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Onkel Neal 05-31-20 11:42 AM

Sure, it's possible. Not a bad idea, either. But as I so often say, keep in mind there are many improvements underway, big and small. I have a few "Neal Items" on the list that won't be done right away, either. We just have to be patient and trust the devs. For me, trusting them is super easy, I've seen how far they've come, the level of detail Einar has crafted into the U-boat, how many really difficult parts of the simulation Oscar has found elegant code solutions for.

Pisces 05-31-20 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by derstosstrupp (Post 2674086)
I might also add that model in that picture is of a TDC that predates the impact angle dial. That dial shows lead angle in that model, it wasn’t until later models the impact angle was added, after that picture. ...

Well, that goes to show it pays to be a techno-history nerd. ;) Solution: It means something else.

Usurpator 06-05-20 04:38 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!
This week we have continued working
on the mission editor.

Usurpator 06-12-20 08:39 AM

Hello everyone!

The past couple of weeks we have been working on a simplified mission editor. This is the first step towards the real mission editor, which will have more features.
These settings will allow players to create custom missions different from the standard skirmish mode:

Mission Title
Mission Description
Encoded Orders: This is an encoded message that the players will receive after the mission has started.
Mission Completed Text: Text that is shown when the mission is completed.
Mission Failed Text: Text that is shown when the mission is failed.
Number of torpedoes in the forward torpedo room.
Number of torpedoes in the aft torpedo room.
Convoy Course
Convoy Speed
Year, Month, Day
Hour, Minute
Tonnage Goal: The players must sink this number of tonnes to complete the mission.
Target List: The players must sink these ships in order to complete the mission.
Anti Target List: The mission is lost if any of these ships are sunk.
Time Limit
Merchant List: This is a list of ships that will be spawned in addition to the ships specified in Target List.
Number of destroyers, corvettes and sloops.
Mission Ends If Discovered: The mission ends if any U-boat is discovered.

Lost At Sea 06-12-20 10:41 AM

Thx for the detailed update! This is taking shape very nicely :up:
Your last point baffles me a little:
"Mission Ends If Discovered: The mission ends if any U-boat is discovered".

Why so?
A discovered U-boat is not necessarily a dead U-boat. Having failed to approach a convoy undetected is a fairly common scenario and dodging the destroyers attacks should be part of the "alternative" mission, ie. survive and escape to fight another day. Nope?
Did you mean "Mission failed" , instead of "Mission ended" ?


AllegPeet 06-12-20 11:11 AM

Is there a WolfPack mission editor available for download? Even a beta one? To tinker with?

Onkel Neal 06-12-20 04:05 PM

Not yet, that's what they are working on next.

PL_Andrev 06-13-20 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Usurpator (Post 2677279)
Mission Ends If Discovered: The mission ends if any U-boat is discovered.

Exactly, what does "discovered" mean?
Detected? Attacked? Damaged?

blackswan40 06-13-20 02:25 PM


e Hello everyone!

The past couple of weeks we have been working on a simplified mission editor. This is the first step towards the real mission editor, which will have more features.
These settings will allow players to create custom missions different from the standard skirmish mode:

Mission Title
Mission Description
Encoded Orders: This is an encoded message that the players will receive after the mission has started.
Mission Completed Text: Text that is shown when the mission is completed.
Mission Failed Text: Text that is shown when the mission is failed.
Number of torpedoes in the forward torpedo room.
Number of torpedoes in the aft torpedo room.
Convoy Course
Convoy Speed
Year, Month, Day
Hour, Minute
Tonnage Goal: The players must sink this number of tonnes to complete the mission.
Target List: The players must sink these ships in order to complete the mission.
Anti Target List: The mission is lost if any of these ships are sunk.
Time Limit
Merchant List: This is a list of ships that will be spawned in addition to the ships specified in Target List.
Number of destroyers, corvettes and sloops.
Mission Ends If Discovered: The mission ends if any U-boat is discovered.
Hopefully one can turn on and off that Mission Ends when detected option as you like.

THE_MASK 06-13-20 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Usurpator (Post 2677279)
Hello everyone!

The past couple of weeks we have been working on a simplified mission editor. This is the first step towards the real mission editor, which will have more features.
These settings will allow players to create custom missions different from the standard skirmish mode:

Mission Title
Mission Description
Encoded Orders: This is an encoded message that the players will receive after the mission has started.
Mission Completed Text: Text that is shown when the mission is completed.
Mission Failed Text: Text that is shown when the mission is failed.
Number of torpedoes in the forward torpedo room.
Number of torpedoes in the aft torpedo room.
Convoy Course
Convoy Speed
Year, Month, Day
Hour, Minute
Tonnage Goal: The players must sink this number of tonnes to complete the mission.
Target List: The players must sink these ships in order to complete the mission.
Anti Target List: The mission is lost if any of these ships are sunk.
Time Limit
Merchant List: This is a list of ships that will be spawned in addition to the ships specified in Target List.
Number of destroyers, corvettes and sloops.
Mission Ends If Discovered: The mission ends if any U-boat is discovered.


Usurpator 06-19-20 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by Lost At Sea (Post 2677313)
Thx for the detailed update! This is taking shape very nicely :up:
Your last point baffles me a little:
"Mission Ends If Discovered: The mission ends if any U-boat is discovered".

Why so?
A discovered U-boat is not necessarily a dead U-boat. Having failed to approach a convoy undetected is a fairly common scenario and dodging the destroyers attacks should be part of the "alternative" mission, ie. survive and escape to fight another day. Nope?
Did you mean "Mission failed" , instead of "Mission ended" ?


Hello! This setting will be optional. We figured adding this option would enable players to increase the difficulty of the mission even more. I do think you are right about the mission "failing" rather than "ending" :)

Usurpator 06-19-20 05:56 AM

Weekly update
Glad midsommar everyone!
This week we've continued developing the mission editor. It's not ready yet, but it looks promising.

skipjack578 06-22-20 05:23 AM

Hi all.

It would be great if there is a random feature in the mission editor, for example:

Random class of the ship to spawn.
Random spawn location.
Random patrol area (unlimited).
Random speed and course.
Random enemy skill (if possible).
Probability of presence of a ship (0-100%).
Random start time.
Random start date.
Random start weather.

This will make missions replayable and more fun.

Keep up the good work!

PL_Andrev 06-24-20 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by skipjack578 (Post 2679288)
Random start weather.

This will make missions replayable and more fun.

I think Beaufort 12 with heavy rain and fog do not guarantee a "more fun".

Onkel Neal 06-26-20 01:11 PM

Weekly update
The devs are making good progress on the mission editor tool, we discussed various elements and how they will impact gameplay. We hope to have a functional, tested version out in the next couple of weeks if all goes well.

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