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tonschk 01-18-22 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Onealex (Post 2788601)

Thank you very much for the link :yeah::up:, I am going to try GWX installation now, hopefully is going to be ok, thanks

Halogen 01-18-22 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by John Pancoast (Post 2788445)
In a storm no less; that is strange.

Along with the .exe file, the sim.cfg and ai_sensors.dat files control the ai. The last two can be tweaked, the first one cannot.
But trying to tweak them can very quickly lead to a dog chasing it's own tail scenario and can cause more problems than it solves.
Personally, I'd advise against it.
Maybe consider trying a different install, see if it's easier and if so use that experience to gain knowledge about tactics, game mechanics, etc. Even stock if desired, nothing wrong with that.

That's not meant as an insult. Everyone started there at some point and if it results in your enjoying the game, it's not a bad goal.

Well its not even necessarily about it being "Hard" as it seems randomized as **** lol
I consider myself decent at the game since even I think that regular GWX is too easy, and this mod is usually a perfect upgrade in terms of difficulty
But these few outlying instances of them being godlike came out of nowhere
Which is interesting because I just did 3 more patrols and none of that happened
Its very randomized it seems

John Pancoast 01-18-22 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by Halogen (Post 2788626)
Well its not even necessarily about it being "Hard" as it seems randomized as **** lol
I consider myself decent at the game since even I think that regular GWX is too easy, and this mod is usually a perfect upgrade in terms of difficulty
But these few outlying instances of them being godlike came out of nowhere
Which is interesting because I just did 3 more patrols and none of that happened
Its very randomized it seems

Ah, understood. In that case maybe post #1357 above holds the answer, from Alex himself.

Halogen 01-20-22 11:41 PM

Anyone else notice the file: "Kaleun_Speech" doesn't seem to play anymore, along with the ambient U-boot base noise?
I dont think I did anything to it lol

Onealex 01-21-22 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by Halogen (Post 2789005)
Anyone else notice the file: "Kaleun_Speech" doesn't seem to play anymore, along with the ambient U-boot base noise?
I dont think I did anything to it lol

Halogen 01-21-22 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by Onealex (Post 2789025)

Yeah thats what I mean I'm NOT hearing that, which is strange because I did in the previous version of the mod
Unless there is some sort of date limit on when it starts playing

Mister_M 01-21-22 07:08 AM

@Onealex : If you want to be realistic, your U-boat should be pointed to the other direction, because you entered in the bunker with forward gear. So, the U-boat didn't turn magically since this time... In reality, U-boats were sailing out of the bunker in reverse gear. :yep:

Onealex 01-21-22 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Mister_M (Post 2789057)
@Onealex : If you want to be realistic, your U-boat should be pointed to the other direction, because you entered in the bunker with forward gear. So, the U-boat didn't turn magically since this time... In reality, U-boats were sailing out of the bunker in reverse gear. :yep:

Yes. But I'm sure that there were some tests in the bay after repairment between the patrols. So u-boat could change it's position in the bunker

John Pancoast 01-21-22 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Mister_M (Post 2789057)
@Onealex : If you want to be realistic, your U-boat should be pointed to the other direction, because you entered in the bunker with forward gear. So, the U-boat didn't turn magically since this time... In reality, U-boats were sailing out of the bunker in reverse gear. :yep:

:up: I did this for awhile but then I don't care about harbors, bunkers, etc. anyway so don't bother anymore.

Mister_M 01-21-22 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Onealex (Post 2789063)
Yes. But I'm sure that there were some tests in the bay after repairment between the patrols. So u-boat could change it's position in the bunker

:hmmm: ... :rotfl2:

Mad Mardigan 01-21-22 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Mister_M (Post 2789071)
:hmmm: ... :rotfl2:

You think that crane in the docking bays there is just for what... loading torp's, hauling deck guns to a waiting u-boat, for replacement or to add it to the u-boat... that that's all that crane's rated for... weight wise. :hmmm: :hmmm:

Is conceivable that it could also be used to cradle a sub in the pen & turn it about... much more fuel efficiently than having the crew, doing donuts before backing it into the dock in there. Or, to block off the bay & drain the water... lowering it on to those blocks so that other work can be done on it... that can't be... while it's sitting there, floating in the water.

Thos pens were... huge, more so for various reasons... to support the weight of the cranes used in them, in addition to the loads they'd move about, & included in that... to withstand enemy assault on them... which, seeing as how they're still about to this day... (those that weren't outright demolished, that is... :yep:) is a testament to the engineering that went into their construction.

A shame, that that pride in workmanship... wasn't directed to more... useful & greater good... though. :hmmm:


M. M.

jorca2 01-24-22 10:05 AM

I've made installation this mod GWX and problem is that not can run game in fullscreen. Not work mistake " not initialized 3D engine"... I've read and follower instruccions mod but i can't play.
Note: in screen Window is not possible play because resolution not adjust all screen .

Doolar 01-24-22 10:52 AM

jorca2, I had the same issue on one of my computers awhile back. The Can Not Initialize 3D .... issue. None of my installs would start unless I manually set my monitor resolution to 1024x768 then start the game. Then the resolution 1920x1080 would work fine with my WideGUI's after that. All my other computers were just fine starting with SH3 Commander. So it had to be with my one computer and not with SHIII. I tried MANY solutions, nothing worked until I tried this,

1. go to desktop
2. right click and select DISPLAY SETTINGS
4. adjust your refresh rate to 60hz, mine actually reset to 59.940 but my problem ", Can Not Initialize 3D .... was fixed.

just a suggestion, hopefully it will help Jerry

Niume 01-24-22 02:36 PM

Have been looking around convoy structure of your modpack. I wonder why German submarine with Crew on deck is included in the convoy composition?

Onealex 01-24-22 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Niume (Post 2789618)
Have been looking around convoy structure of your modpack. I wonder why German submarine with Crew on deck is included in the convoy composition?

To simulate attack on a convoy by german submarine. By the way it was in GWX 3.0

Niume 01-24-22 03:37 PM


JohnsAviation 01-25-22 07:05 PM

Excuse me Alex but does the Thomsen's Sound Pack work perfectly with your mod? i want to get more U-boat creaks and depth charge sounds. if anyone else is playing with the sound pack let me know how it works with this version of the game :up:

Mad Mardigan 01-25-22 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by JohnsAviation (Post 2789846)
Excuse me Alex but does the Thomsen's Sound Pack work perfectly with your mod? i want to get more U-boat creaks and depth charge sounds. if anyone else is playing with the sound pack let me know how it works with this version of the game :up:

1 word... Yes.


M. M.

JohnsAviation 01-25-22 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan (Post 2789853)
1 word... Yes.


M. M.

it worked! but it changed my keybinds, added a new language to the interior of the submarine and removed the functionality of raising the radio antenna or putting the uzo on your conning tower etc.. from the left side of the screen shortcuts and a bunch of other stuff. i guess i can tolerate the same depth charge and hull groans for now. :( thank you for your time though

John Pancoast 01-25-22 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by JohnsAviation (Post 2789875)
it worked! but it changed my keybinds, added a new language to the interior of the submarine and removed the functionality of raising the radio antenna or putting the uzo on your conning tower etc.. from the left side of the screen shortcuts and a bunch of other stuff. i guess i can tolerate the same depth charge and hull groans for now. :( thank you for your time though

That sound pack does a lot more than add sound files. As you've discovered it also changes your commands, among other things. It will not work with any install as is without changing the shared installs files, unless said install has the exact same command file, etc the mod has..........and the chance of that is slim and none. :) When you applied it you would have received overwrite notices in JSGME......which I hope you're using....
If all you want is the creaks and groans, do as I did because I like them too but didn't want all the rest of the mod:
Delete everything in the mod but the creaks and groans files (found in the data\sound path of the mod) and the interior.dsd files which control these sounds.(found in the data\interior path of the mod).
So your mod when done will have a structure of:

Mod folder
\interior < - leave all the files in this folder as is.
\sound < - Keep it simple; only the 47 creaks and groans files in this folder.

You can also edit your affected files so they work with all the mod files (or vice versa) and then use the entire mod, but if like me all you want is the creaks there really isn't any reason to do that work

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