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MikeBaker 06-12-19 06:41 AM

How To Pick Out The Best Vacuum Cleaners? Here’Re The Tips
How To Pick Out The Best Vacuum Cleaners? Here’Re The Tips

Spending time searching for the best vacuum cleaners in the world does not mean that you can always make a wise purchase decision. Instead, you should ask yourself two questions:

First, what are your needs?

Specifically, you need a vacuum cleaner for your bare floors or your carpeted house. Each kind of vacuum is designed for different purposes, so whether a vacuum is suitable for you depends on your needs and preference.

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Second, what is the best rated vacuum cleaner that fits my needs?

To answer this question, we first need to look at some popular kinds of vacuum cleaner available on the market.

Upright vacuum

With a wide floor head, upright vacuums are the best option for large houses as they can cover a greater area more quickly and effectively compared to other types. Upright vacuums are also perfect for carpeted areas as they are typically equipped with a rotating brush, meaning thay are good at picking up hair and dust from carpets. Compared to canister vacuums, upright vacuums are easier to maneuver as you do not need to drag anything behind. However, this kind of design is not good at cleaning under furniture. Some models are a little bit heavy, causing problems to users after prolonged use.

Canister vacuum

Most of the best rated vacuum cleaners are canister vacuums. This traditional type of vacuum has been around for a long time thanks to its lightweight and convenient design. Canister vacuums are more portable than an upright vacuum and ofter comes with a good selection of tools, so they can reach under furniture and go along the stairs easily. The significant drawback of this vacuum is that it requires more spaces than other types of vacuum, meaning it is not suitable for a small house. Also, when pulling the vacuum around, its main body can knock into walls and furniture.

Stick vacuum

Reviews on best vacuum cleaners are mostly done about stick vacuums. This type is now increasingly popular due to its convenience, lightweight, and strong suction power. Although this kind of vacuum is initially designed for quick cleaning, it is now getting more and more powerful than it can cope with an entire house. However, stick vacuums are cordless vacuums, meaning their performance somewhat depends on battery life.

Handheld vacuum

A handheld vacuum is a perfect device for cleaning sofas, cars, staircases, and some other quick cleanings. Similar to stick vacuums, handheld vacuums are cordless, so they are convenient to grab and go. But because they are relatively small, their dust capacity is also smaller compared to other kinds of vacuum. If you do not want to empty it that often, you should choose the model with a capacity of 0.3 liters, at least. Also, you need to check for its battery life before making any purchase decision.

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Robot vacuum

What’s a good vacuum cleaner!” is what people usually say about robot vacuums. Robot vacuums use sensory technology to make sure that no areas are left uncleaned and avoid bumping off furniture. This type of vacuum is connected to Wi-Fi and is controlled through an app on your mobile phone, allowing you to set your vacuum to clean even if you’re not at home. However, robot vacuums cannot wholly replace standard vacuums as they cannot clean ceilings, stairs, and areas under furniture. They are also much more expensive compared to other types of vacuum.

Now you have also known which type of vacuum suits you the best, it is time you continue to explore more to make the right purchase decision.

What is a good vacuum like?

If you want to buy the best vacuum cleaner for home, here are some key features to look for:


If you do not want to empty your vacuum regularly, choose an upright or a canister vacuum with at least 2-liter capacity. 0.5-liter capacity is ideal for stick vacuums, while 0.3-liter is perfect for handheld vacuums.


We are sure that you do not want to carry a heavy vacuum up and down the stairs. Normally, a vacuum that weighs under 3 kg will make it easier for your arms, but a lighter one is needed if you have problems with your arms or shoulders.


What is a vacuum cleaner that fits allergy suffers? The answer is whichever with a HEPA filter. Basically, a HEPA filter will lock all the dust, pollen, and allergens inside the vacuum and prevent them from re-entering the atmosphere. However, remember to wash or replace your filters regularly to ensure the device always offers a high quality of air filtration.

Sensory technology

For a robot vacuum, sensory technology is essentially important. This technology enables the vacuum to sense the floor type to adjust its power accordingly. So, it will help to save energy and allow for more effective cleaning.

Battery life

Whether a stick vacuum and a handheld vacuum work well depend heavily on its battery life. If you decide to opt for these two kinds of vacuum, choose a stick vacuum with a battery life of at least 30 minutes or a handheld vacuum that works continuously for 20 minutes.

Charging time

While most stick vacuums take about 4 hours to fully charge, handheld vacuums require at least 3 hours. Sometimes, it is a little bit inconvenient to wait for them, so invest in the models that come with additional batteries, if possible.

Rotating brush

The secret for the best vacuum for carpet is the rotating brush. So if you are buying a vacuum cleaner to clean over long pile carpet, make sure that the model you choose does not miss this attachment.

Crevice tool

A crevice tool is a must for hardwood floors and bare floors as it helps to get into tight gaps. A crevice tool is also helpful for cleaning corners, along the edge of the flooring and between sofa cushions.

Extension wand

The extension wand is necessary if you need to clean cobwebs from high ceilings, edges of stairs, and dust or food particles behind appliances.

The bottom line

Hopefully, the information provided can help you pick out the best vacuum cleaners on the market . If you would like to have a deeper understanding of vacuum cleaners, you can always check our other posts. We are welcome for all suggestions and recommendations, comments to discuss with us in the comment section. We would be glad to see your comments.

Mowgli 06-12-19 08:43 AM

Have you tried verifying the files on Steam? Have you installed a new mod?

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