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Schroeder 06-29-10 08:38 AM

Oh noez another Cheesie!!!!!!:wah:

We can't allow the power to shift!
Raptor, Oberon, Task Force and Potato: You will now all admit your German roots at once!
I will then promote you to Germans second class (under my command of course) and we will regain air superiority. The cheese tyranny must be put to an end!:stare:

Damn it, where is Kratos when you need him? At least we would have someone with a skirt on too.:nope:

Arclight 06-29-10 09:30 AM


Yes, pretty random. :hmm2:

HunterICX 06-29-10 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Arclight (Post 1430677)
Anyway, 't is for the best. With all this tea-talk, I fear we're losing Hunter to tea Darkside. :nope: say Tea?!?!?!


Task Force 06-29-10 11:36 AM

As comrade hunter said, Where!!!

Raptor1 06-29-10 11:40 AM

There is no tea; there has been no tea; and there shall be no tea!

Task Force 06-29-10 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Raptor1 (Post 1430826)
There is no tea; there has been no tea; and there shall be no tea!

Then how do you know of this "tea".

Oberon 06-29-10 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Raptor1 (Post 1430826)
There is no tea; there has been no tea; and there shall be no tea!

American! :O:

Raptor1 06-29-10 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Oberon (Post 1430858)
American! :O:

How dare you! :stare:

Oberon 06-29-10 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Raptor1 (Post 1430862)
How dare you! :stare:

If the cap fits! :yep:

Raptor1 06-29-10 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Oberon (Post 1430866)
If the cap fits! :yep:

Task Force, fire upon the blasphemer!

Oberon 06-29-10 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Raptor1 (Post 1430876)
Task Force, fire upon the blasphemer!

Ha! Just because your attack dog failed to kill me today, it does not mean that Task Force will have any more success! In fact, he'll probably shoot Hunter. :yep:

Raptor1 06-29-10 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Oberon (Post 1430943)
In fact, he'll probably shoot Hunter. :yep:


Fire! By God, sir. Fire!
Feuer! Tire!

EDIT: Attack dog? That must be your doing...

Oberon 06-29-10 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Raptor1 (Post 1430964)

Fire! By God, sir. Fire!
Feuer! Tire!

EDIT: Attack dog? That must be your doing...

Hmmm good point...Task Force...I order you to shoot me! :salute:

Oh, so it wasn't you that got that normally quite friendly dog to bite my arm today then? :hmmm:

Must have been the UN...they've been gunning for me since that incident in Dagestan...

Task Force 06-29-10 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Oberon (Post 1431044)
Hmmm good point...Task Force...I order you to shoot me! :salute:

Oh, so it wasn't you that got that normally quite friendly dog to bite my arm today then? :hmmm:

Must have been the UN...they've been gunning for me since that incident in Dagestan...

Stand clear everyone!, well, stay where you are Obi...

(pulls out pistol)

Well, One had to hit him.

Geno_Mariner 06-30-10 07:39 AM

Coulda swore this forum had a skins thread but since this is a screenshot thread, here is my custom skinned IL-2 M3

and I know, Dutch roundels on a Russian Plane. At the moment I'm used to the IL-2 til I have a go with other planes. And this custom skin was done out of boredom and experimentation. I quite like it actually... :)
Got some skin ideas running around in my head :hmmm: (Oh btw guys, apparently there's another IL-2 game called Wings of Prey, it was brought up in a chat when I showed this screencap. However I think the planes line-up in it seems to be the same as Sturmovik)

Arclight 06-30-10 08:01 AM

You're worried about Dutch markings on a Russian plane? :lol:

How about a Messerschmitt flying for the Alies? Not at all uncommon for this group. :haha:

Geno_Mariner 06-30-10 08:32 AM

:haha: Good point. Looking forward to joining up in some group flights, I'm getting the hang of IL-2, minus the landing :cool:

Arclight 06-30-10 10:13 AM

I think Raptor would say "Landings are overrated". I tend to agree. :yep:

Besides, there's a fair chance that when you taxi off the runway after landing, it sheers the airplane in half anyway...

Don't ask. :shifty:

Geno_Mariner 06-30-10 10:22 AM

Heh, it's hard to try bringing my IL-2 in for landing. It's slow to turn (I must be doing it wrong :doh:). So I just say 'stuff the landings' :)

Schroeder 06-30-10 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Geno_Mariner (Post 1431585)
I'm getting the hang of IL-2, minus the landing :cool:

Don't you worry young lady. As a matter of fact this forum is not only graced with the presence of the greatest artist ever but also with the most awesome flight instructor ever (Both would be me of course, and don't listen to what Raptor says, he doesn't understand anything about art.:nope:).

The best thing for a rookie is to establish a certain landing pattern. This will guarantee that you will find yourself always in the same position when you are on final approach. In real life it looks about like this:
Once you get a bit better with landings you can forget about that pattern and go in directly for the landing (none of us is using a pattern). But for now it's pretty useful.
For your final approach:
You can come in with a bit of overspeed (not more than 230 km/h though...for now:D) when you are directly over the runway. They are fairly long so you have time to slow down enough for a nice landing. Try to fly horizontally over the runway at about 0.5 to 1m altitude (takes some practice) at very low or zero throttle. Once the plane wants to settle down (the slower you fly the less lift your wings produce) you pull the nose slightly up (increasing the angle of attack which increases the lift, but also the drag). However it's important that you only raise your nose so far that you don't start climbing again. If you start climbing beyond 3m or so it's best to throttle up a little or to give full throttle and go around. If you don't do this you will find yourself at 3m altitude with quickly decreasing speed and that will make you slam down a second or two later.:dead:
So make sure you don't climb and the plane will set itself nicely down on all three wheels.
Or if you don't want to do that yet you can also settle for a two wheels landing (which is easier). Just fly horizontally in ca. 1m over the runway at around 180-200km/h. Reduce the throttle and keep the nose horizontally. With decreasing speed your plane will start to drop and set down on its main wheels.
Hope that helps a little.:D

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