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Gargamel 03-14-17 10:15 AM

Strike on North Korea
From the subsim frontpage:


The annual Foal Eagle military drills between the US and South Korea will include some heavy hitters this year — the Navy SEAL team that took out Osama bin Laden, Army Special Forces, and F-35s — South Korea's Joon Gang Daily reports.
My initial reaction is that of course we should have plans in place for most foreseeable scenarios. This one is looking more and more relevant as time passes.

But then the f-35's got me. I was under the impression these were not in active service yet, but perhaps I'm wrong. I can see a few being used in a training exercise, but not on actual missions yet. Seems more of an F-22 thing anyways. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Jimbuna 03-14-17 10:46 AM

Red October1984 03-14-17 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Gargamel (Post 2472777)
But then the f-35's got me. I was under the impression these were not in active service yet, but perhaps I'm wrong. I can see a few being used in a training exercise, but not on actual missions yet. Seems more of an F-22 thing anyways. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

From what I understand, they performed extremely well during testing.

The article mentions that they'll supplement the F-22's alongside other assets. Personally, I'm not a fan of the F-35 but it'll be interesting to see how it performs in the real world whenever and wherever that may be.

I think that if North Korea can come right out and say they are practicing nuking the US or Japan or wherever....we can practice to stop them.

mapuc 03-14-17 12:12 PM

According to some American(can't remember his/her name and title)said to some news agency, that USA kept every possibility open.

When he said that(through a Swedish news program) I knew that we very soon will see some kind of military action against NK- On the other hand, I'm very bad to predict coming events

Edit: Have an additional question- How far is NK in they developing their Nukes-I know they have nukes, but can they add these to their short and medium range missiles ?


Delgard 03-25-17 09:53 PM

All these weapon systems are futures and what is had, is in limited numbers and they have a lot f commitments as it seems. We just got a squadron of F35 aircraft in Tucson (or will), and I think it is number four in the States.

Rockstar 03-26-17 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by mapuc (Post 2472797)
According to some American(can't remember his/her name and title)said to some news agency, that USA kept every possibility open.

When he said that(through a Swedish news program) I knew that we very soon will see some kind of military action against NK- On the other hand, I'm very bad to predict coming events

Edit: Have an additional question- How far is NK in they developing their Nukes-I know they have nukes, but can they add these to their short and medium range missiles ?


It was Rex Tillerson our Secretary of State that said: "All of the options are on the table". Which I believe included preemtive strikes and bringing back U.S. nuclear weapons to the peninsula.

vienna 03-27-17 01:50 AM

Oh, what the hell...

Let Trump flex his muscles (putting a severe strain on his tiny, tiny hands as he tries to clench his fists) and let him go ahead and initiate military action, create a highly unpredictable crisis, and destabilize yet another region of the world; I mean, it worked so extremely well the last time a POTUS got an inexplicable bug up his lower extremity of his torso and tried to prove his manhood: Trump can even strut out of the White House with a big "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" banner behind him...

What could possibly go wrong?...


Rockstar 03-27-17 08:30 AM

As I pointed out in another topic we abided by the North/South nuke free zone agreement many years ago and removed our nuclear weapons in the early nineties. Since that time the only one flexing muscle, making threats, developing and testing nuclear weapons and delivery systems is the DPRK. I think what Tillerson said was more for China's ear to hear to help set the tone for his visit with them, than an immediate threat of war with North Korea.

we have allowed them to kill off thoughtful and intelligent discussion. All hail the party, toe the line and long live the divide!

mapuc 03-27-17 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Rockstar (Post 2475296)
It was Rex Tillerson our Secretary of State that said: "All of the options are on the table". Which I believe included preemtive strikes and bringing back U.S. nuclear weapons to the peninsula.

Thank you, that was his name.

At the same time the author created this thread I made a discussion about the same on my FB-wall. There I wrote USA will not do anything without having discussed this with China and furthermore,
for the first time a Seal Team is a part of this upcoming exercise, what this mean I can't tell, someone mentioned that their job was to "cut of the snakes head"(my words) in NK
I wonder if China would approve this, ´cause its unthinkable that USA would take should steps against NK without having discussed this with China


vienna 03-27-17 06:07 PM

A good point, but, remember, the US currently has a POTUS who seems to believe the "unthinkable" is an acceptable norm...


Platapus 03-28-17 03:34 PM

When one does not think, most things are unthinkable.


Delgard 03-29-17 03:26 PM

I wonder if they can be re-unified. KJU would want control and the South Korean people would think he is an idiot. The people of South Korea have a pretty strong voice.

NK will only get worse, slowly maybe and with un-noticed hardship for most of the people of NK, but do it now...or deal with it later? Will something be able to be done later?

China does not want a South Korea on their border. The cost of re-unification is tremendously large and would take...years for South Korea.

Obviously, South Korea, nor Japan for that matter, wants a nuke delivered. Actually, Japan has a good chance of getting it first. NK doesn't really see South Korea as the ideological enemy, but, an American base in Japan would tell Japan, South Korea, and the U.S. just how dangerous it can get.

ikalugin 03-29-17 04:44 PM

Actually it appears that behind all this foreighn policy related stuff there is a growing gray market economy in DPRK. Could it be that the said agressive foreighn policy is a way for the DPRK elites to maintain control over the state (and soverenity of their country) through slow economic and institutional transition?

Mr Quatro 03-30-17 01:14 PM

Remember the 1989 revolution in Romania?

The Romanian Revolution started in the city of Timișoara on December 16, as one ethnic Hungarian pastor spoke out against regime policies. This led to massive protests and a crackdown by the military. Ceaușescu then made a speech at Palace (now Revolution) Square, on December 21, where people in the crowd, who had been bussed in to show support, began openly booing him and chanting “Timisoara!”

Rank-and-file members of the military switched, almost unanimously, from supporting the dictator to backing the protesting population. Rioting in several Romanian cities forced Ceausescu and his wife Elena, who was also Deputy Prime Minister, to flee the next day. They were quickly captured, tried, and then executed on Christmas Day 1989.
I think the same thing could happen in North Korea ... but first the people have to know how bad they are really being treated in order to promote such a recurrence.

I propose the Army tricks department come up with some dandy little items like thousands of cell phones dropped in by balloons and drones and even launched from fast patrol boats to their shores. Using old ships with cell phone towers just outside in international waters (go head and sink one give us a reason to unload on your North Korean Peoples Republic navy and airforce)

Have a lets talk button to central allied command HQ ... show them a horse and pony show of how they are being manipulated into serving a false god.

I could go on and on, but I think time is of the essence, before they can launch a hundred nukes in our direction from mobile launchers like they did those last four (even if they don't all make it).

Time to wake up the public in North Korea and get the North Korean Army army on their side :yep:

ikalugin 03-30-17 01:38 PM

Tbh I think they would take the chinese path.

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