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Texas Red 09-26-20 12:12 PM

December 26, 1939
Entry Log: 005
Kptlt Erich Hante

We have completed our fourth war patrol after having been at sea for over a month. We sank 60,623 GRT for this patrol, earning me the Knights Cross! The rest of my crew was decorated with all sorts of medals for valor and such. The BdU and Flottenchief are talking about retiring me to a training command or flotilla command, no way will I accept that! I thrive on the frontlines, not behind a desk!
Morale is extremely high among us. Sailors at the nightclub are talking about how the seas will be ours sooner than later, others curse the detenators on the torpedoes, we had two duds on the T3 tanker we attacked, but luckily the third torpedo detonated and sank her.
1940 is nearing, hopefully we will get a new boat or some sort of upgrade. I wish I don't get a type IX, they are too big and clubersome to be of much use, and they are extremely noisy.
I can sense that a promotion will be coming soon, hopefully I don't get retired either!
My current decorations are:
Iron Cross Second Class
Iron Cross First Class
Uboat War Badge
Knights Cross

We await new orders from the BdU.

Erich Hante

Texas Red 09-26-20 01:29 PM

February 22, 1940
Entry Log: 006
Kptlt Erich Hante

Another patrol is in the bags. We sunk 33,000 tons this patrol, enough to earn me a Oak Leaf to my Knights Cross. The promotion I am expecting should come at the end of the next patrol we complete. The crew has been decorated with all of the medals for valor that the Naval High Command could offer, including some Knights Crosses! We were attacked by a destroyer escort while we were attempting to inflitrate a convoy, but we fought off the two destroyers attacking, sinking them, and then we sank a tanker and a coastal merchant. Previously, we sank a Large Frieghter in grid BE14, our patrol zone.
We are still extremely cheery and expect to have full control of the seas by the end of 1940.

We await new orders from the BdU

Erich Hante

Kapitän 09-26-20 02:12 PM

U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 2nd War Patrol - Convoy Battle!

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2697422)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


- continued from 25 September 1940, 0909h -

0934 - Surfaced and reloading torpedo tubes III & IV with G7e, K-b/Pi-G7H (contact fuse), until 1005h.

1015 - Boat in position for surface attack with stern tubes.
Shooter: Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O. Emmo MARBACH.

1027 - Shot with Tube V, G7e, K-b (contact fuse), Running depth 5m, Torpedo speed 30kn.
Target: Previously torpedoed Large Tanker.
Target distance 3400m, Target angle red75, Target speed 5kn, Firing angle 358°.
Own heading 170°, own speed 4kn astern.

1028 - Shot with Tube VI, G7e, K-b (contact fuse), Running depth 5m, Torpedo speed 30kn.
Target: Previously torpedoed Large Freighter.
Target distance 2000m, Target angle red97, Target speed 5kn, Firing angle 356°.
Own heading 170°, own speed 4kn astern.

Both torpedoes are hits and both targets continue on their course, virtually unfazed.

1040 - Pursuing convoy on course 260°. Escort No.3 & 4 are searching for us at our last attack position.

- to be continued -

Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


- continued from 25 September 1940, 1040h -

1051 - The escorts are returning to the convoy. No.2 is an US-American four-stack Clemson Destroyer, No.3 is an A&B Destroyer, No.4 is a Flower Corvette. At a distance of 5000m, commencing torpedo reloading of tubes V & VI, until 1106h.

1117 - Boat is position for surface attack with stern tubes.
Shooter: Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O. Emmo MARBACH.

1130 - Shot with Tube V, G7a, K-a (contact fuse), Running depth 6m, Torpedo speed 30kn.
Target: Previously torpedoed Large Tanker.
Target distance 3200m, Target angle red78, Target speed 4kn, Firing angle 000°.
Own heading 170°, own speed 4kn astern.

1132 - Shot with Tube VI, G7a, K-a (contact fuse), Running depth 5m, Torpedo speed 30kn.
Target: Previously torpedoed Large Freighter.
Target distance 1900m, Target angle red94, Target speed 5kn, Firing angle 000°.
Own heading 170°, own speed 4kn astern.

Both torpedoes are hits! However, Tube V hits the bow of another small steamer that was running in the column between the two target ships and continues on its course. Tube VI hits the Large Freighter in the forecastle, which starts burning and sinks by the bow in Qu.1471BF.

- to be continued -

Texas Red 09-26-20 02:26 PM

Kaptain, what mods are you using, if any?

Texas Red 09-26-20 02:32 PM

March 9, 1940
Entry Log: 007
Kptlt Erich Hante

We recieved a radio message from BdU ordering us to head back to base and prepare to depart for a special mission! Word is that Hitler plans to invade Denmark and Norway, maybe we are being sent to help with the operation?
We abandoned our last patrol and made best speed back to Wilhelmshaven, when I docked, I was whisked into Werner Hartmanns office, he explained to me my mission of supporting the landings into Norway!
I am excited but also extremely nervous. I need to prepare my crew in the best way possible!

A Bootsman, Klemans Eckel, has been transferred out after having been hospitalized after being injured in a traffic accident.

We await the departure date

Erich Hante

Kapitän 09-26-20 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by the beast (Post 2697573)
Kaptain, what mods are you using, if any?

Here you go ... nothing special ...

Supplement to V16B1 (JSGME)
WAC5.0 Full_Interior
O2-Gauges v2
GWX - Captain America's Officer Icons
GWX - No Medals on Crew
Your U-boat Commander Uniform
Rapt0r's Uniforms (Only Watch)
Aces' Crew On Deck - Stand alone mod v1 GWX Version (this one, I only install when leaving and entering port, as it only works when de/activating the UZO).

I just activated the WAC5.0 Full_Interior, as it gives me a fully accessable type IX boat but I'm not sure I will keep it, as some items are now missing (e.g., the nav map on the table is black and the animated observation persicope doesn't extend and retract anymore in the conning tower) ...

Kapitän 09-26-20 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by the beast (Post 2697574)
March 9, 1940
Entry Log: 007
Kptlt Erich Hante

A Bootsman, Klemans Eckel, has been transferred out after having been hospitalized after being injured in a traffic accident.

We await the departure date

Erich Hante

Oh, the little surprises Sh3-Cmdr has prepared for us ...

Texas Red 09-26-20 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2697577)
Oh, the little surprises Sh3-Cmdr has prepared for us ...


Texas Red 09-26-20 04:09 PM

May 14, 1940
Entry log: 008
Kptlt Erich Hante, U-80, type VIIC

We completed our last patrol and successfully supported the invasion of Norway. We sank 60,000 tons on that last patrol, the biggest and most note-worthy of these was the sinking of the HMS Repulse by our sub. It was confirmed when the British released a newspaper titled "HMS REPULSE SUNK BY SUSCPETED SUBMARINE, GREAT LOSS OF LIFE" The Propaganda Ministry released "U-BOAT SINKS HMS REPULSE", which included my name and my uboat command. For this I recieved the Knights Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords, and the German Cross! I also was given command of a new boat, the type VIIC U-80, I was transferred to the Eprobungsstelle flotilla for a test patrol with the new boat in the Baltic.
The rest of the flotilla has claimed a major victory for the fatherland after we defeated Norway and Denmark. France, Belgium, and the Netherlands are next.

We are to patrol grid AO82 for our next patrol.

Erich Hante

************************************************** ***********
Here is proof of my kill:


Texas Red 09-26-20 09:06 PM

June 1, 1940
Entry Log: 009
Kptlt Erich Hante, U-80, type VIIC

We have completed our test patrol. We sank 16,000 tons that patrol, and Hitler personnally awarded me my Knights Cross with Oak Leaves, swords, and diamonds. We transferred back to the 2nd Flotilla after that. Prime Minster Chamberlin resigned a few weeks ago, his replacement was former First Lord of the Admirltary, Winston Churchill.
We are also on our way to Paris, victory is near!

Erich Hante

Kapitän 09-27-20 01:30 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 2nd War Patrol - Convoy Battle!

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2697571)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


- continued from 25 September 1940, 1040h -

1051 - The escorts are returning to the convoy. No.2 is an US-American four-stack Clemson Destroyer, No.3 is an A&B Destroyer, No.4 is a Flower Corvette. At a distance of 5000m, commencing torpedo reloading of tubes V & VI, until 1106h.

1117 - Boat is position for surface attack with stern tubes.
Shooter: Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O. Emmo MARBACH.

1130 - Shot with Tube V, G7a, K-a (contact fuse), Running depth 6m, Torpedo speed 30kn.
Target: Previously torpedoed Large Tanker.
Target distance 3200m, Target angle red78, Target speed 4kn, Firing angle 000°.
Own heading 170°, own speed 4kn astern.

1132 - Shot with Tube VI, G7a, K-a (contact fuse), Running depth 5m, Torpedo speed 30kn.
Target: Previously torpedoed Large Freighter.
Target distance 1900m, Target angle red94, Target speed 5kn, Firing angle 000°.
Own heading 170°, own speed 4kn astern.

Both torpedoes are hits! However, Tube V hits the bow of another small steamer that was running in the column between the two target ships and continues on its course. Tube VI hits the Large Freighter in the forecastle, which starts burning and sinks by the bow in Qu.1471BF.

- to be continued -

Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


- continued from 25 September 1940, 1132h -

1147 - Getting in position to attack the Large Tanker with a bow shot.
Shooter: Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O. Emmo MARBACH.

1154 - Shot with Tube III, G7e, K-b (contact fuse), Running depth 6m, Torpedo speed 30kn.
Target: Previously torpedoed Large Tanker.
Target distance 3200m, Target angle red86, Target speed 6kn, Firing angle 350°.
Own course 350°, own speed 7kn.
Torpedo understeeres!

1200 - Qu.3693BE - Days Run: 224.1sm - 218.9sm (22h 11') - 5.2 (1h 49')

1205 - Boat is too close to the convoy and has to retreat, to setup a final attack on the Large Tanker, with the last internal torpedo.

1219 - Boat in position for surface attack with bow tubes.
Shooter: Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O. Emmo MARBACH.

1221 - Shot with Tube IV, G7e, K-b (contact fuse), Running depth 6m, Torpedo speed 30kn.
Target: Previously torpedoed Large Tanker.
Target distance 3400m, Target angle red74, Target speed 6kn, Firing angle 004°.
Own course 350°, own speed 7kn.

Torpedo is a hit! The tanker is burning across its entire length with loud explosions and sinks slowly on an even keel in Qu.3693BE.

1226 - After 5.5h, "Dismissed from Battle Stations."

- to be continued -

Texas Red 09-27-20 03:33 PM

August 8, 1940
Entry Log: 010
Krvkpt Erich Hante, U-80, type VIIC

Since my last entry we have completed two patrols, the last one earning me my promotion to Kroventtenkapitän! It hasn't even been a year since my last promotion! Still, the talks of retiring me to a desk job are circling. Though I hear that Donitz is defending me, saying that such an experinced skipper is needed in the operations areas.
The men in the nightclub are talking about their lives on their own submarines. One of them is a real Nazi and talks about how the fatherland will be victorious. I'm glad that the Kriegsmarine is considered a place of politcal independence.
Our next patrol will bring us to grid BD51, a pretty long ways away from home!

Two sailors have been transferred out to new boats and two more have been transferred in.

Erich Hante

Kapitän 09-27-20 04:51 PM

U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 2nd War Patrol - Convoy Battle!

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2697630)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...

- continued from 25 September 1940, 1132h -

1147 - Getting in position to attack the Large Tanker with a bow shot.
Shooter: Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O. Emmo MARBACH.

1154 - Shot with Tube III, G7e, K-b (contact fuse), Running depth 6m, Torpedo speed 30kn.
Target: Previously torpedoed Large Tanker.
Target distance 3200m, Target angle red86, Target speed 6kn, Firing angle 350°.
Own course 350°, own speed 7kn.
Torpedo understeeres!

1200 - Qu.3693BE - Days Run: 224.1sm - 218.9sm (22h 11') - 5.2 (1h 49')

1205 - Boat is too close to the convoy and has to retreat, to setup a final attack on the Large Tanker, with the last internal torpedo.

1219 - Boat in position for surface attack with bow tubes.
Shooter: Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O. Emmo MARBACH.

1221 - Shot with Tube IV, G7e, K-b (contact fuse), Running depth 6m, Torpedo speed 30kn.
Target: Previously torpedoed Large Tanker.
Target distance 3400m, Target angle red74, Target speed 6kn, Firing angle 004°.
Own course 350°, own speed 7kn.

Torpedo is a hit! The tanker is burning across its entire length with loud explosions and sinks slowly on an even keel in Qu.3693BE.

1226 - After 5.5h, "Dismissed from Battle Stations."

- to be continued -

Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


- continued from 25 September 1940, 1226h -

1240 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Sunk from convoy 2110/24, two tankers for 272524ts and one steamer of 7956ts. Also, torpedoed two steamers for 8000ts. Two eels understeered and one was a dud. No more internal torpedoes. Retreating to SW to load external torpedoes. 155cbm. N2/2, clear, vis.16000, >1000mb. - RST -

1242 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Re.F.T.1240/25: Last position of convoy 2110/24 at 1240h is Qu.3693BE, course 260°, speed 6kn. - RST -

1300 - After sending the F.T., escort No.4 initially goes on a search pattern in our direction but returns to the convoy.

1335 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Congratulations. Excellent results!

1337 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: When possible, continue operation on convoy 2110/24. Convoy is a OA-convoy.

1801 - Norddeich Radio reporting on the Battle of Dakar (Operation "Menace").

2015 - "All engines Stop!". Flak gun manned.

2130 - Commenced loading of external torpedoes.

2203 - Steamer bearing 133°, E=16000, on convoy course with same speed - seems to be a straggler from convoy 2110/24.

2230 - First external torpedo loaded.

Cmdr.: "Decided to continue with torpedo loading due to favorable weather and slow speed of steamer."


Cajun Kaleun 09-28-20 01:58 AM

Summer of 43 once again tasked for the Caribbean this time just northeast of Aruba. As we transited the Bay of Biscay we began the dance anew of crash diving the moment we got a whiff of radar or sight of a plane. East of the Azores we caught a lone merchant on hydrophones we tailed him and then eventually sank him with a surface torpedo attack during a storm. This time I decided to go south and give the Azores a wide berth and it worked.

It was fairly smooth sailing west of the Azores well the weather was awful but it kept the planes away. Just east of Barbados we got a whiff of radar and dived lucky too as it turned out to be a destroyer. Sadly surfacing west of the chain of islands tragedy struck and some planes caught us charging our batteries. 2 men died one an enlisted and another fresh NCO. With a handful of others wounded. We left to our patrol zone to lick our wounds. We decided to again go south to Curaçao as it had been a while.

A pair of destroyers were patrolling between Aruba and Curaçao but we dived deep and ran silent and slipped past. Checked out the harbor again in Curaçao and found there was a Defender this time but it was a lone armed trawler. So we slunked past and sank two tankers and a small merchant. Decided we had done our fill it was back across the Atlantic to Lorient. We were harassed by a lot of planes until we left the Atlantic. Otherwise the journey was uneventful.

Great patrol other than the two dead from the aircraft attack. Could have been worse could have lost the whole boat.

Kapitän 09-28-20 02:08 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 2nd War Patrol - Convoy Battle!

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2697809)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


- continued from 25 September 1940, 1226h -

1240 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Sunk from convoy 2110/24, two tankers for 272524ts and one steamer of 7956ts. Also, torpedoed two steamers for 8000ts. Two eels understeered and one was a dud. No more internal torpedoes. Retreating to SW to load external torpedoes. 155cbm. N2/2, clear, vis.16000, >1000mb. - RST -

1242 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Re.F.T.1240/25: Last position of convoy 2110/24 at 1240h is Qu.3693BE, course 260°, speed 6kn. - RST -

1300 - After sending the F.T., escort No.4 initially goes on a search pattern in our direction but returns to the convoy.

1335 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Congratulations. Excellent results!

1337 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: When possible, continue operation on convoy 2110/24. Convoy is a OA-convoy.

1801 - Norddeich Radio reporting on the Battle of Dakar (Operation "Menace").

2015 - "All engines Stop!". Flak gun manned.

2130 - Commenced loading of external torpedoes.

2203 - Steamer bearing 133°, E=16000, on convoy course with same speed - seems to be a straggler from convoy 2110/24.

2230 - First external torpedo loaded.

Cmdr.: "Decided to continue with torpedo loading due to favorable weather and slow speed of steamer."


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


Thursday, 26 September 1940 - Western Approaches

0010 - Continue torpedo loading. Charging batteries.

0100 - Batteries charged (50min. for 1000Ah).

0515 - 6 bow torpedoes taken under deck.

0719 - 2 stern torpedoes taken under deck.

0720 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
All external torpedoes loaded. Continue operation on convoy 2110/24. - RST -

0746 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Message received. Be careful of enemy aircraft.

0840 - Tubes I - VI loaded with external torpedoes.

1200 - Qu.3832BE - Days Run: 123.7sm - (24h)

1209 - The 2203/25 steamer comes into sight, bearing 44, E=7000m.

1236 - Own course 315°. "Battle Stations!"

Manning deck gun at E=2000m. Target is a Standard Tanker of 8054ts. At E=1000m, "Free to fire!"

After firing 17 rounds with the deck gun, the tanker sinks by the bow in Qu.3831BE.

Approaching 2 boats with 7 occupants. Questioned and gave provisions. Tanker was straggler of convoy OS-216.

Quickly left the area on a westerly heading. "Dismissed from Battle Stations."

(This was the third time I sank this tanker, after the tonnage was not counted the first two times in the game. After I loaded the game from two earlier game saves, the tonnage was not counted this time either.)

- to be continued -

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