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Letum 05-21-09 08:23 AM

*** HMS Thanatus discussion and news ticker ***
This is the place to discuss the game out of role.
Anyone can post here, even if you are not involved in the game.

Letum --- Crew, DEAD
1. UnderseaLcpl --- Science Team
Stealth Hunter --- Crew, Vice Admiral, Leader DEAD
CaptainHaplo --- Science Team - DEAD
A Very Super Market --- Rescue Team DEAD
TaskForce --- Rescue Team DEAD
Chad --- Crew DEAD
2. Raptor --- Crew
3. Tarrasque --- Crew
4. Jimbuna --- Rescue Team DEAD
5. Nokia -- Rescue Team
Roman2440 --- Rescue Team DEAD
6. Oberon --- Rescue Team DEAD
MookieMookie --- Crew - DEAD
7. Nisgeis --- Crew
8. baggygreen --- Crew
9. TarJak --- Science Team
10. Jalu3 --- Science Team DEAD
11. Sandycaesar --- Crew DEAD
SilverRaptor --- Crew DEAD

Day One:
Letum's body is found floating in the Reactor deck.
Some of the civilian team drag his remains from the water and UnderseaLcpl prods them a bit in the cargo hall.
The other survivors discuss setting off more explosives and swap scary stories about Norway.
There is some mild concern about the vast unattended nuclear reactor everyone is sitting on.
The science team think about looking for clues in the flood water.

Day Two:
Vice Admiral Stealth Hunter is found dead in his rooms. He is dressed in
a red gown and hood.
Task Force reveals that the rescue team received distress messages before the explosions and strange events took place.
There is speculation about sabotage.

Day 2 votes:

UnderseaLcpl --- Science Team - 1 lead vote DID NOT VOTE
CaptainHaplo --- Science Team - Votes Tarjak for leader. Abstains from lynch vote.
A Very Super Market --- Rescue Team DID NOT VOTE
TaskForce --- Rescue Team - Votes to lynch Chad 3 Lynch votes
Chad --- Crew 2 Lynch Votes 2 Leader Vote DID NOT VOTE
Raptor --- Crew 3 Leader votes DID NOT VOTE
Tarrasque --- Crew - votes Chad to lead - Abstains from Lynch
Jimbuna --- Rescue Team - Votes Chad to lead. Votes Taskforce to lynch
Nokia -- Rescue Team - Votes Raptor as lead. Abstains from the lynch 1 lead vote
Roman2440 --- Rescue Team DID NOT VOTE
Oberon --- Rescue Team - Votes Raptor1 for leader. Votes to Lynch Chad.
MookieMookie --- Crew Votes Tarjak as lead, votes to Lynch taskforce
Nisgeis --- Crew DID NOT VOTE
baggygreen --- Crew DID NOT VOTE
TarJak --- Science Team - 2 Leader Votes Votes Underssea as lead, votes to Lynch taskforce
Jalu3 --- Science Team - Votes nokia as lead, Abstains from Lynch
Sandycaesar --- Crew DID NOT VOTE
SilverRaptor --- Crew - Votes Raptor for leader. Abstains from lynch vote.

As Taskforce heads off to his bunk in the dark Jimbuna, Mookiemookie
and Tarjak are all behind him in the shadows. All three attack him at
once and take no chances - he could be the monster!

As Taskforce slips into the peace of death he shows no sign of being
anything other than human. In his eyes is a mix of disbelief and terror.
He leaves behind a wife and 3 children as well as a career in deep sea

Raptor is declared the new leader.

Day 3:
Roman2440 - Is found dead his body is...strange.
A very Supermarket's body is found close by.

Day 3 vote:

UnderseaLcpl --- Science Team Abstains
CaptainHaplo --- Science Team DID NOT VOTE
Chad --- Crew 1 lynch votes DID NOT VOTE 2nd warning
Raptor --- Crew Abstains
Tarrasque --- Crew - Votes to lynch Tarjak 1 lynch votes (0 former votes)
Jimbuna --- Rescue Team - votes to lynch Tarrasque
Nokia -- Rescue Team Abstains. 1 lynch votes (0 former votes)
Oberon --- Rescue Team Votes to lynch chad
MookieMookie --- Crew DID NOT VOTE
Nisgeis --- Crew Abstains
baggygreen --- Crew - Votes to lynch Jalu3 1 lynch votes (0 former votes)
TarJak --- Science Team - Abstains 1 lynch votes (0 former votes)
Jalu3 --- Science Team - Votes to lynch Baggy. 1 lynch votes (0 former votes)
Sandycaesar --- Crew Abstains
SilverRaptor --- Crew - - Votes to lynch Nokia

Baggygreen is lynched by random selection, but put in the Brig by Raptor instead of death See first game post for brig rules.

Day 4:

No one is found dead in the morning. On this boat that is news!

UnderseaLcpl --- Science Team - Votes for Silverraptor
CaptainHaplo --- Science Team - Votes for Chad
Chad --- Crew 2 lynch votes (3 former votes) DID NOT VOTE 3rd warning REMOVED FROM THE SUB (lynched anyway)
Raptor --- Crew - Abstains
Tarrasque --- Crew - Votes for Silverraptor 1 lynch votes
Jimbuna --- Rescue Team - Votes for Tarrasque
Nokia -- Rescue Team - Votes for Chad
Oberon --- Rescue Team Abstains
MookieMookie --- Crew DID NOT VOTE 2nd warning
Nisgeis --- Crew - Abstains
baggygreen --- Crew MAY NOT VOTE
TarJak --- Science Team DID NOT VOTE
Jalu3 --- Science Team - Abstains
Sandycaesar --- Crew - Abstains
SilverRaptor --- Crew - Abstains 2 lynch votes

Chad is lynched.


No one is found dead again.


UnderseaLcpl --- Science Team - Votes for silverraptor4 lynch votes (1 previous)
CaptainHaplo --- Science Team - Votes for Undersea
Raptor --- Crew - Votes for undersea
Tarrasque --- Crew - Votes for undersea
Jimbuna --- Rescue Team - Votes for Tarrasque (despite what the thread may say)
Nokia -- Rescue Team - Votes for silverraptor
Oberon --- Rescue Team - Abstains
MookieMookie --- Crew DID NOT VOTE 3rd warning REMOVED
Nisgeis --- Crew - votes for silverraptor
baggygreen --- Crew MAY NOT VOTE
TarJak --- Science Team - votes for silverraptor
Jalu3 --- Science Team - DID NOT VOTE
Sandycaesar --- Crew - Abstains
SilverRaptor --- Crew -votes for undersea 4 lynch votes (2 previous) -

Silverraptor is lynched by previous vote count

Day 6:

CaptianHalpo is found dead.

UnderseaLcpl --- Science Team - Abstains??
Raptor --- Crew -Abstains 2 lynch votes
Tarrasque --- Crew - Abstains 1 lynch votes
Jimbuna --- Rescue Team - votes himself as the leader and raptor to be lynched 3 leader votes
Nokia -- Rescue Team - Votes Jimbuna as lead
Oberon --- Rescue Team - Votes to lynch Tarrasque
Nisgeis --- Crew - Abstains
baggygreen --- Crew MAY NOT VOTE
TarJak --- Science Team - Votes to lynch Raptor1, votes Jimbuna as the leader
Jalu3 --- Science Team - Abstains??
Sandycaesar --- Crew - Abstains

Raptor is thrown into the brig and disposed as leader.
Jimbuna takes the lead by majority vote.


UnderseaLcpl --- Science Team - Votes for Jalu 1 Leader vote
Raptor --- Crew -AbstainsMAY NOT VOTE
Tarrasque --- Crew - Abstains
Jimbuna --- Rescue Team - Votes for Jalu
Nokia -- Rescue Team - Vote missed
Oberon --- Rescue Team - DID NOT VOTE
Nisgeis --- Crew - Votes for Jalu, undersea for lead
baggygreen --- Crew MAY NOT VOTE
TarJak --- Science Team - Votes for Jalu
Jalu3 --- Science Team - Votes for himself 3 lynch votes
Sandycaesar --- Crew - DID NOT VOTE excused

Jalu killed


Sandyceaser is found dead

UnderseaLcpl --- Science Team - Votes for Tarrasque
Raptor --- Crew -MAY NOT VOTE
Tarrasque --- Crew - Votes forJimbuna to lynch and Nisgeis as lead 1 lynch votes
Jimbuna --- Rescue Team - Votes for Oberon 1 lynch votes
Nokia -- Rescue Team - Votes for Oberon
Oberon --- Rescue Team - 3 lynch votes DID NOT VOTE
Nisgeis --- Crew - Votes for Oberon 1 Leader vote
baggygreen --- Crew MAY NOT VOTE
TarJak --- Science Team - Votes for Oberon

Oberon is killed


UnderseaLcpl --- Science Team - Did Not Vote 1 leader vote
Raptor --- Crew -MAY NOT VOTE
Tarrasque --- Crew - Abstains
Jimbuna --- Rescue Team - Votes for Tarjak 3 lynch votes
Nokia -- Rescue Team - Votes for Undersea for leader and Jimbuna to be lynched.
Nisgeis --- Crew - Votes for Jimbuna, tarjak as lead
baggygreen --- Crew MAY NOT VOTE
TarJak --- Science Team - Votes for Jimbuna, Tarjak as lead 2 leader votes 1 lynch votes

Tarjak, jimbuna commit suicide

Day 10:

Nokia commits suicide after Nisgeis, UnderseaLcpl and Tarrasque vote for him
Nisgeis is declared the leader

Oberon 05-21-09 11:23 AM

I take it that the reactor has SCRAMed and we're running on batteries. If so, I also take it that there is enough battery power to run the scrubbers 24/7 for the time we need, if not the lighting.

Letum 05-21-09 11:32 AM

The state of the reactor is unknown. Unless anyone fancies a swim with the
corpses and chemicals, it will stay unknown.

A few remaining scrubbers are running for the 12 hours when the lights are
off. Most scrubbers where destroyed in the explosions. Don't worry about O2
or CO2 tho. With a crew of 20 and such a vast space in the ship you have
enough air so long as the remaining scrubbers keep going.

Not clean air mind. The whole place stinks of sulphur and smoke.

Silverraptor 05-21-09 12:45 PM

Considering we're running on batteries, how often can the stove be used?

Letum 05-21-09 01:47 PM

Don't ask me! I'm dead. ;)
Better go into the game thread and ask someone important.

Nokia 05-21-09 02:34 PM

Just some questions bout the rescue team.

1. Are they a military rescue crew?
2.What nationality (i guess British ) or multinational (like sum joint nato sumthing rescue)

Task Force 05-21-09 02:36 PM

1 I dont think so, I believe they are a government funded experimental sub prodject.

2 Im 95% sure they are kind of a combo of different countrys. (ex acouple of british, american, ect.)

But letum would be able to awnser better.:up:

Raptor1 05-21-09 02:47 PM

They are HMS, so at least the crew of the sub are military

Oberon 05-21-09 02:53 PM

The Brits have a specialised submarine rescue team which picked up some Russian sailors a few years ago, I reckon it'd be something like that:

Letum 05-21-09 02:54 PM

A Very Super Market knows most there is to know about the rescue team.
Ask him!

As stated in the sign-up thread, the crew and science team is multi-national,
but the sub is English, hence the HMS and English ranks used onboard.

The Thanatus is quite the pinnacle of international co-operation....err...was anyway.

Task Force 05-21-09 03:13 PM

I thought neal was playing.:hmmm:

Letum 05-21-09 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Task Force (Post 1104869)
I thought neal was playing.:hmmm:

Neal had to pull out for personal reasons.
He regrets he can't play.

Task Force 05-21-09 03:20 PM

oah.:up: was wondering about that...

Oberon 05-21-09 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Task Force (Post 1104869)
I thought neal was playing.:hmmm:

Me too...perhaps he's the monster? :o

Nisgeis 05-21-09 03:37 PM

Letum, Slightly confused about the timings... your sig says lights on until about 12:00 GMT and lights off until about 00:00 GMT, but it's after 12:00 GMT and lights are on, so is this first day an extended period until tomorrow lunchtime, at which point the lights will go off? I'm trying to work out when the deadline for lynch / brig vote will be - midnight or midday. Am I missing some rules posted somewhere?

All times are GMT -5. The time now is 10:34 PM.

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