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mapuc 04-03-21 04:28 PM

Here we go again-Ukraine once again
Biden has given Ukraine full support.

Have heard and read something about plans on placing American troops in Ukraine.

This will increase the tension in the area on the other hand it may prevent an invasion which many military expert says will come-They say this upcoming exercise Russia has planned to conduct near the Ukrainian border is an excuse to build-up troops in preparation for this invasion of Ukraine.

Don't know if it's part of Ukraine or entire Ukraine.

(Please merge this with our long Ukraine thread)


Platapus 04-03-21 04:40 PM

I really hope the US does not sent troops to the Ukraine.

Rockstar 04-03-21 05:14 PM

Deployments would not specifically mean only American or U.S. troops. It's NATO troops which includes European troops and equipment that will also be directly involved too.

I think whats getting Putin's panties in a bunch and causing him to rattle his sabre at the border was Ukraine's invitation for joint military drills and the push for Ukraine's integration into NATO.

Donbas: Kyiv invites NATO to hold joint military drills

Read more on UNIAN:

Deputy Head of the Office of the President Roman Mashovets and Head of the NATO Representation to Ukraine Alexander Vinnikov discussed the security situation in Donbas and Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic integration

As for Biden from reading the above link he's absent from all of this most likely because he's unable to hold an intelligent conversation with anyone.

mapuc 04-03-21 05:37 PM

It was on the Danish news throughout the day yesterday.

The anchor said that Biden in a phone call with the Ukrainian leader said USA support Ukraine. Then something about placing US troops in Ukraine.

I could have misunderstod it.
Have tried to find a Danish article

Found an English article though


US support for Ukraine will not waver, President Joe Biden told his Ukrainian counterpart on Friday amid a reported buildup of Russian forces near Ukraine's eastern border.


les green01 04-03-21 07:32 PM

hope Ukraine don't put much faith in biden if there stairs he wont make it in time

Rockstar 04-03-21 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by mapuc (Post 2740277)
It was on the Danish news throughout the day yesterday.

The anchor said that Biden in a phone call with the Ukrainian leader said USA support Ukraine. Then something about placing US troops in Ukraine.

I could have misunderstod it.
Have tried to find a Danish article

Found an English article though


I'm sure the man was able assure Ukraine of our support. But I would love to see the transcripts. I'd wager the script err... I mean conversation was kept pretty simple and uncomplicated.

The people who are setting the tone for things to come and having the big boy conversations are the US Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, Chairman of the JCS, and National Security Advisor. They have all made the phone calls to their Ukrainian counterparts over the past weeks, and General Milley according to one of the links I posted was said to have even spoke with Russian General Gerasimov.

As for sending U.S. troops, all I can say to that is if we go to Ukraine so does NATO. I'd go so far as to say this is more of a NATO operation than anything else. We want Putin gone and we also want to breakup Germany's and Putin's newfound love for each other. Which is why NATO exists, as nothing ever good comes when those two get together. But I don't think there will be a shooting war. Instead I think those who keep Putin in power will have him removed in order to avoid it and losing everything they have.

Jimbuna 04-04-21 04:54 AM

I'd rather the US and UK stayed out of this but if NATO decide to get involved then send German and French troops.

The best chance they will have is defeating the Russians with Covid due to the lack of an effective vaccination system :03:

Skybird 04-04-21 05:25 AM

Ukraine is no NATO member, so the block has no automatic role in it if the US goes in. And the Us may find it logistically challenging to go in without support by NATO countries.

Ignoring this may be seen as a de factor adoptation of the Ukraine by NATO, equalling NATO membership - the thin red line the Kremlöin watches closely that it does not get crossed.

This might be the reason why NATO members may agree to follow the US in, what does not change that I still would find it wrong - both actions, the US and the European one.

Personally I think it is no purely American thing either. Its on Europe'S doorstep, so let the Europeans run the show, if they think they have some military role to play in there. I already know how it would end, and that is not glorious. Germany is to tak eover command and main contribution of NATO's VJTF taks force soon - and still is unable to equip it with the announced number of armoured platforms. Far from it. And the last thing I want is getting sucked into a military adventure against the Russians on behalf of a partly weak, partly corrupt failed state dominated by crimincal cartels and organised criminals. We already have enough foul apples to feed in Europe, we do not need another one paying his bills from our pockets.

Moonlight 04-04-21 07:00 AM

I'm happy to say that Nato without the support of the USA and the UK would get steam rollered by the Russians, as far as I'm concerned this is a European Continent problem and not anyone else's to get involved in.

Macron and Merkel's smurfs against the mighty Russian bear?, it'll be over in a month, :haha: if Merkel's not careful she'll have Russian troops doing a victory march through the streets of Germany........again. :O: As for Macron, I assume he'll be willing France on to the final victory from some safe country like Canada, that's if the French haven't all jumped into dinghies and are paddling furiously towards the UK's shores, :O: meanwhile he will have come up with a dastardly plan to deflect all the blame on the English again. :yep:

****ing Muppets. :D

Rockstar 04-04-21 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by mapuc (Post 2740277)
It was on the Danish news throughout the day yesterday.

The anchor said that Biden in a phone call with the Ukrainian leader said USA support Ukraine. Then something about placing US troops in Ukraine.

I could have misunderstod it.
Have tried to find a Danish article

Found an English article though


IMO why your Euro news media tends to tell you it's the U.S. that's going into Ukraine. Is because its a great way to keep the Euro public in the dark about what your officials are up to. That it is actually Albanian, Croatian, Turkish, French, Netherlanders, Belgian, Danish, Norwegian, Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, Greek, German, Estonian, Latvian, Slovenian, Canadian, U.K. and U.S. also known as NATO was invited by Ukraine president Zelenskyy to participate in joint military drills.

mapuc 04-04-21 09:59 AM

Friends I want to recall the sentence:

Sending American troops to Ukraine-I don't know where I got it from, it must have been a classic case of selective hearing.

Heard something here, something there - mixed together =American troops Ukraine.

I have made a lot of search to find something that would support my comment and i couldn't so it can only be me.

What I also know is, from one of your links-Ukraine has invited NATO-By doing this they hope Russia will understand the hint.

The Ukrainian leaders shall ask them self, are NATO/USA eager to engage Russia over a none exactly important an a country not a NATO member.


Skybird 04-04-21 10:19 AM

The Ukraine may have given an "invitation" (with a hook), but that does not mean that NATO must accept it.

I hope the ego is not once again bigger than the mind, and they reject it. Certain things just do not go well. American ICBMs on Taiwan or Wovjet ones in Cuba or Russian troops in Mexico or American troops near the Krimean and its naval ports. Each of the major powers has topics where it cannot afford to give ground if it wants to remain "big".

les green01 04-04-21 10:20 AM

it is a Europe problem let them deal with it,it time other countries step up to the plate and have their turn with UK and US ready to back nato up it is a lose lose sititation for UK and US we be getting muck on for going in get muck on for doing nothing and biden so far hasn't impress the heck out of me

mapuc 04-04-21 11:32 AM

Even I can't understand what NATO/USA have to do in Ukraine-It's not exactly a country worth starting WWIII for.

On the other hand I would understand if NATO deployed troops near the border towards Ukraine in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. In case Russia are planning on invading Ukraine.


Catfish 04-04-21 11:35 AM

But Taiwan is a US thing, geographically? Or Afghanistan?
I always thought it was about political influence.

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