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Rockin Robbins 05-27-16 01:02 PM

FOTRS Ultimate Project
Announcing 06/24/2019

Decent readme to give justice for the incredible work done by the team is in the main mod folder.

Installation pointers. When you install v0.90 unfortunately the only safe way to proceed is to not use previous savegames. Please ensure that your base SH4 files are absolutely stock. Reinstalling from scratch is the gold standard here. Uninstall, completely delete your SH4 Wolves of the Pacific folder and everything in it, then reinstall SH4. As always, documentation is available in the root and Data folders. Use JSGME to install, but first install Large Address Aware.exe. Files and instructions are in the mod. JSGME and MultiSH4 are also included with instructions. Put Large Address Aware, JSGME and MultiSH4 into your Silent Hunter Wolves of the Pacific directory. Run Large Address Aware, choosing SH4.exe as the file you want to be aware. Run JSGME and quit, then copy 100_FalloftheRisingSun_Ultimate_v0.90_RC3_EN.7z into your MODS directory and decompress it there with 7zip.exe, available online for free. Then run JSGME again and use it to install FOTRSU. Enjoy!

Whew! That's all for now folks! Lots of new stuff in the works for the next version, folks. This one is mainly a feature tuning.


Fitzcarraldo, XTBilly, Bleiente, cdsubron7 (okay, you're drafted with the right to opt out!) and I announce the foolhardy project to 1) Save FOTRS, bringing all three versions home to Subsim where they will be preserved, and the foolhardy part 3) to consolidate the best features of 1.2 and 1.3, which are for SH4UBM and FOTRS 2.0, written for SH4 v1.4, into a single FOTRS Ultimate mod for SH4UBM, since close to 100% of people are playing that version.

Propbeanie has volunteered as a guinea pig, but in this organization we don't like guinea pigs, we use crash test dummies! Propbeanie, you're our first. Thanks for volunteering for the punishment.

I'm in the middle of the first part of the project, importing and protecting the three versions of FOTRS directly in the Subsim downloads section. I have FOTRS 1.2 uploaded now but not linked to the downloads section. 1.3 and 2.0 will follow. I expect that to take a couple of days as uploading is very, very slow.

Then we'll talk about how to proceed. So far the sketchy and overoptomistic plan is to take v1.3 as a base, add Vickers interiors from 1.2, fix the sound problems, then take the extra ships from 2.0 and sound effects plus whatever else looks really great and add it to 1.3 to produce FOTRS Ultimate. The aim is that as far as possible, what comes out will remain the work of AOTDMadMax and we will add as little of our own work as we can. This will still be an AOTDMadMax mod when we're done.

If you can help please feel free to join the thread. I'm no Hitman, CapnScurvy, iambecomelife or Kpt. Lehmann, but we'll have to make do. We''ll do it by surrounding me with better modders than I am.

Onward! Into the fog!:D

cdrsubron7 05-27-16 01:04 PM

You can count me in, RR. I don't have any modding experience, but I can learn. If you need a beta tester, I'm ready and willing. :D

Standing by for orders, sir. :up:


Onward! Into the fog!:D
I thought that was breach. :haha:

Rockin Robbins 05-27-16 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by cdrsubron7 (Post 2407567)
You can count me in, RR. I don't have any modding experience, but I can learn. If you need a beta tester, I'm ready and willing. :D

Standing by for orders, sir. :up:

I thought that was breach. :haha:

Thank you! Let me get the boring part of uploading the versions we have and we'll get cracking.

max-peck 05-27-16 01:09 PM

If I can do any photoshop work on the new ships skins that gives them all the 'Razzle Dazzle' I will be glad to help :up:

Rockin Robbins 05-27-16 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by max-peck (Post 2407571)
If I can do any photoshop work on the new ships skins that gives them all the 'Razzle Dazzle' I will be glad to help :up:

Thank you! We're a ways from considering that but you know what happens when you mod one thing? Modding is a harsh mistress!:arrgh!:

max-peck 05-27-16 01:34 PM

Just had another thought RR

What you are trying to achieve here is a sort of best of FOTRS 1.3, 1.3 and 2.0, right?

Kind of a compilation of the best of AOTD_MadMax's work.

I am not sure it would be right for me to just jump in and reskin all their new ships.
1 - For all we know they might already look pretty good
2 - It is not the 'pure' FOTRS experience he intended, if you know what I mean.

Might be better to let people experience FOTRS as AOTD_MadMax intended.

By all means I am happy to do it, but maybe we make my work an optional patch, or separate mod for those who want it

Just a few thoughts I have had whilst on patrol in the Celebes:)

cdrsubron7 05-27-16 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by max-peck (Post 2407581)
Just had another thought RR

What you are trying to achieve here is a sort of best of FOTRS 1.3, 1.3 and 2.0, right?

Kind of a compilation of the best of AOTD_MadMax's work.

I am not sure it would be right for me to just jump in and reskin all their new ships.
1 - For all we know they might already look pretty good
2 - It is not the 'pure' FOTRS experience he intended, if you know what I mean.

Might be better to let people experience FOTRS as AOTD_MadMax intended.

By all means I am happy to do it, but maybe we make my work an optional patch, or separate mod for those who want it

Just a few thoughts I have had whilst on patrol in the Celebes:)

Your work could always be used as an optional mod like Ducimus did with TMO. So by all means please do the work. :up:

Bleiente 05-27-16 01:46 PM

How can I upload here (FortS V1.3 + 2.0)?
I would like to help, especially AotDMadMax and AotDRhonen have certainly put a lot of work, time and effort in these compilations ...

XTBilly 05-27-16 02:10 PM

Billy reporting in.

First, good luck to all on this project. FOTRS is an excellent mod, a very balanced one, that combines beauty, realism, difficulty and gameplay without overdoing it. It deserves its place among the best mods made for SH4.

I want to thank AOTD Mad Max and his team for creating this mod for all of us to enjoy. Rockin Robbins also declared that the Ultimate FOTRS version that will emerge from this team's effort, will be as much as possible Maddy's work.
Thank you for pointing that!:Kaleun_Applaud:

RR, I'm yours to command.:salute:

I've begun testing v2.0 sound into v1.3

1. Clean, unmoded SH4 1.5 installation.
2. JSGME, FOTRS v1.3
3. Deleted v1.3 sound folder, replacing it with v2.0 sound folder.
4. Enabled the mod.

No problems so far, shells flying, different sounds from BB main guns and secondary, guns, explosions etc. working great. Will continue sound testing until instructed otherwise or something big emerges from sonar.

FOTRS is my favorite mod and I'm honored to belong to the team that tries to make it even better!:sunny:

Good luck mates!!:up:

propbeanie 05-27-16 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Rockin Robbins (Post 2407563)
... in this organization we don't like guinea pigs, we use crash test dummies! Propbeanie, you're our first. Thanks for volunteering for the punishment...

Copy that, and thanks. One thing is for certain fer shure: the "dummy" part fits me to a "T", and "Crash" is my middle name. FOTRS has been my fav mod since I first used it way back when (with my version of GFO a close 2nd), it will be an honor to participate in this endeavor with all of you (I say that now, prior to "full immersion", or unknowingly encountering "crush depth"). As always (usually), my tongue is in cheek (tic), and I'm ready to roll - er, creatively sink...

Rockin Robbins 05-27-16 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by XTBilly (Post 2407591)
I've begun testing v2.0 sound into v1.3

1. Clean, unmoded SH4 1.5 installation.
2. JSGME, FOTRS v1.3
3. Deleted v1.3 sound folder, replacing it with v2.0 sound folder.
4. Enabled the mod.

No problems so far, shells flying, different sounds from BB main guns and secondary, guns, explosions etc. working great. Will continue sound testing until instructed otherwise or something big emerges from sonar.

FOTRS is my favorite mod and I'm honored to belong to the team that tries to make it even better!:sunny:

Good luck mates!!:up:

Could you work up the 2.0 sound folder as a JSGME add-on for v1.3? Then we can just use it as a building block for the awesomeness to come! Great work! It's a major part of what we want to accomplish. Now the fun part--importing 2.0 ships to 1.3.

FOTRS Ultimate -- Maddy's greatest hits.

In the meantime I'm uploading 2.0 now. I may have to get Neal to allocate me more FTP space here.

Rockin Robbins 05-27-16 07:36 PM

Nope! FOTRS 2.0 gets to 100% then vanishes as it is rejected by Subsim's FTP server for being overweight. We're waiting for Neal to give us more space! Stand by...........

Florida Sailor 05-27-16 07:56 PM

Hey Rockin,

I can probably help with the architecture if I still remember how to crack the file structure. You may remember me as dgrayson from the UBI forum. I have some pretty good experience at Modding.

Let me know if I can help. I am retired now and have some time to spare.:D

cdrsubron7 05-27-16 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Florida Sailor (Post 2407646)
Hey Rockin,

I can probably help with the architecture if I still remember how to crack the file structure. You may remember me as dgrayson from the UBI forum. I have some pretty good experience at Modding.

Let me know if I can help. I am retired now and have some time to spare.:D

By all means, my friend. We'd love to have a man with your knowledge of modding giving us a hand. :up:

Rockin Robbins 05-27-16 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by max-peck (Post 2407581)
Just had another thought RR

What you are trying to achieve here is a sort of best of FOTRS 1.3, 1.3 and 2.0, right?

Kind of a compilation of the best of AOTD_MadMax's work.

I am not sure it would be right for me to just jump in and reskin all their new ships.
1 - For all we know they might already look pretty good
2 - It is not the 'pure' FOTRS experience he intended, if you know what I mean.

Might be better to let people experience FOTRS as AOTD_MadMax intended.

By all means I am happy to do it, but maybe we make my work an optional patch, or separate mod for those who want it

Just a few thoughts I have had whilst on patrol in the Celebes:)

Your work is universal--it works with all mod configurations. We'll do a Ducimus and put in a folder of optional plugins!

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