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LcSummers 01-19-11 03:20 AM

Hi ZW and ingsoc84
Hi ZW and ingsoc84,

i read the newest thread about installing TvT. So i can say that the new driver (260.99) for Nvidia cards is running fine. I have a GTX 295 running with it but i have Win 7 as OS.

So my experience was that you have to install (as ZW explained) TVT from the scratch. Everytime you install TvT, please check if its running. We all had much troubles but at least we all solved it. Step by step is the best way.
When TVT is running, make a copy of it (rename it as you want. my was TvT copy) and then try to install the following mod. So if it crashes, you do not need to install it anew.
Hope this helps.


KdF 01-19-11 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by ingsoc84 (Post 1577402)
Hi Zeewolf..I uninstalled..wiped everything in the lighthouse file...uninstalled drivers to still crashes back to think Im running out of options here to get the game working....the pc is essentially running as it did when I last played at a loss to understand why it keeps crashing.if you can think of anything else..please let me know..I have run out of ideas..unfortunately..and no issues with my hardware/software that I can find..I am running windows sp3..but was running that last time the game worked..thanks!

Sorry for jumpin in here, but have you tried installing DirectX 9.0c before installing, and again immediatly after installing?, TvsT looks for files in 9.0c and the newer versions dont have 'em.

Just sayin..........

ingsoc84 01-19-11 09:39 PM

I'll retry reinstalling directx 9.0c..but as far as I can tell when I run the direrextxdiag from the run menu.its all up and working fine..but worth a try. thanks

May sound silly..but when I download and try to extaract the directx asks where I want to extract them to (what file) and I dont really know what file to extract them to and dont want to screw something idea where I should extract them? I thought they would self extract and find the correct place to self install.

frinik 01-19-11 10:22 PM

DirectX 9 C
Ingo this is normal although normally when you instal DirectX9 it indicates you a default path usually C/windows/system32.Just use that path.If it does not show up that default path it is because you may have clicked on some other option.Just instal your DirectX9 C into the C/Windows/systems32 because this is where Windows normally put such files.There's no danger. Actually I re-installed DirectX9 C a couple of days ago on my Windows7 OS pc.It works fine.

ingsoc84 01-19-11 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by frinik (Post 1578183)
Ingo this is normal although normally when you instal DirectX9 it indicates you a default path usually C/windows/system32.Just use that path.If it does not show up that default path it is because you may have clicked on some other option.Just instal your DirectX9 C into the C/Windows/systems32 because this is where Windows normally put such files.There's no danger. Actually I re-installed DirectX9 C a couple of days ago on my Windows7 OS pc.It works fine.

Thanks.I downloaded the redistrubituale version of directx 9.0c from June 10..thing is..when I oopend it..and told it for exammple to extract it to my then extractd some 60 OTHER winrar files..a multidude of directx files..and I THINK its one of those many files I then must extract to the windows system 32 file? sorry..not sure..typically the game itself will install it right where it needs to go..adn the appropriate version..this seems to be extracting many other files which they themselves need to extract...maybe I should just choose the most recent for my os? Sorry for the hassle..

Well..I extracted the file to desktop..then saw a dx setup..hit that.and it went ahead and installed directx and all files..still game wont run...too bad..this is just too strange. I assume the game runs fine in windows 7..does SH5 work in windows 7? I just may have to get a new computer sooner than later.the one I have is just having too many issues I think..although SH5 plays problems whatsoever.

ingsoc84 01-19-11 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by KdF (Post 1577962)
Sorry for jumpin in here, but have you tried installing DirectX 9.0c before installing, and again immediatly after installing?, TvsT looks for files in 9.0c and the newer versions dont have 'em.

Just sayin..........

Thanks..our systems are similar should run..yes..I allowed tvt to load directx 9..then loaded also recent directx 9..still no go..

ZeeWolf 01-20-11 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by ingsoc84 (Post 1578225)
Thanks..our systems are similar should run..yes..I allowed tvt to load directx 9..then loaded also recent directx 9..still no go..

Try loading a mission in the editor.

Start the editor and in the left top corner select File menu and the Load Level
and select any mission file.

Then whether your successful or not go to your root directory and e-mail me a copy of the editor.log file.

The last thing that is loaded during the tank tracks across the screen is the
tree files. So I am interested in viewing the point of failure.

Thanks ,

ZeeWolf 01-21-11 12:31 AM

Almost Done
I have been pulling my hair out trying to get my Flak Guns to shoot the
planes :damn: - and I finally figured it out :know:

Flak38 in action against Bombers and IL2s

The Heavy Bombers are running in at much higher altitudes now, so you'll
just be able to hear their engines,:yep: just moments before dumping 32 x 100kg
an 2 x 250kg High Explosive bombs.

The IL4 Medium Bombers 10 x 100kg High Explosive Bombs.

Accurately! :o

The last work of 2010 will be ready after I finish my new Flak88 that I will be focusing on. (75% complete now)

Also I have been working on the Playable early Tiger E that will be part of the first release for the year of 2011

Vorwärts Kameraden! :salute:


LcSummers 01-21-11 01:21 AM

Hi ZW,

great news and fantastic job. FLAk 38!!! One of my favorites. The new Tiger I with Camo is brilliant. You surprising every time.:yeah:

TVT gets better and better. One question. Do you plan for the further releases AI vehicle like a Kübelwagen, Jeep or even the SdKfz 234/2 Puma?

Vorwärts Kameraden, wir müssen zurück!!!:salute:


PS: Is it possible to make on some early Tigers spare tracks on the front and later on the turret?
PPS:: Flak 3,7cm cool

ZeeWolf 01-21-11 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by LcSummers (Post 1578971)
Hi ZW,

great news and fantastic job. FLAk 38!!! One of my favorites. The new Tiger I with Camo is brilliant. You surprising every time.:yeah:

TVT gets better and better. One question. Do you plan for the further releases AI vehicle like a Kübelwagen, Jeep or even the SdKfz 234/2 Puma?

Vorwärts Kameraden, wir müssen zurück!!!:salute:


PS: Is it possible to make on some early Tigers spare tracks on the front and later on the turret?
PPS:: Flak 3,7cm cool

Hi LC,
AI vehicles that I have drawings for - include German trucks and halftracks.
Kübelwagen, Jeep and SdKfz 234/2 Puma will come much later. I would like
however to model German motorcycles, because of there wide use.
They would give something new to the scene and would be a historical addition in convoys and such.
I should mention a criteria that I use that my be of some help, and that is
if the item was common for the era of 1941-43 and have drawings and resources I want to put it in the game.
Like the Flak 3.7cm, it is excellent but I need drawings for it - I definitely want to put it in.
Also any WWI artillery that was used by the Germans or the Soviets I want to include. Like the Skoda 30.5cm heavy mortar for example would be great.
Don't forget about that new building models will lead to towns and city action and city defense battles etc. all kinds of new stuff to consider.


ZW :salute:

PS Spare tracks will be coming! :up:

Jochem 01-22-11 09:57 AM

Awesome work Zee ! BTW, have your received my last mail because, I'm a little bit lost with my questions ! :arrgh!:

ZeeWolf 01-22-11 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Jochem (Post 1579866)
Awesome work Zee ! BTW, have your received my last mail because, I'm a little bit lost with my questions ! :arrgh!:

Hey Jochem you new flag is beautiful man! :DL

I was wondering if the the image of the horizontal forest was helpful?
Because using images are easy for me to understand opposed to explaining
with text.

ZW :salute:

Fighterace 01-24-11 06:43 AM

Silly question ZeeWolf, Where can i pay for my renewal for the Kursk mod?

Wilcke 01-24-11 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Fighterace (Post 1580997)
Silly question ZeeWolf, Where can i pay for my renewal for the Kursk mod?

Check out his web page, link at his sig. Join now!

Jochem 01-25-11 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1579993)
Hey Jochem you new flag is beautiful man! :DL

I was wondering if the the image of the horizontal forest was helpful?
Because using images are easy for me to understand opposed to explaining
with text.

ZW :salute:

Sorry for the delay, very busy at work these last days ! Yes, of course, I enjoyed very well this little tweak. It works very well ! Otherwise, my objective was to completely remove it. I Did it, fine. But, the issue is that, at far range, the ground map has disappeared, especially at the first german mission when you see some enemy tanks through the forest from the hill just in front of you. Do you know how to increase the display of the ground map ?

Thanks for the support Zee, it is and it will be always a pleasure to bring you some participation because YOU are brilliant man ! ;)

Thanks again for your patience, your help and your welcome advices !

P.S.: hope my english is not so bad :p

ZeeWolf 01-25-11 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Jochem (Post 1582416)
Sorry for the delay, very busy at work these last days ! Yes, of course, I enjoyed very well this little tweak. It works very well ! Otherwise, my objective was to completely remove it. I Did it, fine. But, the issue is that, at far range, the ground map has disappeared, especially at the first german mission when you see some enemy tanks through the forest from the hill just in front of you. Do you know how to increase the display of the ground map ?

Thanks for the support Zee, it is and it will be always a pleasure to bring you some participation because YOU are brilliant man ! ;)

Thanks again for your patience, your help and your welcome advices !

P.S.: hope my english is not so bad :p

Hi Jochem
Don't worry I understand, thank you. And yes I know how to increase the terrain maps.
I will e-mail you a image tutorial and list the file that handles that function



Jochem 01-26-11 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1582427)
Hi Jochem

I will e-mail you a image tutorial and list the file that handles that function



Thanks Zee, I received it but there is a curious problem. I have changed the value with notepad then saved the script file then launched the game. And I experimented a direct crash to desktop at the loading of the game with a Critical error. Why ? What is wrong ? Don't I used the right program to change those values ?

Critical Error

[Scriptmanager] Duplicate class *CWaterRegion* definition

ZeeWolf 01-26-11 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Jochem (Post 1583395)
Thanks Zee, I received it but there is a curious problem. I have changed the value with notepad then saved the script file then launched the game. And I experimented a direct crash to desktop at the loading of the game with a Critical error. Why ? What is wrong ? Don't I used the right program to change those values ?

Critical Error

[Scriptmanager] Duplicate class *CWaterRegion* definition

Hi Jochem,
You need and code editor like this one :

Also you my have created a duplicate file called "BaseTerrain.script.txt"
check for that and if so then delete it.

Hang in there Jochem :up:


Jochem 01-27-11 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1583469)
Hi Jochem,
You need and code editor like this one :

Also you my have created a duplicate file called "BaseTerrain.script.txt"
check for that and if so then delete it.

Hang in there Jochem :up:


Aaaah, I was sure there is something like this ! Don't know how I can do without your generous help :) Thanks again my friend ;)

yeah, of course, I always duplicate (copy/paste) my files. I have a very long time modding you know; , silent hunter series, panzer elite se, the total war series, il2 sturmovik, steel fury 1942 and many others.

Shusss !

ZeeWolf 01-27-11 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Jochem (Post 1583912)
Aaaah, I was sure there is something like this ! Don't know how I can do without your generous help :) Thanks again my friend ;)

yeah, of course, I always duplicate (copy/paste) my files. I have a very long time modding you know; , silent hunter series, panzer elite se, the total war series, il2 sturmovik, steel fury 1942 and many others.

Shusss !

Delete all duplicate files! Even if you rename the file the program will read it
and if there is any duplicate "class" it will crash.
The format for all *.script files are the same format in the following image:

Shusss ! :salute:


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