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Khuun 10-23-21 09:00 AM

I dont even see the first loading on start up so not reaching the main menu. It's an instant CTD on startup.

Onealex 10-23-21 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by Khuun (Post 2775575)
I dont even see the first loading on start up so not reaching the main menu. It's an instant CTD on startup.

What is your PC configuration?

Khuun 10-23-21 09:07 AM

Im passing the specs in the readme i7 7700K,Nvidia 1070, 16gb RAM, Win 10 64x

Onealex 10-23-21 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Khuun (Post 2775578)
Im passing the specs in the readme i7 7700K,Nvidia 1070, 16gb RAM, Win 10 64x

Please check your Antivirus and Direct X 9

Khuun 10-23-21 09:17 AM

Ok disabled my antivirus and updated dx9 but still crashes.
I also turnd off other background programms that aren't necessary

Onealex 10-23-21 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by Khuun (Post 2775580)
Ok disabled my antivirus and updated dx9 but still crashes.
I also turnd off other background programms that aren't necessary

Try unzip the game again. Maybe there was a mistake first time.

Khuun 10-23-21 09:33 AM

Okay it works now after unzipping again thanks for the help

Onealex 10-24-21 05:20 PM

New version has been uploaded.

GWX Onealex Edition v1.51 - changelog:
1. Added a new effect - engine explosion (sound taken from KSD II).
2. Added the sound of a fire alarm on the ship when there is a fire.
3. Added sonar sounds that are randomly selected by the game.
4. Added new keyboard shortcuts:
Shift + M-follow nearest sound contact
Shift + W-follow nearest warship sound contact
Shift + H - normal sweep.
5. Changed the campaign in the Atlantic Ocean. Reworked some convoys to make the game more stable.
Changed the speed of convoys and single ships. Added traffic.
6. Correction of the thermo layer settings.
7. The sound bug of the signal flare has been fixed. Now the sound is different under water and over water.
8. Fixed a bug when some destroyers did not have aft bomb throwers.
9. Minor fixes.

Doolar 10-24-21 06:07 PM

again .... thank you for sharing your work

kyle9154 10-24-21 08:12 PM

Hey guys i'm having issues shadowing convoys, during the day at the max visual range i'm alright but as soon as night starts coming and I have to get closer and closer to convoy to stay barely in visual range (around 3-5000 meters) the escorts see me all the time no matter what weather (moderate, poor or excellent).
Now Alex told me on discord they can't see you at your max visual range and that its radar sensors picking me up not visual sensors, so my question for everyone - what is your trick for shadowing convoys at night from the side of it in late 1941 at max visual range but avoiding being picked up by radar from one of the escorts?

CapZap1970 10-24-21 08:27 PM

Thank you very much Alex!!! :up:
Will test this beauty tomorrow!

Onealex 10-24-21 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by kyle9154 (Post 2775817)
Hey guys i'm having issues shadowing convoys, during the day at the max visual range i'm alright but as soon as night starts coming and I have to get closer and closer to convoy to stay barely in visual range (around 3-5000 meters) the escorts see me all the time no matter what weather (moderate, poor or excellent).
Now Alex told me on discord they can't see you at your max visual range and that its radar sensors picking me up not visual sensors, so my question for everyone - what is your trick for shadowing convoys at night from the side of it in late 1941 at max visual range but avoiding being picked up by radar from one of the escorts?

It is radar

ivanov.ruslan 10-24-21 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by kyle9154 (Post 2775817)
what is your trick for shadowing convoys at

I changed the values of the night vision fix a "little" , otherwise it was impossible before, i only play in 42. But I'm not sure if anything else has changed

During the day i alternate often periscope depth and the surface, if you use the option for the wolf pack, is not a problem, messages can be received underwater, only sending is on the surface

dex 10-25-21 01:10 AM

Greet you John
[QUOTE=John Pancoast;2775429]With sh3 escorts, subs are always ghosts under water. :D[/QU
I think there is a diference betwen VII,IX detection and XXI...just that
with regular sub(VII and IX) at the late war destroyers much easier managed to detect me

kyle9154 10-25-21 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by ivanov.ruslan (Post 2775832)
I changed the values of the night vision fix a "little" , otherwise it was impossible before, i only play in 42. But I'm not sure if anything else has changed

During the day i alternate often periscope depth and the surface, if you use the option for the wolf pack, is not a problem, messages can be received underwater, only sending is on the surface

What value do you use for hsie night vision fix? I use the default .50 so half vision lost at night.

ivanov.ruslan 10-25-21 01:47 AM

Although Fifi had written that when using the Stieblers recoded weather fix, the night fix did not work

Onealex 10-25-21 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by ivanov.ruslan (Post 2775845)
Although Fifi had written that when using the Stieblers recoded weather fix, the night fix did not work

It is not true in our case

ivanov.ruslan 10-25-21 02:06 AM


John Pancoast 10-25-21 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by ivanov.ruslan (Post 2775845)
Although Fifi had written that when using the Stieblers recoded weather fix, the night fix did not work

I'm not sure why Fifi felt that way because the night fix works perfectly in it, with any install. Maybe he had the wrong version of Stiebler's weather fix.

ivanov.ruslan 10-25-21 04:54 AM

Most likely

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