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Dowly 02-02-07 07:39 AM

Yayyy!! :rock:

Dowly 02-02-07 08:25 AM

@Danlisa: To use the perfect settings, you need to use OpenGL instead of DirectX. You can change it from the settings. :up:

Get home already! I want to play!!!

danlisa 02-02-07 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by Dowly
@Danlisa: To use the perfect settings, you need to use OpenGL instead of DirectX. You can change it from the settings. :up:

Get home already! I want to play!!!

Ta mate.:up:

Got another 4.5 to 5 hrs at work. No half days here.:cry:

Dowly 02-02-07 08:31 AM

And what comes to the resolution, I tried changing it from the Conf.ini, but the game was pretty messed up.

HunterICX 02-02-07 11:37 AM

Great GAME DOWLY:rotfl:it was hilarious!
really danlisa...we are a bunch of flying morons

Dowly 02-02-07 12:09 PM

Ffs, Hunter! If you are taking off, use full throttle! And btw, your plane suffered only minor damage on the crash, you were the one to try and take off with a damaged that ended in you wrecking the whole plane! :rotfl:

danlisa 02-02-07 12:12 PM

:damn: Sounds as if I missed out on some giggles.:D

Soooon :cool:

mr chris 02-02-07 12:22 PM

Well im in the process of buying IL2 46 and a joystick just need the wife to leave the room.;):up:

HunterICX 02-02-07 01:05 PM

:x Ur blaming me Dowly...ur the one that is in such a hurry....wait till i get a fair distance before u start to take off you idiot!

mr chris 02-02-07 01:07 PM

Well thats the game purshased.
Now i will have to wait for her to go to bed before i get the joystick.:up:

@ Hunter,
Would this be a good joystick to get money is a bit tight and streching to the model you recomended would be tough?

HunterICX 02-02-07 01:17 PM

Well, chris
Dowly has exactly the same joystick the Extreme 3D pro.
I guess if u purchase that one you will be fine.

but downly could give more info on that because he has the same.

mr chris 02-02-07 01:23 PM

Thanks matey i will ask him when i next see him.
Am looking forward to hitting the skys i think im going to enjoy this.:up:

Biggles 02-02-07 01:50 PM

C'mon lads! Less chattin', more pictures!

Dowly 02-02-07 01:58 PM


I waited for you to rev up, before I increased the throttle! So shut up! :rotfl:


Yes, thatīs a good joystick, but I advice you to rip off the rubber thing on the base of the stick, it jammed my rudder from time to time. ;)

Oh and atm, Iīm the only one with 1946, so itīll be just you and me. Danlisa & Hunter has the IL2: Forgotten Battles + Aces Expansion. Letīs hope they get their copy of 1946 soon.

~3hrs and Iīm free to play.

mr chris 02-02-07 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Dowly

I waited for you to rev up, before I increased the throttle! So shut up! :rotfl:


Yes, thatīs a good joystick, but I advice you to rip off the rubber thing on the base of the stick, it jammed my rudder from time to time. ;)

Oh and atm, Iīm the only one with 1946, so itīll be just you and me. Danlisa & Hunter has the IL2: Forgotten Battles + Aces Expansion. Letīs hope they get their copy of 1946 soon.

Thanks mate:up:
Well its on its way it's great that as im in HM Armed Forces i get it sent to Germany for free just as if i lived in the uk:rock:
Will get buy the joystick when the wife has gone to bed Hehehe:up:

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