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Seth Buttercrump 01-10-21 10:22 AM

I just broke my personal record with a haul of 132000 tons, including 4 more carriers and a Brooklyn cruiser. My last action was against a mid-atlantic convoy where I sank a large merchant and a 24000 ton troop carrier, but was gutted to then happen across an ailing HMT Aquitania with no torpedoes left. I tailed her for a while but she sank before the weather allowed me the opportunity to fire my 6 remaining 105mm shells into her in the hope of getting the credit. It was a lengthy patrol too- 34 days.

Kapitän 01-11-21 03:28 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Preparation & Outfitting

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2720138)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Friday, 10 January 1941 - Lorient

Taking on of Fuel Oil (176.2cbm) and Lubrication Oil.


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Saturday, 11 January until Sunday, 12 January 1941 - Lorient

Trimming trials and test cruise. Testing of Navigational and Radio Equipment.


Kapitän 01-13-21 03:42 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Preparation & Outfitting

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2720342)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Saturday, 11 January until Sunday, 12 January 1941 - Lorient

Trimming trials and test cruise. Testing of Navigational and Radio Equipment.


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Monday, 13 January until Wednesday, 15 January 1941 - Lorient

Taking on of Provisions, Ammunitions and Torpedoes.

Ari and A/A ammunition:
- 10.5cm-SK-C/32: 150 x SpG plus 30 x LkG
- 3.7cm-SK-C/30: 800 x ZlG plus 400 x PbG
- M.G.-2cm-C/30: 4000 x PbG

Taking on of torpedoes:
- Tubes I-VI: G7e, K-b
- Bow above floor plates: 2 x G7e, K-b
- Bow under floor plates: 2x G7e, K-b & 2 x G7a, K-a
- Aft under floor plate: 2 x G7a, K-a
- Upper deck containers: 8 x G7a, K-a
All with fuse Pi-G7H (only AZ / Pi-1 without MZ)


Seth Buttercrump 01-14-21 08:07 AM

Having just watched the remake of 'Das Boot' I have now adopted the von Reinhartz technique for avoiding destroyers when I disable a carrier that refuses to sink :03:

However I have discovered during my last mission that this strategy only works at night- I have just executed the maneouvre in daylight and the destroyers called in air support which ended up sinking the carrier while I was hiding under it!

Kapitän 01-16-21 11:03 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Preparation & Outfitting

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2720906)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Monday, 13 January until Wednesday, 15 January 1941 - Lorient

Taking on of Provisions, Ammunitions and Torpedoes.

Ari and A/A ammunition:
- 10.5cm-SK-C/32: 150 x SpG plus 30 x LkG
- 3.7cm-SK-C/30: 800 x ZlG plus 400 x PbG
- M.G.-2cm-C/30: 4000 x PbG

Taking on of torpedoes:
- Tubes I-VI: G7e, K-b
- Bow above floor plates: 2 x G7e, K-b
- Bow under floor plates: 2x G7e, K-b & 2 x G7a, K-a
- Aft under floor plate: 2 x G7a, K-a
- Upper deck containers: 8 x G7a, K-a
All with fuse Pi-G7H (only AZ / Pi-1 without MZ)


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Thursday, 16 January 1941 - Lorient

Final repairs and basin trials.


Kapitän 01-17-21 05:37 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Preparation & Outfitting

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2721851)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Thursday, 16 January 1941 - Lorient

Final repairs and basin trials.


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Friday, 17 January 1941 - Lorient

Taking on of potable water and fresh food provisions.


Hanzberger 01-17-21 11:08 AM

U-53 VII-B Flotilla Wegener
Start date 8/1/39 Konisgsberg
Training- successfully sank all target ships as ordered. Returned to base. They've updated our Hydrophones, but not all the parts were available causing a delay. My men are eager to go to war but most are too green to realize.

Start date 9/7/39 War is here, the men are filled with excitement. Our orders are to patrol AO98 then transfer to Kiel. We do so and sink one Polish destroyer. On the way back to Kiel we find nothing.

Start date 10/3/39 (current now). Our orders are to patrol BE96. A very long first 'real' patrol that will turn these remaining boys into men.
It has been nearly three weeks at sea now and only 1 tramp steamer to our name early on in the Nord sea. There have been only a few contacts since then and very bad weather has caused the enemy to escape. As we approach our patrol grid finally here on 10/20/39 my crew is getting fatigued and bored. It is as if the sea is void of any ships. A full load of torpedoes constantly reminds the crew. Fuel is around 70%. I hope we find something soon to restore confidence.

Kapitän 01-18-21 10:52 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Leaving port

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2722073)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Friday, 17 January 1941 - Lorient

Taking on of potable water and fresh food provisions.


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Saturday, 18 January 1941 - Lorient

Received operational orders for fourth war patrol with U 112 and twelfth war patrol overall:
- Follow departure path "Kernleder" to escort point "Kern" and perform deep dive trial at 200m-Line to 2A-Meter at medium speed.
- Send transfer message at 10°West, from Qu.BF18.
- Send radio messages only when of military importance => The enemy seems to be able to get a bearing on our radio frequencies.
(Note: Today we know, that the British were able to decipher the German radio messages sent by ENIGMA at Bletchley Park, which enabled the convoys to evade the German Uboat positions.).
- The Northern areas are closed to Uboat operations due to German surface vessels operating there => Take up position in patrol line in the area of 60°N, west of Rockall, in Marqu.16AL.

1655 - Lorient - N2/2, clear, visibility 16000, >1000mb - Sun has already set.

Casting off. Put to sea for fourth war patrol with U 112 and twelfth war patrol overall. Up to point Luci-2 with escort. Two Me-110 are protecting the harbour.

1750 - Point Luci-2 - Releasing escort.

1800 - Testing Diesel Engines:
- K.F.: 7kn
- L.F.: 10kn
- H.F.: 14kn
- G.F.: 16.5kn
- A.K.: 17.5kn
All good.

2100 - Qu.6175BF bottom left - German VIIC Uboat to our stbd. beam, E=1500, on course south.

2134 - Qu.6177BF top left - Boat is being attacked with 2 bombs by twin-engine airplane approaching from northerly heading. Bombs fall short astern. Airplane flying off on course 20° true.

2142 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
At 2134h in 6177BF top left, was attacked by twin engine airplane with 2 bombs. Direct approach in complete darkness. No damages. Continue outward transit. - RST -

2214 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Message received. Continue outward transit acc. to Op.-Orders.

2400 - Qu.5297BF


Kapitän 01-19-21 06:42 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - On outbound transit

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2722419)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Saturday, 18 January 1941 - Lorient

Received operational orders for fourth war patrol with U 112 and twelfth war patrol overall:
- Follow departure path "Kernleder" to escort point "Kern" and perform deep dive trial at 200m-Line to 2A-Meter at medium speed.
- Send transfer message at 10°West, from Qu.BF18.
- Send radio messages only when of military importance => The enemy seems to be able to get a bearing on our radio frequencies.
(Note: Today we know, that the British were able to decipher the German radio messages sent by ENIGMA at Bletchley Park, which enabled the convoys to evade the German Uboat positions.).
- The Northern areas are closed to Uboat operations due to German surface vessels operating there => Take up position in patrol line in the area of 60°N, west of Rockall, in Marqu.16AL.

1655 - Lorient - N2/2, clear, visibility 16000, >1000mb - Sun has already set.

Casting off. Put to sea for fourth war patrol with U 112 and twelfth war patrol overall. Up to point Luci-2 with escort. Two Me-110 are protecting the harbour.

1750 - Point Luci-2 - Releasing escort.

1800 - Testing Diesel Engines:
- K.F.: 7kn
- L.F.: 10kn
- H.F.: 14kn
- G.F.: 16.5kn
- A.K.: 17.5kn
All good.

2100 - Qu.6175BF bottom left - German VIIC Uboat to our stbd. beam, E=1500, on course south.

2134 - Qu.6177BF top left - Boat is being attacked with 2 bombs by twin-engine airplane approaching from northerly heading. Bombs fall short astern. Airplane flying off on course 20° true.

2142 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
At 2134h in 6177BF top left, was attacked by twin engine airplane with 2 bombs. Direct approach in complete darkness. No damages. Continue outward transit. - RST -

2214 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Message received. Continue outward transit acc. to Op.-Orders.

2400 - Qu.5297BF


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Sunday, 19 January 1941 - Bay of Biscay

0645 - Morning Dawn.

0727 - Boat is being attacked by a pair of Whitley's with 4 bombs each. Direct approach from 55° true, E=7000. The first 4 bombs fall ahead to port. Increasing speed to A.K. The second 4 bombs fall about 100m short astern to port. Boat is staying surfaced.

0807 - Sunrise.

0852 - Three twin-engine airplanes in 70° true, on course SSW, E=9000, flying off in 120° true on course NNE.

0947 - Diving for trial dive. Sound contact turbine bearing 95°, on course 70°, E=16000. At S-Tiefe nothing seen.

1012 - Trial dive at 2A-Meter. All is good.

1027 - Surfaced.

1200 - Qu.5174BF - Days Run since Lorient: 247.0sm - 244.6sm (18h 25') - 2.4sm (40')
169.1cbm. 9700Ah. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

1301 - F.T. from U 106:
Have sunk the MS Zealandic, 10578ts. - Oesten -

1631 - Qu.4388BF - Alarm! A pair of fighter planes in 50° true, on course SW, E=7000.
- 200sm from the British mainland -

1634 - At A-Meter no bombs. Boat remains submerged at T=20.

1709 - Sundown.

1911 - O = 20%. Surfaced.

1920 - Boat ventilated. Charging batteries at 9000Ah: Stbd.-Diesel 500RPM - Charging; Port-Diesel 405RPM - Propulsion, 10kn.

2008 - Batteries charged: 48' for 1000Ah. 2xH.F., 405RPM, 14kn.

Continuing outbound transit.


Kapitän 01-20-21 03:01 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - On outbound transit

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2722634)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Sunday, 19 January 1941 - Bay of Biscay

0645 - Morning Dawn.

0727 - Boat is being attacked by a pair of Whitley's with 4 bombs each. Direct approach from 55° true, E=7000. The first 4 bombs fall ahead to port. Increasing speed to A.K. The second 4 bombs fall about 100m short astern to port. Boat is staying surfaced.

0807 - Sunrise.

0852 - Three twin-engine airplanes in 70° true, on course SSW, E=9000, flying off in 120° true on course NNE.

0947 - Diving for trial dive. Sound contact turbine bearing 95°, on course 70°, E=16000. At S-Tiefe nothing seen.

1012 - Trial dive at 2A-Meter. All is good.

1027 - Surfaced.

1200 - Qu.5174BF - Days Run since Lorient: 247.0sm - 244.6sm (18h 25') - 2.4sm (40')
169.1cbm. 9700Ah. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

1301 - F.T. from U 106:
Have sunk the MS Zealandic, 10578ts. - Oesten -

1631 - Qu.4388BF - Alarm! A pair of fighter planes in 50° true, on course SW, E=7000.
- 200sm from the British mainland -

1634 - At A-Meter no bombs. Boat remains submerged at T=20.

1709 - Sundown.

1911 - O = 20%. Surfaced.

1920 - Boat ventilated. Charging batteries at 9000Ah: Stbd.-Diesel 500RPM - Charging; Port-Diesel 405RPM - Propulsion, 10kn.

2008 - Batteries charged: 48' for 1000Ah. 2xH.F., 405RPM, 14kn.

Continuing outbound transit.


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Monday, 20 January 1941 - Bay of Biscay

0200 - Qu.4255BF

0609 - Qu.1877BF - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Transfer message 10°West. A lot of enemy air cover in Qu.51 and Qu.43BF. On 19.1., 0730h, attack from a pair of Whitley bombers, no damages. 162cbm. N2/2, clear, good visibility. - RST -

0635 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Message received. Next status and weather report in 24h.

0700 - Morning Dawn. NNW2/2, overcast, light haze, visibility 4-5sm, ~1000mb.

0827 - Sunrise. Wind and Sea increasing, shifting to NW.

1030 - Qu.1755BF - NW7/6, overcast, light haze, visibility 4-5sm, ~1000mb.
Have to reduce speed to 1/3, 7-8kn due to heavy swell.

1200 - Qu.1751BF - Days Run: 286.7sm - 278.8sm (21h 30') - 7.9sm (2h 30')
160.1cbm (9.1cbm/24h). 10000Ah. Weather unchanged since 1030h.

1401 - Incoming F.T. from Cappelini:
In the area of Azores/Canary Islands, sunk 2 steamers of 14051ts in Artillery battle. - K.Kpt. Todaro -

- to be continued -

FeatsOfStrength 01-20-21 11:53 AM

I just reached my 16th patrol of my 1939 campaign in April 1941 and have chosen my 1WO to go to command school.

Naming my character after my previous 1WO I have just started a June 1942 type VIIC campaign out of Bergen.

Kapitän 01-20-21 02:07 PM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - First steamer sunk

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2722906)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Monday, 20 January 1941 - Bay of Biscay

0200 - Qu.4255BF

0609 - Qu.1877BF - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Transfer message 10°West. A lot of enemy air cover in Qu.51 and Qu.43BF. On 19.1., 0730h, attack from a pair of Whitley bombers, no damages. 162cbm. N2/2, clear, good visibility. - RST -

0635 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Message received. Next status and weather report in 24h.

0700 - Morning Dawn. NNW2/2, overcast, light haze, visibility 4-5sm, ~1000mb.

0827 - Sunrise. Wind and Sea increasing, shifting to NW.

1030 - Qu.1755BF - NW7/6, overcast, light haze, visibility 4-5sm, ~1000mb.
Have to reduce speed to 1/3, 7-8kn due to heavy swell.

1200 - Qu.1751BF - Days Run: 286.7sm - 278.8sm (21h 30') - 7.9sm (2h 30')
160.1cbm (9.1cbm/24h). 10000Ah. Weather unchanged since 1030h.

1401 - Incoming F.T. from Cappelini:
In the area of Azores/Canary Islands, sunk 2 steamers of 14051ts in Artillery battle. - K.Kpt. Todaro -

- to be continued -


- continued from 20 Jan., 1401h -

1627 - Qu.1711BF - "Surface Vessel!". Inbound empty Standard Tanker of 8054ts and a M12-Merchant of 5143ts in keel line, bearing 28°, E=8000, on course 70°, speed 5kn. The merchant in the back has loaded 2 military trucks and a deck gun mounted on the aft section, and has "American Export Line" written on the side. Both vessels are English.

Going on parallel course. During the process of overtaking the ships, the bridge is continuously washed over by the heavy swell.

1716 - Sundown - Boat moving to the Luv-Side, E=7500.

1730 - Reached position bearing 0°. New course 250°, 1/3-Ahead.

1745 - Qu.1478BF - Dived for submerged attack. Own course 157°, own speed 3kn. All torpedoes are G7e, K-b/G7H (contact pistol), Vt30. "Battle Stations!"

1801: Norddeich Radio report about "Admiral Scheer" having seized 3 British ships with about 19000ts in the South Atlantic.

1809 - Shot with Tube I; Running depth 4m.
Target ship: The empty tanker in front.
Target distance 900m; Target angle Red90°; Target speed 5kn; Firing angle 10°.
Torpedo is a failure, understeers!

1811 - Shot with Tube II; Running depth 4m.
Target ship: The empty tanker in front.
Target distance 600m; Target angle Red90°; Target speed 5kn; Firing angle 350°.
Torpedo is a hit amidships after 42 Sec.!
A fire breaking out on the tanker and continues on zig-zagging around its general course of 70°.

1816 - Shot with Tube III; Running depth 6m.
Target ship: The steamer in back.
Target distance 500m; Target angle Red90°; Target speed 5kn; Firing angle 356°.
Torpedo is a hit in the forecastle after 31 Sec.!

At 1818h life boats are veered and at 1821h the steamer sinks by the bow.

1843 - Retreated to T=50 for torpedo reloading.

- to be continued -

Kapitän 01-21-21 03:09 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Second steamer sunk

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2723074)

- continued from 20 Jan., 1401h -

1627 - Qu.1711BF - "Surface Vessel!". Inbound empty Standard Tanker of 8054ts and a M12-Merchant of 5143ts in keel line, bearing 28°, E=8000, on course 70°, speed 5kn. The merchant in the back has loaded 2 military trucks and a deck gun mounted on the aft section, and has "American Export Line" written on the side. Both vessels are English.

Going on parallel course. During the process of overtaking the ships, the bridge is continuously washed over by the heavy swell.

1716 - Sundown - Boat moving to the Luv-Side, E=7500.

1730 - Reached position bearing 0°. New course 250°, 1/3-Ahead.

1745 - Qu.1478BF - Dived for submerged attack. Own course 157°, own speed 3kn. All torpedoes are G7e, K-b/G7H (contact pistol), Vt30. "Battle Stations!"

1801: Norddeich Radio report about "Admiral Scheer" having seized 3 British ships with about 19000ts in the South Atlantic.

1809 - Shot with Tube I; Running depth 4m.
Target ship: The empty tanker in front.
Target distance 900m; Target angle Red90°; Target speed 5kn; Firing angle 10°.
Torpedo is a failure, understeers!

1811 - Shot with Tube II; Running depth 4m.
Target ship: The empty tanker in front.
Target distance 600m; Target angle Red90°; Target speed 5kn; Firing angle 350°.
Torpedo is a hit amidships after 42 Sec.!
A fire breaking out on the tanker and continues on zig-zagging around its general course of 70°.

1816 - Shot with Tube III; Running depth 6m.
Target ship: The steamer in back.
Target distance 500m; Target angle Red90°; Target speed 5kn; Firing angle 356°.
Torpedo is a hit in the forecastle after 31 Sec.!

At 1818h life boats are veered and at 1821h the steamer sinks by the bow.

1843 - Retreated to T=50 for torpedo reloading.

- to be continued -


- continued from 20 Jan., 1843h -

1915 - S-Tiefe. The tanker is still burning. Turning toward the tanker for submerged attack. Own course 160°, own speed 3kn.

1919 - Shot with Tube III; G7a, K-a/G7H (contact pistol); Running depth 4m; Vt44.
Target ship: The already torpedoed tanker.
Target distance 1065m; Target angle Red90°; Target speed 4kn; Firing angle 342°.
Torpedo is a hit amidships after 48 Sec.!

Cmdr.: "At first the tanker continues on but then starts to settle in the water by the forecastle until she sinks over the stem, with the stern standing straight up in the air and the tanker turning like a cork-screw into the raging sea, accompanied by load underwater explosions. I have never seen or experienced such a thing!"

1935 - T=50. O = 20%. Decision to remain submerged for reloading of tube III with Ato.
"Dismissed from Battle Stations!".

2000 - Surfaced after 2h 15' and 8.8sm.

2030 - Boat ventilated. Charging batteries at 7900Ah: Stbd.-Diesel 500RPM - Charging;
Port-Diesel 405RPM - Propulsion, 8kn.

2210 - Batteries charged: 1h 40' for 2100Ah.

2230 - Qu.1445BF - Evaded Tribal Class Destroyer on heading NNW and high speed, coming from the general direction of the last sinking. Suspecting that after taking on of survivors, she is now searching for us.

Continuing outbound transit.


Kapitän 01-21-21 02:12 PM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - On outbound voyage

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2723213)

- continued from 20 Jan., 1843h -

1915 - S-Tiefe. The tanker is still burning. Turning toward the tanker for submerged attack. Own course 160°, own speed 3kn.

1919 - Shot with Tube III; G7a, K-a/G7H (contact pistol); Running depth 4m; Vt44.
Target ship: The already torpedoed tanker.
Target distance 1065m; Target angle Red90°; Target speed 4kn; Firing angle 342°.
Torpedo is a hit amidships after 48 Sec.!

Cmdr.: "At first the tanker continues on but then starts to settle in the water by the forecastle until she sinks over the stem, with the stern standing straight up in the air and the tanker turning like a cork-screw into the raging sea, accompanied by load underwater explosions. I have never seen or experienced such a thing!"

1935 - T=50. O = 20%. Decision to remain submerged for reloading of tube III with Ato.
"Dismissed from Battle Stations!".

2000 - Surfaced after 2h 15' and 8.8sm.

2030 - Boat ventilated. Charging batteries at 7900Ah: Stbd.-Diesel 500RPM - Charging;
Port-Diesel 405RPM - Propulsion, 8kn.

2210 - Batteries charged: 1h 40' for 2100Ah.

2230 - Qu.1445BF - Evaded Tribal Class Destroyer on heading NNW and high speed, coming from the general direction of the last sinking. Suspecting that after taking on of survivors, she is now searching for us.

Continuing outbound transit.


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Tuesday, 21 January 1941 - Western Approaches

0010 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
On 20 Jan., 1821h, sunk steamer 5200ts and at 1924h, sunk tanker 8286ts. Both inbound English and Qu.1478BF. At 2230h in Qu.1445BF Tribal Destroyer at high speed on heading NNW. 10 internal eels. 157cbm. NW7/6, overcast, light haze, visibility 3-4sm, ~1000mb. Continue outbound transit. - RST -

0055 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Bravo! Continue to be watchful of enemy patrol vessels! To all boats: Limit the use of radio messaging to an absolute minimum! Weather boats may only send reports if in sufficient distance to other friendly boats! Apparently, the enemy has found a way to get a bearing on our radio traffic and short message frequencies!

0520 - Qu.3655BE

0700 - Morning Dawn.

0829 - Sunrise.

1200 - Qu.3295BE - Days Run: 210.7sm - 201.9sm (21h 45') - 8.8sm (2h 15')
153cbm (7cbm/24h). 10000Ah. 7Eto + 3Ato internal. Weather unchanged in 35.5h.

1600 - Qu.3255BE.

1705 - Sundown.

Continuing outbound transit.


Kapitän 01-22-21 06:59 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - On outbound voyage

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2723384)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Tuesday, 21 January 1941 - Western Approaches

0010 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
On 20 Jan., 1821h, sunk steamer 5200ts and at 1924h, sunk tanker 8286ts. Both inbound English and Qu.1478BF. At 2230h in Qu.1445BF Tribal Destroyer at high speed on heading NNW. 10 internal eels. 157cbm. NW7/6, overcast, light haze, visibility 3-4sm, ~1000mb. Continue outbound transit. - RST -

0055 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Bravo! Continue to be watchful of enemy patrol vessels! To all boats: Limit the use of radio messaging to an absolute minimum! Weather boats may only send reports if in sufficient distance to other friendly boats! Apparently, the enemy has found a way to get a bearing on our radio traffic and short message frequencies!

0520 - Qu.3655BE

0700 - Morning Dawn.

0829 - Sunrise.

1200 - Qu.3295BE - Days Run: 210.7sm - 201.9sm (21h 45') - 8.8sm (2h 15')
153cbm (7cbm/24h). 10000Ah. 7Eto + 3Ato internal. Weather unchanged in 35.5h.

1600 - Qu.3255BE.

1705 - Sundown.

Continuing outbound transit.


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Wednesday, 22 January 1941 - West of Ireland

0230 - Qu.7755AM

0715 - Morning Dawn.

0849 - Sunrise.

1200 - Qu.9659AL - Days Run: 257.9sm - (24h)
142.6cbm (10.4cbm/24h). 10000Ah. 7Eto + 3Ato internal. Weather unchanged in over 2 days.

1303 - Qu.9655AL.

1710 - Sundown.

2206 - It's starting to rain. The wind is shifting first north and then to southeast. Very limited visibility.

2335 - Qu.9255AL. Continuing outbound transit.


Kapitän 01-23-21 06:19 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - On outbound voyage

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2723582)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Wednesday, 22 January 1941 - West of Ireland

0230 - Qu.7755AM

0715 - Morning Dawn.

0849 - Sunrise.

1200 - Qu.9659AL - Days Run: 257.9sm - (24h)
142.6cbm (10.4cbm/24h). 10000Ah. 7Eto + 3Ato internal. Weather unchanged in over 2 days.

1303 - Qu.9655AL.

1710 - Sundown.

2206 - It's starting to rain. The wind is shifting first north and then to southeast. Very limited visibility.

2335 - Qu.9255AL. Continuing outbound transit.


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Thursday, 23 January 1941 - Southwest of Rockall Bank

0700 - SE7/6, overcast, rain, very limited visibility, <1000mb.
Diving for torpedo maintenance at T=50 and trial dive to 2A-Meter at 185RPM.

1200 - Qu.6791AL - Days Run: 216.7sm - 202.2sm (19h) - 14.5sm (5h)
135.5cbm (7.1cbm/24h). 9000Ah. O = 20%.

1326 - O = 19%. Surfaced after 6.5h and 19sm.

1329 - Boat ventilated.

1500 - Qu.6755AL

1601 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
New Op.-areas for boats in front of the Northern Channel, with concentration of boats around Rockall and south of that. The northern waters have been closed for Uboat operations, because of own strong surface units operating there until 9 Feb.

1717 - Sundown. Continuing outbound transit.


Kaptlt.Endrass 01-23-21 11:09 AM

Lost my old campaign due to corruption and couldn't find the install disc.

Lo and behold, I found a gem...

First time with an original copy. Just need to install and get GWX and accompanying mods up, and we're off.

Kapitän 01-24-21 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by Kaptlt.Endrass (Post 2724043)
Lost my old campaign due to corruption and couldn't find the install disc.

Lo and behold, I found a gem...

First time with an original copy. Just need to install and get GWX and accompanying mods up, and we're off.

Wow, that's a bummer! Hopefully, you will be able to get everything back and running :up:

Kapitän 01-24-21 05:56 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - On outbound voyage

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2723965)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Thursday, 23 January 1941 - Southwest of Rockall Bank

0700 - SE7/6, overcast, rain, very limited visibility, <1000mb.
Diving for torpedo maintenance at T=50 and trial dive to 2A-Meter at 185RPM.

1200 - Qu.6791AL - Days Run: 216.7sm - 202.2sm (19h) - 14.5sm (5h)
135.5cbm (7.1cbm/24h). 9000Ah. O = 20%.

1326 - O = 19%. Surfaced after 6.5h and 19sm.

1329 - Boat ventilated.

1500 - Qu.6755AL

1601 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
New Op.-areas for boats in front of the Northern Channel, with concentration of boats around Rockall and south of that. The northern waters have been closed for Uboat operations, because of own strong surface units operating there until 9 Feb.

1717 - Sundown. Continuing outbound transit.


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Friday, 24 January 1941 - Southwest of Rockall Bank

0135 - Qu.5555AL

0745 - Morning Dawn.

0930 - Sunrise.

1200 - Qu.5155AL - Days Run: 247.7sm - 243.1sm (22h 34') - 4.6sm (1h 26')
127.8cbm (7.8cbm/24h). 8100Ah. Weather unchanged since 22 Jan., 2200h.

1720 - Sundown.

2030 - Qu.0155AL. Charging batteries at 8100Ah: Stbd.-Diesel 500RPM - Charging;
Port-Diesel 405RPM - Propulsion, 8kn.

2150 - Batteries charged: 1h 20' for 1900Ah. 2xH.F., 405RPM.

Continuing outbound transit.


Kapitän 01-25-21 09:13 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - On station

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2724302)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Friday, 24 January 1941 - Southwest of Rockall Bank

0135 - Qu.5555AL

0745 - Morning Dawn.

0930 - Sunrise.

1200 - Qu.5155AL - Days Run: 247.7sm - 243.1sm (22h 34') - 4.6sm (1h 26')
127.8cbm (7.8cbm/24h). 8100Ah. Weather unchanged since 22 Jan., 2200h.

1720 - Sundown.

2030 - Qu.0155AL. Charging batteries at 8100Ah: Stbd.-Diesel 500RPM - Charging;
Port-Diesel 405RPM - Propulsion, 8kn.

2150 - Batteries charged: 1h 20' for 1900Ah. 2xH.F., 405RPM.

Continuing outbound transit.


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Saturday, 25 January 1941 - West of Rockall Bank -
- First week at sea completed. -

0210 - Qu.1855AL -

0455 - Qu.1688AL - K.F., 205RPM.

0500 -Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Reached ordered patrol grid. 10 internal eels. 121cbm. SE7/6, rain, poor visibility, <1000mb. - RST -

0512 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Message received. Continue according Op.-Order.

0606 - Dived for submerged cruise at T=50. At 0700h, 65RPM and silent running.

0809 - O = 20%.

0955 - Sunrise.

1200 - Qu.1682AL - Days Run: 194.2sm - 184.3sm (18h 06') - 9.9sm (5h 54')
120.1cbm (7.7cbm/24h). 9300Ah. 7 Eto and 3 Ato internal.

1208 - At reception depth.

1220 - Back to T=50.

1300 - 65RPM, silent running.

1309 - O = 19%.

1609 - Surfaced after 10 hours and 17sm. Battery 9000Ah.

1620 - Compressed air supply filled. Boat ventilated.

1623 - Charging batteries at 9000Ah: Stbd.-Diesel 500RPM - Charging; Port-Diesel 405RPM - Propulsion, 8kn.

1650 - Qu.1655AL

1703 - Sundown.

1718 - Batteries charged: 55' for 1000Ah.

1725 - Dived for submerged cruise at T=50.

1830 - 65RPM, silent running.

1939 - O = 20%.

Standing up and down in ordered patrol grid.


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