5 view would actually be perfect, BUT if possible I'd like to see simply a rounded hole, as in the current gun optic, because this is also what you see when looking through binoculars.

A series of numbers in the reticle would also be of some help, as I'm not sure what they are supposed to be (1 mil, 2 mil per mark?)

A final suggestion: Having the switch from standard to zoomed view and back via mouse wheel would be fantastic because of its intuitiveness and no need to press keys, which is always distracting from what is going on in the screen.

morttheslayer 04-14-10 03:35 PM

Gone but not forgotten!!
Hi Tankers, daughter successfully married to policeman so I must be extra careful in future !! - put on a bit of ballast due to eating and drinking but hope the Kursk campaign with all it's hardships will cause a dramatic weight loss!!

Thanks especially to Zee, Lc, and Frinic for your congrats - much appreciated, and unfortunately for me this occurred at a critical development time for the Kursk tests. I see Zee has sent me a small shed load of updates which I will work through soon. I just got back tonight so won't be much of an asset (well was I ever???) for a while; until I get sorted and have a short rest.
Thanks Zee for the updates as I have been fretting about my lack of involvement and having to catch up. :salute:

Scottish saying
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy!!":haha:

PS Scots aren't normal!!!!!


ZeeWolf 04-14-10 03:56 PM

Hey Morti,
I was wondering what happened - knowing some weddings can get kinda
crazy out there. :haha:
Take it easy mort, your a casualty of the culture :yep: so-to-speak.

Glad your ok!


BlueMind 04-14-10 04:33 PM

@Hitman > Click here >>

ZeeWolf 04-14-10 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by oilman (Post 1359801)
Hi. Just loaded ZW addon.

I installed a fresh instal in a seperate partition. Then extracted the addon package to it.

The addon extracter utility got started and unpacked some, maybe all of the package. But ended with an error window coming up. Windows also stated it blocked some files.

I tried firing up the game and it did boot up. Diferent first mission map from original and there was a Russian half track there.

I proceded to the town and on the way noticed one graphics error with grass on the road.

On arriving at the town I distroyed two anti tank guns the right most first. At wich point I saw two bunkers behind the guns. I destroyed the anti tank gun to the right. The there was one bunker. I went off and blasted the leftmost gun and decided to take a drive through town. Just after clearing the barb wire the game started to go astray. With very strange graphics and the tank was imobilised. Exiting was difficult with the task manager. Once I got back to the desk top I tried restarting the game and the computer locked up. Before hard booting it a error message poped up saying graphics driver error or something like that.

Windows XP Pro SP3

Dual 3 ghz Pentium D 778

Nvidea onboard graphics 512 meg ram.

4 gig of Corsair 800 DDr2

Would it be possible to know if the patch fully installed by the size of the TVT main file?

Oilman, try downloading the file again it my be a corrupted file. You need all the files in the pre-Kursk (275mg) file to work.

Then install and let me know how it works :yep:


indebin 04-14-10 06:08 PM

Installed ok, runs very well, what are the changes.


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1359666)
For a treat I send you guys my German Mission#3. A tip: "Check your six":D

I added a few new changes :salute:


ZeeWolf 04-14-10 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by indebin (Post 1360031)
Installed ok, runs very well, what are the changes.

Hi indebin,
If you never played the default it would be hard to tell. But there is more
enemy and more aggressive flank attack. The attack by the T34s have more
speed and more aggressive.


ZW :salute:

eddie 04-14-10 08:03 PM

ZW, got the new version of the Kursk mission, but can't install it. The problem that it mentions is that it can't create the uninstall file for it. Then it shuts down.

Edit: Got it working, removed one of the other uninstall files.

oilman 04-14-10 08:09 PM

I ran mission one again. And mission 5(?). Ran ok this time. My cure for switching views right now is just to get the gunner on F5 and leave it there. Seems if I'm just bouncing back and forth between gunner and comander I'm fine.

Is there a way to toggle map icons on and off in game?

ZeeWolf 04-14-10 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by eddie (Post 1360169)
ZW, got the new version of the Kursk mission, but can't install it. The problem that it mentions is that it can't create the uninstall file for it. Then it shuts down.

Edit: Got it working, removed one of the other uninstall files.

Try un-installing the previous Kursk M1. The problem may be that the
UN-Installer is the same name as the one you have now.

Or deleting the previous Kursk M1's uninstall file then over-wright the last Kursk M1

Then let me know how it goes! :up:


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