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Task Force 06-30-10 03:18 PM
Ummm... Bad!
Comeing in for a bumpy landing.
YAAAAAY, I didnt take a Channel bath!

Kptlt. Neuerburg 06-30-10 11:58 PM

I happened to find this while checking out some stuff on the SAS site. One of the many things to do with some spare parts from a Blenhiem.

Schroeder 07-01-10 04:47 AM


Dowly 07-01-10 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by Oberon (Post 1431936)

Wings of Fury > everything :rock:

Free remake:

Lionclaw 07-01-10 06:17 AM

Hey, Wings of Fury. That brings back memories. Used to play it on the Amiga. :yeah:

Dowly 07-01-10 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by Lionclaw (Post 1432487)
Used to play it on the Amiga. :yeah:

Same here! :salute:

Lionclaw 07-01-10 07:22 AM

Didn't really notice that one aileron was missing until I saw the screenshots. :o

I first thought that due to the injuries my pilot sustained that, that was the cause for the very sluggish controls.

And the enemy plane kept shooting at me as I tried to get away, finally I had to land as quickly as possible due to some engine damage.

Schroeder 07-01-10 07:59 AM

May I ask what caused your wings to get bended like that? I don't think bullets could do that.:doh:

Geno_Mariner 07-01-10 08:17 AM

After a night/noon of playing on IL-2, I finally figured out which part of the skins template is the tail :doh: And so I modified my Dutch skin to include.... the cheese!
Yes, fear the cheese. We Cheesies are taking over :stare:

And because I see several mentions of Iced Teas and how much Oberon dislikes them. So for my amusement and boredom (ah how boredom brings me interesting yet silly ideas), I created a skin with the Lipton Iced Tea bottles for logos. Originally it was meant to go on the sides of the body but it failed so I put it on the wings after a brilliant idea. :lol:
Behold the Lipton IL-2

My silliness aside, I have finally got all of the HSFX mods downloaded and the map thing done. Now I just need to install them. Is that all I really need for the group flights? :hmmm:

Lionclaw 07-01-10 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Schroeder (Post 1432557)
May I ask what caused your wings to get bended like that? I don't think bullets could do that.:doh:

I don't know, I was in a losing end of a dogfight. I'm new to Rise of Flight, I think the game records sessions so I have to look what caused the deformation.

Or could it be due to bullets impacting at a very shallow angle? :hmmm:

I'm not so familiar with the planes from this period.

Raptor1 07-01-10 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Schroeder (Post 1432557)
May I ask what caused your wings to get bended like that? I don't think bullets could do that.:doh:

Why not? If the bullets hit some of the wooden parts that make up the wing, it could heavily deform the wing without necessarily breaking it.

Not sure if one of them could survive it, though.

Lionclaw 07-01-10 09:12 AM

No flight record to observe. Have to manually start recording in game it seems. :)

Biggles 07-01-10 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Lionclaw (Post 1432584)
I don't know, I was in a losing end of a dogfight. I'm new to Rise of Flight, I think the game records sessions so I have to look what caused the deformation.

Or could it be due to bullets impacting at a very shallow angle? :hmmm:

I'm not so familiar with the planes from this period.

Bullets eakening that part of the wood making it more prone to damage from high speed flights maybe? Remember, diving too deep with one of these babies and you can wave that wing goodbye!

HunterICX 07-01-10 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Geno_Mariner (Post 1432580)
My silliness aside, I have finally got all of the HSFX mods downloaded and the map thing done. Now I just need to install them. Is that all I really need for the group flights? :hmmm:

Yes, the only thing that still has to be done is the JGSME (mod enabler) having the same mods enabled within HSFX but I figure Oberon can get you sorted with that....errrr maybe not with that Lipton Ice tea IL2 of yours... :haha:


Geno_Mariner 07-01-10 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by HunterICX (Post 1432637)
Yes, the only thing that still has to be done is the JGSME (mod enabler) having the same mods enabled within HSFX but I figure Oberon can get you sorted with that....errrr maybe not with that Lipton Ice tea IL2 of yours... :haha:


He'll probably drop a bomb on it in our next flight :haha: Waiting for his reaction :DL
Yeah, just got to wait for him to come on. Then I should be all set.

Schroeder 07-01-10 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Raptor1 (Post 1432607)
Why not? If the bullets hit some of the wooden parts that make up the wing, it could heavily deform the wing without necessarily breaking it.

I think that structural damage of that magnitude would lead to the wings breaking off in normal flight. As you can see the damage is spread over the entire upper and lower wing.There shouldn't be much stability left in them.
But well, it's just a game and the damage model seems to be pretty good nonetheless.

Raptor1 07-01-10 10:04 AM

That's what I said. Bullets could probably do that sort of damage, whether the plane could survive it is another matter.

Lionclaw 07-01-10 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Raptor1 (Post 1432607)
Why not? If the bullets hit some of the wooden parts that make up the wing, it could heavily deform the wing without necessarily breaking it.

Not sure if one of them could survive it, though.


Originally Posted by Biggles (Post 1432625)
Bullets eakening that part of the wood making it more prone to damage from high speed flights maybe? Remember, diving too deep with one of these babies and you can wave that wing goodbye!

Yeah, that could be it. :up:
Haven't ripped off any wings yet though by overstressing them. I have done some bad landings though.

Used to play Wings on the Amiga many years ago. :yeah:
I don't think I've played any WW1 combat flight sims since then, before now. :o

Raptor1 07-01-10 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Lionclaw (Post 1432657)
Yeah, that could be it. :up:
Haven't ripped off any wings yet though by overstressing them. I have done some bad landings though.

Used to play Wings on the Amiga many years ago. :yeah:
I don't think I've played any WW1 combat flight sims since then, before now. :o

No RB3D? That game was (is) awesome...

EDIT: Curse the internets! Arrgh...

Lionclaw 07-01-10 11:11 AM

I've heard of the name, never played it though.

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