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TheBeast 07-02-10 02:55 PM

[TEC]Adding Upgrade Packs
A little of my MOD'ing history:
I am almost totally new to MOD'ing as you can see by my Join Date of "Jan. 2010". I started MOD'ing in Feb, 2010 without even realising I was creating a MOD. I began by merging changes from various MOD's touching the same files into a single MOD. This enabled me to benifit from Multiple MOD changes all at the same time. I have released a few Merged MOD's and a couple of my own for SH4/SH5 but this was only possible because of some of the excellent tools Developed and Shared by other's in the Silent Hunter MOD'ing community. Keeping this in mind, I am not a MOD expert, I am a retired old fart, MOD novice with to much time on my hands and decent background in computing, dating back to the early 80's.

The intent of this post is to emphasize the importance of sharing knowledge, community effort(s) or building upon the work of others and the functional accuracy of the work being done resulting in a stable and enjoyable gaming experience.

NOTE: This discussion is dealing with functional accuracy, not historical accuracy. Please keep comments pertaining to historical accuracy, out of this forum thread Topic and I encourage you to post those comments to a thread pertaining to Historical Accuracy. Availability Dates, Submarine Type Availability Dates, Time of Service Dates, Renown Costs, etc. All may be adjusted in this discussion for testing purposes.
I say, let us fix what is currently broken. Then lets talk about Historical Accuracy.

Source files referred to / used as examples:

During this post, I will be referring to items contained in the following files as examples:
  • data\Objects\Sensors\Uboat_Sensors.sim
  • data\UPCDataGE\UPCUnitsData\Equipment.upc
  • data\UPCDataGE\UPCUnitsData\UpgradePacks.upc
  • data\Sumarine\NSS_Uboat7c41\NSS_Uboat7c41.upcge
If you want to follow along, please create your own MOD and copy these files to the appropriate folder structures in your MOD. Never edit the game files in their default location(s).
NOTE: At a minimum, the ethic's touched on here in this post should be aligned too when dealing with, or creating any MOD.

This discussion IS NOT a Tutorial. Since this Topic is posted in the "SH5 MODS Workshop" Forum, I am making this post, assuming you (the reader) know how to use the tools and applications touched on in this discussion.

The first thing I want to point out is, the Uboot_Sensors.sim, Equipment.upc,UpgradePacks.upc and NSS_Uboat7c41.upcge files all (out of box and post patch v1.2) may contain errors, otherwise know as bugs.
If you plan to release MOD'd forms of these files, or any MOD'd files for that matter. please take the time and ensure (to the best of your abilities) you are building on a solid foundation. Either fix the known existing problem(s) as you start your MOD or start your MOD by building on the work of someone else that has already fixed the known existing problem(s). This will prevent others (who might and should) from building upon your work and compounding the problem(s). Stopping a snowball effect before it starts.

I want to start by looking at and tracing the FUMO_61_base_dummy Radar Antenna and use it for a example, as defined in the Uboat_Sensors.SIM to where it can actually be installed as a upgrade on the Type-VIIC/41 Conning Tower.

NOTE: I did ensure items of same types were grouped together and renumbered correctly before going any further. Radars listed with other Radars, Sonar's listed with other Sonar's, etc. Keeping things some what organized.
  1. Is it Available in the Uboat_Sensors.sim (Not dealing with Defined Controls yet. Just the Dummy object. Defining Controllers is still a little beyond me at this time.)
  2. How it is enumerated in the Equipment.upc
  3. How it is made available as a Upgrade Pack in the
  4. How does the game know the Upgrade Pack can be used on my current Type Submarine.
1.) (GoblinEditorApp) Looking in the Editor Scene Tree I find the FUMO_61_base_dummy but it has no controllers assigned to it. How does it work? It has children named FUMO_61_ShipWake and FUMO_61_antenna, The ShipWake does not have controllers assigned to it at this time ((BUG BUG)just realized). We want to put the Antenna on the 7c41 boat Tower so we don't care about the ShipWake at this time but it should be revisited and fixed later.
-=[EDIT 2011-04-01]=-
This is not a bug. The Shipwake controller is in the FX file.

2.) To enumerate the FUMO_61_base_dummy in the Equipment.upc so it is usable in the UpgradePacks.upc and define DamageDescription. We edit the file with any ASCII Text editor. I find the FuMo 61 Antenna list with unique [Equipment Number] and a unique ID the UpgradePacks.upc can use.

[Equipment XX];<-- XX is a number determined by how many other equipment items are listed above it and must be unique
ID=EqpFuMO61;<-- Unique ID name defined
NameDisplayable= FuMO-61 ‘Hohentwiel-U’
FunctionalType= EqFTypeRadarAntennaSJEarly
EquipmentInterval= NULL, NULL
ExternalLinkName3D= FUMO_61_base_dummy,data\Objects\Sensors\UBoot_Sensors;<-- This is where we call info from Uboot_Sensors.sim for this Item. This "UBoot" entry is native naming from Ubi, not me. Do not change this.
Hitpoints= 100
DamageDescription1= NULL, 0, 0.2, 0, 1, 1, small malfunction, 0, 0, NULL, 0.3, 0.4, 4;<-- Dont understand this works yet
DamageDescription2= NULL, 0.2, 0.6, 0, 1, 1, Misaligned Axis, 0, 0, NULL, 0.5, 0.4, 10
DamageDescription3= NULL, 0.6, 1, 0, 1, 1, fuse blown, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 0.2, 15
3.) There were no Upgrade Packs in the UpgradePacks.upc that included the FUMO_61_Antenna so I creating the Upgrade Pack in UpgradePacks.upc file. It required me to make a new entry so I copied the existing FUMO30 Upgrade and modified it:

[UpgradePack XX] ;<-- XX is a number determined by how many other Upgrade Packs are listed above it and must be unique
ID= UpackUb7FUMO61Radar;<-- Unique ID name defined. the NSS_Uboat7c41.upcge uses thid
Info=This is the FuMo-61 Radar Antenna Upgrade;<-- Information displayed (as I entered it here) in port on upgrades list menu
Notes=UpackIXFUMO30Radar-Notes;<-- Notes displayed in port on upgrades list menu as called from some where.(MENU.TXT???)
FunctionalType= UpFTypeSensorRadar
UpgradePackSlotType= UboatType7RadarAdvanced
;UpgradePackInterval=1941-12-01, 1942-08-01
UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptionCurrent= NULL, NULL, 0
UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptions1=1939-01-01, 1939-02-01, 0;<--Example Availablity Date period with Zero Renown Cost
UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptions2=1939-02-01, NULL, 0;<--Example Availablity Date period continued to unknown end date with Zero Renown Cost
IDLinkUpgradePackElements= EqpFumo30RadarApp, EqpFuMO61, NULL;<--Changed from EqpFuMO30 to EqpFuMO61 as defined in Equipment.upc
TrackingID=603;<--I incremented this number from the UpackUb7FUMO30Radar upgrade pack. I think this number must be unique but not sure.

4.) Looking in the NSS_Uboat7c41.upcge file. The new upgrade pack is not listed because we just finished something Ubi lost track of, Ignored in order to meet Delivery Dates or just forgot completely about it. This upgrade should have been available as the VIIC/41 was still in service at the Wars end. To enable it as a upgrade for this boat type we have to add a entry:

[UserPlayerUnit 1.UpgradePackSlot 2]
ID= UpgRadar
NameDisplayable= UpgSlotRadar-Name
AcceptedTypes= UboatType7Radar, UboatType7RadarAdvanced
IDLinkUpgradePackSlots= EqSlot43, RadarAntenna, RadarAntennaFront
;IDLinkUpgradePackSlotsIntervalDefault1= 1941-01-01, NULL, UpackUb7FUMO29Radar
IDLinkUpgradePackSlotsIntervalDefault1= 1939-01-01, NULL, UpackUb7FUMO29Radar
IDLinkUpgradePackSlotsIntervalDefault2= 1939-01-01, NULL, UpackUb7FUMO30Radar
IDLinkUpgradePackSlotsIntervalDefault3= 1939-01-01, NULL, UpackUb7FUMO61Radar;<--Entry added for the Antenna Upgrade Pack we just covered.
IDLinkUpgradePackSlotsIntervalDefault4= 1939-01-01, NULL, UpackUb7FUMO65Radar;<--Entry added for another Antenna Upgrade Pack you can create.
I now have the Upgrade Pack(s) listed and available for use from my in port repair Mechanics Upgrades list. I have installed the FuMO65 Radar Antenna with the FuMO30 Radar PPI display and it is obviously displayed on my Conning Tower. The Radar still works, however weak that it is but it works.
This is what I have learned so far. You can follow this example I provided and add the FuMO61/FuMO65 Radar Antenna, Snorkle, etc. as additional Upgrade Packs.

If you have any additional information pertaining to getting these upgrade packs completed and you would like to share, please do so!

TheBeast 07-02-10 03:14 PM

Revisiting the missing Antenna ShipWake
The FuMO65 Antenna ShipWake controller is missing, or is it. Should this Equipment Item actually create a Wake as it is suppose to be lowered into it's own little box when diving.
I say the bug in this case is that the Antenna is missing the Toggle that enables the Raise/Lower functionality for this Antenna Mast. I think the controller "obj_Extensible @ FUMO_65_antena" should be link to the power switch of the Radar Station. Every time the Radar is turned on, The Antenna Mast Raises and the Antenna Mast Lowers when the Radar is turned off..

reaper7 07-02-10 05:38 PM

I was just messing about with those files yesterday trying to get the Snorkel to work after finding it in the sensors.sim
But had no luck getting it to work. Have you got it working, I have placed some commands in my Officers Orders that I'm currently working on that relate to the Snorkel in the hope it can be incorporated.

Any help on this would be appreciated :up:.

TheBeast 07-02-10 05:42 PM

Extending the Raound Radio Antenna
BIGREG was kind enough to share some information on how he was able to Raise the Round_Radio_Dummy out of it stowed position.
This is a HACK just for looks and not what would be the true implementation of this Antenna making the Antenna work as a dial.
Again, you need to use GoblinEditorApp to make this change to the Uboot_Sensors .SIM file.
If you have other MODs installed that change this file, make a backup and MOD that file so both MODs are in place.

Open Gobline Editor and Load the Uboot_Sensors.GR2 file.
Now - Merge the UBoot_Sensors.sim file.
Locate the Dummy_Round_Antenna -> Round_Antena in Scene Tree.
Right-Click the child named Round_Antena and select Edit Controllers.
Currently the "Existing Behaviors: Column is blanks so we need to add a Dial control from the Available Behaviors column -> SHControllers list. So expand the SHControllers and Double-Click Dial to add it to Exhisting Behaviors list.
Now Click on the Dial control we just added.
Here are the value's to adjust:

MinDVal= -0.01
MaxDVal = 0.1
MinRVal = 9
MaxRVal = 4
LogFactor = 0
Cammand =
Both Drag options = NO
Save Changes, Enable the MOD, Restart Game, Reload Saved Game
Not the Round Roadio Antenna should be raised out of stowed position.

TheBeast 07-02-10 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by reaper7 (Post 1433975)
I was just messing about with those files yesterday trying to get the Snorkel to work after finding it in the sensors.sim
But had no luck getting it to work. Have you got it working, I have placed some commands in my Officers Orders that I'm currently working on that relate to the Snorkel in the hope it can be incorporated.

Any help on this would be appreciated :up:.

I was looking at that myself. I should have started there rather then the Radar Antenna. The Snorkel has a lottle more to it then just changing the appearance of the boat. It also adds functionality so not sure what needs to be done.
I am having trouble Enabling Access to the Improved Alberich, Tarnmatte and Improved Tarnmatte Coatings so they list correctly while in port selecting Upgrades to install on your boat. Kind of the same story as the Snorkel, these coating upgrades actually change/add functionality to the boat.
I personally spend a lot of time camping a traffic lane waiting for something to enter within range monitoring redio reports for possible targets coming my way. I dont burn fuel looking for to many targets. A snorkel would greately increase my boats stealth.
Not sure if in game land based radar and aircraft patrols radio in reports if they spot you or not. Haven't had and Destroyers come out to play obviously looking for me (ever) but I think about it. I have had a few DE patrols pass by many times.
If the Snorkel is in the SIM file correctly with all required controller, you should be able to follow what I did in post #1 and get it installed as a upgrade.

BIGREG 07-02-10 06:08 PM


For the snorkel is a alone 3D model with annimation ( idem with periscopes,torpedos doors etc ) :

C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\data\Submarine\NSS_Uboat7c\Submarine Parts\Room_EXT - Snorkle + Anim.gr2

i think we need to add a Ext_object dial in sensors.sim ( idem as periscopes ? )

TheBeast 07-02-10 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by BIGREG (Post 1433996)

For the snorkel is a alone 3D model with annimation ( idem with periscopes,torpedos doors etc ) :

C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\data\Submarine\NSS_Uboat7c\Submarine Parts\Room_EXT - Snorkle + Anim.gr2

i think we need to add a Ext_object dial in sensors.sim ( idem as periscopes ? )

Activation of the SNorkel already has a Key Binding in the Commands.cfg
I dont think we need to add any controller to it in order to make it work.
QUESTION: Is the 3D Model the Hinged Type or Telescope Type Snorkel or do bo type 3D models exist?
I think the Telescoping Type Snorkel replaces one of the Periscopes.

BIGREG 07-02-10 06:26 PM

No idée :hmmm::06: i have not try to make workable snorkel ,but with Ext_object you have the choice between Obs,attack periscopes radar and radio (make bug ,i think that come in no data .Gr2 for 3D+annimation ) antennas and snorkel :hmmm:

TheBeast 07-02-10 06:56 PM

The 3D Model in UBoot_Sensors.GR2 looks like the Telescope Type Snorkel.
I cant find a defined mount location for the Snorkel anywhere.
This issue we may need answers from Ubi.

reaper7 07-02-10 07:22 PM

Followed your tutorial above, changing all I could in relation to the Snorkel.
No luck getting it to show up in the Menu as an upgrade :nope:.

TheBeast 07-02-10 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by reaper7 (Post 1434037)
Followed your tutorial above, changing all I could in relation to the Snorkel.
No luck getting it to show up in the Menu as an upgrade :nope:.

Did you list in your boats NSS_Uboat7xxx.upcge file?

NOTE: I never saw the Snorkel as a upgrade in SH4. Someone made a MOD and it was there by default. I didn't try SH/SHII/SHIII so dont know if/how they did it.
Maybe we can just make some change that puts it there and skip the in Port Upgrade List.

-=[EDIT 2011-05-01]=-
The OM Super MOD did have Snorkle's listed as upgrade option
Snorkel uses cfg#SNK node as attach point in SH4

reaper7 07-02-10 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by TheBeast (Post 1434039)
Did you list in your boats NSS_Uboat7xxx.upcge file?

NOTE: I never saw the Snorkel as a upgrade in SH4. Someone made a MOD and it was there by default. I didn't try SH/SHII/SHIII so dont know if/how they did it.
Maybe we can just make some change that puts it there and skip the in Port Upgrade List.

Listed in the File ok - but not sure if the entries I used are correct.

Any idea what mod was used in SH4, maybe It still works with sh5 (It is the same base) :DL

BIGREG 07-02-10 07:39 PM

I have look in the other data , (open with notepad)

C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\data\Submarine\NSS_Uboat7c\ NSS_Uboat7c ( .EQP .SNS .PRT ) :hmmm:

TheBeast 07-02-10 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by reaper7 (Post 1434046)
Listed in the File ok - but not sure if the entries I used are correct.

Any idea what mod was used in SH4, maybe It still works with sh5 (It is the same base) :DL

SH4 not installed right now and I am leaving to go out for Dinner so no time to look at SH4 MODs.
Maybe later if I get home early enough.

TheBeast 07-04-10 04:50 AM

Trying to Add the SNORKEL
I've been playing around, trying to get the Snorkel to install. NO LUCK as yet. Maybe someone can see something I missed or a error I made.

Here is what I have so far:

Created [Equipment 24] like a Periscope and renumbered all other items.

[Equipment 24]
NameDisplayable= Snorkel
FunctionalType= EqFTypeSCHNORCHEL
EquipmentInterval= NULL, NULL
ExternalLinkName3D= SCHNORCHEL,data\Objects\Sensors\UBoot_Sensors
Hitpoints= 500
DamageDescription1= NULL, 0, 0.2, 0, 1, 1, small malfunction, 0, 0, NULL, 0.3, 0.4, 4
DamageDescription2= NULL, 0.2, 0.6, 0, 1, 1, Misaligned Axis, 0, 0, NULL, 0.5, 0.4, 10
DamageDescription3= NULL, 0.6, 1, 0, 1, 1, fuse blown, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 0.2, 15
Created [UpgradePack 71] at the end so I don't have to renumber all other entries.:haha:

[UpgradePack 71]
Info=Material: Telescoping Deisel Intake Pipe blah blah
Notes=The Snorkel is extended while submerged at Perscope Depth allowing use of the Deisel Engine while Submerged to Rechage Battery's. blah blah
FunctionalType= UpFTypeSCHNORCHEL
UpgradePackSlotType= UboatType7SCHNORCHEL
ImageIndex=40;<--Pull this number at Random - Not sure what it should be
UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptionCurrent= NULL, NULL, 0
UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptions1=1939-01-01, 1941-12-24,0
UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptions2=1941-12-24, NULL,0
IDLinkUpgradePackElements= EqpSCHNORCHEL
TrackingID=1200;<--Pull this number at random,,,:damn:
Created [UserPlayerUnit 1.UpgradePackSlot 8] but I am think there is more to do'

[UserPlayerUnit 1.UpgradePackSlot 4]
ID= UpgRadarWarningReceiver
NameDisplayable= UpgSlotRWR-Name
AcceptedTypes= UboatType7RadarWarningReceiver, UboatType7AdvancedRadarWarningReceiver, UboatType7SCHNORCHEL
IDLinkUpgradePackSlots= RWRAntenna, RWRAntenna2, EqpSCHNORCHEL
IDLinkUpgradePackSlotsIntervalDefault1= 1939-01-01, 1945-12-31, UpackUb7FuMB1
IDLinkUpgradePackSlotsIntervalDefault2= NULL, NULL, UpackSCHNORCHEL

[UserPlayerUnit 1.UpgradePackSlot 8]
NameDisplayable= Snorkel
AcceptedTypes= UboatType7SCHNORCHEL
IDLinkUpgradePackSlots= EqpSCHNORCHEL
IDLinkUpgradePackSlotsIntervalDefault1= NULL, NULL, UpackSCHNORCHEL
Going to bed....

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