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matti95 03-26-12 02:13 PM

VONHARRIS, Jonny: Thank You! :salute:
It's allways a nervous moment when you blow ballast but the boat just keep sinking.

Jonny 03-26-12 02:44 PM

Changed UBoats, now commanding U46. Start of war, in AN 87 san a partrol craft with 94% realism plus Realism V16B1-Patch-Kit, using it for the first time. Found it very hard, but rewarding. Can't manual target very weels to i have my weapon officer to help! substained heavy damage in the bow torpedo rooms! Nearly flooded, Managed to repair in 7 hours and reload all fish used. Sanka french merhant on the way back. 2016 T to finsh partrol on! After sinking the merchant U46 sent a status report and was ordered home and to abandon partrol for later date!

SS bosnia was sank and surviors picked up!


Boompus 03-26-12 06:30 PM

Back Home
On my way to patrol AM79 I decided to visit my hometown.. the place where I live today :-) Changed a lot I must say ...:salute:

u35_captain 03-28-12 06:44 PM

In U-97 on my 20th patrol, August 1941 (looking forward to transferring to Norway in '42, hopefully).

Decided to attack a lightly escorted convoy off the north of Ireland in 40 meter water. Sink a light tanker and two coastal merchants, and cripple a C2. A destroyer and a corvette decide to do something about that.

They started pinging away like mad, and in shallow water I choose a bold option: hiding under the C2 that is dead in the water. Which really seems to confuse the escorts. The destroyer, realizing it is on a collision course, slows down - just as she drops depth charges. Blew her own depth-charge racks off, which I've never seen before.

So I figure it's a good time to make a quiet escape. I come up to periscope depth keeping the C2 between me and the corvette. And I put my last torpedo into the C2, the noises of her sinking apparently ruining the corvette's attempts to locate me.

Currently making good my escape, as the destroyer and corvette have given up and returned to the convoy, and feeling very lucky.

andwii 03-29-12 05:14 PM

Patrol number: 29
Uboot: U-123
Year: 1940
Realism: 100%
max TC used: 001
Tonnage: 61284
Days at sea: 02
Lesson learned, TC of 1 is a very very hard to do thing with out getting bored. Returned to supply ship early, unsure of how much damage sustained when a torpedo boat caught us off guard.

Osmium Steele 03-30-12 10:24 AM

I just re-read page 437 of the GWX manual, and I couldn't find where it says the passenger/cargo is impossible to sink with anything short of a tactical nuke.... :shifty:

<grumble grumble> :damn::damn:

Horrible weather, visibility 1000 meters tops. I set up right in the path of the convoy, between the 1st and 2nd columns via sonar.

As the first ship became visible, the convoy abruptly changed course! Right over my head!

I thunked 2 eels off the Empire's hull and torpedoed a passenger cargo with Tube 5 at just over 300m. Nice explosion. Didn't even slow down.

Stupid converted ice-breaker....

u35_captain 04-02-12 03:53 PM

Type IXB U-105, sailing approximately 150 kilometers east of the Azores on the way to patrol grid.

December 31st, 1942 - and the allies gave us a present! An unescorted Small Tanker and a C2, sailing perfectly across our path.

Three torpedoes, two kills, and a Happy New Year's message to send back to Lorient.

TorpLos 04-05-12 12:54 PM

So probably not to smart but after years of a break i decided to come back to sh3.. Using nygm and the hsie patch i fired up a game in mid 43 with a 7b. for my own challene i just took the 7b as is and did not upgrade besides 1 FAT torp..

after about 7 days i ran into a konvoi in the nord atlantik.. How the hell do you approach a konvoi during this time period.. I recieved the metox radar warning dove and heard the konvoi. full speed to intercept but before i even saw the formation of the konvoi destroyers were dead ahead coming full speed. i shot off a rerport and dove..
After 3 hours (real time) a record depth of 230 meters and minor damage i escaped the destroyers and completely lost the konvoi... The hell. It ended before it even began! There was no way i could shadow the konvoi after that. And the destroyer escort was ridiculous. At one point 4 were hunting me amd i still heard the screws of 3-4 more destrpyers in konvoi. I know the difficulty but wat gave me away so soon¿ it wasnt my radio report because i didnt send one when i was already being pursued..

Boompus 04-11-12 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by TorpLos (Post 1865609)
So probably not to smart but after years of a break i decided to come back to sh3.. Using nygm and the hsie patch i fired up a game in mid 43 with a 7b. for my own challene i just took the 7b as is and did not upgrade besides 1 FAT torp..

after about 7 days i ran into a konvoi in the nord atlantik.. How the hell do you approach a konvoi during this time period.. I recieved the metox radar warning dove and heard the konvoi. full speed to intercept but before i even saw the formation of the konvoi destroyers were dead ahead coming full speed. i shot off a rerport and dove..
After 3 hours (real time) a record depth of 230 meters and minor damage i escaped the destroyers and completely lost the konvoi... The hell. It ended before it even began! There was no way i could shadow the konvoi after that. And the destroyer escort was ridiculous. At one point 4 were hunting me amd i still heard the screws of 3-4 more destrpyers in konvoi. I know the difficulty but wat gave me away so soon¿ it wasnt my radio report because i didnt send one when i was already being pursued..

Sounds realistic for that period. Once they know you're out there :ping:.... try to survive...or.. just abandon ship and sink the boat and hope that the rest of the Wolfsrudel will take care of the convoy. :salute:

andwii 04-11-12 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by TorpLos (Post 1865609)
So probably not to smart but after years of a break i decided to come back to sh3.. Using nygm and the hsie patch i fired up a game in mid 43 with a 7b. for my own challene i just took the 7b as is and did not upgrade besides 1 FAT torp..

after about 7 days i ran into a konvoi in the nord atlantik.. How the hell do you approach a konvoi during this time period.. I recieved the metox radar warning dove and heard the konvoi. full speed to intercept but before i even saw the formation of the konvoi destroyers were dead ahead coming full speed. i shot off a rerport and dove..
After 3 hours (real time) a record depth of 230 meters and minor damage i escaped the destroyers and completely lost the konvoi... The hell. It ended before it even began! There was no way i could shadow the konvoi after that. And the destroyer escort was ridiculous. At one point 4 were hunting me amd i still heard the screws of 3-4 more destrpyers in konvoi. I know the difficulty but wat gave me away so soon¿ it wasnt my radio report because i didnt send one when i was already being pursued..

I am assuming radar got you, or they saw you, could be that. It depends on the weather, day/night, decks a wash or not, speed you were going. So many things, but at least you made it out alive, thats what counts.

Osmium Steele 04-11-12 01:51 PM

Hehe, Whitleys blow up good, blow up real good. Didn't even have time to drop his bombs.

Make a heckuva racket bouncing off the hull though. Even knocked some books off the shelves in the bow quarters.

That'll teach Coastal Command to interrupt my torpedo load!

FlechenSabre 04-13-12 06:55 PM

Have decided to do a campaign with Realism full (with exception of duds), and I have been assigned to the beautiful VIIC U-385 of the 1st Flotilla. I will only be using TC when I am "asleep", but during my waking hours it'll be set at 1.

Have just left Brest, and all but 40 minutes in to the patrol I have 2 different U-boats with SOSes to BDU. One of them, u-191, was lost for sure. Not a good omen if you ask me. 85 hours to CF16, hopefully not a -too- eventful trip . . .

Frenchy849 04-14-12 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by FlechenSabre (Post 1869656)
campaign with Realism full (with exception of duds)

Excuse me,but

FlechenSabre 04-14-12 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Frenchy849 (Post 1869942)
Excuse me,but

A kaluen that gets lucky with his eels? :D

Shkval 04-14-12 05:34 PM

Well after looong time I'm back in SH3 this time with GWX 3.0 gold and MaGui UI... After two weeks of on&off playing because of job, I have finished my first war patrol at 85% realism (I love that external camera, and I had to keep weapon officer assistance because of mod).
First time playing with "map update off" and it's pretty difficult...I was already familiar with manual aiming but this is a whole new game... and I want to kiss my watch officer all the time :).
Also I'm practicing (and getting really good at it... thanks to you guys) hydrophone tracking and plotting, this means a LOT. Only those pesky merchants change course pretty often, in coastal areas, and I have learned that you need at lest 6 degrees rate of change for this methods to work... i.e. small change means he is coming at you... move aside and measure again.
One more thing left to master...RAOBF disc... almost done...
60.000+ tonnage for first patrol is not bad...

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