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ZeeWolf 04-06-10 01:21 PM

Thanks LC the pleasure is all mine Kamerad :yeah:


LcSummers 04-06-10 02:07 PM


thank you for my reticle but its too dark forme. I didnt express myself clearly.

My opinion was that it should has the same colour as the triangels.

Please forgive me to make such problems but i cant read it in a fierce fight.



ZeeWolf 04-06-10 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by LcSummers (Post 1349676)

thank you for my reticle but its too dark forme. I didnt express myself clearly.

My opinion was that it should has the same colour as the triangels.

Please forgive me to make such problems but i cant read it in a fierce fight.



Don't worry LC, I can fix it!


ZeeWolf 04-06-10 05:39 PM

Hey check this out!


eddie 04-06-10 06:31 PM

Nice FR's ZW, but I don't see any other objects on your map,lol

I've had about the same FR's as Lc, but I approached the mission from a different angle. I decided I didn't want to be part of that meat grinder, just a matter of time before I get hit it seems. So I followed the lay of the land, kept a nice low ridge between me and the Russians. If they can't see you, they can't shoot you either. Eventually I ended up here, before I called it a night! I know you have an idea where I am at too!

"Hey Ivan, come and get me!!!":D

frinik 04-07-10 12:14 AM

Captain Kursk calling the enterprise ZeeWolf...
Thanks for the hat's off Master Zee but the dedication and glory are truly yours to bask in.You have made glowing predictions of a Promised Land of tanksim where Tigers and T34s would flow like milk and honey and you have made good on them! You promised to your faithful that you would resurrect TvsT and you did it.:salute:

61.7 fps?????? Magic or witchcraft? :hmmm:

Wow Master Zee is this your new graphic card at work?How did you get such high figures? Just one single Tiger on the battlefield????You have provided outstanding support to the Tiger crews Herrn Zee!:yeah:


ZeeWolf 04-07-10 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1350338)
Thanks for the hat's off Master Zee but the dedication and glory are truly yours to bask in.You have made glowing predictions of a Promised Land of tanksim where Tigers and T34s would flow like milk and honey and you have made good on them! You promised to your faithful that you would resurrect TvsT and you did it.:salute:

61.7 fps?????? Magic or witchcraft? :hmmm:

Wow Master Zee is this your new graphic card at work?How did you get such high figures? Just one single Tiger on the battlefield????You have provided outstanding support to the Tiger crews Herrn Zee!:yeah:


Hi frinik, the 61.7 fps is on the Kursk map with nothing else on it, just me
cruzing at up to 42Klph. My new HD4770 is a factor but I hoped it would
be more of a help with the fps then it has. Tomorrow I should receive my
new MB and will install the 3.0Ghz CPU. That is when the editing and
testing the code efficiency will improve. And finally play the Kursk mission.
As for the new Kursk release even though it is in Beta the rest of the
updates improvements and models could be uploaded without the Kursk
mission. that way when the Kursk mission is ready it will only be a 6mg

How about that? :up:


frinik 04-07-10 02:15 AM

Master Zee you are the Kaleu on board.We await your orders.:arrgh!:

But if we download the improvements and models without the Kursk misison will they appear in the old games and or your Xmas giflt and member's previous releases?


LcSummers 04-07-10 09:10 AM

Yes Sturmbannfuehrer ZW,

waiting for orders, lets kick those bolshewik hopefully with increasing fps.

Download Download Download


Hi frinic

tried with less resolution but not much difference in fps.

fps between 2.1 and 5.1 but mostly 3.1-3.4

LcSummers 04-07-10 10:05 AM

What the hell?
Hi Eddie,

what the hell are you doing with my Tiger here? 1302 was my Tiger one day ago when it was trapped and left behind for repair. :haha:

Good Hunting


ZeeWolf 04-07-10 11:50 AM

Good morning Kameraden!

I posted an image of the fps (61.7) and Tiger traveling at 32Kmph on a
map that was empty of other objects to show there is hope. :DL
I do have a small download that is totally experimental. My system
can not effectively test this version of changes. However the signs
of this being an asset on your system is very simple. It will either
work great or not at all, no in-between. ALSO YOU MUST REBOOT
AND CLEAR T VS T's CACHE FOLDER after installing.
Then go into Kursk and simply put your tiger (after Eng @rpm) in first
gear. You will be able to tell if this is for you instantly.

I forgot to mention today I will upgrade my PC to 3.0Ghz and after testing
on this new upgrade I will make the experimental update ready for DL :salute:


Hitman 04-07-10 01:39 PM

Well unless something very good appears by surprise, I guess that your mod will be the benchmark for WW2 tank simulations for quite some time, so I'm confident that sooner or later my PC will catch up with the needed specs to run it in full glory. TvT isn't going anywhere, it's here to stay with Zee's mod and we all will end up enjoying it inmensely. Keep the good work! :up:

ZeeWolf 04-07-10 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Hitman (Post 1351156)
Well unless something very good appears by surprise, I guess that your mod will be the benchmark for WW2 tank simulations for quite some time, so I'm confident that sooner or later my PC will catch up with the needed specs to run it in full glory. TvT isn't going anywhere, it's here to stay with Zee's mod and we all will end up enjoying it inmensely. Keep the good work! :up:

Thanks Hitman :up:

For the duration!:salute:

frinik 04-08-10 12:05 AM

Kursk to Enterprise! Do you rwad me?
Mister Zee, I like your idea but I do have a couple of technical questions:

1) Where do we find the cache?

2) We should first install your mods and then clear the cache?Or is it the other way around?

3)Then we reboot?

Can you tell us what to expect.6 missions in sequence?

This is for those of us who have not taken part to the Beta testing and are still in the dark as to what to expect.

Lc; hang on reinforcements are coming,The day of reckoning for the Bolschewicks is very close at hand!

ZeeWolf 04-08-10 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1351805)
Mister Zee, I like your idea but I do have a couple of technical questions:

1) Where do we find the cache?

2) We should first install your mods and then clear the cache?Or is it the other way around?

3)Then we reboot?

Can you tell us what to expect.6 missions in sequence?

This is for those of us who have not taken part to the Beta testing and are still in the dark as to what to expect.

Lc; hang on reinforcements are coming,The day of reckoning for the Bolschewicks is very close at hand!

Hi frinik,

The Cache folder is in the T34vsTiger Hierarchy:

<drive>:\Lighthouse Interactive\T34vsTiger\Cache

There are two things that is relevant to the instruction
to empty the Cache folder.
1.) Because the game engine is really a code compiler it takes the
*.script files and processes them into the actual files that can
be read by the game and places them in the Cache folder. So
deleting those files means there will be all new files in that
folder after any alteration to the script files.

2.) Rebooting then becomes a good idea because windows takes the
data that a program that has previously ran and stores them in the
virtual memory (page files on the drive not your RAM). So this
is where the crashes occur the most and why it will crash and
just re-start the program and it runs just fine.

There is going to be a end of this type of delay in beta testing once this
current Kursk release becomes playable on a 3.0Ghz PC. Then this level of
intensity prior to any future release will be minimum. :yep:

The missions are the thing I intend to produce non-stop. And I really
doubt if there will be another very large download after this one unless
it is for the weather changes that will take allot of new textures etc.
Each new mission will be about 6mgs in size maybe three times that size
with new models added in the new missions. Most of the new missions will
fit just fine on the mid-size map (18km x 18km box). Time to complete each
new mission maybe erratic at times but a really good one will be at minimum
a week with the modeling and the research and details that us perfectionists seem so necessary.

Thanks for thinking about the others, sometimes I get a little to focused
so your very helpful Kamerad. :salute:



LcSummers 04-08-10 01:51 AM

What do you mean, should i test this too ?

Before cleaning something that will crash my pc (experiences) i will make a copy of this working beta release and install this new update in that copy.

Do we have to make a clear install or can we use this "old" beta version as it is?



Frinic i need support know or i cant hold the frontline, just a single Tiger I can turn the tide , so lets go on.
If you have any troubles installing beta version you can ask me too made that 2 or 3 times.

frinik 04-08-10 02:07 AM

Captain Kursk log 1943
Thanks for the kind help Lc I may call on you.What I just want to make sure is the sequence;

1) install

2) clear the game cache

3) reboot

Once I have installed successfully I'll be coming to your rescue Herr Hauptstuermfuehrer but one FPS at a time(:haha:.

The 61.7 fps is reserved for our Oberbefehlshaber ZW himself!We grunts only get 1.7 to 3 fps rations.:stare:


LcSummers 04-08-10 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1351852)
Thanks for the kind help Lc I may call on you.What I just want to make sure is the sequence;

1) install

2) clear the game cache

3) reboot

Once I have installed successfully I'll be coming to your rescue Herr Hauptstuermfuehrer but one FPS at a time(:haha:.

The 61.7 fps is reserved for our Oberbefehlshaber ZW himself!We grunts only get 1.7 to 3 fps rations.:stare:


Frinic you want to install the whole beta release as we did, right?

First of all install ZW largest update

1, ZW_MO_T34vTiger_Kursk_M1_Beta_v1

After installing this mod go to missions and campaign2. Here you have to delete Mission 1 and mission 6 completeley.

Lighthouse Interactive\T34vsTiger\Missions\Campaign_2\Mission _1 AND Mission_6

2, Install ZW_MO_T34vTiger_Kursk_FIX_1 (28Mb)

After installation go into Mission1, here you find folder mission 6. Copy or cut it and paste it into Campaign_2. You should now see Mission 1 through Mission 6

new error message "4MeterBoxUnit.script" if you start game. try it

Quote: I found it you must delete the file "4MeterBoxUnit.script"

Location: C:\Lighthouse Interactive\T34vsTiger\Scripts\Units

After deleting "4MeterBoxUnit.script" install his second

3, ZW_MO_T34vTiger_Kursk_FIX_1 (6Mb)

Now it should work if not, clear the game cache

\Lighthouse Interactive\T34vsTiger\Cache

I managed to play without rebooting but you can do it.

PS: Every time before you start TvT you must clear cache.



frinik 04-08-10 06:50 AM

Jeesus Lc are you serious? I have to install all that????

Actually my hope is that ZW's final Alpha release will include all the fixes and stuff.Hopefull I won't have to clear my cache every time....

I will await Zw's instructions in a day or two.

Thnaks for the precvious help.I'll protect your flanks on the battlefield.:shucks:


LcSummers 04-08-10 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1351998)
Jeesus Lc are you serious? I have to install all that????

Actually my hope is that ZW's final Alpha release will include all the fixes and stuff.Hopefull I won't have to clear my cache every time....

I will await Zw's instructions in a day or two.

Thnaks for the precvious help.I'll protect your flanks on the battlefield.:shucks:


Yeap Mr. Frinic this is the way it goes.

It was a really hard work untill we arrived here and could start the game. Sure ZW wrote us that he will solve these problems and include fixes which were not and which were double. No panic, he manages all. You know well, that we can all trust him but everything is done step by step.

Thanks you for yuor great protection we need any help.

Vorwaerts! :salute:


PS:I made this instruction for you (and other members) because its not only a simple "install" and to prevent problems.

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