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Kratos 01-06-08 01:56 PM

Nice one Dowly..:up:

HunterICX 01-06-08 02:03 PM

CCIP & Dowly : Nice pictures :up:

love the scenery CCIP :up:

and Dowly , leave them 109's alone :stare:


Jimbuna 01-06-08 04:07 PM

That must be when Nicldoe shot Dowly down :hmm:

Stealth Hunter 01-06-08 05:42 PM

NiclDoe 01-07-08 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by jimbuna
That must be when Nicldoe shot Dowly down :hmm:

Nope:) I did not fly a 109:p too bad the track wont show battle holes only parts destroyed. My La 7 was full of them from like 7 aattck runs with many holes

Dowly 01-13-08 08:04 PM

From my BoB II campaign. 120 JU88 & HE111 flying towards London. What this shot doesnt show is the 216 Messerschmitt 109s that are flying high above the formation as escorts! And as if this 336 plane formation wasnt enough, a bit to the west was another 300 bomber/fighter formation heading towards London. :rock:

Kratos 01-14-08 01:01 PM

With that many aircraft in the air,does your game not stutter and fart? coz mine did when i played a campaign with loads and loads of hurricanes in the air.

Dowly 01-14-08 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Kratos
With that many aircraft in the air,does your game not stutter and fart? coz mine did when i played a campaign with loads and loads of hurricanes in the air.

Nope. Did you have your particle effects set to high? Or was it effect density, something like that. Anyways, that should be set to medium, as the high setting is poorly optimised and gives you the stuttering. There's little difference between the two settings so it wont take away from the quality.

Kratos 01-14-08 01:08 PM

Ah!! cheers matey i'l look at that :up:

Dowly 01-14-08 01:24 PM

Tho, if you get stuttering and there's no fighting or fires or anything, then of course the particle setting wont help. ;)

Dowly 01-15-08 02:32 PM

Biggles 01-15-08 03:38 PM

What the ruddin' hell.....:huh:

Oberon 01-15-08 10:31 PM

"Hello Squadron, bandit, three o clock low, let's cut some cake!"


Oberon 01-15-08 10:36 PM

Meanwhile, somewhere over Southern Kent:

"Anyway, zo I turnz to Hanz and zays..."

"Hang on mate, I think that's our squadrons up ahead in a dogfight."

"Ah, Ja, I guess ve had better get back to fighting zis var, ja?"

"Righto, Toodle Pip!"

"Auf Wiedersehen!"

Dowly 01-16-08 08:59 AM


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