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TarJak 04-17-11 04:28 AM

Oberon 04-18-11 10:38 AM

Nice little flight in my B-17 back from De Kooy airfield in Holland to RAF Woodbridge in the UK. Had to use up all the runway at De Kooy to take off and left my payload there, I barely landed the damn thing when I arrived so I figured taking off would be touch and was. :haha:
Nice calm flight across the North Sea, bit of turbulence here and there. Arrived over the Suffolk coast and couldn't find RAF Woodbridge, then realised the stupid sim hadn't loaded it in, corrected that and then wheeled around for an approach. Came in a bit too low and bounced merrily down the runway, wrecking the tailwheel and damaging the landing gear motor in the process.
My second man suggested I do some touch and gos before our next landing...I think I might take him up on the offer.

Anyway, safe and sound tucked up at RAF Woodbridge:

[501]Otto 04-19-11 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by iambecomelife (Post 1644722)
I see the Germans managed to jack a "Flying Porcupine"...:huh:

Yes, just to test different "ammo cocktails"... you wont believe how hard is to take down that big thing :o:o

TarJak 04-20-11 08:43 AM

Tally Ho!

Will he get home?

Oberon 04-20-11 08:51 AM

We seem to think similar things Tarjak. :salute: It's a lovely day out there today, so as I was walking back from down the town I decided to take the Spitfire out for a flight. It seems I was not alone in this decision as shortly after I thought this Carolyn Grace's Mk IX Spitfire flew overhead. :rock:

Anyway, like her Spitfire I decided to take off from Bentwaters. Unlike her Spitfire, I can take off but struggle to land you will see.
A beautiful day, beautiful sky and a beautiful aircraft, who could ask for more?
Well...a competent pilot would perhaps help...

Lord_magerius 04-20-11 10:32 AM

At least you've got good balance :O:

TarJak 04-21-11 07:24 AM

Might help if you use some flaps.

Oberon 04-21-11 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by TarJak (Post 1647897)
Might help if you use some flaps.

I did but for some reason the replay didn't show them, and yet at the same time it showed my port wheel being bent when in the actual landing it didn't bend at all...

Weird thing FSX recording.... :hmmm:

Herr-Berbunch 04-21-11 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Oberon (Post 1647937)
I did but for some reason the replay didn't show them, and yet at the same time it showed my port wheel being bent when in the actual landing it didn't bend at all...

Weird thing FSX recording.... :hmmm:

So it wasn't just a really skilful landing then? :nope: You could've got away with that.

Oberon 04-21-11 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Herr-Berbunch (Post 1647992)
So it wasn't just a really skilful landing then? :nope: You could've got away with that.

You really think people would believe the words skillful and landing going together when I'm involved? :haha:

Arclight 04-21-11 01:57 PM

Maybe if you add "stall" as well. :hmmm:

Dowly 04-22-11 08:41 AM

"Attack, Take Care." Shut up Betty, I'm bus- oh.. ooooh..

I'm sorry I blew up your tanks!!


TarJak 04-23-11 11:41 PM

Forming Up (The start of a long night)

Lightning strike

Homeward bound

Biggles 04-24-11 08:09 AM

My first kill with my newly purchased Camel, managed to hit the pilot, poor sod, hope it was quick for him...

[501]Otto 04-24-11 02:26 PM

A few ones, this sim is "taking of", improves from week to week :up:

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