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Kapitän 06-09-20 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by stork100 (Post 2676024)
Just finished an interesting patrol with U-922 in early 1945, based out of Trondheim. Patrol lasted 2 months mostly submerged and snorkelling for short periods during the nights. Attack area was mostly around the top of AM. Boat rarely exceeded 2 knots.

Had a bit of good luck early on with an easy attack on a small unescorted convoy that sailed within my reach, with 3 ships sunk for nearly 16,000 tons. Found a lone ship travelling through a dark stormy night but I was unwilling to surface and chase it, so fired off one eel with limited target data in the hope of a lucky hit. No such luck with either a miss or malfunction. Plenty of warships getting around throughout the patrol but not too hard to keep out of their way, except for one frightening moment when a hunter killer group went straight over the top. Couldn't manoeuvre out of their way in time so just pointed the bow towards them to narrow the profile, stopped motors and quietly sank down to 200m. Sea state was rough which was an added bonus and I wasn't detected.

I was having good luck dodging aircraft and not being detected whilst snorkelling until the 6th week, when I got caught out one night and got attacked which caused a moderate amount of damage. Some minor flooding which was quickly brought under control and then repairs to various systems, which took about 15 hours before regular running and snorkelling could be resumed. Air activity was quite heavy after that for the next few days with some more attacks but no further damage. The RWR on the snorkel had been damaged by the initial attack and had a reduced level of effectiveness. By this time I'd already decided to return to port as the end of the second month was approaching and damage to the hull could not be determined. The return transit was uneventful with the boat finally surfacing one night close to Norway after nearly eight weeks submerged.

This was a really satisfying patrol which I was just having fun with really, but at the same time game me an overall impression of being quite authentic, as much as the game environment can provide anyway. A very different kind of pace and overall approach to how you do things compared with earlier in the war. A nice change. Hopefully I'll get in a couple more successful patrols and survive before wars end.

Mods: GWX, h.sie, most of the usual other stuff we're all familiar with and a few personal bits and pieces.

Very nice!

Kapitän 06-09-20 02:11 AM

U 11 Type IIB 1940/2020

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2673698)
Left W'haven to continue with the Eighth War Patrol, on Wednesday, 29 May 1940, at 0200h.

Very calm seas and very good aircraft visibility during outbound voyage. Mixed weather and sea conditions from calm seas and clear skies to stormy seas, rain and dense fog, in operational area and during return voyage.

During outbound transit on "Way1", we by-passed Qu.AN 66 and AN 69 to the north, due to the British mine fields in the area north of Terschelling. We also, had to evade Qu.AN 3700 and 3800 due to Mines.

Weak enemy air patrols during outbound voyage, which intensified the closer we got to the operational area - during one day we had to dive 15 times from approaching aircraft and had to crash dive 9 times in total, during this part of the patrol.

During the return voyage the enemy air cover grew weaker the closer we got to Germany but still reached to Qu.9311AN.

On June 2, at 0453h, we sank a Chemical Steamer of 1889 BRT in Qu.4715AN, with 1 Eto and at 1640h, we sank a M33 Type Steamer of 5174 BRT in Qu.1866AN, also with 1 Eto. Both ships were first heard by the sound operator after having to dive from aircraft and both attacks were run submerged.

During the second attack, the first torpedo (Ato) was a miss off the bow. I suspect, that the crew of the steamer either saw our periscope and/or the bubble trail of the Ato and commenced evasive action, which reduced the speed of the ship. The second torpedo (Eto) was a hit under the forward mast.

The boat went below periscope depth to reload the torpedoes for a coup de grâce and heard several explosions and sinking sounds coming from the torpedoed steamer. Back to periscope depth, the steamer had in fact sunk and an airplane flying off to the south was seen in the B-Periscope. A Fishing Trawler that had been in the area, picked up the survivors from the steamer.

On June 3, we shot down 5 Vickers Vildebeest in Qu.1822AN and took all 5 pilots prisoner. During this action, the boat sustained some damage to the pressure hull, which turned out be 38.64%, when later checked in the Shipyard-West.

The boat was now being hunted by the enemy and on June 4, was searched for by a C&D Destroyer and a Flower Corvette, after having to crash dive from 3 to 4 pairs of twin-engine aircraft, in Qu.16AN. Several Wabos were dropped by the surface vessels in the area were the boat had dived but no further damage was sustained.

During the same day, the boat operated on a contact report sent by B.d.U. and sighted a steamer of 2279 BRT in Qu.1664AN, which it sank with 1 Ato, in a surface attack at 0955h. The torpedoed steamer sank in a huge blaze, which developed all over the after section of the ship. 3 minutes after the attack, the boat had to dive from 2 pairs of twin-engine aircraft.

Also, on June 4, the boat initially, operated on a B.d.U. contact report of a small convoy in Qu.1839AN, on course ESE, speed 7kn. However, at 1800h, the boat broke-off the action and operated on another B.d.U. contact report of a single ship in Qu.4411AN, which was heading our way.

At 1808h, the contact was sighted in QU.1699AN, a Refrigeration Ship of 4185 BRT and attacked with the last remaining torpedo (Eto), in a submerged attack at 1959h. The torpedo was a hit amidships and the steamer settled with a list to starboard in the heavy sea. However, the steamer still made headway and did not sink.

The boat stayed with the torpedoed ship submerged until 2110h and surfaced at a distance of 4000m. We then stayed with the steamer until 2230h and at a distance of 10000m, and sailed off on an easterly course.

On June 8, we shot down 3 of 4 Latecoere Reconnaissance Aircraft, in Qu.9311AN.

We returned to W'haven on Sunday, 9 June 1940, having sailed home on "Way green". Upon arrival, I was awarded with the Oak Leaves to the Knights Cross! Quite an honor!

The combined total of both parts of this 8th war patrol are:

Torpedo hits: 7
Torpedo misses: 1 Ato in daylight attack.
Torpedo failures: 1 Eto understeered.

5 merchants sunk for 16349 BRT and 1 steamer of 4185 BRT torpedoed, for a grand total of 20534 BRT.

Crash Dives: 9 - all due to enemy aircraft.
Total of 8 aircraft shot down and 5 pilots taken prisoner. During one aircraft attack, the boat sustained 38.64% damage to its pressure hull.

Received orders to take command of a new IXB boat and transferred with some of the crew of U 11, to the 2nd Training Division and the 5th Training Flotilla, for work-up's and trials of U 112.

(In fact, Sh3_Cmdr transferred my own alias of the crew, to another boat. So, I started a new career with a new boat.)

Relinquished command of U 11 to Kptlt. Georg PETERS.


On 18 July 1940, U 11 was transferred after repairs, to the 21st Flotilla, where it served as a school boat, from December 1940 to May 1941.

From October 1941 to February 1943, U 11 was used as a trial boat for the testing of the "Alberich"-Anti-Sonar-Coating.

From March 1943 until 14 December 1944, U 11 served as a school boat in the 22nd Flotilla, Gotenhafen, where it was laid up.

On 5 January 1945, U 11 was towed to Kiel and decommissioned, where it was scuttled on 3 May 1945 at the Arsenal. Her wreck was broken up in 1947.

stork100 06-10-20 10:31 AM

Unfortunately U-922 has been sunk in her 2nd patrol in March 1945. With an assigned attack area of BE36 from Trondheim, submerged and snorkelling all the way, it was always going to be a difficult challenge. I had it in my mind that there would be a heavy battle with a convoy somewhere eventually. Unfortunately even that was not the case. The boat was detected in transit off the Western Approaches by a hunter killer group. How exactly I will never know for sure. During some rough weather I was dodging these guys well it seemed, but it's possible the conning tower could have broached the surface, and given them a radar contact. Anyway, when the hydrophone relative bearing isn't changing anymore you know you have got something to be concerned about. I tried all my tricks but they found me. Some people talk about GWX being easy. Maybe I'm a lousy player, but it was amazing.

There must have been five or six on me when they got going. Bold helped a lot, and I almost broke free twice. But never enough. They could detect with their ASDIC well below my crush depth, so basic trickery was my only chance. I've previously altered the min surface values of the GWX ASDIC systems ever so slightly, so one can play some cat and mouse with the profile of the boat. But when they've got more than 5 hunters on you, what can you do? There's a limitation with the hydrophone man also, without map updates, he's a bit vague in his reporting. They got a slight hit early on but nothing serious. Every time they came over I altered course 90 or 180 degrees, ran ahead flank for 1-2 minutes and changed depth about 20m. Heard detonations behind often which was a good sign, but soon the pinging was on me again, even after a good distance at 50 RPM. I had good air and battery remaining and I became a bit complacent after 1.5 hours of continuous attacks. A mistake I think. I had three T.Vs loaded and this was to be my last resort. I was still hoping to break free and use my ordinance on a convoy in the future. Once I ran out of Bold two things were on my mind: When do they run out of charges and when do I go to periscope depth and let loose my eels for an attack? The boat was still in good condition and I wasn't too concerned.

Unfortunately this was when they landed their fatal blow. That's all it takes of course. They ruptured the bow compartment and... game over. With this result I have to analyse my performance and think where did I go wrong? But ultimately and sincerely my reaction is nothing but the highest of respect to the original developers of this game, and to the various modders whose work I have come to enjoy. As far as I'm concerned this is a very reasonable impression in certain respects of what it would have been like to be on a German U-boat in World War Two. And as always of course, onwards to the next campaign!

Kapitän 06-10-20 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by stork100 (Post 2676800)
Unfortunately U-922 has been sunk in her 2nd patrol in March 1945. With an assigned attack area of BE36 from Trondheim, submerged and snorkelling all the way, it was always going to be a difficult challenge. I had it in my mind that there would be a heavy battle with a convoy somewhere eventually. Unfortunately even that was not the case. The boat was detected in transit off the Western Approaches by a hunter killer group. How exactly I will never know for sure. During some rough weather I was dodging these guys well it seemed, but it's possible the conning tower could have broached the surface, and given them a radar contact. Anyway, when the hydrophone relative bearing isn't changing anymore you know you have got something to be concerned about. I tried all my tricks but they found me. Some people talk about GWX being easy. Maybe I'm a lousy player, but it was amazing.

There must have been five or six on me when they got going. Bold helped a lot, and I almost broke free twice. But never enough. They could detect with their ASDIC well below my crush depth, so basic trickery was my only chance. I've previously altered the min surface values of the GWX ASDIC systems ever so slightly, so one can play some cat and mouse with the profile of the boat. But when they've got more than 5 hunters on you, what can you do? There's a limitation with the hydrophone man also, without map updates, he's a bit vague in his reporting. They got a slight hit early on but nothing serious. Every time they came over I altered course 90 or 180 degrees, ran ahead flank for 1-2 minutes and changed depth about 20m. Heard detonations behind often which was a good sign, but soon the pinging was on me again, even after a good distance at 50 RPM. I had good air and battery remaining and I became a bit complacent after 1.5 hours of continuous attacks. A mistake I think. I had three T.Vs loaded and this was to be my last resort. I was still hoping to break free and use my ordinance on a convoy in the future. Once I ran out of Bold two things were on my mind: When do they run out of charges and when do I go to periscope depth and let loose my eels for an attack? The boat was still in good condition and I wasn't too concerned.

Unfortunately this was when they landed their fatal blow. That's all it takes of course. They ruptured the bow compartment and... game over. With this result I have to analyse my performance and think where did I go wrong? But ultimately and sincerely my reaction is nothing but the highest of respect to the original developers of this game, and to the various modders whose work I have come to enjoy. As far as I'm concerned this is a very reasonable impression in certain respects of what it would have been like to be on a German U-boat in World War Two. And as always of course, onwards to the next campaign!

Yes, that is also my late war experience: Once the escorts have you located, it's just a matter of time, until it's "game over" ...

klh 06-12-20 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2674195)
Is this with the Sh3_Cmdr "Malfunction/Sabotage" Mod?

No, it was with the "Diesel Damage Fix" enabled on the h.sie V16B1 patch.

klh 06-13-20 10:44 AM

KTB-7 U-45 (klh)
U-45 under the command of Kapitänleutnant Hähl left Wilhelmshaven on 8 April 1940 with orders to patrol AN36 in support of the invasion of Norway. After completing our assigned mission, we headed north to intercept enemy ships in the North Sea. Once again, weather was a tougher adversary than the enemy.

Twice we managed to intercept a fast-moving task force and make hydrophone contact, but the sea state and fog prevented any visual sighting. Several times we went in close to the Scottish shoreline and did sink three small merchants while avoiding aircraft.

Finally, the fog lifted and we were able to intercept a task force and fire a full spread of torpedoes at a cruiser at long range in heavy seas. All torpedoes missed, and the task force quickly sailed out of range.

Another attempt to intercept a task force failed, resulting only in playing cat and mouse with a destroyer for half a day. We loosed our last two on-board torpedoes at the destroyer but both missed.

Low on fuel, food, and with only one aft external torpedo, U-45 returned to Wilhelmshaven on 25 May 1940 with a tally of three merchants totaling 5000 tonnes.

Kapitänleutnant Hähl, U-45

Kapitän 06-14-20 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by klh (Post 2677386)
No, it was with the "Diesel Damage Fix" enabled on the h.sie V16B1 patch.


UKönig 06-17-20 12:29 AM

January, 1, 1944...
U802 has had many spectacular victories and close calls, but got the million dollar shot, a 7000m hole in one.
Spotter Wellingtons called us out to a nearby river class destroyer escort, and he turned about to investigate our position.
I had spanked a tribal class, a few patrols ago, and was still feeling pretty good about it, so I loaded the armor piercing rounds and went for it.
One lucky hit, sank the DE from 7km, plunging fire into a powder magazine, much like Bismarck vs Hood.
Still savoring the victory even now.
(Similarly on those rare occasion when I am successful in using the deck gun to shoot down aircraft).
U802 almost mid Atlantic, the morning, local time 11:59, January 6, 1944. En route to the Canadian East coast, the hunt continues...

klh 06-17-20 09:12 AM

Congratulations on your astounding victory!
Oh, by the way, BdU would like to discuss your pattern of reckless behavior with their very expensive boat.

vanjast 06-19-20 03:59 PM

Started out on new first patrol... Sept'39
Attacked 3x by aircraft around Scotland.
Got 2x sound contacts chased them to find out they're small trawlers - didn't bother with them.

It's been three weeks since the trawlers and ... nothing, not even a sound contact, zulch.
Placed myself in the convoy lanes and moved 3x, each time closer to Ireland north coast.

I think I'll just go sail up Liverpool and sink the whole harbour :up::D

Still got a half load of fuel, so I'll stick it out for another week or two.

Kapitän 06-20-20 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by klh (Post 2677386)
No, it was with the "Diesel Damage Fix" enabled on the h.sie V16B1 patch.

So, for how long and at what speed did you run the engine, until it malfunctioned?

Paco 06-20-20 10:53 AM

2nd Patrol 7. Flottille St Nazaire
Startet on 12th of April '41 to the second patrol. Here is the KTB:

German only, sorry Guys.


Downlad as a PDF: KTB-002.


Kapitän 06-22-20 06:53 AM


Kapitän 06-22-20 06:54 AM

New boat type IXB

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2676475)

On 18 July 1940, U 11 was transferred after repairs, to the 21st Flotilla, where it served as a school boat, from December 1940 to May 1941.

From October 1941 to February 1943, U 11 was used as a trial boat for the testing of the "Alberich"-Anti-Sonar-Coating.

From March 1943 until 14 December 1944, U 11 served as a school boat in the 22nd Flotilla, Gotenhafen, where it was laid up.

On 5 January 1945, U 11 was towed to Kiel and decommissioned, where it was scuttled on 3 May 1945 at the Arsenal. Her wreck was broken up in 1947.

As of Monday, 10 June 1940 - AG Weser, Deutsche Schiff und Maschinenbau, Bremen, Shipyard

Standing by during the final stages of construction of U 112.

UKönig 06-22-20 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by klh (Post 2678318)
Congratulations on your astounding victory!
Oh, by the way, BdU would like to discuss your pattern of reckless behavior with their very expensive boat.

I could only imagine how many more grey hairs the Admiral or OKM would have, if some of my patrols in game were in fact, real life events.

There's not much left that I'm not afraid to try these days.
I mean, I don't like to engage fighter bombers because they're small, fast and dangerous.
I don't like to engage B24s because they're large, fast, and dangerous.
But PBYs and Short Sunderlands I invite like lambs to slaughter. If I get hit or destroyed by one of them, it's usually because I shot him down, and his flaming wreckage crashes down on top, no doubt the real way several U-boats went missing without a trace.
I worked over a tribal class destroyer a few patrols ago, I think because I hit him from almost 8 km away, and blew off the B turret immediately.
I landed a few more hits to the superstructure, taking out the port side oerlikon and motor launch, along with the forward funnel and his fire control/radar mast.
Then they turned around and headed in my direction distance now 5km and closing.
He fired one round from all his remaining cannons and we crash dived. Coming back to periscope depth, I saw they were confused, and demoralized.
I waited a little bit until he quit the search, and started heading away.
I popped back to the surface, remanned the deck gun, and continued firing. I hit the aft starboard depth charge caster, blowing it off, and put a few holes in the engine room.
He ignored us totally and streamed away at a steady 21 knots. Even though he could go faster, I assumed I had done serious damage to his powerplant, but in the end, I let them get away, to receive a lashing from the Admiralty instead.

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