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Dowly 08-17-11 04:55 AM

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Herr-Berbunch 08-17-11 07:40 AM

Yep, those wild ones just grow anywhere, you gotta watch out for them :yep:

Oberon 08-17-11 08:11 AM

Ah yes...I do recall writing off a Ka-52 that way back in the EECH days. Always fun.

Dowly 08-17-11 09:11 AM

Home sweet home, a welcome sight after an hour of flying in pitch black darkness. Bagged me an rebel corvette too! Yaay!

Oberon 08-18-11 02:45 PM


Dowly 08-18-11 06:43 PM

Pwettyyy, oh so pwettyy...

Dowly 08-21-11 01:54 PM
(5 minutes later, my wingman was a burning heap of metal. Bloody AI, learn to land!)

Oberon 08-27-11 08:29 AM


Took off from Dare Regional Airport near Manteo, and headed south-south-west towards Cape Lookout where I know Irene has made landfall.
Strong winds and rain at Manteo but then scattered rain and sunshine on the way to Cape Lookout...conclusion - FSX does not like Hurricanes, even with ASE installed. Turned back after heading a bit south of Cape Lookout and then FSX crashed. Conclusion - FSX really does not like Hurricanes.

AJ94CAP 08-27-11 08:50 AM


Only the last one is unedited. :up:

Biggles 08-27-11 09:09 AM

hmm...fighting Albatros with a DH2. Bad idea...

Oberon 08-27-11 11:35 AM

Second attempt. This time with 'include hurricanes' ticked ON in ASE and with a better idea of what direction I need to go in.

Much more like it, some turbulence (not too severe though) the air speed indicator shaking like a washing machine on full spin and my Hercules having difficulties at maintaining an up angle without pressure on the stick.
Headed out towards Lowland from Manteo, then curved south and headed towards Beaufort. Was just turning back when a real life thunderstorm interrupted flight. :damn:

Crécy 08-27-11 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Oberon (Post 1737392)
This time with 'include hurricanes' ticked ON in ASE

ASE? Some kind of a mod?

Herr-Berbunch 08-27-11 04:56 PM

Active Sky Evolution - a payware ($50 :o) weather add on for FSX/FS9.

Maybe if MS got their act together in the first place...

Herr-Berbunch 08-27-11 07:09 PM

Sorry, just mucking about with P'shop to create a chrome A10... Still learning (both the game and the program!) :D

GSpector 08-27-11 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Herr-Berbunch (Post 1737680)
Sorry, just mucking about with P'shop to create a chrome A10... Still learning (both the game and the program!) :D

I can't imagine what the Radar Cross Section of a Chrome A-10c would be like.

"Sir, I'm not sure what it is on RADAR, but it's huge and coming our way rather slowly."

"Must be a lost C-5 cargo plane, it's no threat."

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