:D As I remember Silent Service had 64x only and the pacific patrol was a time-consuming nightmare. |
Weekly update
Hello everyone! This week we have been working on a global map system for the game.
https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/stea...34ef337b7c.png |
Ho is this a zoomable Mission Editor Map hope so best Christmas Prezzie :Kaleun_Salute::Kaleun_Applaud::Kaleun_Salute:
Game manual updated with single player guides
https://www.subsim.com/wolfpack/Wolfpack_Manual1219.pdf |
Thx Wolfpack Team and Subsim for the goodies,
Merry X'Mas to all of you !!! Lost |
Good work on updating the manual with the bots controls. But there is still some parts missing.
1 expansion of trim-tank and updated image of the pressure/airpressure dials. 2 updated images of periscopes with true bearing indicator. 3 enhancements in the map tools have not been incorporated yet. 4 UZO: underwasserzieloptik is a Eng-lerman language monster. 1:"Under" is not a German word. 2: "Underwatertargetoptic" makes no sense for a device that is used only when surfaced. 3: The targets it is used for are never under water. Replace "Under" with "Über" (above), then it is correct and meaningful. |
Pisces don’t rob Bernard of his Unterwasserzieloptik! That’s his job!
Might I also suggest some basic surface plotting instructions in the manual too? The inclusion of 4-bearing as an advanced concept with the omission of basic plotting based on bearing and range seems odd to me. Might I even suggest the inclusion of plotting based on a 9000 m sight picture as I demonstrate in my video below? This approximates historical procedures as I understand them to have been. https://youtu.be/ZCiJM-N4Bo0 |
Well, ok, I don't know the exact origin of UZO. But "under" or "unter" is definately not right on itself.
For Wolfpack developers: happy new year. I wish you to sell many copies of the game.
What are your plans for 2020? For Wolfpack players: run silent! :Kaleun_Cheers: |
Weekly update
Hello everyone!
Now we are back from the holidays, and business continues as usual. This week we have been working on the map system. |
Weekly update
Hello everyone!
This week we've continued working on the map system. Next week will be dedicated to improving the netcode. |
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